Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 407 Wait for them to come [Please subscribe]

The severe pain did not make Danzo lose his resistance, but instead stimulated his spirit.


With a low cry, he waved the kunai like a dagger and forced Aozong back.

But Shisui's right eye, which he had used as his trump card since he captured it, had completely left his right eye, and the empty eye socket made his shriveled face even more ferocious and scary.

Jumping backwards to an empty courtyard wall, Qingkong looked at the more than twenty ninjas dressed as ANBU who had sprung up, and sighed: "Fortunately, I chose to take the eyes first!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo were unaware of his and Itachi's existence, so their first sneak attack could play a key role.

He can naturally attack and kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, but this is not important.

He didn't need any sneak attack to kill two people!

The reason for the sneak attack on Danzo was mainly to regain Shisui's right eye.

After all, if Danzo was on guard, he would still have time to use Izanagi even if his head was broken.

Then this precious kaleidoscope might be used by Danzo as a substitute technique.

Now that he has regained Shisui's right eye, he has nothing to worry about!

When Aozora took action, Itachi and Uchiha Itachi also took action.

The three of them had already changed into Uchiha clan robes when they were on their way. In order to avoid trouble, Itachi also used a "false form" to change his appearance, so there was no misunderstanding.

Wielding short blades with cold light, the two men's eyes glowing red, like the gods of death, they quickly harvested the lives of ANBU.

"Be careful, don't do it!"

"Itachi Uchiha, why did you betray Lord Hokage!"


The addition of three shadow-level experts instantly broke the balance.

Seeing the Anbu under his direct command falling down as quickly as grass, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were completely split.

He shouted: "Ape Demon!"

Before he finished speaking, he waved forward the golden hoop that the ape demon had turned into.

When the golden cudgel swept across, its side length instantly became larger, forcing a large number of Uchiha back.

Then, each ANBU ninja jumped to his side and surrounded him and the injured Danzo.

These Anbu were all injured at this time, their clothes were torn, revealing various sword wounds and flame burns.

At the same time, the already red-eyed Uchiha tribe surrounded them layer by layer.

Sarutobi Hiruzen held the golden hoop horizontally and glanced around.

The dozen or so Anbu surrounding him were seen bruised, but the two dozen or so Anbu surrounding Danzo were unscathed.

"Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? I didn't expect that Uchiha hates you the most!"

Seeing Danzo's bleeding right eye socket, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a flash of joy in his heart.

He thought that his old friend would help him tide over the difficulties at this critical moment, but he didn't expect that Danzo would still have selfish motives at this time.

He knew that if Danzo had not been injured, these lurking root ninjas would not have shown up at all, leaving the ANBU directly under him to be decimated.

Although he wanted to scold Danzo, he still expressed his concern for Danzo at this time.

"How is it? Can you still fight?"

Uchiha is unexpectedly powerful. He must unite with Danzo, otherwise he may not be able to wait for the support of the village jounin.

Danzo nodded solemnly, then looked resentfully at the blue sky in the distance.

Under the treatment of Root Ninja, he had quickly treated the injury on his right eye.

However, now he has become a real one-eyed man, and there is no eyeball in the socket of his right eye.

Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Although Danzo's right eye was taken away by the newly emerged Uchiha in one round, he still believed in Danzo's strength.

With the leadership of him and Danzo, and the dealings of dozens of Anbu, he was sure to wait for the support of the jounin in the village.

On the other side, Qingkong and the others had already teleported to Fugaku's side.

A group of Uchiha elites looked at Qingzora and Itachi who had used the "false form" with curiosity from time to time.

Yashiro wiped off the blood stains on his face and said to Fugaku: "Chief, kill the Third Generation and the others as soon as possible! When the jounin in the village arrive, I'm afraid it will happen again!"

Fugaku did not agree immediately, but turned to ask Qingzora: "What is your opinion?"

He knew that the advantage he had now was only because Qingzora and the three of them joined the battle and broke the balance.

Otherwise, they might just fight with Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others and lose both sides, or even lose to Sarutobi Hiruzen and others who led the ANBU.

After all, he can only deal with one shadow-level powerhouse.

Yashiro and other Uchiha elites heard this and looked at Aozora in surprise.

