Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 282 Flying with a Sword【Please subscribe】

The hemispherical earth cover shattered, a red fire flashed past, and then countless boulders burst into all directions wrapped in flames.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ——

The huge boulder broke the trees, smashed the stand trees, and also hit the Konoha Anbu who couldn't react in time.

Flames were lingering, and dust and smoke were everywhere. Yamato looked at the figure slowly walking out of the thick smoke, and shouted loudly with an ugly face: "Retreat!"

"Want to leave? Then you have to ask me if I agree!" The young man's cold voice came from the thick smoke.

"Fire Release - Impatiens Flower Claw Red!"

Dozens of red flames shot out from the thick smoke, and then Qingkong instantly threw out dozens of high-speed rotating shurikens.

The shuriken flew into the flames, wrapped in flames and shot out in all directions like a bird.

The ANBU people hurriedly hid behind the big tree, but they didn't expect that the whirling shuriken suddenly made a circle, and without checking, several people were injured.

Qingzong did not use the extremely lethal orange fire, so the injured people did not die on the spot.

Qingkong separated a shadow clone to deal with the injured, while the main body drew the blood-drinking sword and rushed towards Yamato.

The ANBU present were nothing more than trash in Aozora's eyes, and the only one who really deserved his attention was Yamato.

Seeing his Anbu colleagues being injured one after another, Yamato's eyes became cold and serious, and he stared at Aozora.

"Wood Release - Violent Spear Tree!"

Yamato, who had murderous intentions, quickly formed a seal. In an instant, several wooden vine branches stretched out from his body, and then the vine branches grew rapidly, like sharp arrows, aiming towards the blue sky.

The attack range of this vine is very wide and the rate of fire is extremely fast, making it difficult for even a jounin to completely dodge it.

Facing the sprinting vines, Qingkong did not dodge, and raised his knife to chop down while running.

"Red Flame Slash!"

The scorching Chak poured into the blood-drinking sword, turning it as red as iron, and then five blazing flaming sword lights came out,

Bah, bah, bah—!

The orange-red sword light touched the vines and immediately chopped them into pieces.

In an instant, the wood chips flew and ignited instantly, forming bright sparks in the air.

Wind sprang up under Qingkong's feet, and instantly passed through the sparks all over the sky. A sword stabbed Yamato, who had just avoided the flaming sword light but had not yet stood firm.

Yamato quickly wiped his right hand across his waist, held the kunai behind his back, and managed to resist.


The chakra-wrapped kunai collided with the red blood-drinking sword, and suddenly there was a harsh golden sound!

When the two of them were fighting at the same time, Aozora's scarlet three-magatama Sharingan instantly looked into Yamato's dark eyes.

"Nightmare Prayer!"

Three black magatama rotated rapidly, instantly pulling Yamato into the illusion.

The chakra in Yamato's hand suddenly stagnated, and the kunai made of fine steel was crushed like wood chips by Aozora's blood-drinking sword.

Qingkong used his strength again, like a rainbow piercing the sun, instantly piercing the body of the person in front of him.

The moment it pierced the body, Qingkong felt a difference in the feel of the hand. Looking forward, the person hit by the sword was no longer Yamato, but a wooden figure.

"As expected, my talent for illusion is impressive!"

Shaking his head, Qingkong flicked his wrist, and the red sword light cut the wooden man in front of him into countless pieces.

The magatama in the Sharingan eyes rotated slowly, and Qingkong slowly walked around, scanning all directions.

Behind a big tree in the forest, Yamato covered the burnt wound on his chest and broke out in large drops of cold sweat.

After awakening the Wood Release, he had no defeat except Kakashi.

After awakening for the second time with the help of the third generation, he has always been able to face the enemy with ease. Today is the closest he has come to death.

If he had been half a breath later, his heart might have been pierced by Qing Kong's sword.

As expected of an Uchiha genius who was able to escape from Orochimaru, he actually got himself injured before he even used his best fire escape and throwing knives.

It seems that the blindness in his right eye not only did not make him decadent, but made him more energetic and determined.

Thinking that such a ninja with great potential would rebel against the village and secretly join the Akatsuki organization, Yamato's eyes became even more gloomy.

Naturally, he could choose to escape at this time, but that would probably leave Uchiha Aozora at large and cause serious trouble to the village.

"For the sake of the village, Uchiha Aozora must not stay!"

A look of determination flashed through his eyes, and Yamato stirred up the huge chakra in his body.

"Water Release - Breaking the Current!"

As soon as he put his hands together, the chakra instantly changed into water properties and was directed into the ground from under his feet.

Qingkong was scanning the surroundings when he suddenly heard the sound of rushing water.

Following the sound, a large amount of water burst out of the ground, like a flood from a bursting embankment.

"The Great Waterfall Jutsu?"

Qingkong frowned slightly and jumped lightly to the surrounding trees.

Although the turbulent water did not pose much threat to Aozora, he did not take it lightly. Yamato's strength and fighting wisdom should never be underestimated, and he could never waste his chakra for no reason.

After the water flowed through, when the ground became muddy, Qingkong suddenly felt that the trees under his feet began to shake and sink.

Looking at the swamp-like ground and swaying trees, Aozora finally understood Yamato's purpose.

He wanted to trap himself so that he could kill himself with a powerful killing move.

Qingkong shook his head, chakra exploded under his feet, and shot out like an arrow due to the rebound force.

He trampled on the second tree, but all the surrounding trees had collapsed and turned into a swamp. His shadow clone and ANBU were tied up by vines that kept emerging from the swamp.

The difference was that his shadow clone was quickly crushed into pieces, while the seriously injured ANBU personnel were protected by vines.

In the air, Aozora saw Yamato standing on the edge of the swamp with his hands clasped together, and also saw Uchiha coming quickly from a distance.

One of them was as fast as lightning, leaving a trail of afterimages on the ground, and he would arrive on the battlefield in a few breaths.

Yamato felt the tremendous pressure coming from behind, and the chakra in his body exploded again.

"Wood Release-Tree-bound Eternal Burial!"

Without enough time to trap Qingkong, Yamato directly squeezed the special chakra in his body.

In an instant, countless saplings appeared in the swamp under Qingkong, and the saplings instantly grew into big trees, quickly wrapping around Qingkong.

Qingkong looked at the branches rushing under him and felt danger.

This is no ordinary wood escape, there is a majestic vitality in it. Once trapped, even if he has a stone body, he will be crushed.

Because the power of life can crush boulders.

"As expected of Mu Dun Tianzang, he really has two brushes!"

In a dangerous situation, Qingkong still had the leisure to praise his opponent, and even let go of the magic weapon in his hand.

Yamato was surprised that Qingkong gave up resistance, but the blood-drinking sword glowed with gleaming light and flew to Qingkong's feet.


The blood-drinking sword at Qingkong's feet suddenly grew in size, and then it carried him like a flying boat, avoiding the branches coming from the swamp and climbing up into the sky.


Blue Sky's sword flying was so surprised that it opened its mouth hugely, as if it could swallow a goose egg.

The Uchiha people who came to support from a distance had amazing eyesight. They also saw the rising blue sky, and their steps could not help but stagnate.

Yamato is worthy of being an elite ninja. Faced with Aozora's "weird ninjutsu", he quickly discovered its flaws.

That is, Qingkong's flying speed in the air is not very fast.

He hurriedly injected a large amount of chakra underground.

With the influx of Yamato chakra, the swamp at Qingkong's feet instantly surged, and a large number of saplings sprouted, sprouted and grew, then entwined and circled each other, and soon formed a towering giant tree.

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