Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 205 Seal the Other Gods【Please vote for me】

Tsunade left a scroll, made two conditions, and then left with Shizune.

The two conditions are: one is to continuously use B-level ninjutsu for more than half an hour, and the other is that chakra control reaches millimeter level.

The two conditions correspond to the amount of chakra and the ability to control chakra, which are the most basic conditions for practicing immortality.

If you cannot achieve this, then you are not even qualified to practice immortal arts.

Both conditions are not too difficult for Qingkong.

Qingkong has basically met the first condition.

Since getting the gilded version of Guiding Qi, Qingkong has been practicing every moment, and the amount of chakra has increased rapidly, and now it has reached more than twice that of an ordinary jounin.

Nowadays, Qingkong can continue to use the powerful fire to extinguish the enemy for more than 20 minutes. It is estimated that it will not take long to achieve the first condition.

The second condition is quite difficult for Qingzora. His chakra control is not weak, but the more refined the chakra control, the more difficult it is to improve.

Qingzora thought about it and opened the scroll left by Tsunade, only to see the six characters "Chakra Scalpel" written on the top of the scroll.

"Buy one get one free?"

Aozora understood what Tsunade meant and used the chakra scalpel to practice chakra control.

Sure enough, in addition to recording the knowledge of the chakra scalpel, the scroll also recorded some training on practicing the scalpel.

The Chakra Scalpel is the ultimate change in Chakra form. Mastering the Chakra Scalpel will naturally improve your Chakra control ability.

While looking at the scroll, Qingkong heard the door open.

Putting down the scroll in his hand, he said to Shisui: "You're back? Where did you go?"

There was some resentment in Qingkong's words. If Zhisui hadn't left alone, how could he have said such shameful words.


Shisui raised his head blankly, and then apologized: "Aozora, I'm sorry! The Hokage summoned me, and I went to the Hokage Tower with the Hokage."

Qingkong's heart sank slightly when he heard this, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Really? It seems that Hokage-sama values ​​my brother very much! What did you talk about? This should not be leaked!"

Shisui waved his hand and walked into the living room. After sitting down, he said, "Sir Hokage was just concerned about my injury and said that the village is short of manpower recently and asked me to return to my post as soon as possible."

"I'll just say it!"

Qingzora smiled proudly, and then asked: "Then what do you say? Have you made any suggestions to Hokage-sama that I mentioned?"

Zhishui's face was a little complicated, and he said softly: "I am almost recovering from my injuries. The village needs it, so I am obligated to do so. As for your suggestion... I also mentioned it!"

Qingkong asked excitedly: "What do you say, Hokage-sama? Do you agree?"

Recalling the ugly look on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face, Shisui replied: "Hokage-sama said he would think about it!"

"Think about it!"

Qingzora was disappointed at first, and then took the initiative to comfort Shisui and said: "It's okay, Hokage-sama is definitely not a person like Danzo. He will definitely understand and recognize our Uchiha! He is just temporarily influenced by Danzo."

Shisui felt a little distressed when he saw his brother's disappointed but considerate look, and felt a slight resentment toward the Third Hokage.

However, the image of Sandai was still very high in his mind, so he found a reason for Sandai.

"After all, under Danzo's instigation, there was a lot of conflict between the family and the village. Perhaps the Hokage is afraid that promoting Uchiha hastily will have a bad impact, right?"

Qingzora nodded in agreement.

He was not naive enough to think that Sarutobi Hiruzen would agree to his suggestion.

If the restrictions on Uchiha were really relaxed, let Uchiha perform a large number of tasks and teach genin.

Within two years, Uchiha will inevitably have more than ten or twenty jounin, and many genin in the village will have a teacher-student relationship with Uchiha.

At that time, Konoha Ninja School will no longer be the cradle of Hokage talents, but will become a training base for Uchiha's vassal ninjas.

"Hokage-sama will definitely change his mind. During this period, please mention my suggestions to Hokage-sama more! Let Hokage-sama not ignore the crisis of Konoha because of a little prejudice!"

