Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 254: Two Hundred and Forty-Two Thoughts Genius Itachi

"Itachi, is this training difficult?"

Hearing Qingzong's question, Itachi obediently stepped forward, shook his head, and replied: "It's very simple!"

Being questioned by a child, everyone in the Flying Tigers was furious.

"What? How dare you speak so shamelessly!"

"Are all children today so ignorant?"

"Even the son of the clan leader can't do this, right?"


Ryoichi frowned and scolded him as an elder: "Itachi, don't talk nonsense and ruin the reputation of the clan leader."

Itachi shook his head and said seriously: "It's just simple!"

Ryoichi wanted to continue to scold him, but Qingkong stretched out his hand to stop him and said: "It's useless to talk. It just so happens that I have recently taught Itachi some ninja tool throwing techniques. Just let him go up and give it a try."

Qingkong brought Itachi here just to show off his apprentice, but now Ryoichi shows his face, and he will not fight until he is free.

The Flying Tigers players in the audience heard this and sneered, thinking it was an insult to them.

"Let a seven-year-old do the test?"

"Too arrogant!"

"After all, he is the child of the patriarch's family. He can hit seven or eight shots, right?"

"Who knows? Maybe he's just a kid who doesn't understand anything?"


Amid everyone's questioning, Itachi nodded slightly to Aozora, and then slowly walked towards the center of the training ground.

As he walked, he moved his head from side to side, memorizing all the target positions in his mind like a radar.

Walking to the center of the training ground, Itachi closed his eyes and concentrated.

The members of the Flying Tigers off the field couldn't help but point their fingers when they saw this. At this moment, the chakra under Itachi's feet suddenly burst out, and then he jumped high into the air.

Jumping to the highest point, he turned over and fell. The knife bag tied to his waist had been opened at some point, and kunai fell from it one by one.

Itachi caught the kunai in the air, and kept shooting kunai out of his hand like an afterimage.

call out! call out! call out! ——

Bang! Bang! Bang! ——

The sound of breaking through the air and the sound of hitting the target were heard one after another. The Flying Tigers members off the field couldn't help but open their Sharingan eyes and began to count the number of Itachi's hits in their hearts.

"One, two, three...eleven, twelve, thirteen..."

As each kunai hit the red heart of the target, both the members of the Flying Tigers on the side, as well as the instructors and leaders of the Flying Tigers such as Ryoichi and Yashiro, could not help but open their mouths with disbelief on their faces.


"He's eighteen!"

"The remaining two targets are in blind spots, there's no way he can hit them again!"

When the members of the Flying Tigers were horrified, they saw the two kunai shot by Itachi collide, and each shot towards the best target.

One hit the target behind the stone without any accident, and the other continued to draw a strange arc in the air, bypassing a tree trunk, and hit the final target at an impossible angle.

For a moment, the whole place was silent. The members of the Flying Tigers had a look of confusion in their eyes, and they were so surprised that they were speechless.

"Are you kidding me? Is this how good a seven-year-old is at throwing ninja tools?"

"Isn't that why he hasn't graduated yet? Even if he doesn't know anything else, he can only throw ninja tools and he's comparable to a chuunin!"

"Am I under an illusion? A kid got the perfect score that none of us got?"


Yashiro also had a dull look on his face, but he quickly came to his senses and clapped his hands.

"Good job Itachi!"

Ryoichi came to his senses with an ugly face, clapped his hands and said, "As expected of the clan leader's son!"

The other members of the Flying Tigers comforted themselves a little after hearing this. After all, they are the sons of the patriarch, so it is understandable that they can achieve such results.

Yashiro said to Aozora: "Aozora, it seems you taught Itachi well!"

There was no joy on Aozong's face, but he scolded Itachi: "Is this the ninja tool throwing I taught you? It's fancy and useless!"

Although Aozora's words were meant to criticize Itachi, they instantly hurt everyone.

Itachi hit 20 targets perfectly and was called fancy and useless, but what about their kunai throwing?

