Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 218 Izanagi [please vote]

Konoha Camp.

Aragaki Kokichi stood in front of the Konoha ninja team and said coldly: "Fire escape, wind escape."

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle genin behind him who mastered wind and fire styles formed seals instantly and used the ninjutsu he mastered.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Fire Release-Fire Bullet!"

"Wind Escape-Big Breakthrough!"


The wind assisted the fire, causing the fireball to expand instantly, forming an irregular flame storm and rushing towards the giant snake in front of him.

The giant snake's body was now covered in scars, and there were still burn marks on the opened flesh, exuding bursts of meaty aroma.

Attacked by the fire storm again, the giant snake finally couldn't hold on anymore, roared and returned to the psychic world, leaving only a huge white smoke in the field.

At the same time, the giant snake on the other side was trapped by Kawada Nakaji, another Jonin of Konoha, using earth escape, and used the detonating talisman to drive it back to the psychic world.

The two people quickly led the troops to Xiying.

Looking at the gray fog composed of thick fog, dust and toxins in front of them, Aragaki Kokichi and Kawada Nakaharu did not dare to step forward. They could only say: "Use Wind Escape!"

Hearing this, the Konoha ninjas behind him formed seals at the same time.

"Wind Escape-Big Breakthrough!"

"Wind Release-Blast!"


These middle genin only master C and D-level wind escape. The power they usually display may not be as lethal as the throwing of ninja tools, but when dozens or hundreds of people use it together, a small wind turns into a strong wind in an instant, and a strong wind turns into a violent wind. Finally, he pushed forward through the thick compound fog near Konoha West Camp.

However, after a moment, the two leaders saw Rice Fire staggering out of the thick fog.

Inohuo's face was blue and purple, and his lips were even black. He said intermittently: "Orochimaru...poison mist...save Qingzora..."

After saying this, he collapsed.

Kawada Nakaji hugged Inahuo, handed him to a chuunin beside him, and said: "Send Inahuo-sama for treatment quickly!"

At the same time, Aragaki Kokichi once again urged the ninja team behind him and said loudly: "Increase the chakra! Blow away the poisonous mist in front of me!"

The strong wind rose again, but there were too many elements in the gray fog that was strengthened by Loquat Juzo, Orochimaru and Aozora. Even the strong wind unleashed by many ninjas could only slowly push the dense fog forward.

Soon, they saw Hattori Toichi and Hyuga Dema lying on the ground. Someone from the team immediately jumped out and sent them to the medical ninja camp.

The fog will slowly rise, the dust will slowly fall to the ground, and the Konoha ninja will push and break down the dense fog faster.

A few minutes later, the gray mist had been blown out of the camp and became very light. However, no one could find traces of Aozora and Orochimaru even after searching around Xiying.

After scanning it several times, Kawada Nakaji analyzed: "Uchiha Aozora may have been kidnapped by Orochimaru!"

A young Uchiha on the side quickly stepped forward and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and save Lord Aozora!"

At the age of only 13, he possessed the strength of an elite Jonin and became an assistant to the Minister of Police and an instructor of the Flying Tigers. Aozora gradually replaced Shisui and others and became the idol of the younger generation of Uchiha.

Aragaki Kokichi and Kawada Nakaharu looked at each other, smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

Kawada Nakaji explained: "Not to mention that Orochimaru is proficient in reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance and has not left many traces at all. Even if we catch up, what can we do? That's Orochimaru!"

The Uchiha wanted to speak, but Aragaki Kokichi said: "Stop talking! Repair the camp wall and strengthen the security!"

The two of them were not biased against Uchiha, but as jounin, they had experienced life and death long ago, and would directly make cold and rational decisions at critical moments.

Although Qingzong likes to be in the limelight and pretend to be cool, when it comes to the danger of his life, he will not hesitate at all.

The moment he made up his mind to escape, he immediately created a shadow clone, then sneaked into the soil and escaped towards the Iwagakure camp.

Although according to the urine of hot-blooded comics, it is very likely that he will awaken the kaleidoscope between life and death and advance to the shadow level, and then defeat Orochimaru.

However, Qingzora knew that the greater possibility was that he would be killed or captured, and then his body would be taken away by Orochimaru.

Thinking of this, Qingkong couldn't help but wonder whether the Heavenly Book had a protective effect on the soul, and whether his own body-seizing method would be better than Orochimaru, and instead trained him to become his own incarnation...

Shaking his head, Qingkong took back these boring thoughts. It was better not to think too much about this kind of death-seeking thought.

