Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 274 The choice of daily difference [asking for monthly votes]

The woods outside Konoha Village.

Zetsu slowly emerged from the soil and asked, "What's going on with Konoha and Kumogakure now?"

The peace talks between Konoha and Kumogakure will affect the situation of the ninja world in the future for many years. However, in just a few days, Konoha beheaded and killed the head of the mission ninja, and the news of Kumogakure's attack on Konoha has spread throughout the ninja world.

As the intelligence chief of the Akatsuki organization, Jue naturally understood the general situation.

Thinking of what Qingzong said before, "find an opportunity to give Kumokaku an excuse to tear up the agreement," he quickly came to check with Qingzong.

Qingkong opened his eyes and said with a hint of pride: "I kidnapped the leader of Kumogakure, then controlled him with genjutsu, and let him die in the hands of the Hyuga clan leader."

Qingkong lied to Jue without blushing or heartbeat, and described Yunyin's drama as his own secret instigation.

Jue was shocked after hearing Qingkong's words. Combined with Qingkong's previous assurance, he quickly believed Qingkong's statement.

Aozora looked like his plan had succeeded and began to explain it to Zetsu.

"My framing this time has put Konoha in a dilemma!"

"If Konoha does not hand over Hinata and Hinashi, then Kumogakure will definitely start a war, and the two great ninja villages of Konoha and Kumogakure will inevitably suffer heavy losses."

"And if Konoha hands over Hyuga and Hinata, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is already at odds with Uchiha, will definitely offend the Hyuga clan. Then Konoha will definitely have civil strife, and its strength will be greatly reduced!"

"No matter what, Konoha's strength will be greatly reduced, and then Konoha will no longer be able to stop our Akatsuki organization."

Under the pitcher plant, he couldn't help but admire Qingkong's vicious plan: "You completed this mission very well!"

Qingzora smiled and nodded. No one from Akatsuki was present, and they didn't know Kumogakure's true intentions, so he could turn the matter into his own plan, thus winning Akatsuki's trust.

But he knows that this trust may be disappearing soon!

Because he knew that the time for the third generation to leave get out of class was coming, and when Fugaku came to power and Uchiha came to power, the trust of the Akatsuki organization in him would soon be reduced to zero.

It's a pity that he just borrowed a few ninjutsu from the Akatsuki organization for nothing.

time flies--

As the deadline given by Kumogakure gradually approached, the faces of pedestrians on the streets of Konoha slowly became anxious and sad, and the cloud of war once again enveloped Konoha.

The villagers who longed for peace slowly began to alienate and even abuse the Hyuga clan under the influence of people with ulterior motives. The Hyuga clan, who looked at others with a blank stare every day, suddenly received a lot of looks from the villagers.

On the last day of the deadline, Hiruzen Sarutobi came to the Hyuga clan's territory again.

Entering the room, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "The investigation has no results... Kumogakure refused to admit the fact that he kidnapped Hinata. Instead, he accused Konoha of violating the alliance treaty and killing their ninjas, and once again raised many conditions. .”

After a pause, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "For the sake of peace, we can agree to all other conditions, but there is one..."

Having said this, Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his head and remained silent, his clothes looking like he couldn't speak.

Rizu looked calm and said: "Hokage-sama, please speak."

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Rizu with a complex expression and said, "They need us to hand over the murderer of Kuroshima Yukihei."

The elders of the clan on the side immediately said: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Other elders also agreed.

"This is obviously Kumogakure's conspiracy!"

"They can't even try to steal our white eyes' blood!"

"The Zong family cannot be sacrificed!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his eyes and sighed: "But we have no evidence to prove that Kumogakure abducted Hinata. On the contrary, it was easy to detect that Kuroshima Yukihei was hit by a soft fist..."

Intelligence came from the northeastern border. A large number of Kumogakure appeared at the border of the Land of Fire. Jiraiya had already observed the appearance of the two-tailed Yukito and the eight-tailed Kirabi.

