Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 284 Carrying public opinion【Please subscribe】

The end of September brings a crisp autumn air.

The cool autumn wind brought villagers who stayed at home in summer to take to the streets.

Especially on Konoha Avenue, there are endless shouts and an endless stream of villagers coming and going, fully demonstrating the peace and excitement of Konoha after the war.

Suddenly, the shouting vendors and the tourists who were shopping heard a burst of uproar, and then everyone subconsciously retreated to both sides of Konoha Avenue, freeing up the road in the middle.

Everyone looked up and saw Aozora in Uchiha uniform, Shisui in green vest, and Yashiro leading the way. Behind him were a dozen Uchiha people in standard uniforms of the police department. Basically, they were holding a person in their hands. A ninja in tights.

As villagers of Konoha, everyone naturally recognized the uniforms of the police department and knew the attire of the ANBU.

When the villagers and ninjas on both sides of the street saw this, they couldn't help but look worried and whispered among themselves.

"Why are the police department and ANBU fighting?"

"It's just peaceful, don't let anything big happen!"

"What are they doing? At the end of Konoha Avenue is the Hokage Building!"

"It's the right time to elect the Hokage, how could something like this happen?"


Unlike the original Uchiha parade, today's Uchiha and the police department are no longer in the same situation where everyone shouted for beatings.

Among other things, due to the inclusion of non-Uchiha people and the addition of various awards and professional title evaluations, the service attitude of the patrol team that has the most contact with Konoha has increased significantly.

The prodigal son can never change his fortune!

Seeing how the once arrogant and domineering police department now serves the villagers, the villagers' view of Uchiha has greatly changed.

What's more, during this period, Uchiha strengthened the guidance of public opinion. From promoting Fugaku's military exploits, explaining Uchiha's village building, to now dissecting the truth about the Sharingan, the villagers of Konoha no longer have a stereotyped impression of Uchiha.

Maybe years of publicity have made them a little afraid of Uchiha, but they won't easily think that Uchiha is a bad guy.

Therefore, when they saw the police department escorting ANBU people, the villagers did not immediately think that it was Uchiha's fault. They were just worried that their peaceful life would be interrupted.

Listening to the villagers' discussion, Qingkong said to Zhisui beside him: "Do you know about the relocation of the clan?"

Zhisui nodded and said, "I understand."

Qingzora said: "Did you know that the village pushed us to the edge of the Nanga River, and was even prepared to accept our Uchiha's compensation?"

Zhisui was silent. A year ago, he might have asked the family to tolerate it, but now he felt differently.

Qingkong turned to Yashiro and asked, "Uncle Yashiro, do you still remember? It was you who led the people in the parade. How did the villagers react at that time?"

Yashiro thought for a moment and said, "When they saw Uchiha, they ran away one by one. All the shops on the street were closed."

Looking at the current scene, Yashiro had a happy smile on his face and said: "Thanks to Aozora, in just one year, the villagers have greatly changed their view of us Uchiha."

When Aozora heard Yashiro's praise, a smile appeared on his lips. Seeing that Uchiha's situation in Konoha was getting better day by day, he also felt a sense of accomplishment.

Qingkong said to Zhisui: "Do you remember the question I asked you when you returned to the village last year?"

Shisui thought for a long time and replied: "I remember you asked me, whose Konoha is Konoha?"

Qingkong nodded and said: "Obviously, Konoha belongs to all the villagers living in the village, and the third generation and other senior officials only acted as representatives of the villagers.

However, today's third generation has long been comatose. He no longer considers the interests of the villagers and only cares about his own rights——"

Before Qingkong finished speaking, he stopped and looked forward.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Two blasts of wind passed by, and Mito Kadoyan and Jiraiya appeared on Konoha Avenue.

Mito Kadenen scolded: "What do you Uchiha want to do? Attack the ninjas in the same village and attack the Hokage Tower. Do you want to rebel against the village?"

Jiraiya also had cold eyes and exuded a majestic aura.

At this time, many figures appeared on the rooftops on both sides of the street. Ninjas nearby had arrived, and ninjas further away were also rushing to the Hokage Tower.

