Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 323 Fugaku has a headache [please vote]

Hokage's office.

Fugaku was processing documents when suddenly news came from outside that Minister of Intelligence Haiichi asked for a meeting.

"Please come in!"

After entering the room, Haiyi said with a serious face: "Hokage-sama, with the help of Tsunade-sama, we finally cracked the seal on Danzo and found out a lot of information."

After a pause, Haiyi's face became more serious and said: "The information is very shocking. I suggest you take a look at it as soon as possible."

Fugaku nodded, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the documents."


Haiyi quickly handed over the document and then stood aside quietly.

Fugaku quickly opened the file and scanned it quickly.

However, not long after he opened the file, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

I have to say that Haiichi's mind-reading skills are really powerful. Although it took a long time, he still read most of Danzo's memories.

Secretly framed Hatake Sakumo and instigated civilians and White Fang's teammates to slander him...

Support Orochimaru and Beiruhu's human trials...

Coerce and kidnap gifted children to join the Root Organization and send them to various countries...

Secretly open a black market and earn a lot of black money...

Secretly cooperated with the leader of the rain ninja, Sanshouyu Hanzo, to attack the former Akatsuki organization...

Absorb talented ninjas into their roots, brainwash and control them...

On the night of the Kyuubi, let the roots restrict Uchiha's rescue, and he couldn't hold on...

Suppress and murder Uchiha ninjas, and seize their Sharingan...

After rebelling against the village, he defected to the daimyo and attacked Konoha...

When Haiyi read out this information, he couldn't help but lose his composure because of his calmness. He wished he could whip Danzo on the spot.

This is not an elder of Konoha. He is simply a spy sent by another country!

After the anger, Haiyi couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, the more you know, the faster you will die!

As an intelligence expert, he fully understood the meaning of this sentence.

Danzo's memory is not only his dark history, but also Konoha's dark history, involving countless families and ninjas.

In addition, this information contained too many major secrets, major deployments, and important secrets related to Konoha, which he should not know.

If the third generation was still in power and Haiyi knew this, he would have committed suicide for the sake of his wife and children.

Fortunately, Fugaku is now in charge.

Not long after, Fugaku finally read all the information, and then slowly tapped his right index finger on the desk.

As soon as Hai saw this, his heart began to beat, and he couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

While he was thinking wildly, Fugaku spoke: "Haiyi!"

"Here!" Haiyi said quickly.

Fugaku looked at him strangely and said, "Does anyone else know this information?"

Haiyi shook his head in a cold sweat and said: "No!"

"That's good!"

Fugaku put away the information and said: "Set Danzo's information to S level. No one can read it unless authorized by me, and you can't leak even a single sentence, otherwise I will question you!"

Haiyi nodded repeatedly when he heard this.

Fugaku continued: "Continue to investigate and be sure to send the root organization to other countries and make a list of spies lurking in the village!"

"Yes!" Hai Yi responded.

Fugaku then waved his hand and said: "Go!"

After Haiyi left, Fugaku walked to the window and began to think.

Of course, what he wanted was not to get rid of Haiyi to prevent the leakage of intelligence.

What does the dark history of Danzo and the Hokage clan have to do with him?

They Uchiha were obviously persecuted back then!

The reason why he defended the reputation of the third generation was just because Qingzong suggested that the initial stage should focus on maintaining stability.

As for the leakage of important intelligence, deployment, and ninjutsu, Fugaku didn't care.

Fugaku believed more in strength and disdained spending a lot of talent and money to train spies.

In his opinion, the idea of ​​sending geniuses to other countries to be spies is simply a fool's errand. With so much money, wouldn't it be good to train a few more elite Jōnin for the village?

However, Danzo's legacy cannot be abandoned like this, and as Hokage, he also needs a white glove to handle some inconvenient things for him.

He thought about who among his men could accept Danzo's legacy on his behalf.

Yashiro, Telan, Nobuo, Kyuushiro, Shisui, Aozora...

After counting, he found that only Qingkong was the most suitable.

However, thinking of Qingzora's lazy look, Fugaku couldn't help but sigh.

He despises the Hokage's assistant who has a lot of money but few things to do, so will he accept such a troublesome task?

In a remote barbecue restaurant, Aozora, Tsunade, and Shizune sat opposite each other.

Qingkong said: "This is the place where my instructor Aburame Zhiwei entertained guests. Although the price is not expensive, the taste is really good!"

After checking Danzo's true form, Aozora saw that Tsunade was feeling a little depressed, so he invited her and Shizune to have lunch together.

