Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 261: Suspicions about Spiritualism [Please vote for me]

The thick fog subsided for a while, and a spatial vortex suddenly appeared above the river, and Obito walked out of it.

"Mr. Madara!"

The half-naked Kisame emerged from it and said respectfully.

Obito nodded, looking at the orange fire ball burning on the water, fear flashed in his eyes.

"How did you feel about fighting Qingzora?"

After listening to Obito's inquiry, Kisame sharpened his shark teeth and said solemnly: "Leave the river, I am no match for him."

Although he has a chakra amount comparable to that of a tailed beast and can change the terrain out of thin air with his water escape, Aozora's fire escape is too powerful and will not give him a chance to accumulate water.

Obito was not surprised. Kisame had only gained a slight advantage in the final ninjutsu duel due to his favorable position, which was enough to prove Aozora's strength.

Kisame explained: "Although his Fire Release is strong, he can still make up the difference with a large amount of chakra, but his Fire Release is cast too fast and does not require seals..."

Speaking of which, Kisame was a little worried. He had been practicing hand speed for nearly twenty years, and now he had such a fast and rhythmic hand seal technique.

He originally thought that his seal formation speed was already arrogant in the ninja world and was no less than anyone else!

But he didn't expect that someone could perform many powerful ninjutsu without using seals. This was a bolt from the blue to him!

There was also a cautious look on Obito's face under his mask. He probably guessed what it was about Qingkong that made him afraid.

There is no doubt that it is the powerful Muji Flame Release!

If you use the powerful Flame Release to cast Fire Release Ninjutsu with a huge range, then you can basically only use Hollow to dodge. If Aozora can continuously cast Flame Release for 5 minutes, then he may only be able to use Izanagi.

But it can be seen from Aozora's right eye that he also has control over Izanagi.

So, has Aozora mastered Izanagi’s nemesis, Izanami?

He didn't know and didn't dare to gamble. For a moment, Obito regretted recruiting Qingzora.

Seeing Obito's silence, Kisame said to Obito: "In the battle with Aozora just now, I found that although his Muji Ninjutsu does not require seal formation, it should also require preparation time.

If you want to deal with him, you have to either use ninjutsu to fight him from a distance, or keep putting pressure on him from close range. "

Obito asked: "Then why don't you get close and put pressure on him?"

Kisame was speechless, and after a while he said: "I tested it, and his swordsmanship and physical skills are not too bad. If he finds a gap in the battle, he will probably receive a huge fire ball in the face. technique."

Hitting the face with a fireball that was as powerful as an A-level ninjutsu. Even with Samehada, he would have been seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Obito is speechless, what kind of shortcoming is this?

Kisame's swordsmanship and physical skills are already at the top of the ninja world, and he can't suppress Aozora. So, who else in the ninja world is absolutely sure to suppress Aozora?

Among the ninjas still alive, perhaps only the Fourth Raikage has this ability!

From this point of view, if you want to defeat Qingzong, you can only rely on strong strength or exhaust his chakra.

In a valley in the psychic world.

After a burst of white smoke, Qingkong appeared in a palace.

Without enough time to say hello to the avatar, Qingzora first checked all the parts of his body.

On the throne, a blond man complained: "Qingkong, you don't trust me!"

"Where?" Qingkong shook his head and said, "Shouldn't you check the parts of your body when you travel normally? The psychic world and the ninja world are different worlds, right?"

After explaining, Qingkong had time to look at the surrounding environment and Taiyi sitting on the throne.

Before admiring the palace, Qingkong was stunned the moment he saw Taiyi.

I saw Taiyi not only perfectly copying his flawless appearance, but also transforming into a golden and soft hair, just like the rays of the sun.

Taiyi, with his golden hair, looks like a person who has been banished to immortals, but also like a mortal god.

Qingkong complained: "Taiyi, you have gone too far. I don't even dare to do this! If you go out like this, you will be beaten to death!"

"All things come from the One!"

After majestically speaking a promotional slogan, Taiyi said calmly: "As the sun god, is there a problem with me having golden hair?"

Qingkong couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He named himself Taiyi and thought he was the Eastern Emperor?

Apart from anything else, you have the ability to come up with the Innate Spiritual Treasure Chaos Clock!

After all, you are your own incarnation, so if you like to pretend, just pretend!

Qingzora sighed helplessly, and then asked: "Taiyi, how much chakra does it cost you to channel me? Can you channel Shisui?"

Qingzora knew that joining the Akatsuki organization would definitely be blocked by others, so he had already prepared to let the incarnation of the counter-psychic spirit leave on his own.

Of course, Aozora thought it was Orochimaru who blocked the road, but Kisame didn't expect to take action first. It seemed that Obito was wary of him again for some reason.

Hearing this, Taichi sensed the chakra in his body and replied: "Changing you consumed three-quarters of my chakra, channeling Shisui should be about the same, but you need Shisui's consent first."

"That's good!"

Qingkong smiled happily when he heard the good news.

The counter-spiritual technique is indeed feasible, and then I will be more secure in the future. Not only will I have a perfect escape route, but I will also have powerful help.

"Since you have come to my territory, let me fulfill my duties as a landlord."

After saying that, Taiyi knocked on the table, and several crows were heard immediately outside the hall.

After a while, a big crow entered the temple carrying baskets of fruits.

Qingkong picked up a fruit similar to an apple, wiped it casually, and took a bite.

The juice splashed everywhere, sour and refreshing. Qingkong smiled and said: "Oh, not bad, you live a more comfortable life than me!"

Taiyi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This is primitive life. There are not many ninjas who are intelligent, there are only a few who can speak, and there are none who can transform into a semi-human form.

They can eat anything, but I can’t! He is said to be the King of Crows, but he has to cook his own food!

Speaking of which, I have to thank you for passing on your cooking skills in my memory..."

Qingkong was stunned by Taiyi's complaint. He originally thought that Taiyi was sitting in the palace, happily being his Crow King!

It turns out that his palace now only has this main hall, and the rest have not even been built.

What's even worse is that because Ninja's cooking skills are not good, as the king of a clan, if he wants to eat delicious food, he still needs to do it himself...

After solving the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation, Taiyi's life is not happy. After all, he has human aesthetics, but here there are only ninja crows and other beasts.

Therefore, he spent most of his time practicing, and occasionally he would instruct his tribesmen to play farming games when he was bored.

After listening to Taiyi's complaint, Qingkong shook his head and sighed.

Behind the glamor there may be a little-known shadow.

After tasting the delicious fruits from another world, Qingkong and Taiyi discussed: "Why is it that the art of channeling clearly involves time and space, but the Book of Heaven does not give any feedback?"

There was also a look of doubt in Taiyi's eyes, "Yes, this is indeed strange!"

One person and one crow looked at each other, then lowered their heads in thought.

No matter which world you are in, the ability to transform time and space is extremely rare and abnormal, especially in the ninja world!

Minato, who mastered the flying thunder god, was basically invincible in the three battles, and Obito, who had awakened the power of the god, was now considered unstoppable.

Those who do not master time and space ninjutsu will always be in a passive position when facing ninjas who master time and space ninjutsu.

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