Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 223 Obito’s attention [please vote]

Mist Hidden Village, as its name suggests, the village is shrouded in fog and cannot see the sun.

In Mizukage's office, a baby-faced little man sat on Mizukage's chair, his eyes blank, letting the documents pile up on the chopping board in front of him.

"Lord Mizukage, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost wants to see you!" Assistant outside the office announced.

After a long time, a trace of scarlet flashed through the purple pupils of the baby face, and then there was finally light in the eyes.


A middle-aged man with orange hair and a round face pushed open the door and entered with his hands on his back.

He said, "What's the matter?"

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost quickly looked at Gouju Yagura with his round eyes and said: "I am reporting to Lord Mizukage that the mission has been completed and the information has not been leaked."

Goji Yagura said calmly: "Very good, go down!"

After hearing this, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost stood up and exited the Mizukage's office. When exiting, he glanced at Goju Yagura with his peripheral vision, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Shortly after the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish ghost left, a sound suddenly appeared out of thin air in Mizukage's office.

"He seems to suspect that something is wrong with Gotachibana Yagura!"

Then, two huge pitcher plant leaves appeared on the ground, and a strange half-black and half-white human face appeared in the center of the leaves.

"After all, he is the one who controls the darkness of Kirigakure. He has more authority than any other Kirigakure." The voice came from behind Goju Yagura.

Immediately afterwards, a space vortex suddenly appeared behind Goju Yagura, and then a figure wearing a whirlpool one-eyed mask walked out of it.

Obito formed a hand seal, and instantly a barrier appeared in the Mizukage's office to isolate himself from prying eyes.

Jue emerged from the ground and asked, "Do you need my help?"

Obito shook his head and said, "I have my own arrangements for the puffer fish ghost in Watermelon Mountain. Zetsu, what do you want to do here?"

Zeu replied: "Penn began to collect information about the tailed beasts, recruit troops, and prepare to capture the tailed beasts."

Obito was silent for a while after hearing this, and then said: "That's good! I happen to have a suitable candidate here, and I will recommend him to join the Akatsuki organization after a while."

Zetsu nodded, and then said: "In addition, Konoha's strength exceeded our expectations. Faced with the successive invasions of Kumogakure and Iwagakure, Konoha actually resisted and fought back and forth."

Obito's one eye flashed with surprise, "How is that possible?"

You must know that Konoha was already in danger before facing Kumogakure's invasion. Now that Danzo has rebelled against the village, Konoha's strength has been greatly reduced. How can it resist Iwagakure again?

Zeu replied: "Uchiha joined the battle. Uchiha Fugaku led the Konoha Jonin to launch a surprise attack, which directly severely damaged the Iwa Ninja, leaving the Iwa Ninja with no remaining power to attack."

Obito was even more surprised when he heard this, "How dare the third generation reuse Uchiha? How does Uchiha Fugaku have such strength?"

Uchiha and Konoha were already deeply separated. After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the two sides did not immediately fight. This was already the result of the restraint of the leaders of both sides.

And in his impression, Fugaku was just an incompetent and cowardly clan leader. How could he lead the Konoha Jonin to defeat the Iwa Ninja who possessed Loess and Han.

Juexian said: "I don't know either."

There are many barriers in Konoha Village, countless sentient ninjas, and a group of cataracts. Even he does not dare to sneak into Konoha easily to detect information.

Then he recalled it and said: "Perhaps the third generation can no longer suppress Uchiha. Uchiha Fugaku is very powerful and suppressed Loess during the surprise attack. I suspect that he has awakened the Mangekyo."

"Kaleidoscope? Impossible!"

Obito knew the difficulty of awakening the Mangekyou. The person who awakened the Mangekyou in Uchiha history was Fenghao Lizuo. He didn't believe that the incompetent clan leader in his eyes turned out to be a strong man who awakened the Mangekyou.

But if it's not a kaleidoscope, how to explain Fugaku's great strength?

He had absolutely no intention of disobeying Obito, and continued: "And there are many geniuses in the Uchiha clan. One of them, Uchiha Aozora, killed Loquat Juuzou and survived the pursuit of Orochimaru. Come down."

"Aozora? Where did this Uchiha come from?"

