Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 248 Nine Breaths of Convince [Please vote]

Different from the first practice, Qingkong did not use chakra to suppress the effect of slug oil this time, nor did he resist the invasion of natural energy.

After the first training, Aozora found that the amount of slug oil applied by Tsunade was just right, just within the range of her tolerance.

And if it fails, Tsunade will draw out the slug oil in time, so she is not in much danger.

In this case, Qingkong would relax and experience the natural energy.

The natural energy between heaven and earth is endless, but it is invisible. People will only notice it when a large amount of natural energy gathers.

When streams of natural energy entered Qingkong's body through slug oil, Qingkong gradually felt the texture of this energy.

Monotonous and colorless yet colorful, full of life yet full of death…

Qingkong subconsciously started "guiding qi training" and slowly used chakra to push the natural energy to circulate in the meridians.

Whenever natural energy flows through, the vitality of the cells near the meridians in Qingkong's body is sucked away, making it a little darker.

It wasn't until his own chakra flowed through that he replenished his vitality and regained his vitality.

During this period, Aozora also tried to fuse chakra with natural energy, but natural energy was unpredictable, and it was too difficult to reconcile it with physical energy and mental energy to form Senjutsu chakra.

Fortunately, Qingzong's chakra is still abundant. While controlling the natural energy to circulate around the sky, he slowly uses chakra to integrate the natural energy.

Circle after circle, again and again, Qingkong impatiently reconciled the chakra and natural energy in his body.

After an unknown amount of time, Qingkong suddenly felt Tsunade pull out the slug oil again.

The natural energy was like a rootless tree, slowly beginning to overflow, but Qingkong did not give up.

He is still working hard to circulate chakra to integrate natural energy and drive natural energy to circulate around the world.

Circle after circle, the natural energy continued to circulate in Qingkong's body while overflowing.

Feeling that the chakra in his body was about to run out, Qingkong sighed, no longer trying to retain the last ray of natural energy.

What surprised Qingkong was that after most of this natural energy dissipated, there was still a strange energy as small as a hair.

Before Qingkong could feel or explore it, the Book of Heaven absorbed the energy as small as a hair like a black hole.


Qingkong opened his eyes in surprise.

Tsunade had already capped the porcelain bottle, and then said calmly: "After all, it is magic, it cannot be practiced once or twice,"

After saying that, she handed the porcelain bottle to Qingkong and said: "I'll give this slug oil to you. Shizune and I will leave the village soon. From now on, when you practice senjutsu, you can find a medical ninja who knows the art of extracting minor diseases." Just help.

After using up these two bottles of slug oil, it's up to you. Because of the uncle, Slug is not willing to sign a psychic contract with Uchiha. "


Qingkong thought about it and decided to hide the fact that he had practiced immortality. He just said: "It is indeed difficult."

Taking the porcelain bottle, Qingkong frowned and asked: "Why do you want to leave the village? Isn't it good to stay in Konoha?"

Tsunade looked sadly and shook her head. Things have changed, and staying in Konoha will only make her immersed in the bad memories of the past.

Seeing this, Qingkong was silent for a while.

Whether it is the original Tsunade or the Tsunade she meets now, Qingzora admires and likes her very much.

But it was precisely because he saw her radiant figure in the later period that Tsunade now felt regretful to Aozora, and he still hoped that Tsunade could cheer up.

After a while, Qingkong said: "Escape and drinking are not solutions to the problem."

Tsunade glanced at Qingzong in surprise and said, "What do you know, you little brat?"

Qingkong just said: "You can't stay in the past forever. You should always open your eyes and look forward. I believe that those who love you and those you love do not want to see them dwelling on the past."

Shizune nodded repeatedly at the side and said: "Tsunade-sama, Qingzora is right, neither Master Nangshu nor Uncle Duan want you to be depressed."

"They are all dead! How do you know what they think?" Tsunade suddenly clenched her hands and roared.

Tsunade with exposed veins looked ferocious and terrifying, but Aozora and Tsunade saw the sadness and guilt in her eyes.

Qingkong looked at her gently and asked: "If it was you who was sacrificed in the first place, would you hope that Shengshu and Duan would never recover, give up on their dreams, and spend their days drinking and drinking?"

Tsunade was silent.

Qingkong said softly: "Just as you love them wholeheartedly, hope they are healthy and happy, and hope they realize their dreams. They must also hope that you cheer up, live a healthy and happy life, and realize your dreams."

