Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 250 The Actor’s Show【Please vote for me】

In the dense forest outside Konoha Village.

Qingkong stared at Obito opposite, frowning and said: "It's not an illusion? But I clearly hit you!"

There was a glint in his eyes, as if he was analyzing Obito's abilities, but in fact he was considering whether to be instigated by Obito.

Obito's strength is very powerful and perverted, including the genjutsu that controls Yagura, the Hollow that ignores all attacks, the divine power that drags people into different spaces, and the Izanagi that can reverse life and death...

To be honest, even if Qingkong knew his details, there was no hope of defeating him for the time being.

Facing Obito, if you are not good at time and space ninjutsu and genjutsu, you have no chance of winning.

Of course he can call Shisui, but it is not yet known whether other gods can be effective against the tribesmen who have kaleidoscopes, and how effective they will be.

Unlike Obito, Shisui consumes his eyesight and even his life force every time he uses the kaleidoscope. The situation is not urgent now, and Qingzora doesn't want to expose Shisui's ability.

What's more, he can call Shisui, but Obito can't call others?

He had been feeling like someone was spying on him lately, and now that he saw Obito, he immediately guessed that Jue was probably nearby.

With Obito Kazutsu, even if he calls Shisui, he may not be able to take advantage.

And this is just victory or defeat. Without Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan, it would have been impossible to leave Obito behind before he mastered the time and space ninjutsu.

Instead of exposing his strength and fighting with Obito, it would be better to compromise first and sneak into the Akatsuki organization to see what's going on.

However, as a proud Uchiha, he cannot surrender without a fight!

Obito looked down at the blue sky and said: "All your attacks are in vain!"

"Really? There is no perfect ninjutsu in the ninja world!"

After saying this, Qingkong quickly formed a seal and then spit out a fireball.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The huge fireball of the blazing sun erupted from the blue sky, instantly plowing up the land, burning all the vegetation in its path, and quickly rushed towards Obito.

Seeing Aozora perform the powerful fire ball technique, Obito originally wanted to show off his powerful fire escape to once again prove his identity as Uchiha Madara.

However, seeing the fireball in the blue sky like a blazing sun, and feeling the smell of burning the sky and boiling the sea contained in the sweeping heat wave, I instantly gave up this thought.

A C-level ninjutsu, under Qingzora's performance, already has the power of an A-level ninjutsu, even if Madara is resurrected, it is nothing more than that.

Without any roar, the huge fireball burned everything in its path and plowed a charred road in the dense forest.

Qingkong looked carefully and saw that there was no more Obito in front of him.

Suddenly, Qingkong frowned and felt something strange behind him.


Qingkong turned around instantly, a kunai appeared directly in his hand, turned around and slashed at the figure behind him.

Under the vision of Sharingan, Aozora clearly watched the kunai blade slice across Obito's figure inch by inch, but it seemed like it had passed through a shadow. The clear touch let him know that he had hit nothing.


While speaking, Qingzora's kunai had already scratched Obito's body, and then Obito held his wrist.

The next moment, Obito's right eye rotated rapidly, and the three black magatama merged into one, forming three sickles connected together, and then a strange suction came from it.

Qingkong instantly noticed that a space vortex appeared in front of him, and an inexplicable twisting and tearing force came from it.

Then he found that his head was dizzy and his body was weightless and out of control, as if he was being immobilized.

Losing control of his body, Qingzora was instantly pulled into the Kamui space by Obito.

As if after a long journey, a strong sense of weightlessness hit the blue sky.

Holding back his nausea, Qingkong hurriedly stood up and looked around.

The sky was pitch black, but there was enough light to see things in the space.

There was a barren land under his feet, with no traces of any living things except dirt, and it was surrounded by strange regular cubes.

While observing, Qingkong suddenly raised his head.

I saw a space vortex in front of me, Obito emerged from it, stood on a tall cube, opened his hands and said: "Aozora, welcome to my world!"

I have to say that Obito's acting skills are very superb.

Anyone who faces Kamui for the first time would panic.

Being hit by the space-time ninjutsu without any resistance, anyone would be frightened in such a strange space.

Qingkong's eyes showed horror, and he looked like he was trying hard to control his body but couldn't suppress a slight tremor.

