Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 256: Don’t use Hidden Dragon [please vote]

Training Ground No. 35.

Dozens of Flying Tigers members lined up in a square formation and stood neatly on the training field.

Long Xian and the other five men had taken off their police vests and stood in front of everyone with their heads lowered.

Yashiro put his hands behind his back, pointed at the five people and said sternly: "Our Flying Tigers are the elite of the police department, not just any rubbish can enter! The training results of the five of them are at the bottom, and they retreated privately during the mission, which is a disgrace to us Flying Tigers The face of the team!”

"Starting today, they will be dismissed from the police!"

"Who wants to trade with them?"

The Flying Tigers players off the field shook their heads seriously, stood up and said, "No! Captain!"

Five figures, with different expressions, silently walked out of the No. 35 training ground one after another.

Coincidentally, the five people looked back at the same time and remembered the training ground No. 35 deeply.

Not far from the training ground, a tribesman holding a sword was waiting for them.

Patrol training ground.

This place was originally a training base for Anbu. After Danzo rebelled against the village, it was won over by Uchiha and became a training base for the patrol team.

Today, all members of the patrol team gathered together to hold the first commendation meeting for outstanding patrol officers.

“…Since the reorganization of the Police Department, the Police Department has continued to protect the development of Konoha, and our Patrol Department has played an irreplaceable role in it, which cannot be separated from everyone’s hard work.

Next, let’s take a look at which patrol brothers are taking the lead. "

"First of all, I want to commend the fifth patrol team for solving crimes like drinking water. In order to commend their efficiency in solving crimes, I hereby grant them the honorable title of crime-solving experts!"

"They are Conan Uchiha, Aya Inuzuka, Doyle Nara and Motoyoshi Fukuru! Congratulations to them!"

Several people whose names were read by Qingming either turned red, or remained cold-faced, or had weak legs and feet. They all walked up to the high platform excitedly, accepted the badges awarded by Qingming and received applause from everyone in the audience.

Qingming then continued to issue various medals to commend outstanding patrol members. Although Uchiha accounted for the majority of the places, there were also other ninjas and civilian ninjas among them.

Especially in the last part, "The villagers love the police", almost all Uchiha were wiped out, which shows Qingming's fairness in dealing with the world.

Qingming's face turned serious after leading the crowd to pay tribute to the patrol members who had died previously.

"In the past few months, most of the patrol members have adapted to the new policy very well. However, some members still cannot well implement the patrol team's concept of serving the villagers, especially Uchiha Kazuo and Uchiha Kazuya, who have refused to change despite repeated admonitions. , destroying villagers’ property.

You are hereby dismissed from the police force to police future generations! "

Qingming then confiscated the two police department vests on the spot and allowed them to leave sadly.

Seeing the tragic situation of the two of them, Uchiha, who had other eyes higher than his head, secretly considered being kinder to the villagers of Konoha in the future.

Seeing this, the non-Uchiha patrol members admired Uchiha's impartiality and selflessness even more.

Not long after Kazuo and Kazuya walked out of the training ground, a dark shadow appeared and said, "Come with me!"

At the same time, Tie Lan drafted a new death list of the guards, and Shi Guang also sent two members of the prison guard team out to perform the task.

Wild mountains and wild villages.

This is an unknown cottage that was previously occupied by a group of wandering ninjas who exploited nearby villagers and robbed passing merchants. It was just cleaned up by Xiuyi and four others a few days ago.

Qingkong Da Ma Jin Dao sat in the position of the leader of the village, tapping his fingers on the chair, and thinking about the training of the Wolong team in his mind.

Qingkong knows that Qianlong should not be used. At the beginning of development, although things have good momentum, they are relatively weak, so they should be cautious and not act rashly.

Although Wolong's plan is good, being a spy and an undercover agent will definitely involve sacrifices. Qingkong will not let his people die easily before they are fully prepared.

Time passed quickly. Shuichi, Shingo and others took the first twelve tribesmen selected by Qingkong up the mountain and walked into the lobby.

Xiu Yi and others sat down one after another, while twelve people stood in the lobby.

Seeing several people about to salute, Qingzora shook his head and said: "From today on, you are no longer ninjas of the police department, and you are also not ninjas of Konoha. You cannot use ninja etiquette at will."