If Jue was talking about Shisui, Inari and others, he might still have an impression, but Aozora had never heard of it.

After walking a few steps in Mizukage's office, Obito said sternly: "We must find out the reason. Uchiha and Konoha are obviously incompatible. Why did Uchiha Fugaku become the frontline commander?"

He did not expect that when he was setting up Kirigakure, the situation in Konoha would quickly escape his control.

A strong and united Konoha was definitely not what he wanted to see.

Jue pondered for a moment and said: "I will go to the Country of Fire to investigate the information."

After saying that, Zeu dived underground again.

Qingzora returned to Konoha that day. He did not go home directly, but came to Fugaku's house.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After knocking three times, Qingkong calmly waited in front of the door.

In the courtyard, Mikoto, mother and son were having fun. Itachi heard the knock on the door and ran over quickly to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Itachi saw a boy with dark eyes and pale eyes.

If it weren't for Qingkong's face that didn't change, Itachi would never have believed that the person in front of him was his master.

"Master?" Itachi asked tentatively.

Qingkong nodded and said: "Itachi, I'm back!"

"Master, are you okay? How are your eyes?"

As he spoke, Itachi's two big eyes turned red, filled with worry.


Qingkong knelt down, made a silent gesture to Itachi, and then said softly: "Don't spread the news about me awakening the Byakugan!"

Hearing this, Weasel didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said angrily: "Master, you treat me like a three-year-old child to coax me!"

"Haha!" Qingkong laughed, "I thought you were a child of six or seven years old!"

Qingkong saw that Itachi's worried expression became less worried, and said relaxedly: "My right eye is just injured, and it will be cured in the future."

Seeing how relaxed Aozora was, Itachi hid his worries and pulled Aozora into the house.

After sitting down, Mikoto brought little Sasuke up to say hello to Aozora, and then asked Itachi to chat with Aozora.

Aozora explained the entire process of the surprise attack on Iwagakure to Itachi in detail, satisfying Itachi's curiosity.

Itachi listened to his father's heroic deeds with a smile on his face, and then asked: "Master, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Since the injury was not caused by the battle with Iwagakure, he was curious about who else could make his master, who had the strength of an elite jounin, suffer.

Aozora briefly introduced Orochimaru's attack on the Konoha camp, and then said: "Itachi, you must remember Orochimaru! When you have the strength in the future, you will avenge this for your master!"

Qingzong was determined to kill Orochimaru, but he knew how difficult it was to kill Orochimaru, so he decided to form a team to kill the snake.

As Orochimaru continues to reincarnate, his soul will become a fatal weakness.

Itachi's talent for illusions is no weaker than Shisui's, or even stronger. It will definitely be Orochimaru's nightmare when he grows up.

Although Itachi didn't know why his master thought he could defeat Orochimaru in the future, he immediately assured him: "Teacher, don't worry!"

Qingkong nodded with a smile, and then asked: "Where is the big crow I gave you? Is it still alive?"

Itachi nodded: "Of course!"

After saying that, Itachi quickly ran over and carried the cage containing the big crow over.

"Master, when will this big crow wake up?" Itachi asked curiously.

During this period of feeding, he found that although the crow still had physical characteristics, it seemed to have lost its intelligence.

Aozora opened the Sharingan in his left eye to check, and then praised Itachi: "You did a good job, the big crow will recover soon."

After this period of nurturing, his split soul has met the requirements for seizing the body, and he only needs to spend a few days refining the crow.

Seeing the beaming Itachi, Qingkong was in a good mood and decided to fulfill his responsibility as a teacher.

Qingkong first checked the progress of the simplified version of his "Royal Weapon".

It has to be said that Itachi's talent is indeed abnormal.

In less than half a month, Itachi had initially mastered the use of chakra to accelerate the flight speed of the ninja tool, and even found a way to use chakra to change the flight angle of the ninja tool.

Seeing this, Qingkong nodded repeatedly, then pointed out his mistakes and told him some better ways to exercise.

Afterwards, Qingkong took out the contract scroll of the Ninja Crow Clan from his arms.

When Itachi signed his name, Qingkong smiled happily.

Ostensibly, Itachi acquired Ninja Crow as a psychic beast.

In fact, he was the one who became Qingzora's psychic.

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