At the same time, Aozora was secretly thinking whether Obito could be completely killed if he was given a powerful fire attack using Flame Release Chakra at this time.

If he remembered correctly, Obito, who was in the Kamui Space, no longer had the ability to become virtual.

After thinking about it for a while, Qingzora gave up the idea.

Obito still controls Izanagi, and failing to kill him will only arouse his fear, which may lead to the Akatsuki organization targeting him.

If you are not absolutely sure, it is better not to try easily.

Obito felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, and looked at Qingkong in front of him in surprise. It seemed that Qingkong had the ability to threaten his life.

But he was not surprised. Without such ability, Aozora would not have survived Orochimaru.

Qingkong held the kunai in front of his chest and said cautiously: "Time and space ninjutsu?"

Obito did not deny it, and praised in a hoarse voice: "You are indeed the junior I value. Your talents have been recognized by me."

Qingzora continued to pretend to analyze: "The Sharingan you just had... was a Mangekyo!"

"It seems you know a lot!" Obito said calmly.

Qingzora pretended to be enthusiastic and said: "It turns out to be true. Sure enough, there is a more powerful power above the Sharingan!"

Upon hearing this, Obito's right eye flashed with a dark light, and then he made a confused voice: "Has the family kept the knowledge of advanced Sharingan secret? It seems that the corrupt senior members of the family do not want outstanding clan members to take their place."

When Qingkong heard this, he showed an angry expression in cooperation, pretending to be a genius who was suppressed by the corrupt high-level officials.

Then Qingkong's eyes flashed, and he suddenly said: "You are a descendant of the tribe that followed Uchiha Madara to rebel against the village, right?"

Obito couldn't deny it and said calmly: "Why do you say that?"

Aozora confidently analyzed: "You don't want to help me, but you want me to help you, right? You want to take revenge on Konoha and Uchiha, am I right?"

Obito was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I have to admit that your talents and wisdom are indeed far beyond ordinary people! But you guessed my identity and purpose wrong."

Aozora cast a disbelieving look at Obito.

Obito ignored Qingkong, slowly volleyed into the air, and then opened his hands.

"I do want to take revenge on Konoha and Uchiha, but this is not my ultimate goal. My goal is to create a world without deception and betrayal!

And my name...is Madara Uchiha! "

It has to be said that the Uchiha clan is indeed rich in movie stars.

Obito's deep and hoarse voice, coupled with his ability to fly, instantly created the image of a powerful and invincible villain.

If Qingkong hadn't read the original work, he would really have been deceived by him.

However, Aozora's acting skills are equally comparable.


The perfect pauses and trembling sounds fully expressed Qingkong's surprise and shock at this time.

Then Qingkong's pupils tightened and he said in disbelief: "How is that possible?"

Obito didn't explain much. When Qingkong was stunned by Madara's identity, he said seductively: "The village has decayed, and wars in the ninja world are endless. This is a world without hope!

Let us work together to create a beautiful world without deception and betrayal! "

Qingkong didn't reply immediately, and remained silent for a long time before asking: "Create a new world?"

There was a hint of expectation in Qingkong's words, but more of it was doubt.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Obito's lips under the mask.

"In order to create a new world, I secretly created the Akatsuki organization and recruited powerful S-class rebel ninjas. Strong men like Orochimaru were also driven by me..."

Obito revealed some information about the Akatsuki organization, and then said: "As for the method of creating a new world, it is recorded on the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine. If your eyesight is strong enough, you can see it for yourself."

Qingkong nodded and pondered for a long time: "I can join the Akatsuki organization and help you create a new world, but I have conditions!"

Obito said calmly: "You say it!"

Qingkong said: "You are not allowed to take action against Zhishui!"

Obito didn't think much and said directly: "I agree!"

In his opinion, Shisui's strength may be good, but he is too inclined towards Konoha.

His younger brother suffered such betrayal, and he actually did his best to serve Konoha. It was too difficult for such a person to rebel.

At the same time, Obito also speculated that Aozora had not awakened the Mangekyo, perhaps because Aozora still couldn't let go of his bond with Shisui.

I'm begging for votes. There are only two days left and there are still 100 votes left. Book friends, please help me!

Thank you in advance, Xiaodao!

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