Shizune echoed: "Yes, they will definitely want Tsunade-sama to cheer up."

Qingzora looked at Tsunade who was lost in memories and sighed softly.

He quickly made a rubbing of the scroll, then picked up the porcelain bottle and thanked Tsunade, and finally said: "I hope that when I see you next time, I will see you with a smile on your face."

After saying these words, Aozora left the Tsunade family's residence.

All that needs to be said has been said. Whether Tsunade can cheer up or not, she can only rely on herself.

Back home, Qingkong meditated cross-legged, excitedly waiting for feedback from the Heavenly Book.

"Cultivation of immortal skills? I can't wait!"

After a while, the special energy absorbed by the Heavenly Book flowed out from the Heavenly Book.

There was no time to observe this special energy, and the golden water droplets on the heavenly book surged forward, submerging the four pale gold ancient characters. Then the golden ancient characters absorbed the golden water droplets and transformed rapidly.

Soon, the four pale gold ancient characters completely transformed into gilt ancient characters, and only seven or eight golden water drops remained on the heavenly book.

"It didn't clear it for me this time!"

After laughing at himself, Qingkong calmed down and began to meditate on ancient characters.

"Nine Breaths Convince Qi? It seems that it is really a way to cultivate immortality and Qi."

Knowing the meaning of the ancient characters, Qingkong accepted the inheritance without hesitation.

I saw a virtual transparent figure appearing in the void, and then a faint air flow appeared around it.

As the person breathed in and out, the air flow entered the person's body and then made specific movements along the meridians of his body.

At the same time, a misty voice sounded in Qingkong's ears, describing the formula for breathing in and out of breath.

Nine-breath breathing is the authentic way of Qi training in Taoism. Breathing in and out the nine-breath can absorb the energy of heaven and earth and transform it into magic power, and can also disperse it into energy to merge with heaven and earth.

If you switch to the ninja world, you can absorb natural energy through special breathing, fuse your own chakra and transform it into fairy chakra. At the same time, you can use fairy chakra to control the natural energy between heaven and earth.

Different from senjutsu, the senjutsu chakra refined by "Nine Breath Convince Qi" can be stored permanently and does not need to be withdrawn for use like Naruto and the others in the original work.

In fact, the sages of the three holy places have senjutsu chakra in their bodies, but Naruto and Jiraiya need to refine senjutsu chakra in advance, which is worth pondering.

The immortal arts taught to humans by the three holy places may have flaws to begin with.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. "Nine Breaths Convincing Qi" does not have the immediate combat effectiveness of immortal magic.

In the original work, after cultivating to become an immortal, he immediately becomes extremely powerful when entering immortal mode.

The "Nine Breath Convince" is different. This skill can slowly upgrade one's own chakra into fairy chakra, but it does not immediately make one have extremely strong combat power.

Of course, when the chakra gradually improves to the sage chakra, you will have the ability in the sage mode in your normal state.

The only thing that makes Qingzora curious is that he doesn't know if his lifespan will be greatly increased after all the chakra in his body is converted into senjutsu chakra.

After accepting the inheritance, Qingkong smiled bitterly and said: "The future is bright and the road is long!"

The skills in the Book of Heaven are basically of the same nature and are invincible in the later stage, but they require you to spend time practicing.

But this is normal, everything has pros and cons.

The Taoist divine channel method is extremely powerful and has no side effects, so it is understandable that it takes a long time.

Fortunately, Qingkong is now free and has enough time to practice.

While Qingzora was practicing silently, the situation in the ninja world changed.

In March, Konoha's peace delegation arrived at Kumogakure.

After some lobbying, Kumogakure suspended the frontline offensive and withdrew the large forces from the Land of Fire. The two sides began to formally negotiate a peace agreement.

Iwagakure on the other side immediately took action upon hearing the news and dispatched the Four Tails Jinchūriki to cover the large force's retreat to the Country of Grass, preparing to see Kumogakure's follow-up actions before making a decision.

And with the two battlefields calmed down, it looks like the ninja world will finally usher in peace.

Obito, who was far away overseas, received the news and finally couldn't bear to leave Kirigakure.

It’s time to sprint at the end of the month, and Xiaodao wants 2,000 monthly passes! All book friends, please vote! Please (^з^)-☆

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