Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 272 Yunyin takes action [asking for monthly votes]

Looking at the four figures on Naruto, Qingkong finally knew why this guy was called "The Child of Destiny".

First of all, his talent is extremely outstanding. He has inherited the powerful immortal body of the Uzumaki clan and has the qualifications to practice immortal arts. Such talent is absolutely unique.

Secondly, this guy has four plug-ins.

Needless to say, Kyuubi has unlimited chakra and is one of the most powerful cheats in the ninja world.

Minato and Kushina's chakra was a gift to Naruto from the Yondaime couple, and it was enough to save his life at critical moments.

That blurry figure at the end...is it Asura?

Qingkong had a guess in his mind, and at the same time, his understanding of Chakra became a little deeper.

Perhaps by the end of practice, chakra is more than just chakra, it has long been fused with the spirit and even soul of the original owner.

The reason why he could see the chakra of Minato, Kushina and Asura in Naruto was because they were also considered 'ghosts'.

Looking at the four ghosts on Naruto's body, Qingkong was a little eager to try, but now was not a good time.

Now that there are ANBU surveillance around, Qingzora is afraid that something strange will happen during the communication process, which will attract the ANBU's attention.

Soon, Aozora and the others were at the front of the queue.

The waiter glanced at the little Naruto, then looked at the two of them, Qingkong, and asked, "Are you two together?"

Qingzora and Shisui shook their heads.

Seeing this, the waiter bent down and asked: "Kid, you are alone. Have you brought any money?"

Naruto raised the coupon in his hand.

"Are there event tickets?"

The waiter took the somewhat deformed activity ticket and said, "Kid, your activity ticket has expired!"


The little Naruto obviously didn't understand what an activity ticket was, nor did he know what expiration meant. He just looked at the waiter with big eyes in confusion.

"Can't you just eat ramen if you give me this?"

The waiter was a little embarrassed when he saw the little Naruto. He hurriedly explained to Naruto for a long time that the event coupon was from last week and was now invalid.

When Zhisui saw this and was about to step forward, Qingkong said impatiently: "Trouble!"

Upon seeing this, the waiter apologized to Qingkong: "Sorry, I will make arrangements for you first!"

Naruto shouted from the side: "But I came first!"


Qingkong shook his head, and then said to the waiter: "Let's arrange it for him first. Arrange his position far away from us. We don't like to make noise."

"But he..."

"Let's pay."

The waiter heard this and said quickly: "Yes, sir!"

Naruto was led into Ichiraku Ramen by the waiter. When the waiter opened the curtain, he looked back at Qingzora in surprise.

He didn't know why this uncle was so cruel to him, but he just said a few words and he ate ramen.

Shisui looked at Qingzong with a smile and asked: "You obviously want to treat that kid to eat ramen, why are you putting on such a bad face?"

Qingkong said casually: "It's too troublesome for a child or something. He might cry while eating later. Maybe he has to find a mother for him..."

Of course, the most important reason is that Qingzora is afraid that Shisui will come forward and form a bond with Naruto, which will arouse the vigilance of the third generation, and then hide Naruto.

Seeing this, Zhisui shook his head and said nothing more.

Entering the noodle shop, Qingzora sighed: "Ichiraku Ramen is really popular!"

Shisui said: "Of course, Ichiraku Ramen is no worse than what you cook, Aozora. Besides, this is not the end of the war, everyone is willing to go out and have a good meal."

Qingkong nodded slightly, now people's minds are indeed settled, and peace has become what most people are looking forward to.

After eating ramen, Aozora and Shisui went home directly.

For the next period of time, Shisui continued to be busy performing tasks in the village, while Qingzora also acted as a househusband as before. In addition to practicing, he cooked dinner for Shisui.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

During this period of time, the village and Yunyin held many large-scale negotiations. The two sides went back and forth, compromised with each other, and slowly finalized one clause after another. The final version of the peace agreement was about to be decided. .

On this day, Qingkong continued to practice in the forest outside the village, and suddenly he felt a slight difference on the ground in front of him on the right.

He quickly opened his eyes and saw a large pitcher plant emerging from the tree.

"Jue, what are you doing here?"

The pitcher plant opened, revealing the half-black and half-white face inside, and Jue said in a deep voice, "The leader asked me to ask you, how is your mission going? Konoha and Kumogakure are about to sign a peace agreement!"

Hearing this, Qingkong said calmly: "I have been secretly monitoring the Kumogakure mission since they left Kumogakure. However, on the bright side, there are elite jounin such as Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and Hyuga Hizashi to protect me. With the secret Konoha ninjas, how can I do anything on my own?

After entering Konoha, their station was monitored by ANBU in three shifts, and the police department also dispatched the Flying Tigers to patrol the area. I didn't even have a chance to contact them. "

Jue Wen said silently, a shadow-level powerhouse was not omnipotent. Faced with such a defense, it would be difficult for other members of the Akatsuki organization to achieve results.

Despite this, he still asked: "Then you just watch Konoha and Kumogakure sign a peace agreement?"

Qingkong nodded calmly and said, "So what?"

He never spoke, but his eyes under the pitcher plant were fixedly looking at the blue sky.

Qingkong pondered for a while and then said: "So what if a peace agreement is signed? The five great ninja villages have not torn up the agreement enough times? I will find an opportunity to give Kumo Gakure an excuse to tear up the agreement."

During this time, he asked Taiyi to keep an eye on him personally, and he had already discovered the abnormality in Kumogakure's head.

As Kumogakure's representative in negotiations, Kuroshima Yukihei actually had the time to wander around the streets of Konoha besides discussing with Konoha.

Since Taiyi didn't dare to get too close, and Taiyi's eyesight wasn't as good as Qingzong's, he didn't find any clues.

But Aozora determined that this guy was definitely in contact with the Kumogakure spies lurking in Konoha.

In this case, the plot of the original time and space is very likely to repeat itself, so Qingkong sits on the Diaoyutai.

Jue Wenyan nodded gently, and then said: "Then we will wait for your good news."

After saying that, Jue melted into the big tree and disappeared.

Qingkong looked up in the direction of the Kumogakure mission and whispered: "Kurojima Yukihei, don't let me down!"

A few days later, the Kumogakure mission finally finalized all the terms of the peace agreement with Konoha and officially held the signing ceremony of the peace agreement.

After the peace agreement was signed, Konoha held a large-scale peace celebration. For three days, the entire village was filled with laughter and the aroma of wine and meat.

At the same time, the Konoha Anbu also relaxed their surveillance of the Kumogakure mission.

After the peace celebration on the last day, all the villagers who had been having fun for three days returned home with smiles on their faces and fell into a deep sleep.

When the moon climbed to its highest point and everything was silent, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the station of the Kumogakure Mission.

On the eaves not far away, a faint light suddenly flashed in the black night sky, and then Qingkong, who was sleeping soundly in the room, suddenly opened his eyes.

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