Once the war breaks out and the northeastern border of the Fire Country falls again, Jiraiya and he will inevitably bear the responsibility of defeat.

Therefore, he did not want the negotiations to break down.

Everyone present heard the implication of Sarutobi Hiruzen's words. Rizu raised his head and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said: "May I ask, Lord Hokage, have you found the ANBU who stopped Kuroshima Yukihira? He can testify for me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said: "The person you mentioned does not exist. I have already inquired. All ANBU acted in groups that day. There were no ANBU who performed the mission alone, and no one arrived at Hinata. clan land.”

Hizu was silent after hearing this, that person had indeed left the ANBU.

Although the sealing technique interfered with his perception, he could vaguely identify the person's identity from the outline of the figure, the eldest son of the third generation, Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

Now it seems that the third generation does not want Shinnosuke to be involved. Is he also afraid that his son will be blackmailed by Kumo Gakure?

After a pause, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Hizu, it's useless even if I find him, Kumogakure won't believe Konoha's testimony, they have determined you!"

Hizu looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi with cold eyes and said, "What do you mean, Hokage-sama?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Rizu and said slowly: "Wherever the leaves are flying, fire also grows. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout."

After speaking, he sighed deeply and said: "Konoha can no longer withstand the war!"

Sandai didn't say it clearly, but didn't the Will of Fire persuade him to sacrifice?

Thinking of the ostracism of his tribe, Rizu sighed: "Is there no other way? If I can save the village with my own life..."


The great elder of the Hyuga clan interrupted him and said: "Hizu, don't make such a hasty decision!"

If the Hyuga clan leader can be sacrificed, will there be room for the Hyuga clan to retreat in the face of Konoha's other demands in the future?

He glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said: "Hinata's Byakugan is Konoha's trump card and must not be lost easily. Am I right? Lord Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette and did not reply.

Rizu said: "But we, who should have fulfilled our responsibilities, instead wanted to drag the village into the abyss of war——"

The great elder nodded and said: "I know all this, that's why the existence of the branch family is needed... We will hand over Hizashi's body as your substitute... Hizashi has agreed to all this."

After hearing this, Nizu quickly looked at Hizashi, and from Hizashi's calm expression, Nizu knew that this was not a joke.

His body trembled slightly and he said: "But what Kumogakure wants is the Byakugan's ability and secret. After Hizashi's death, the Byakugan's ability will be sealed, and Kumogakure will never accept it."

The great elder said: "Although they think so, the condition they put forward is only your body."

Rizu naturally refused to agree.

In his heart, he always felt that he owed Hizashi, and he didn't want to be in debt anymore, especially if Hizashi had to die this time.

Hizashi watched Rizu arguing with the elder, and suddenly mocked: "What happened to the always tough Rizu-sama?"

Rizu said: "What happened today is extraordinary and cannot be decided so simply."

Before he finished speaking, Hizashi exploded instantly, hitting Hizashi's acupuncture point with a soft punch from close range, causing him to lose the ability to move.

Standing in front of Rizu, Hizashi looked down at Rizu for the first time.

"Sorry, I can't listen to you this time!"

Lying on the ground, Hizu struggled hard and said: "You still have Neji, why do you want to die for the clan?"

Hizashi shook his head.

"I did not die to protect the clan this time, but to protect you as my brother."

"Since I was born, I have had no choice in everything. Everything has been arranged by the fate of the Hyuga family."

"I can't choose my birth, but at least I can choose my death. Let me die for my brothers, family and village according to my own will."

After saying this, Hizashi raised his right hand and slapped it on his chest.

Soon he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground, losing all vitality.

The great elder watched all this happen indifferently, uncovered the forehead protector on Hizashi's head, and cast several sealing techniques.

When Hizashi's Cage Seal technique disappeared, he said to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Hokage-sama, the body of 'Hizashi' has been handed over to you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his Hokage hat to block the hostile gazes from the surrounding Hyuga clan members.

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