Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 427 Susana Tailed Beast【Please subscribe】

Looking at the Tailed Beast Jade gathering on the horizon, Qingkong asked Itachi casually: "Are you coming, or am I coming?"

The casual attitude was as relaxed as if the discussion was not about solving the tailed beast jade, but about what to eat tonight.

Itachi didn't feel strange, he eagerly took a step forward.

"I'll go first. Teacher, just give me a sweep of the formation!"

He had replenished his chakra and eye power in the past few days, and was about to try out some of his ultimate skills of the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

Fugaku quickly reminded: "The opponent is the perfect jinchūriki of the second tail!"

Itachi hummed, and then turned on his Eternal Kaleidoscope.

In an instant, the whirling magatama evolved into the shape of petals, and a large amount of red chakra spurted out from the weasel's body, quickly forming a huge red skull.

Then the chakra on the skeleton surged, gradually evolving into flesh, flesh and armor.

In an instant, a demi-god general who looked exactly like the mythical Crow Tengu appeared in front of Aozong and the others.

Looking at the blazing chakra beam of light that exploded towards him, Itachi drove his Susanoo to erect a huge round shield burning with blazing flames in front of him.


The deafening sound of breaking through the air sounded again, and the blazing chakra beam suddenly shot onto the flame shield.

Unexpectedly, the not-thick flame shield remained strong in the face of such an attack.

The shield stirred up circular ripples, and then the shield refracted the incoming light beam like a mirror.


The attack of the light beam was refracted by the shield and shot in all directions, piercing the surrounding peaks and creating deep holes in the ground.

"A higher form of Susanoo?!"

Fugaku instantly recognized Itachi's Susana form, but he was still horrified: "What is that shield? Can it deflect the tailed beast's attack?"

He had guessed that Itachi from another time and space would be very powerful, but he never thought that he could be so powerful.

Itachi, who seems to be underage, has surpassed himself in the development of the kaleidoscope, and faced the Tailed Beast Tama, which is regarded as the most powerful attack in the war by the major ninja villages, Itachi blocked it without any damage!

Qingkong's eyes were also a little stunned, but he quickly regained his composure.

"It is indeed a higher form of Susanoo!"

Susanoo can be roughly divided into several forms. The initial form is ribs, hand bones and other forms.

The more advanced one is the skeleton form, which already has good attack and defense power.

Then there is the image of a half-length warrior who has derived flesh and blood and wears armor. At this time, he has powerful weapons and armor, and can compete with ordinary tailed beasts.

After that, it is a full-body samurai form. At this time, it is not weak at all when facing the powerful Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails among the powerful tailed beasts. This form can also be equipped as armor on the tailed beasts, using the "Mighty Armor Susanoo".

Finally, there is the complete body with wings. At this time, Susanoo is already like a god and a demon. He can easily split mountains and meteorites with just his strength. He also has the ability to fly. At the same time, he can form seals to use the magic spell. Specialized in ninjutsu.

Itachi's second form at this time was the half-samurai Susan, but his weapons and armor were extraordinary, so he had abilities far beyond those of the second form's Susan.

"That's the Yata Mirror. It can change its attributes according to the attack attributes, so that it can deflect all attacks like a mirror!"

After hearing this, Fugaku said in disbelief: "Yata mirror? That is a magical weapon in mythology!"

Qingkong chuckled and did not reply to Fugaku.

He instantly felt that his Susanoo was gone.

Although his Susanoo is in his fourth form, he can even evolve into a full form with wings if he wants.

However, his Susana is really just a large Gundam, which is just an aggregate of chakra and natural energy. His powerful ability still relies on his own fire escape.

In comparison, Itachi's Susanoo is actually equipped with two powerful artifacts, the Juken Sword and the Yata Mirror, which is really annoying.

In the distance, Yukito, who had sprayed out the second tailed beast jade, was lying on the rock like a cat, staring into the distance with his wild vertical pupils.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that someone among Uchiha would awaken the Mangekyo, but after all, it's just Susanoo in a low-level form!"

