Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 325 The tragedy will not happen [please vote]

At night, in the land of earth, dark clouds cover the moon.

"over there!"

"Hmph, I didn't expect Hui Yan to be a spy!"

"I told you a long time ago, so how could this sissy guy be our Iwagakure's son?"


The ten-year-old pharmacist Kabuto leaned against the rock, hiding in the cracks of the mountain, trying hard to suppress his breathing.

"Oops, we're surrounded!"

"There is obviously no flaw, so what went wrong?"

In order to help the orphanage obtain aid funds and to help the director, pharmacist Noonoyu, he had to join Danzo's command.

Last year Kumogakure invaded Konoha, and he was afraid that Iwagakure would follow suit, so he was sent to lurk in Iwagakure as a spy to collect information for Danzo.

However, what he didn't expect was that as soon as he replaced a genin in Iwagakure Village, Danzo would be declared a traitor to the village.

There was no order, so he had to stand still and wait for orders from Danzo or Konoha.

No matter who it is!

He just wanted to know what happened to the dean now? How is the orphanage?

Taking out the pocket watch that he never left, Kabuto looked at the time on it and couldn't help but feel dazed.

"If it hadn't happened back then, it would be bedtime now!"

"I really want to see the dean and the others again!"

Familiar faces appeared in the orphanage, and suddenly a faint light woke him up.

The smooth mirror surface of the pocket watch reflected the cold light of the kunai.

call out!

Hearing the sound of kunai breaking through the air, Kabuto hurriedly bent down and jumped, avoiding the kunai's shot, and then the chakra under his feet exploded and he ran quickly.

Seeing this, a slender figure on the top of the cliff jumped up and charged straight at his back with a weapon in hand.

Kabuto, who was running at full speed, had expected this, so he turned over and wrapped his right hand with fine chakra. He turned around and slashed at the incoming figure with a chakra scalpel.

This chakra scalpel was as accurate as ever, slashing straight into the chest of the ninja behind him, and it would definitely cut through the enemy's heart.

Despite Kabuto's calmness, his heart was slightly agitated.

Just when he thought he was about to defeat his opponent, a violent blast of wind sounded.


After a plume of smoke, a slender young man appeared beside him and the enemy.

The visitor grabbed his wrist with his right hand, and grabbed the enemy's right hand holding a kunai with his left hand, neutralizing both of their fatal attacks one by one.

"As expected of me, always so timely!"

As he spoke, the dark clouds covering the moon moved a little, and the bright moonlight spilled down, illuminating the three people on the wasteland.

Kabuto recognized his opponent at the first sight. He was afraid and said: "Dean, why are you here?"

Nonoyu frowned and looked at Kabuto for a long time before saying in surprise: "Kabuto? Why are you lurking in Iwagakure Village?"

Because Danzo no longer had the energy to control Nonoyu, Nonoyu didn't get information from Kabuto for a long time, and she only had a few photos that Danzo sent to her last year.

Looking at the familiar hair color and glasses, Nonoyu still recognized Kabuto, but he felt that Kabuto had changed a lot this year.

The two people recognized each other, and they were surprised and frightened at the same time. They almost killed each other.

"You two! This is not a place to reminisce about old times."

While speaking, Qingzora let go of their wrists, then pointed to his forehead protector with one hand, and took out a letter of appointment stamped with the Hokage seal with the other hand.

"Introduction, I will be your future superior, Uchiha Aozora, and I am here to summon you back to Konoha on orders from the Hokage!"

Kabuto and Nonoyu looked at the unfamiliar blue sky and were speechless for a moment.

They couldn't imagine that Danzo's replacement would be a teenager.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! ——

During the silence, bursts of sound broke through the air, and then more than a dozen tall and stocky men rushed in front of them using the teleportation technique and blocked them in the valley.

Qingkong glanced at it and said: "I don't know if it's because you are good at disguise, or if Iwagakure's ninjas are stupid. Just by looking at your body shape and skin, I should know that you are spies!"

The skin and face of the two people are really very different from the natives of Iwagakure.

Kabuto and Nonoyu didn't speak. Being surrounded by so many Iwa ninjas was not the time to joke around.

