Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 347 Blue Sky’s Gundam [Please vote]

Seeing Kong roaring and opening his big mouth again, Jiurang's face turned extremely ugly.

"You shouldn't have agreed to the name!"

"We can't let this nine-tailed jinchuriki stay in the Fire Temple any longer!"

"Otherwise, today's Fire Temple's inheritance will be destroyed!"

Although he is a nine-tailed Jinchuriki, the chakra in Kong's body is comparable to that of a weak tailed beast, and his destructive power is not weak at all. It is definitely not something that the Fire Temple can suppress alone.

He knew that the assistants sent by the daimyo must be on the way, but by the time they arrived, the monks of the Fire Temple would all be dead.

"Inform the sealed monks to gather and come to the back mountain!"

"Beast! This way!"

After saying that, Jiurang used "Mingwang Angry Eyes", using his powerful attack to attract Sora's hatred and lead him towards the back mountain.

Qingkong dodged and followed. He was afraid that he would be exposed in the Temple of Fire, but he didn't expect the old monk to be so clever.

Under the dark night, a dark red monster kept chasing the old monk running around in front of him.

The air speed of the four tails has surpassed that of the elite jounin, and the chuck under his feet turned into a black shadow that could not be tracked by the naked eye.

In front of him, the old Jiurang could only use experience to constantly use rocks and vegetation as barriers to constantly change directions.

Even so, he had to parry attacks from the air one after another.

Every time the two of them collide, they will break countless trees, raise endless smoke and dust, and mess up the forest.


Kong's claws of the demon fox stretched tens of meters and grabbed Jiu Rang.

Jiu Rang turned around and jumped away, but the Demon Fox Claw grew again on the side and hit Jiu Rang.

Jiurang couldn't hide, so he had to visualize the Bodhisattva's Dharma.


Bang! Bang! Bang——

Jiurang was immediately sent flying, breaking more than a dozen trees.

Although the Bodhisattva's dharma image was not broken, his internal organs had been seriously injured due to the violent shock. Knowing that he was defeated, he hid his aura and body.

Having lost his target, Kong jumped onto a towering tree, crouched down, and scanned all directions with his scarlet vertical pupils.

However, it is so difficult to find a Ninja monk who has begun to use natural energy!

I scanned it dozens of times and even sprayed dozens of air cannons with no results.


After roaring to the sky, Kong looked at the dotted lights in the distance, then turned into a black shadow and rushed over.

Seeing this, Jiurang was about to burst out the chakra under his feet to stop him, but suddenly his blood surged, and a mouthful of blood from his internal organs rushed to his throat.


After coughing several times, he finally spit out the blood, but also spit out the courage in his heart.

If he were in this state, there would be no other use than death, right?

Thinking of this, he stopped and watched Sora rush towards the village in the distance.

Suddenly, a clear voice appeared next to his ear.

"I thought you were an eminent monk!"

Cold sweat broke out on Jiurang's forehead, and he slowly turned his head to look. Unexpectedly, a slender young ninja appeared under the tree next to him.

"A ninja from Konoha?"

Jiurang's voice was a little dry.

The existence of Sora itself is a huge evidence, evidence that the Fire Temple is spying on the power of the Nine-Tails!

He quickly explained: "It's not our Fire Temple..."

Qingkong shook his head and said softly: "It's not important."

Jiurang lowered his head bitterly and stooped down.

However, at the next moment, a red figure suddenly projected out of the body of the rickety old monk.

Instead of Guanyin lowering her eyebrows, King Ming directly glared at her.

He would never let this Konoha ninja who knew the truth survive!

In an instant, King Ming's angry-eyed Faxiang behind Jiurang blasted out thousands of chakra fists, which fell like a violent rainstorm.

"Do you think you are Senju Hashirama?"

Aozora shook his head disdainfully, and then shouted: "Susanoh!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes had turned scarlet, and as the three magatama were spinning, a golden shadow was projected from his body.

Brilliant golden chakra spurted out from his body and soon turned into a huge translucent skeleton.

Then the surrounding chakra began to surge, the meridians and flesh on the skeleton grew wildly, and then golden chakra flame armor condensed around the periphery.

But in an instant, a three-eyed general wearing a golden crown, flaming armor, and cloud shoes appeared between heaven and earth.

The god general grabbed the air and instantly condensed a three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand, and then swung the sword to slash at the roaring chakra fist.

The light of the sword cut through the dark night sky, causing gusts of wind, directly cutting into countless fists, and splitting Jiu Rang in half, who was shrouded in the angry eyes of King Ming.

Standing in the god's eyes between the god general's brows, Qingkong counted the golden water droplets on the book of heaven, confirmed that Jiu Rang was dead, and looked at Kong who was attacking the mountain village.

"I can't let you bring trouble to everyone!"

After saying that, Qingkong commanded the divine general under him again.

Under Qingkong's instructions, the god general rubbed the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and transformed it into a golden divine bow engraved with dragon patterns.


God General Wu Arrow drew his bow, condensed the majestic Flame Escape Chakra into an arrow, and shot it into the distant sky.


After a roar like thunder, the golden arrow turned into a stream of light, and instantly crossed a long distance and landed behind the speeding Kong Kong.


The golden arrow hit Kong's dark red skin, making a harsh golden sound.

In the four-tailed state, Sora already has an invulnerable body. Even artifacts made of chakra-conducting metal cannot hurt him, and weapons formed by condensing chakra cannot break his defense.

Seeing that the chakra arrow did not penetrate the air, but instead hit him into the distance, Qingkong chuckled and shook his head.

"It's really rough and thick!"

"Then the internal organs also have such defenses?"

"Blow it up!"

As soon as Qingkong finished speaking, the chakra arrow flying in the air suddenly exploded.


A huge explosion sounded in the forest behind the Fire Temple, and then a huge golden fireball appeared in the forest, like the falling sun.

This bright light was so dazzling that it instantly lit up the night sky.

Fortunately, it was the setting sun after all, and after a brief moment of light, it fell into silence.

In the distance, the monks who had just gathered from the Temple of Fire saw this celestial phenomenon and stopped in confusion, not knowing what to do.

Hiroki and Tsukahara Musashi, who had just left Kyoto City, did not see this scene, but vaguely felt the chakra riot in the direction of the Fire Temple.

"At least three tails, maybe four tails already!" Hongji immediately judged.

After speaking, he looked at Tsukahara Musashi and said, "General, we have to speed up!"

Tsukahara Musashi glanced at Long Xian and others who were following him, and said, "Hiroki and I will go first, you guys hurry up and catch up!"

"Yes! General!"

Long Xian and others responded in unison.

ps: On the fourth day of the third update, please subscribe, recommend, vote monthly, and reward!

(;′⌒`)! The third update is too difficult, book friends, give me some support!

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