Yellow-brown chakra continuously spurted out and evenly adhered to the surface of Aozora's body.

When the sand and gravel in the soil touch the yellow-brown chakra on Qingkong's body, it will instantly turn into a soft fluid. Instead of hindering him, it will help him swim quickly.

However, Qingkong, who was hundreds of meters away in an instant, not only did not have any joy on his face, but his brows were full of sorrow.

The Flame Release Chakra is close to the state of "qi and fire", and it usually uses non-attribute chakra as fuel to continuously transform into the Flame Release Chakra. This resulted in that there was not much ordinary non-attribute chakra in Qingkong's body, so he could not last long when used to perform earth escape.

Of course, Flame Escape Chakra can naturally be converted into non-attribute chakra, but with an additional procedure, the Earth Escape speed will be much slower. Although there are no pursuers behind him, Qingzora is afraid that Orochimaru will catch up after destroying the shadow clone.

In addition, what makes Qingkong feel even more desperate is that the toxins he inhales in his body continue to paralyze his nerves with the flow of his own chakra and blood, causing his body to gradually lose consciousness.

"What should I do? Should I stop and suppress the poison first? Otherwise, I might fall down before Fugaku and the others can support me."

When Qingkong was in a dilemma, he suddenly felt a huge chakra fluctuation coming from behind him.

Feeling the violent vibrations of the soil behind him and the mud and rocks that were constantly changing shapes with chakra, Qingkong felt a severe danger.

As a last resort, Qingkong used Earth Escape and quickly climbed diagonally upwards.

As soon as Qingkong broke through the ground, he saw the earth dragon turning over, irregular cracks appeared on the ground, smoke and dust were everywhere, and earth thorns were flying around.

Naturally, such a battle could not harm Qingkong at all. He jumped left and right, dodging all the earth thorns unharmed, but his feet were tripped because of it.

Soon the ground finally stopped shaking, and before the dust in the sky dissipated, a half-human, half-snake figure crawled out of the dust.

Orochimaru licked his lips, unable to hide the greed in his eyes, and said hoarsely: "You really keep surprising me! Three Magatama, Fire Release, Throwing Knife, and such skilled Earth Release. Your talents make me jealous. .”

Orochimaru didn't lie. He was called a genius by Sarutobi Hiruzen who only appeared in decades. He was really jealous of Aozora's talent.

When he was about the same age as Aozora, he also had the strength of a jounin. But that's just the level of an ordinary jounin, and it's still far from the strength of an elite jounin, let alone one who can touch the secret of escape like Aozora.

However, the better and more powerful Qingzong is, the more excited he becomes.

Thinking that he was about to possess a body with such great potential, the corners of Orochimaru's mouth couldn't help but crack, revealing an evil and crazy smile.

Aozora's face turned pale and his eyes were scarlet. He didn't expect that Orochimaru would catch up with him.

"Why can you catch up with me?"

Orochimaru stopped smiling evilly. At this moment, he didn't mind clarifying Qingkong's doubts: "Earth Release is indeed hidden. Even the sensing ninja cannot detect any chakra fluctuations under the cover of more than ten meters of soil. But..."

Orochimaru paused for a moment, then said: "Any ninjutsu will leave traces after it is performed. After earth escape, the chakra in the soil will change slightly. Even so, if you can cover up during the escape, Then I won’t be able to trace it.”


Qingkong took the words and said bitterly: "I studied Earth Escape by myself, and no one told me about this technique."

Qingzora, who possesses the Book of Heaven, did not receive education from his elders like other Uchihas, and most of the skills he learned were self-taught.

The skills perfected by Tianshu gave Qingkong outstanding strength, but working behind closed doors also made him suffer a bitter pill.

In fact, even if Qingkong Tudun left traces, ordinary people would not be able to catch up with his speed.

Unfortunately, Orochimaru was already proficient in earth escape, and his transformed body form made his earth escape even faster, so that he could catch up with the poisoned Aozora.


Orochimaru murmured, and then said: "What an enviable talent, but from now on, your extremely talented body belongs to me!"

After saying this, Orochimaru activated the chakra in his body and quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Turong-Tulong Spear!"

Before all the smoke and dust fell, Orochimaru once again launched ninjutsu on the fragile ground.

The ground shook rapidly, cracks appeared out of thin air, earth thorns rose up from the ground, and Qingkong leisurely moved among them, fighting and retreating.

The ninjutsu didn't achieve any results, but Orochimaru was all smiles.

Qingkong was not hurt in any way, but his face was full of sorrow.