Qingkong said loudly: "Elder Yan is really good at criticizing us! I remember more than a year ago, when the rebellious Ninja Danzo also slandered us like this!"

Yashiro said coldly: "As a senior member of the village, you should be careful in your words and deeds. How can you arbitrarily slander the village ninja without knowing the truth?"

Being compared to Danzo by Aozora, Mito Kadoen's face darkened and he said: "It's such a strong argument. When did I convict you? I was just making a legitimate inquiry!"

After saying that, he shouted again and asked: "What did you Uchiha do? Why did you capture the ANBU?"

Jiraiya said coldly: "To attack a ninja from the same village is an unpardonable crime!"

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Qingzora couldn't help laughing. Shisui, Yashiro and Uchiha behind him all looked at Jiraiya strangely.

Jiraiya frowned and said, "Why are you laughing? Answer Elder Yan's question quickly, otherwise we will treat you as traitors."

After Qingzora finished laughing, he looked at Jiraiya and said, "You are right, attacking a ninja from the same village is an unpardonable crime!"

After a pause, Qingkong asked loudly: "Then the ANBU can bully the villagers of Konoha at will?"

Then he pointed at himself and said: "Even if I am deprived of my status as a ninja, I will still be a villager in Konoha! Can the ANBU arrest and bully ordinary villagers at will?"

Qingzora explained the general outline of the matter clearly in a few words. It was obviously the ANBU who attacked Qingzora first, but he did not expect to be caught by the police department.

Mito Menyan frowned, looked at Yamato who was being escorted, and asked: "Yamato, what do you think is going on?"

Aozora and others did not seal their words, so Yamato could speak.

Yamato pondered for a moment and said: "We received news that Uchiha Aozora rebelled against the village and joined the Akatsuki organization. In order to prevent him from rebelling against the village, we wanted to arrest him first."


Qingkong's sneer was extremely clear. He glanced around and said sadly: "You just accused me of killing civilians some time ago, and you haven't vindicated me for so long! Now you accuse me of rebelling against the village and joining the Akatsuki organization?

If you want to make it up, you should make up a better reason! Who doesn’t know that Orochimaru is in the Akatsuki organization, and my right eye is still blind because of him!

Oh, you must have forgotten. After all, you have all forgotten that my right eye was blinded to protect Konoha ninjas!

This is true for villagers like me who sacrificed their lives for Konoha. I wonder how cold other villagers should be? "

Listening to Qingkong's accusation, the surrounding villagers couldn't help but sympathize with him, and many villagers even felt sad.

Although Aozora is also a villager, he has mastered powerful ninjutsu and is a member of the Uchiha clan, so he can escape from the ANBU's slander and arrest, but what about himself?

He is just an ordinary villager. If the ANBU is so unscrupulous, then his life safety will not be guaranteed.

For the sake of their own safety in Konoha, many villagers hid behind others and spoke secretly.

"Can ANBU arrest villagers without evidence?"

"Why should we attack the villagers?"

"Don't ninjas protect the villagers?"

"Are we paying so much tax just to let you arrest us at will?"


Yashiro said at this time: "Jounin and ANBU do not have the function of arresting villagers. As a force directly under the Hokage, they know the law and break the law. Is there any problem for our police department to arrest them?"

Seeing the raging crowd, Mito Katoyan snorted coldly and said nothing.

Jiraiya said: "I believe the Anbu must have a reason for everything, and there must be a reason for arresting Uchiha Aozora."

Qingkong said in surprise: "I'm also curious, why did I rebel against the village?"

As he spoke, Qingkong said to the two of them: "Now, please get out of the way. We are going to ask Mr. Hokage, when did I betray the village?"

Yashiro said: "We want to ask Lord Hokage, did he give the order for these ANBU to capture Aozora?"

Jiraiya looked at the surging crowd around him and got out of the way with a cold face.

Qingkong and others walked past the two of them leisurely. The villagers on the road looked at each other and followed the team silently.

They are also Konoha villagers, and they want to know how to deal with this matter.

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