After listening, the twelve people wanted to salute and say yes, but they didn't know how to do it for a while.

Aozora signaled to Shingo, who quickly stepped forward and handed everyone a scroll.

"Your new identity is recorded on the scroll, and it has the characteristics of your identity."

Qingkong and others took the scroll and continued: "In the next period of time, you will receive new training. During this period, the instructors will improve your strength, and at the same time polish off the traces of Uchiha on your body, so that you can adapt to your A new identity.”

Aozora basically prepared two types of identities for them: Bounty Ninja and Wandering Samurai. No matter which identity they had, their basic skills would not be very solid, and their moves would not be very gorgeous. This was not similar to Uchiha's style.

In addition, five of the twelve people have awakened the Sharingan. They must be familiar with not opening the Sharingan in battle, otherwise it will be extremely easy to get involved.

After everyone read his scroll, Qingkong said bluntly: "You must know by now that your mission is to be a spy and an undercover agent."

Everyone in the audience nodded after hearing this.

Qingkong asked: "Do you feel a little regretful or unwilling?"

No one replied, but there was still some anxiety and regret in their eyes.

Qingkong glanced at everyone, and then said seriously: "Re-introduction, I am Uchiha Qingkong, the captain of the Wolong Team personally appointed by the clan leader, and you are the first batch of members of the Wolong Team. As for what is the Wolong Team?"

Aozora paused and said, "You can think of him as the ANBU of Uchiha!"

"Team Crouching Dragon? Anbu of Uchiha?"

Everyone looked at each other, the Crouching Dragon Team was obviously targeting the Flying Tiger Team, and the Uchiha ANBU instantly let them know the nature of their mission.

"Currently, the clan leader is very close to the Hokage. In the future, he will also need to form his own ANBU, and the Crouching Dragon Team..." Qingkong said with unfinished meaning.

Then Aozora said again: "In addition, Konoha is basically in our Uchiha's possession, but is it enough to control Konoha? The third generation was strangled financially by the fire country's daimyo, and we Uchiha How can you be threatened by others?"

Seeing that the last resistance in everyone's hearts was gone, Qingkong said sternly: "I'm warning you one last time. When you come here, there is no way out, and there will be no way out in the future. You can't regain your name until the day the mission is completed!"

"Yes!" The twelve people nodded vigorously.

Qingkong waved his hand and said: "Go down, there is a room for you in the village!"

When everyone went down, Qingkong ordered Xiu Yi and others: "I will have to work hard for you in the next period of time.

Shuichi, Shingo, you are in charge of the samurai group. Make sure they master the swordsmanship of the Iron Kingdom.

Xuanyan, Xuanhuo, you are in charge of the ninja group and let them skillfully use low-level ninjutsu to fight. "

"Yes!" Four people responded.

After arranging the Wolong Group's recent training, Qingkong rushed back to the village alone.

On the way, Qingkong made a cross-border call to the avatar: "Taiyi, become the leader of the Ninja Clan as soon as possible and completely control the Ninja Clan. I need a safe communication channel."

In the psychic world, Taiyi stood on a huge tree and drove the crows to build a palace on the giant tree for him.

Hearing Qingkong's voice transmission, he chuckled and said: "Who are you looking down on? Now I am the king of the Ninja Crow Clan!"

Qingkong was stunned, this clone is quite capable of shaping!

If he doesn't care about him, will he become the emperor of the psychic world next time?

"The Crow King, just be the Crow King, don't provoke the three holy places yet!" Qingkong warned.

"You are the Duck King!" Taichi replied, "Also, I'm not stupid. The psychic world is not simple. Not to mention the three immortals, it's hard for me to deal with giant ninja beasts like Gamabunta!"

Qingkong said: "It's good that you know! By the way, how are you practicing the counter-spiritual technique?"

Taiyi said confidently: "I have summed up my experience recently, and I am sure everything is perfect."

Qingkong pondered for a moment and said: "After I return to the village, I will create shadow clones for you to practice with. If there are no problems with ten shadow clones in a row, you can try to channel me!"

It was almost time for Akatsuki to organize the party Obito said, and he had to take the risk and try the incarnation's counter-psychic technique.

It’s a new month, a new beginning. If you have tickets, I’ll give you two tickets so that I can be on the list and attract two readers.

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