Aozora knew that Orochimaru had no intention of killing him. What Orochimaru wanted was to consume his physical strength and cause the snake's venom to act, thus capturing him alive.

Of course, there is also a reason for fear of Qingkong suddenly spitting out fire at close range.

Orochimaru's chakra is extremely large, and he is not worried about consumption.


A rock thorn came from behind Qingkong. Qingkong had expected it and took a step to the left to avoid the rock thorn's attack.

Feeling the chakra movement under his feet, Qingkong knew that a crack was about to appear under his feet, and he immediately thought of jumping away.

But what surprised Qingkong was that when his thoughts reached his feet, they were a beat too slow.

Chakra spurted out, and Qingkong jumped away with all his strength. He did not fall into the pit because of a momentary mistake, but Qingkong's face became very ugly.

The snake venom can no longer be suppressed, and his actions have begun to be affected.

Although his body has been trained to have poison resistance beyond ordinary people, Orochimaru's research on poisons is no less than Chiyo and Scorpion, and even Tsunade will be afraid of it.

"Fire Escape - Fire Extinguishment!"

Orange flames spurted out from Aozong's mouth, and grew bigger in the wind, and instantly turned into an overwhelming wave, obscuring Orochimaru's sight.

Qingzong took this opportunity to escape for some distance, but after a while Orochimaru emerged from the ground again, using various ninjutsu to block his footsteps.

"I think Fugaku and the others have already sent back reinforcements. Calculating the time, we estimate that they can arrive in ten minutes at most, or at least five minutes."

Ever since the discovery of Orochimaru's attack, the Konoha Camp had sent out a distress signal.

Even if they don't consider themselves, for the safety of the medical ninjas in the camp, Fugaku and the others will quickly withdraw their troops and return for reinforcements. The first batch of supporting ninjas will be there in about half an hour.

Twenty minutes have passed since the battle began. As long as we persist for another ten minutes, we will encounter the first batch of reinforcements.

Thinking of ten minutes, Qingkong couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

With his current body, he couldn't hold on for even two or three minutes, let alone ten minutes.

Feeling the dizziness in his head, Qingkong quickly made a cut on his arm with a kunai to stimulate himself. Then his head woke up, but his feet didn't obey his orders and became uncoordinated.

"If I can survive this time, I must find a way to become invulnerable to all poisons..."


Without using any taijutsu skills, Qingzora just continuously sprayed chakra violently from his feet, blasting forward like a rocket launcher.

But this did not allow Aozora to distance himself from Orochimaru.


I saw the snake body of Orochimaru's lower body twisting rapidly, raising smoke and dust like a sharp arrow.

"You can't escape!"

"Stop struggling fearlessly, let us become one with me!"

"I can not wait any more!"


Aozora suddenly looked back and shouted: "Orochimaru!"

The moment Orochimaru looked at him, the three magatama in Qingkong's eyes rotated rapidly.

"Magic - the art of shackles!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Aozora wanted to compete with Orochimaru in the illusion space.

However, to Qingzora's disappointment, Orochimaru was just stunned for a moment, and then waved his sleeves.

"Latent Shadow Snake Hand!"


At the moment when Aozora was stunned that the illusion failed, a giant python as thick as his thigh jumped out of Orochimaru's sleeve and wrapped around Aozora in an instant.

The giant python wrapped around Qingkong, squeezing him into a ball, hanging in the sky and shaking left and right, making him unable to concentrate on performing ninjutsu.

Qingkong's mouth was bleeding, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

Even so, Orochimaru still stood far away, relying only on Nagato to control the blue sky.

Orochimaru licked his lips and said proudly: "Are you surprised that the Sharingan eye technique is ineffective on me?"

Qingzong looked at Orochimaru who was half human and half snake, and suddenly realized something.

What makes you think Orochimaru can't do what Kabuto can do?

Orochimaru said slowly in a hoarse voice: "A truly strong man will never be defeated by the same moves!"

After saying that, he controlled the giant snake and bit Qing Kong's neck.

Special chakra instantly poured into Qingkong's body, and then a three-magatama curse seal pattern appeared on Qingkong's neck.

He looked at Qingkong with admiration and said: "Finally, tell me your name! Although this body will be my container in the future, you deserve to be remembered by me."

Qingkong felt the pain and coldness in his neck, and there was no trace of panic in his eyes. His scarlet eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Then please remember it carefully and don't forget it!"

"I, Uchiha Aozora, will completely wipe you out sooner or later!"

After saying these two sentences, Qingzora's right eye completely lost color, and then his figure disappeared in front of Orochimaru.

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