Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 264 Seriously injured Mrs. Wen [please vote]

The snow-white sword light fell and opened a deep crack on the ground.

Unparalleled power spread into the ground along with the blade, causing the ground to roll. Suddenly there was a loud noise and smoke filled the air.

Taiyi, who was kicked away by Qingzong, fell to the side, letting the gravel splash onto him, staring intently into the thick smoke.

Gamabunta's face darkened, and he drew his sword and retreated.

Regardless of the speed and strength of this sword, he had already used all his strength. Even an elite jounin might suffer from this.

He had planned to deal with one first and then it would depend on the situation.

However, now that the sword has been cut, it will return in vain.

Who is the other party?

As soon as it flew out, a sharp shout was heard.

"It's rude to come and not reciprocate!"

Before he finished speaking, a seven or eight meter long orange-red sword light burst out from the smoke like a sharp arrow.

Seeing this, Gamabunta quickly put the short sword in front of him to protect his vitals.


The sword light and the dagger met, and there was a collision sound like clouds and rocks, and then there was a loud explosion at the impact point.


There was a loud noise like thunder, and orange fire filled the sky like rain.

Gamabunta saw the orange fire falling towards him, and was about to spit out water bombs to extinguish the flames, when suddenly he felt a strong crisis.

The thick smoke gradually disappeared, and one of the thin figures was faintly visible.

Qingkong shouted: "Fire Release - The Art of the Fire Dragon!"

The Fire Dragon Jutsu is the advanced fire escape he first learned, and it is also the ninjutsu he practices and uses the most. It is also the most powerful ninjutsu he has mastered now.

The Flame Release Chakra rushed out of Qingkong's body like a raging torrent, and in a moment it condensed to form a delicate golden dragon.

The huge dragon head poked out of the smoke, then seemed to roar, roaring towards Gamabunta.

For a moment, the ground in front of the dragon quickly dried up and cracked, and then was plowed open by its huge impact.

Seeing the golden dragon, which was more than ten meters high and endlessly long, rushing towards him, Gamabunta's orange and huge eyes were filled with solemnity.

This time one is bad and it might die.

He once again firmly grasped the short knife that had accompanied him in killing countless powerful enemies, his eyes full of madness.

"Toad cut with a short sword!"

The same movements, the same tricks, but last time it was to kill the enemy, this time it was to survive.

The will to survive caused it to explode into a strength that was far beyond normal. The sudden burst of power made the ground beneath its feet sink into a huge pit.

Gamabunta mobilized all the power and chakra in his body, his body exploded, and he slashed in the air.

The huge dagger turned into a huge white light again, and instantly hit the rampaging golden dragon.

In mid-air, the wind caused by the short sword blew away the fire ball carried by the golden dragon, allowing Gamabunta to see the lifelike dragon under the orange fire, as well as its eyeless eyes.

His mind skipped a beat, and he suddenly had an idea. If the golden dragon opened its eyes, what kind of terrifying ninjutsu would it be?

The huge size, rapid speed, and the sword wind brought about by such potential energy would cause even gold and stone to crack. However, the giant dragon condensed with fire attribute chakra did not have any cracks when it encountered the sword wind.


The short knife finally struck the giant dragon's head, and after a slight pause, it slowly penetrated into the dragon's head, and orange flames filled the sky.

"open ah!"

Gamabunta once again frantically squeezed the chakra and physical strength in his body, tearing the dragon apart along the cracked hole in the dragon's head.

Along the crack, Gamabunta finally tore the giant dragon apart. The violent sword wind opened a narrow passage for him, and the orange fire roared across the sky and swept past it.

At the same time, the huge impact of the golden dragon was also reflected on Gamabunta, pushing its huge body into the distance, dragging out a huge pit more than ten meters wide with no end on the ground, and finally hit it hard. Arriving on a mountain wall.

The mountains shook, and a large amount of gravel collapsed in an instant. Then the orange fire storm swept through the mountains and forests, quickly igniting the vegetation on the mountains and grilling the entire hill.

Taiyi looked at the power caused by Qingkong Hao's Fire Dragon Technique in shock. He seemed to be mute for a moment, opening his mouth wide but not saying anything.