The leading Iwa Ninja looked at him with a stern look and said in a cold voice: "Are you a spy from Konoha? You dare to lurk into our village and steal confidential information. You are really seeking death. You will never come back today!"

Noonoyu looked at the Iwa ninja around him and quickly made a decision: "Master Aozora, you take Kabuto and go first, I will hold them back."

Qingkong's reputation is not great outside, and she doesn't know much about Qingkong's strength.

For Kabuto's safety, she was ready to sacrifice.

Hearing this, Kabuto hurriedly said: "Dean, you and Master Qingkong go first, I will come from behind!"

Qingzora shook his head and said: "We Uchiha have never had the habit of letting others do the rearing, and we have never needed others to do so for me!"

No Naiyu turned back to look at Qingkong and said anxiously: "Master Qingkong..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by the leader Iwagakure.

"No need to argue, none of you can escape! Move-"

Leader Iwagakure also didn't finish his words. Before his order was issued, sparks flashed in Aozora's mouth.

"Fire Escape - Fire Extinguishment!"

Orange chakra spurted out from Aozong's mouth, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​​​fire against the wind, forming a scorching fire wave more than ten meters high, rushing towards the people in front of Iwagakure.

The huge wave of flames that burned the sky and boiled the sea hit, and the orange fire waves lit up the sky. It also shocked the group of rock ninjas who were preparing to follow the leader's order to launch ninjutsu.

There were also Iwa ninjas who came to their senses, and they shouted in panic.


"Use earth escape to resist!"

"Go underground!"

"There's no escape!"


But how could they react?

You must know that even Kage-level Kisame will be hit by the sudden Muji Flame Release, let alone this group of ordinary Iwa ninjas.

Soon, several waves of fire passed by, and the scattered weeds on the ground were completely extinct, leaving only cracks without a trace of moisture and orange flames that were still burning.

In an instant, there was only the sound of howling wind in the barren mountains.

Feeling the scorching waves in the air, countless cold sweat broke out on Kabuto's face.

Is this his future leader? What a powerful fire escape!

"They...are all dead?"

Nonoyu was also shocked. He finally knew why the young Aozora could take over Danzo's position.

With such great strength, there will naturally be endless power.

Qingkong nodded and said: "They are all dead. They will be burned to ashes later!"

The team sent by Iwagakure was not an elite team. There might not even be elite jounin among them. If they were careless, there would be no room for counterattack.

Five or six new golden water droplets appeared on the heavenly book. Overall, it seemed that the killing was correct, but there were probably good people among them.

Qingkong didn't pay attention. Some battles were purely based on different camps and there was no justice.

If we really want to unify the ninja world in the future, the killings may be even greater. He can't let the Book of Heaven hold his neck!

Aozora opened his Sharingan and looked around, frowning slightly.

"Let's go, you two go back to Konoha first. This is the first order I issue to you!"

Hearing this, No Naiyu said thoughtfully: "Master Qingkong, I need..."

"No need!" Qingkong interrupted.

Although they had only met for a short time, Nonoyu was already in awe of this young leader.

Quite different from Danzo, Qingzora actually cut off the rear for two of their subordinates.

"Be careful!"

After saying that, she took Kabuto and ran away towards Konoha without looking back.

Wait until Nonou and Kabuto go away.

Qingkong looked in one direction and said calmly: "No need to hide, Orochimaru!"

His Sharingan didn't see anything unusual, but he always felt like he was being watched.

At first, Qingkong thought it was Zetsu.

But thinking of the scene where Kabuto and Nonoyu killed each other just now, Aozora thought of another earth escape master.

This scene of Kabuto's tragedy was supposed to be directed by Danzo a few years later, but now that Danzo is dead, it's impossible to happen.

Unless, someone deliberately directed it.

And the only one who knows the relationship between Nonou and Kabuto is Orochimaru outside Konoha.

As for Orochimaru's purpose in planning this scene, it's easy to guess.

He wanted a Kabuto who was devoted to him, and he needed to kill Nonou, the medicine man who gave Kabuto the meaning of life, and then instill his own will in Kabuto when he lost his mind.

Sure enough, as the voice in the blue sky spread across the wilderness, a figure with black hair and yellow robes appeared on the mountain wall in the distance.

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