Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 366 Kisame’s Betrayal【Please subscribe】

"How come there is such a fire escape?"

"This is definitely not a normal fire escape!"

As soon as it emerged from the trees, two sounds came from under the pitcher plant at the same time.

The blazing aura of the golden fire made him a little scared, and he felt that the Wood Release he used could only serve as fuel for the golden flames.

Listening to Zetsu's words, Obito said with a solemn expression: "This really shouldn't be as powerful as the Five Elements Escape Technique. Even the Blood Stain Limitation doesn't have such strength."

He has seen bloodstains such as Ice Release, Boiling Release, and Melting Release. The power is indeed far beyond ordinary ninjutsu, but it will never have the momentum and power to destroy everything like the Blue Sky Flame Release.

But Qingkong's Flame Release is only a single-attribute secret. Who can believe this?

He originally thought that the strength of Qingkong, who could not awaken the kaleidoscope, would not change much in six years.

However, as soon as Qingkong took action, he used the flames that burned everything to tell him that Qingkong's six years had not been in vain.

Jue Dao: "With the strength that Qingkong has shown now, Gouji Shicang and these Kirigakure Anbu alone cannot keep him!"

Obito nodded and said: "I have considered this situation..."

Jue said thoughtfully, "So, are you ready to reveal your trump card?"

Obito looked at the battlefield in the distance with cold eyes and said: "Today, I will never let him leave the Kingdom of Water alive."

Jue heard this and looked playfully at Kisame who was fighting with Gouji Shicang.

"Kisame, is this your destiny?"

"A life of betrayal and fratricide!"

When Aozora quickly killed the Kirigakure Anbu, Kisame and Goju Shikura had already taken over.

Both seemed to be very confident in their taijutsu, and instead of using ninjutsu, they fought with their own weapons.

For a moment, there were gusts of wind from the sword and heavy shadows from the staff.

Needless to say, Gouji Shikang's strength is not to be underestimated. As the Shadow of a Village and the Perfect Jinchuuriki, his physique and strength cannot be underestimated.

And Kisame is no longer the one who just got the Samehada. In the past six years, under the feedback of the Samehada, his body and chakra have greatly improved. Now he can beat most people with his taijutsu alone.

The battle between the two was so fast and fierce that even the ANBU on the side could not intervene.


After a sharp and harsh sound of metal clashing, Kisame and Goju Shicang fought together again.

In an instant, both of them poured out the unparalleled strength in their bodies, and then spider web-like cracks appeared under their feet.

Gouji Shicang stared at Kisame's eyes and said hoarsely: "Kisame!"

Kisame's eyes narrowed when he heard this, and he looked at Gouji's lost eyes.

They were a pair of eyes without emotion or soul, with this faint red light hidden in them.

He whispered: "Mr. Madara?"

Gouji Shicang nodded, and then passed by Kisame.

After a while, the two faced each other again.

With a slash of the knife, he struck the iron staff that had lost his position. Kisame asked, "What do you mean?"

After losing his position, Gouji raised his head and quickly replied: "Do you still remember your mission?"

Hearing this, Kisame's eyes narrowed.

He suddenly remembered that he was Madara's spy, a spy who monitored Aozora.

Madara didn't say anything in the past few years, and he had already forgotten about it.

"Uchiha Aozora is a spy for Konoha."

"His existence is a huge obstacle to the Eye of the Moon plan."

"The Kingdom of Water is the best place to ambush him."

"And you are the best weapon against him."

Fighting and fighting again and again, Gouji Shicang secretly passed Obito's words to Kisame.

Kisame listened to Gouji's words about losing his position and dealt with it absentmindedly.

If it weren't for the fact that Gouji's loss of position at this time was just a fake attack, the flaws exposed by Kisame would have killed him several times.

Seeing Kisame lost his mind, Gouji Shicang used the curved hook at the end of the iron staff to scratch Kisame's face, and then asked in a cold voice: "Kakisaki Kisame, what are you waiting for if you don't do it?"

Kisame looked at Gouji Shicang with a complex expression and asked, "Mr. Ban, do you promise me to create a world without betrayal?"

Wolfberry Shicang's eyes froze when he heard this, and then nodded.

As if he had gotten the answer he wanted, Kisame Kisaki turned around and faced the blue sky and began to form seals quickly.

"Water Release - Thousand Food Sharks!"

The moment the hand seal was formed, the majestic chakra in Kisame's body poured into the air, and then the water mist quickly condensed into shark-shaped water bombs and rushed towards the blue sky.

In the distance, Aozora, who was dealing with Kirigakure's Anbu, suddenly saw Kisame's attack, and seemed to be distracted for a moment, actually standing there.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! ——

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and then flying fish bombs crossed the blue sky and shot behind the blue sky.

The air stirred up by the flying fish bomb blew up Qingkong's black hair, but it did not hurt Qingkong at all.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ——

The flying fish bomb instantly flew towards the Kirigakure behind Aozora, and the violent impact and explosion wiped out the participating Kirigakure.

Kisame jumped to Aozora's side, with a smile on his lips, and said: "How is my control of Senkisame?"

Qingkong shook his head and said, "It's not even close. It even chopped up a few of my hairs."

For an instant, the smile on Kisame's lips stopped.

In the distance, Obito's expression turned extremely ugly when he saw Kisame and Aozora chatting and laughing.

He didn't expect that the spies he arranged would rebel!

The two ninjas he recruited actually turned against him!

Furious, he no longer cared about hiding, and appeared directly next to Gouju Shicang.

With his right eye fixed on Kisame, Obito said in an extremely cold tone: "Kakisaki Kisame, do you know what you did?"

Kisame met Obito's gaze without any fear.

"Of course I know!"

"As a Kirigakure ninja, let me kill Kirigakure's ninjas!"

"As a member of the Akatsuki organization, let me kill the members of the Akatsuki organization!"

"The real world makes me betray and kill my companions, and then you make me believe that you will create a world without betrayal?"

"Do you know what kind of world that is?"

"Do you know true trust?"

Kisame's voice became louder and louder, his tone became more firm, and the look he looked at Obito became more and more contemptuous.

"Even if you are Madara Uchiha, you are just a villain who hides in the shadows and only thinks and plays tricks!"


Suddenly, Obito held his belly in his hands and laughed so hard that tears almost fell.

Seeing this, Kisame felt more and more that he had made the right choice.

How can we build a world without betrayal by following such a fool?

Qingzora didn't look down on Obito's wild laughter. After all, this was a fine Uchiha tradition. He would sometimes use this trick to break the atmosphere and ease the embarrassment.

Moreover, he knew that after Uchiha laughed wildly, every one of them would show their determination to kill.

Sure enough, Obito stopped laughing, and only a scarlet patch remained in his right eye.

Among them, Qingkong saw endless hatred and destruction.

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