Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 290 Positive Energy Shisui [Please vote for me]

On a cliff outside Konoha Village.

Obito sat on the cliff overlooking Konoha.

With his strong eyesight, he could barely see the turbulent flow of people near the Hokage Tower.

Bang! Bang! Bang——

Looking at the colorful cannons rising in the sky, Obito whispered: "It seems that the fifth Hokage has been selected!"

Ever since the Kumogakure peace talks began, the Akatsuki organization has been paying attention to Konoha.

Aozora's instigating operation amazed them, and Hinata Hizashi's sacrifice also did not surprise them. What surprised them most was that Uchiha Fugaku actually took this opportunity to run for the Fifth Hokage.

As Uchiha Fugaku ran for Hokage, doubts arose within the Akatsuki organization about Aozora.

Judging from the intelligence they collected, Qingzora and Fugaku had a superior-subordinate relationship before, and were very valued by Uchiha Fugaku.

In order to test Aozora's thoughts, Payne specially sent Obito and Zetsu.

Of course, if Uchiha Fugaku fails in the election, then they can let Aozora instigate Uchiha rebellion.

Soon after, Zetsu emerged from the cliff and said, "Unfortunately, Uchiha Fugaku became the Fifth Hokage!"

When he heard that Fugaku had become the Fifth Hokage, Obito's face looked incomprehensible under his mask.

Once upon a time, he, like most Uchiha, regarded Hokage as his lifelong dream.

But after a moment, his eyes returned to coldness. After all, as long as the world of infinite Tsukuyomi is created, Lin will be resurrected and he will become Hokage.

Ze suddenly asked: "Do you think Aozora will betray Akatsuki? He used to be Uchiha Fugaku's assistant. Now that Fugaku has become Hokage, he may rise to the top. Will he create new things with us by then?" world?"

Obito pondered for a moment and said: "He and Uchiha Fugaku are just leaders and subordinates. Uchiha Fugaku may not still remember him. And we Uchiha all have persistence in our hearts and will not change our will easily. "

After listening to Obito's words, he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed strangely.

"Yes, you were very cruel to your teacher back then!"

"Shut up!"

Obito snorted heavily, and then said: "Anyway, in the new world, everything will start again."

Jue suppressed her laughter and did not continue to say anything.

After a while, Obito said: "But after all, he didn't completely fall into darkness. We still have to guard against him. We have to test him!"

Inside Konoha Village.

The news that Uchiha Fugaku was elected as the Fifth Hokage has spread rapidly. In less than half an hour, the entire village knew about it.

"Is Godai Fugaku-sama? Evil-eyed Fugaku?"

"That's right, it's the Uchiha Fugaku who defeated Iwagakure!"

"It's him. It's said that he scared hundreds of Iwa ninjas out of fear with just one look!"

"Compared to Lord Jiraiya, Lord Fugaku is more majestic!"


After the initial publicity, the villagers of Konoha were already familiar with Fugaku's achievements, so no one was too surprised by Fugaku's election. They were just happy to have a young and powerful Hokage.

Wanting to compare with the slightly dull attitude of ordinary villagers, the Uchiha people were already excited.

As soon as the news of Fugaku becoming the Fifth Hokage reached the clan, every clan member walked out of their homes excitedly, laughing with each other and greeting familiar and unfamiliar clan members.

What's more, some people found red envelopes out of nowhere and happily distributed them to children in the clan on the road.

Shopkeepers on the street shouted that today was free, even if they lost money, they still wanted to add joy to the family's grand event.

However, how can the tribesmen really take their items for free?

Every clan member poured out a lot of money from their bags and sleeves.

All the clan members happily ran to the clan leader's mansion to congratulate, and then happily bought good wine and food and went home to cook.

As night falls, the entire clan is brightly lit.

Every household is surrounded by the aroma of wine and meat, and many tribesmen stand at the door with meals, inviting tribesmen who come and go to visit their homes.

Qingkong also made a sumptuous table of food and wine at home.

After Shisui attended the celebration banquet held by the village for Fugaku, his interest continued with Qingzora.

It was rare for the two of them to have a common topic that was very pleasant for both of them. You and I chatted happily.

Qingkong looked at the sincere smile on Shisui's face and listened to the faint laughter coming from the street, and felt a huge sense of accomplishment in his heart.

With his help, Uchiha finally became the first Hokage.

Uchiha was obviously responsible for the founding of Konoha, but for many years he had been hostile to the villagers of Konoha and feared by the higher-ups of Konoha, making them seem like enemies of Konoha.

Now, the leader of Uchiha has become Hokage, which means that the gap between Uchiha and Konoha has been eliminated.

The Uchiha of the future will be the Uchiha of Konoha, and Konoha will also be the Konoha of Uchiha.

At this point, Qingzora can say with certainty that as long as Fugaku is not stupid, the Uchiha will not be exterminated, but will prosper and develop, ushering in the golden age of Uchiha.

Because he was happy, Shisui also relaxed Qingzora's drinking ban today and asked Qingzora to drink with him.

After a long time, the night got deeper, and a little blush appeared on Qingkong's face.

He suddenly asked Zhisui: "Brother, what do you want to do in the future?"

Zhisui said: "Why do you ask this? I will definitely continue to be a ninja and serve the village from now on!"

Qingkong shook his head and said: "I want to ask you which department you want to go to in the future?

Shadow Guards, Anbu, Administrative Department, Education Department, Police Department... Or do you want to be an instructor jounin?

Just say it and I'll ask the clan leader to make arrangements for you! "

Seeing Aozora acting like a Hokage, Shisui frowned and said, "Aozora, why are you talking about this? Now that the clan leader has just become the Hokage, it's better for us not to trouble him, otherwise it will be easy for other ninjas in the village to gossip about the clan leader."

When Qingkong heard this, he felt embarrassed as if his parents had given their son a back door and his son didn't appreciate it.

He is relatively lazy, and even if Fugaku is in power, he does not want to continue to be a ninja.

Shisui was different, he was born to be a hard worker, so Qingzora wanted Fugaku to find him a job he liked, but he didn't expect Shisui to be so positive.

At the same time, Qingkong was also a little alert.

He all has this idea, but what about the other tribesmen?

Fugaku may not be as happy as he imagined in the next few days!

After all, in addition to being Hokage, he is also the leader of the Uchiha clan.

Now he really needs to weigh the interests of Konoha and Uchiha.

The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, which bothered him.

Zhisui didn't know what Qingkong was thinking, so he continued to educate Qingkong: "Qingkong, although you were the clan leader's assistant before and had a good relationship with the clan leader, you must recognize your position clearly and you cannot pretend to be powerful just because the clan leader became Hokage... "

Qingzora nodded quickly and accepted the baptism of Shisui's positive energy so that Shisui would stop nagging.

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