Ugly and useless?

Itachi quickly admitted his mistake and said: "Teacher, I just want to learn the throwing techniques of the seniors just now!"

"What's there to learn?" Qingkong said, "It's a waste of time!"

Itachi responded respectfully: "Yes!"

Yashiro asked curiously: "So Aozora, you are not teaching Uchiha's ninja tool throwing method?"

Qingzora said: "Our Uchiha's throwing of ninja tools can be used to train Sharingan's insight, but it is not of much use in actual combat. Itachi can figure it out by himself."

After hearing this, Yashiro pondered for a moment and said, "It makes some sense!"

Seeing that the ninja tool throwing he taught was clearly seen, Ryoichi said to Itachi with a dark face: "Then please show me the ninja tool throwing you learned from Aozora and see what the difference is?"

Itachi looked up at Qingkong, who nodded slightly.

After receiving Qingkong's permission, Itachi looked at Liang and nodded: "Okay!"

Soon, the target was restored again, and Itachi also took back his kunai.

This time he did not jump or turn around, but silently attached chakra to the kunai.

call out! call out! call out! ——

Bang! Bang! Bang! ——

The kunai was thrown out without any fancy techniques. The only difference was that the kunai was extremely fast. It was so fast that the kunai directly penetrated the target before the naked eye could capture the flight path.

Facing those tricky targets, the kunai shot by Itachi also didn't go through too many twists and turns.

It penetrated directly through the tree and hit the target behind the tree trunk.

Twenty targets were hit again, but this time all the targets were shattered by kunai and fell into pieces.


The scene fell silent for a moment, with only the sound of gasps remaining.

The members of the Flying Tigers looked at each other, feeling that they had spent so many years living on dogs.

In two tests, Weasel achieved 20 points using two different methods.

Obviously, the reason why Itachi's ninja tool throwing ability is 20 points is because the full score is only 20 points, and his ninja tool throwing ability is far superior to theirs.

As a disciple, Itachi is like this, but as a master, what kind of shocking ability does Aozora possess in throwing ninja tools?

Yashiro came back to his senses, put away the turmoil in his heart, and said: "Itachi, your ability to throw ninja tools is already comparable to that of most jounin!"

Regardless of strength or skill, Itachi's ninja tool throwing has reached a very high level.

Itachi looked at Qingkong and said, "We're still far from it!"

"You're already doing great!"

Qingkong called Itachi forward, touched his head, and said: "This is the effect that throwing a ninja tool should achieve. Don't learn from the flashy performance before.

I've been controlling the ninja tool for a long time, but I can't even hit a target...are you juggling? "

After talking to Itachi, Qingkong asked Liang casually: "Didn't I submit a training plan to Master Jintai before, in which I specifically mentioned this and gave me an exclusive training method? Didn't you see it? Don’t want to leave it to everyone?”

Although Qingkong's casual words were soft, they clearly reached the ears of the members of the Flying Tigers.

Looking at the questioning eyes from the audience, Ryoichi could not accuse Qingkong of lying. After all, this involved Jintai.

After thinking about it, Liangdao said: "Master Jintai left it to me. Because I am busy with training, I don't have time to look at it. I will go back and take a look."

Qingkong shrugged and said, "It's up to you, you are the instructor after all."

After finishing speaking, Qingzora said to Yashiro: "I wanted to bring Itachi to have a long experience, eh..."

Listening to Qingkong's disappointed tone, as good as pig's liver, each member of the Flying Tigers wished they had a hole in the ground for them to drill into.

Yashiro shook his head slightly and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. Come on, I'll take you for a walk. We have transformed Training Ground No. 35, and there are still many interesting places today."

After sighing, Qingkong said: "Uncle Yashiro, let Itachi go for a walk. I've seen it before."

Yashiro knew that Qingzora wanted to discuss things with him, so he nodded and said: "Okay, Muhiko, you take Itachi for a walk."

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