They thought this was an elite secretly cultivated by the clan leader. Now it seems that the other party is not only extraordinary in strength, but also in extraordinary status.

Qingkong said calmly: "Wait for them to come?"

As soon as Aozora finished speaking, Yashiro, Kintai, Inari and other senior Uchiha officials spoke one after another.

"Boy, what did you say?"


"Are you a spy?"

"Clan leader, you can't listen to him!"


Now they were about to kill the Third Generation and Danzo, and with Uchiha taking charge of Konoha right in front of them, everyone would naturally not give up this opportunity.

Fugaku also frowned.

Qingkong chuckled lightly and said: "No way? Do you think that with things like this, Uchiha can still control Konoha..."

Before Qingkong finished speaking, Jintai and others started to yell and curse.

However, before they could speak, a surging chakra overflowed from Qingkong's body, and then the overwhelming murderous aura made them feel suffocated.

What frightened him even more was that Qingkong, who turned back to glare at them, didn't have three magatama eyes.

On the left are four magatama stones, and on the right are dart-like patterns.

"Four Magatama?"



They couldn't tell what Aozora's eyes were, but they were definitely not ordinary Sharingan, but a more advanced Sharingan.

Because, under the gaze of Qingkong, they didn't even have the courage to take action.

After suppressing everyone, Qingkong looked at Fugaku and said, "What is your opinion?"

Fugaku glanced at Aozora, whose eyes were indifferent. He knew that if he made a request that the other party considered unreasonable, Aozora would probably give up on Uchiha directly.

He looked at Itachi and Uchiha Itachi on the side. At this time, both of them were silent, as if Qingzora was the leader.

Although Fugaku was resentful, he still understood the current situation and said: "No objection, everything will be done according to your instructions!"

Four shadow-level experts, three in a group, what opinion could he have?

This world is, after all, a world that values ​​strength.

Without the arrival of Aozora and the others, the Uchiha clan would have been exterminated, so how could they expect anything else?

Yashiro couldn't help but said: "Clan leader, even if he awakens the Mangekyo Sharingan, he will still..."

Fugaku didn't wait for him to finish speaking, shook his head directly, stepped back half a step and stood behind Qingzora, showing his support with practical actions.

Yashiro was wrong, Aozora represented not one pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, but three pairs!

Moreover, after giving up his obsession with Hokage just now, his sanity finally returned.

Unlike most radical tribesmen, he always knew that launching a coup to seize power was actually not feasible.

Because after so many years of suppression and demonization by Konoha's top brass, Uchiha has basically become a situation where everyone in Konoha calls for beatings.

Even if all Konoha senior officials are killed, Uchiha still cannot win the support and understanding of Konoha villagers and ninjas in a short time.

And this period of time is enough for other countries to react and launch war against the Kingdom of Fire.

By the time Uchiha slowly eliminated the barriers with the villagers, Konoha had long been destroyed by other ninja villages.

Because he couldn't see any hope, he wanted to make the choice that would fulfill his eldest son.

Even so, Fugaku was still a little worried.

"Qingkong, even if you don't kill them, at least control them first..."

Qingkuang glanced at him and said: "With four pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan here, what are you afraid of? I want to solve the problem for the family at once, otherwise why would there be so much trouble?"

After a pause, Qingkong smiled and said: "Do you believe that I can use Susanoo to cut all the way from the south of the village to the north of the village without blinking?"

Regarding this time and space, Qingzong always feels like he is playing with the human world.

So at this juncture, he could still talk and laugh.

Fugaku naturally didn't believe it, but Aozora's overflowing confidence also infected him.

So he followed Qingkong's advice and assigned some weak clan members to collect the corpses and appease the clan members.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo frowned as they watched Uchiha's actions.

But Qingkong and the others didn't take action, so they naturally wouldn't bring trouble on themselves.

They already knew the news of Uchiha Itachi's rebellion, and Aozora and Itachi also showed their considerable strength in their brief attack.

With the addition of three strong men who are suspected to have Kage level strength, now in the Uchiha clan, the strength of the Uchiha side is obviously better.

Therefore, no matter what conspiracy Uchiha has, they can only wait for the support of the ninjas in the village.

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