Listening to Yukito's proud words, the Kumogakure Jōnin on the side agreed: "That's natural. After all, not everyone is Uchiha Madara. If the two tailed beasts are knocked out, they will definitely be wiped out..."

Before Kumogakure Jōnin finished speaking, a transparent giant in armor suddenly stood up in the distance again.

When everyone saw this, no one exclaimed: "Why is there another one?"

Even though the two Susanoos were similar in color, they quickly recognized the difference.

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Look!"

Everyone immediately looked around and saw the red giant raising a shield burning with flames, and then like a mirror, the light beam made of the tailed beast's jade bounced away, and many of the attacks bounced back.

"That thing looks familiar..."

"Tailed beast jade?! Run!"


With a burst of exclamation, everyone quickly judged the trajectory of the rebounded attack and quickly jumped away.


Looking at the crimson giant pushing the flame shield slowly, a hint of offended anger flashed in the wooden man's vertical pupils.

As a perfect Jinchuuriki, she has far more pride than ordinary people, and she does not think that she is weaker than the other person.

"Welcome my wrath!"

With a low roar, a large amount of dark red chakra surged out of her body again, and then he was instantly wrapped in substantial chakra, transforming into a huge demon cat with blue flames burning on its body.




The red giant and the blue demon cat moved slowly, facing each other and getting closer.

Every step they took caused the earth to tremble, thunderous noises erupted, and thick smoke and dust were raised.

Standing at a high place, Fugaku looked at Yukito, who had completely transformed into a tailed beast, and the Kumogakure team following Yukito, with a look of worry in his eyes.

"Aozora, why don't you go and help Itachi? Yukito has completely transformed into a tailed beast, and the other Kumogakure ninjas are not easy to deal with either."

Qingkong on the side shook his head and said: "You have to believe in Itachi's strength. Besides, he also needs a fight."

Itachi's strength has improved so fast recently, he has learned Susana, awakened the Mangekyo, and promoted to the Eternal Mangekyo...

In just half a month, he had already received the opportunity that countless people dreamed of, and he had the strongest strength in the shadow class.

However, strength is strength, and combat prowess still needs to be polished.

After a hard battle, Itachi can digest the newly acquired abilities, quickly master his own strength, and turn it into his own fighting power.

While Aozora was explaining to Fugaku, the battle had already begun.

When one person and one cat were thousands of meters apart, the blue demon cat finally began to pick up the pace.

The demon cat is indeed a demon cat. Although it is huge, its speed is as fast as a ghost.

After a few steps, it started to speed up and instantly turned into a black shadow and approached the giant.

Then it ran in a circle around the giant, and fierce winds roared, raising thick smoke and dust that obscured the sight of the weasel inside.

If the demon cat is as fast as the wind, then the giant is as steady as a mountain.

Facing such a rapid enemy, the giant held up his flame shield and stood motionless.


There was a sound of hurricane breaking through the sky, and then the demon cat clawed at the giant's back.


The giant turned around nimbly, put the shield in front of himself, and instantly deflected the attacking demon cat away.

At the same time, the gourd held in the giant's other hand instantly turned into a giant flaming sword.

The giant held the flaming giant sword in his right hand and instantly slashed at the demon cat in the air.

The demon cat in the air instantly felt a fatal threat. With no way to rely on it, it instantly extended its forelimbs and clawed at the ground.

The traction from its forelimbs allowed it to avoid the fatal attack, but one of its legs was also chopped off.

The blue cat legs fell down and turned into blue flames, instantly turning the ground into a sea of ​​fire.

Seeing the two-tailed Jinchuuriki who was already injured after just one round of fighting with Itachi, Fugaku couldn't help but have an astonishing look on his face.

It was Susanna fighting against the second tail, but the results before and after were completely different.

This must be the reason for the performer.

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