The three of them ordered the dishes, grilled the meat slices one by one, and started chatting.

While chatting, Qingzora began to ask Tsunade about treatment and regeneration.

Tsunade listened to a few words and asked doubtfully: "How come you have studied medical ninjutsu?"

Shizune also said: "Yes, and you have learned so much. I feel like I can't even answer some questions!"

Although she knew that Qingzong was a famous genius with extremely outstanding strength, she still couldn't accept it. She was still surpassed by a novice Qingzong in her field of specialization.

Qingzora pointed to his right eye and said: "I am a pure Uchiha bloodline, I can't always act with a blank eye!"

Tsunade and Shizune were speechless upon hearing this.

Tsunade rolled her eyes and said, "If Hinata knew you were comparing your blindness to their Byakugan, they wouldn't have to kill you!"

After listening to Qingzong's joke, she knew that Qingzong didn't care about it, so she didn't speak so restrainedly.

"Haha——" Qingzora smiled, "The relationship between us Uchiha and Hinata is better than you think."

After Fugaku became Hokage, he did not immediately fulfill his promise. After all, he could not act so recklessly when he first took office.

However, he has already made a copy of all the sealing techniques in the family and sent them to Hinata, and also sent the elders and ninjas in the family who are proficient in sealing techniques to communicate. During this time, the relationship between the two clans continued to improve.

Tsunade shook her head. She couldn't figure out how two wealthy families who had always been at odds with each other could become friends.

She stopped thinking about it when she couldn't figure it out, and just commented on Qingzora's right eye.

"Your eye is not simply injured. Medical ninjutsu alone may not be able to repair it. I suggest you transplant an eye."

Qingkong shook his head and said, "I have my own considerations."

Although his right eye has lost its light, it can still be cultivated through the "yin and yang eye", so in Qingzong's view, the right eye is not necrotic, but the vision and Sharingan ability are blocked for inexplicable reasons.

As long as a method is found, sooner or later the right eye can be restored.

Seeing his persistence, Tsunade stopped trying to persuade him and explained the difficulties to him carefully.

Tsunade's explanation in simple and easy-to-understand terms made Qingkong suddenly enlightened. Many questions that he had not understood before were solved at once, but there were still many problems ahead.

After answering Aozora's questions, Tsunade thought about it and decided to give up Aozora's idea.

"The healing and regeneration technique requires a large number of medical ninjas to work together, and even I cannot use it alone.

If you really don't give up on your right eye, you might as well organize the medical ninjas from the medical department to treat you together.

However, the healing and regeneration technique was used to restore the right eye.

Although this is expensive, I think your time is better spent in other areas. "

Qingkong nodded and said: "That relationship is great, I don't need to learn it yet!"

Of course Qingzora has to learn, but experiencing it himself can greatly speed up his learning progress.

Tsunade smiled and said: "Then you have to prepare a lot of money. If nothing else, the money needed to carve the magic circle is at least one million, and it may even be priceless."

Qingkong said in surprise: "Is it so expensive to carve a magic circle?"

Tsunade explained: "The art of healing and regeneration was originally developed by Senju and Uzumaki. It is a derivative of studying the powerful recovery abilities of the two races.

The materials needed to carve the magic circle were grown by the Uzumaki clan. With the destruction of the Kingdom of Uzumaki, this material now only grows naturally, so it has become very rare and precious. "

Qingkong hummed, he still had some money, if he couldn't go out of the village to rob the rich and give to the poor, that would be fine.

There was hope for the healing and regeneration technique. Qingkong was in a happy mood and frequently made amusing remarks, which kept the atmosphere of the dinner party lively.

After eating and drinking, the three of them said goodbye at the door of the store.

Watching the two people walking away, Qingkong suddenly asked: "Are you leaving this time?"

Tsunade took two sips of wine, her face was slightly tipsy, and she turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qingkong said: "Stay, stay in Konoha!"

Tsunade tilted her head and asked, "Why?"

Yes, why?

In what capacity and for what reason could he?

While Aozong was silent, Tsunade and Shizune had already gone away.

At the end of the street, Tsunade stopped and suddenly spoke.

"I won't leave for the time being. At least I will complete the healing and regeneration technique for you!"

After saying that, she and Shizune turned around, walked into another street, and disappeared.

The corners of Qingkong's mouth curved slightly.

Ha, medical ninjutsu will not be stuck in the future!

Tsunade is nowhere to be found.

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