Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 449 Attack on Kong Ninja [Please vote]

The east coast of the Fire Country.

On the vast sea, the blue water stretches as far as the eye can see.

Gradually, a few faint black spots appeared on the horizon, and then there were more and more black spots.

The angle of view quickly approached the black spot, and I saw what kind of black spot there was. It was clearly a cruising aircraft carrier fleet.

The huge aircraft carrier fleet was like floating islands, setting off huge waves of five to six meters high and heading towards the seaside.

In the control room, the captain without a mask said: "We are almost reaching the shore, the first team will take off for patrol and reconnaissance!"


His deputy responded quickly and then handed down his order.

Soon, the well-trained air ninjas descended to the weapons depot one by one, put on their wings-like flying machines, held firearm-like instruments, and then went to the skateboard to glide out with the help of special instruments.

In an instant, a group of air ninjas flew into the blue sky in a "human" formation like wild geese, heading towards the coast to detect.

Above the clouds, the golden-winged roc steadily cast wind-attribute chakra and hovered steadily in the air.

On the back of the roc, four ninjas, three men and one woman, looked down at the air ninja passing by downwind.

Tsunade's face was serious, and she felt a little happy in her heart.

She didn't expect that the remnants of the Sky Ninjas still had a fleet of aircraft carriers and so many flying devices.

She has experienced a war with air ninjas, but she knows how powerful air ninjas can be when combined with flying ninja tools.

If Aozora hadn't discovered the Kong Ninja today, the Kong Ninja's attack on Konoha would have caused heavy losses in the future.

To Konoha ninjas, empty ninjas are like flying geese in the sky and tigers on the ground.

Konoha Sora had brute strength but was unable to fight back. He could only watch the Sora ninja come and go freely.

Back then, if Konoha had not attacked the Kong Ninja Village, it would not have won so easily.

Kisame looked at the flying bird-like Kong Ninja with a look of interest in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that there really are ninjas like Kong Nin. Do they use wind escape to fly?"

Although Kisame is usually a ninja who specializes in water escape and taijutsu, he can actually adapt to combat on land, sea and air.

For example, he can use the water bomb technique to condense chakra to form a shark-like water bomb to wrap around himself, allowing him to glide in mid-air.

However, he can't glide very far in the air and his direction is difficult to adjust, so he's not good at air combat.

Seeing the air ninja flying below, he wanted to use this to perfect his air combat capabilities.

Aozora had opened his Sharingan, and while Magatama was spinning, he had clearly seen the principles of the Sora Ninja's flying equipment.

"It's not about wind escape, but about putting chakra into this wing-shaped machine to create an airflow difference between the surface and the inside for flight."

Seeing Kisame's confused look, Aozora smiled and said: "The main thing is to use this machine, it has little to do with ninjutsu and wind release."

"Do you rely on equipment?"

Kisame shook his head. He trusted his body and the chakra in his body more than the equipment.

Aozora turned around and asked Tsunade: "The Kong Ninja Village was destroyed by Konoha. Didn't Konoha capture some trophies?"

It stands to reason that a ninja tool that can make people fly should be left in Konoha to study!

Tsunade shook her head and said: "In the face of the attack from Konoha, the Kong Ninja decisively detonated a large number of detonating talismans and self-destructed the Ninja Village. Now it seems that they knew that failure was inevitable and had secretly transferred their elites. Or fire, and the self-destruction of the ninja village must be to eliminate the clues."

Qingkong heard the words and nodded clearly.

No wonder the mere remnants of the original time and space actually had fleets and were able to attack Konoha and cause great damage to Konoha.

If it was the elite or fire type of Kong Ninja, then everything would be explained.

"Okay, then let's destroy them!"

With a loud shout, Qingkong began to assign tasks.

"Water God, the fleet is left to you. After a large number of air ninjas disembark, you attack the fleet aircraft carrier in the sea, kill or capture the air ninjas inside, and try not to damage these aircraft carriers."

Kisame was eager to try, nodded and said: "Okay, Emperor!"

"The god of medicine, the god of gambling!"


"The senior officials of Kong Ninja Village will definitely show up at the transaction location. Then you two will find an opportunity to take action and capture Shennong!"

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!"

Tsunade and Kabuto also responded at the same time.