From his memory, Qingzora was clearly not that powerful more than a month ago, and the only thing that had an advantage over him might just be the Sharingan.

How come in just over a month, his strength has reached a new peak again?

After a long time, Taiyi came back to his senses and asked hoarsely: "Is natural energy so powerful?"

“More than just natural energy!”

Qingkong shook his head and said: "If I had used the powerful fire to extinguish it, I might have been saved by Gamabunta's sword, but I used the powerful fire dragon technique that I have refined over time."

As he said that, Qingkong glanced at Taiyi and reprimanded: "You just developed the Fire Crow Technique not long ago, right? You dare to use it to fight against powerful enemies. I really don't know what's going on in your head."

When Taiyi heard this, he lowered his head and muttered: "It's not the technique of the Fire Crow, but the Golden Crow..."

"Give it back to the Golden Crow!" Qingkong curled his lips and said, "Don't embarrass the Golden Crow!"

After saying that, Qingkong looked up into the distance, looked at Gamabunta who was still shaking slightly, and asked: "Go and kill it?"

Taiyi shook his head and snorted, "No need, I will solve it myself next time!"

Qingkong shrugged and said, "Whatever you want!"

As he spoke, chakra erupted under Qingkong's feet, and he quickly came close to Gamabunta.

Pointing to the clothes on his body, Qingkong warned: "Big toad, next time you see people wearing clothes like ours, avoid them.

We, the Akatsuki Organization, can't control your Miaomushan.

Don't make yourself uncomfortable, otherwise I'll end up with you all in one pot next time! "

After saying that, Qingkong didn't waste any time, dived directly into the soil and disappeared.

After a long time, the mountain wall was burned red, and Gamabunta's original dark red skin was also steaming, and began to emit bursts of meaty aroma, attracting the surrounding wolves.

The wolves were about to bite, when suddenly a huge black shadow fell from the sky and turned them into pieces.


With an anxious cry, Gamahiro hurriedly pulled Gamabunta out of the mountain wall, and quickly jumped back to Mt. Myoboku on his back.


Gamahiro, who was carrying Gamabunta on his back, fell from the sky, stirring up a huge cloud of dust and disturbing many toads practicing in Mount Myouki.

Fukasaku woke up from his deep sleep, jumped onto a big tree, and asked loudly, "Who is so unethical? Disturbing the old man's sleep!"

Shima also jumped to its side and looked around.

Seeing Bunta who was seriously injured on Togahiro's body, Shima hurriedly said: "The child's father, it seems that Bunta is injured!"

Fukasaku also saw it and comforted Shima: "My dear, don't worry."

While talking, the two Toad Immortals quickly jumped on Toad Guang.

Fukasaku inspected it and said, "The internal organs are not injured. Just put Bunta in the toad pond to rest for a few months."

Hearing the words, Toad jumped again and soon reached the depths of Miaomu Mountain.

The huge body fell into the pool of oil that was rising at the start, causing most of the toad oil in the pool to overflow instantly.

The scorch marks on Gamabunta's body began to slowly fall off after being contaminated with toad oil. The fresh and tender flesh buds squirmed, and the wounds healed quickly.

Two days later, Gamabunta finally opened his lantern-sized eyes in the pond.

Shima asked: "Bunta, who hurt you? There should be no one in the psychic world who has mastered such a powerful fire escape!"

Buntai was a little confused. After thinking for a while, he said weakly: "It seems to be an organization called Akatsuki. They are wearing red cloud uniforms. The one who hurt me was a person wearing a whirlpool mask. The other one has orange hair. …”

After saying that, it closed its eyes and rested.

Shima glanced at Bunta distressedly and said to Fukasaku: "The child's father, we can't let this matter go like this."

Fukasaku also nodded and said: "We must teach this Akatsuki organization a lesson. Let's go to the Great Toad Sage first and use his crystal ball to check whether the enemy has left the psychic world."

Shima nodded and said, "I'll do as you say!"

After saying that, they jumped towards the residence of the Big Toad Immortal.

At the same time, Tiandao Payne took the beast Dao Payne into the psychic world to find a psychic beast suitable for the contract.

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