Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 226 The Evolved Tenzo【Please vote for me】


An ANBU with a painted face mask instantly appeared in front of the database door.


Kento stepped forward to say hello, and then handed over the document signed by the third generation.

"Uchiha Aozora has made great achievements and received permission from Hokage-sama to choose any two ninjutsu from the database."

The ANBU named Tenzo took the document, checked it carefully, quickly made a seal, and then pressed it on the ground with one hand.


The door slowly opened, and Tianzang walked into the confidential database first, and then said: "Come in!"


Qingkong suddenly came to his senses and followed Tenzo's figure.

Qingkong was lost just now, and the reason for his loss of focus was because of Tenzo.

He naturally knows that Tenzo is Yamato. According to the timeline, Yamato should indeed be the direct ANBU of the third generation.

He wasn't surprised by Yamato's appearance.

To his surprise, through secret observation with his right eye, he discovered the huge chakra in Yamato's body that far exceeded that of a Jonin.

What surprised him even more was that this chakra felt familiar to him, much like the chakra on Danzo's right arm.

Everyone's chakra has different properties and feelings. For example, Aozora's chakra is hot and vast, while Orochimaru's chakra is cold and penetrating...

The chakra in Danzo's right arm, or the chakra in Senju Hashirama, is full of vigorous vitality.

"Did Sarutobi Hiruzen give Danzo's right arm to Yamato and let him absorb Hashirama's cells for the second time?"

When Yamato was a child, he was able to withstand the power of Hashirama cells and awaken the Wood Release. Now, it is possible that he can absorb the power of Hashirama cells again as an adult.

If Yamato is as he guessed, then his strength is probably close to or even reaching the Kage level now.

However, compared to Yamato's strength, what Qingzora wanted to know more was whether Sarutobi Hiruzen's head was broken.

Not long ago, Danzo rebelled against the village because of this right hand, and now Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to follow the path of his old friend?

Does he want Danzo to explore outside Konoha Village first?

Of course, Yamato is different from Danzo. He seems to have absorbed Hashirama's cells perfectly, and does not have the same fatal loopholes as Danzo.

When Aozora was thinking about how to expose Sarutobi Hiruzen's secret use of Senju Hashirama's cells, Tenzo stopped.

"That's it."

Tenzo pointed to the rows of bookshelves in front of him and said, "You can choose ninjutsu scrolls among these bookshelves."

Qingkong came back to his senses, put aside Tenzo's matters for the time being, and looked around.

I saw that the underground secret database was very spacious, with densely packed scrolls, documents, and dossiers displayed in it.

Tenzo pointed to a bookcase against the wall and said, "You can browse the other ninjutsu scrolls, but you'd better not get close to this bookcase."

"Why?" Qingkong asked curiously.

Tenzo said coldly: "The scrolls in this bookcase are all forbidden techniques. The scrolls are all ninjutsu that can cause great harm or even death to the user. The document signed by Lord Hokage does not allow you to learn it. Forbidden magic."

Qingkong was very interested in this bookcase that might contain a sealed book, but he didn't show it on his face.

"That's it! I still want to live for a few more years, so I definitely won't touch it."

"That's the best!" Tianzang said, "Go and choose!"

After saying that, Tianzang left instantly, but Qingkong still faintly felt several secret glances.

Ignoring these surveillance glances, Qingkong quickly flipped through the scroll.

It has to be said that it is indeed Konoha's secret database. The ninjutsu contained in it is not lower than C level. Many ninjutsu make Qingzora's eyes light up.

However, Qingzora had visited the family treasury at least, so he was not dazzled by the numerous ninjutsu.

Qingkong had already considered it on the way. His choice this time was mainly based on medical ninjutsu, secret techniques and illusions. He did not consider the other Five Elements ninjutsu too much.

The common Five Elements Ninjutsu is available in the Uchiha clan library, and Qingzora is mainly looking for Ninjutsu related to Yin and Yang Escape.

Most Yang escapes are related to medical ninjutsu and ninjutsu, while Yin escapes are mostly related to illusions and secret arts.

He quickly walked to the bookshelf where the medical ninjutsu was stored and carefully selected it.

Medical techniques, palm magic, Yin-healing and wound-destroying techniques, techniques to extract minor illnesses, chakra scalpels, techniques to heal and regenerate...

There were few scrolls on the medical ninjutsu, and Aozora quickly wiped out all the scrolls.

What makes Qingzora regretful is that even Konoha, which has the most developed medical ninjutsu, does not have many advanced medical ninjutsu hidden in it.

After thinking for a long time, Qingkong took out the scroll that recorded the healing and regeneration technique.

The art of healing and regeneration is the most advanced medical ninjutsu in the database. It is extremely complex. Not only does it require multiple medical ninjas to perform it together, but in order to improve its pitifully low success rate, it also requires the use of dedicated wards and the creation of special formations. As an auxiliary.

What is directly proportional to its difficult operating conditions is its powerful effect. The healing and regeneration technique can use the cells in the injured person's body to heal the wound.

Looking at the description of this effect, Qingkong immediately thought of the magical power "Rebirth with Blood".

After choosing the medical ninjutsu, Aozora walked towards the secret arts area.

When Qingkong looked through the Uchiha clan library before, he found that the ninjutsu designed to design Yin Yang escape was extremely rare. He originally wanted to look for some other secret techniques in the database as an opportunity to study Yin escape, but he still couldn't find it.

Putting down several short bursts of secret scrolls, Qingkong continued to flip through the illusions, but the truly powerful illusions were not on the bookshelf either.

In the end, Qingzora had no choice but to pick up a ninjutsu scroll that recorded the earth flow wall.

Qingzora now has all the skills to attack and escape, so he decided to learn a defensive ninjutsu. Among the three escape techniques of fire, thunder, and earth, earth flow wall is the most commonly used and most useful defensive ninjutsu.

At the door of the database, Tenzo stopped him and said: "The ninjutsu learned from the Hokage Tower cannot be passed on to others at will. Do you know this?"

Qingkong nodded. If they could be passed around, advanced ninjutsu would have become popular.

Tianzang stepped aside to get out of the way and said: "Submit the scroll within a month. If you leave the village for business, you are not allowed to take the scroll with you."


After Aozora left, Tenzo quickly went up to the Hokage's office.

After listening to Tenzo's report, Hiruzen Sarutobi was surprised and said: "He has the art of healing and regeneration?"

Tenzo nodded and said, "Yes, as soon as he entered the database, he directly looked for medical ninjutsu."

Hiruzen Sarutobi was thoughtful when he heard the words, and said softly: "Do you want to find a way to cure your eyes? It's just wishful thinking."

He knew the difficulty of the healing and regeneration technique. Even if all the medical ninjas in Konoha gathered the power, they could not ensure the success of the technique. How could Aozora, a person who had never learned medical ninjutsu, use this to repair his eyes?

Besides, Qingkong's right eye didn't look like it was injured by ordinary means.

Putting aside the matter of Qingzora, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Tenzo: "How have you been adapting recently?"

Tianzang was silent for a while and said: "Now I feel that there is infinite power in my body, and the chakra is no longer rioting."

A rare sincere smile appeared on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

This period of time was really bad news for him. Now that Jizang has greatly increased his strength with the help of Hashirama cells, he finally has someone who can compete with Uchiha Fugaku.

The first generation of Wood Release can suppress Uchiha Madara's Mangekyo, so Tenzo's Wood Release can at least compete with Uchiha Fugaku, right?

In this case, the plan as mentioned can begin to unfold.

It's time to expose the evil nature of the Sharingan and let people see the true face of Uchiha.

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