The main ship of the Sky Ninja Fleet, in a large room.

Shennong put his hands on the table and carefully looked at the laid out design drawings.

This design is the original design of the Sky Fortress, the treasure of Kong Ninja Village.

Due to the destruction of Kong Ninja Village, there is no longer a talented designer like the original one. He can only rely on the original design drawings to repair the dilapidated air fortress.

"The general frame has been repaired. We just need to wait for this batch of materials to be in place before we can start repairing the power system."

"As long as the power system is successfully repaired and driven by Zero-Tail's chakra, 'Ankelbandian' can take off again, and the name of Kong Ninja Village will once again be heard in the ninja world!"

Shennong's face was filled with fanatical joy when he thought that he had led the Kong Ninja Village to complete revenge against the five major countries and restore the glory of the Kong Ninja Village.

It is this belief that has sustained him over the years.

Otherwise, with his strength, he can live a carefree life anywhere without having to hide his strength and travel around the ninja world as a wandering doctor to collect various materials and techniques.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Come in!"

A Kong Nin pushed the door open and said, "Sir, we are almost at the delivery location."

Shennong put away the scroll and asked, "Have they arrived yet?"

Kong Renhui reported: "Yes, there are only two people at the delivery location, but there are still their people monitoring it from a distance."

Shennong nodded and said: "Normally, they also need to ensure that the transaction proceeds normally and not be taken advantage of by us."

As he spoke, he packed up the scroll and walked out of his room.

"Save all the money, we will still need to cooperate with them in the future! Overseas is still too remote, and many resources are not available."

"Yes, sir!"

After saying that, the air ninja turned and left.

Soon, the fleet came to the offshore, and then small boats slid off the fleet and swam towards the shore.

When they came to the shore, the two sides stood in a tacit agreement.

"Sir Toda, have you brought everything I asked for?"


The speaker was a bald man wearing a high-collar windbreaker.

He raised his hand slightly, and the ninja beside him quickly formed a seal, and the sand rolled in an instant.

The Kong Ninjas immediately surrounded Shennong, but Shennong calmly waved his hand and dismissed everyone.

They saw earth platforms rising up on the beach in front of them. Except for one place which was empty, various machines and parts were placed on them.

"The stuff is right here, where's the stuff you promised?"

Shennong also waved his hand, and instantly a row of Kong Ninja stepped forward and placed boxes of coins on the empty earth platform.

Then, several representatives of the black market earth escape ninjas and air ninjas inspected each other's goods.

The bald man in the black market did not pay attention to the inspection on the side, but looked at Shennong and said: "Don't you consider selling your regeneration technique? You know, I can pay a huge price for this, no matter what you want, I can find them for you."

Shen Nong's regeneration technique has many buyers in the underground world. Among other things, if he sells it to Orochimaru, he can make a huge profit.

Shennong shook his head when he heard this. That was the foundation for his livelihood.

Seeing this, the bald man couldn't help but sigh.

He also thought about taking advantage of others, but Shen Nong's strength was not weak, and if he could not destroy Kong Nin and his team, the reputation of their money exchange would be ruined, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

The two parties had finished inspecting the goods and were about to put them away when suddenly a Kong Ninja shouted.

"Be careful above—"


Everyone was startled and looked up.

I saw a black spot in the sky quickly growing in size, and in the blink of an eye it became a figure descending from the sky.

The person landed so fast that it was impossible to see his appearance clearly, because the chakra outside the person's body had already rubbed against the air and created a blazing fire, like a falling meteorite.



"Money! Take the money and go!"

"Cargo! Bring the cargo!"


In an instant, everyone on the beach became a mess like ants on a hot pot.

Then, before everyone could finish reacting, the figure falling like a meteorite had already hit the ground.


In an instant, a huge, earth-shaking explosion sounded in everyone's ears, shaking their heads with stars.

The next moment, several huge cracks opened on the beach, and then a huge air wave came from the center of the explosion, flying away the yellow sand, money, and mechanical parts around it.

At the same time, each ninja vomited blood and flew out, and then was buried by the slowly falling yellow sand, money notes and mechanical parts.

The center of the explosion sank more than ten meters deep.

The figure standing proudly on it, with flowing golden hair, is magnificent.

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