As he spoke, Qingkong sighed and said: "Now you are the only one trusted by Hokage-sama, and I can only rely on you to persuade Hokage-sama!"

Zhisui nodded and affirmed: "I will!"

Smiling inwardly, Qingkong continued to ask: "What else did you talk about?"

Zhisui replied: "We also talked about the battle with Danzo..."

"You shouldn't have confessed to him about the Mangekyou Sharingan, right?" Qingzora was horrified.

Shisui nodded and said, "I used the Susanoo, and the Awakening Mangekyo cannot be hidden."

Qingkong shook his head and said directly: "I'm talking about your kaleidoscope ability!"

"Of course this cannot be exposed!"

Zhisui shook his head, and then taught: "Qingzora, as a ninja, not to mention your most core ability, even information such as height and appearance must be protected as much as possible. This is the ninja code taught by the ninja school."

Hearing this, Qingkong smiled and nodded: "I know!"

Qingkong realized that he was overthinking.

In the original work, the reason why Shisui was exposed as a "better god" was probably because the conflict between Uchiha and Konoha could not be resolved at that time, and the family's coup d'état and the high-level genocide were about to break out.

In order to reassure the village leaders, Shisui had no choice but to expose his kaleidoscope ability.

Nowadays, although there are conflicts between the village and the family, it seems that everything is moving in a good direction now, and Shisui will naturally not expose his trump card easily.

Aozora thought for a moment, fearing that Shisui would expose "Other Gods" with a sudden twitch in the future, so he asked: "Brother, what is your Mangekyō Sharingan ability?"

Zhisui looked at Zhisui in confusion and said, "Why are you asking this? Are you planning to tell the clan leader again?"

"I've explained it to you. I told the clan leader because I was worried about you, but you don't believe me! Humph!"

After saying that, Qingkong turned his head and looked angry.

Seeing Qingkong's anger, Zhisui quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you!"

Qingkong continued to turn his head, but Shisui had no choice but to say: "I can't tell you yet! However, I really can't expose my ability this time!"


Qingkong turned around and looked at Shisui with a nonchalant expression.

Zhisui looked like he had nothing to do with Qingkong, and said solemnly: "I told you before, my kaleidoscope only awakened one pupil technique, and that is the illusion called 'Beyond God'. This illusion can be used without the enemy's knowledge. situation, modify and manipulate the enemy's will."

Hearing this, Qingkong pretended to be shocked and said: "Si Guoyi! As expected of your elder brother!"

While Zhisui was feeling proud, Qingkong suddenly frowned and said seriously: "Brother, your ability must not be exposed, otherwise it will cause a huge disaster!"

Zhisui said in surprise: "I will definitely not reveal my ability, but Aozora, are you making a fuss out of a molehill?"

Qingkong shook his head and said: "You're not making a fuss at all. Your illusion ability is too powerful. If a conspirator gets it, he can definitely destroy or secretly control a large force.

And facing a person who can change his will at any time, who can not feel fear and apprehension?

If someone knew about your abilities, who would trust you?

Even if trust arises, will he suspect that you have tampered with him secretly? "

When Zhisui heard this, his expression changed drastically.

He had previously thought that his kaleidoscope was an ability specifically designed to resolve conflicts between his family and the village. But now after listening to Qingkong's words, he realized how fearful his ability was.

If his abilities are exposed, perhaps only his younger brother can trust him without any scruples.

Shisui smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't want to use the kaleidoscope on the villagers."

Qingkong resisted the urge to roll his eyes. You can say this to Shisui in the original work.

"No matter what, your 'other gods' must not be exposed in the future. Anyway, the kaleidoscope puts a lot of pressure on the body, so just pretend that you don't have this illusion!"

The other gods are very powerful and use them a lot, but Qingzora wants Shisui to temporarily seal this skill. Now that Shisui is wandering between Konoha and Uchiha, his use of other gods is not necessarily a good thing for Uchiha.

Zhisui pondered for a long time and finally nodded. Since the relationship between the family and the village is getting better, it doesn't hurt to let him seal the "other gods".

Seeing this, Qingkong finally put down the worries in his heart.

Qingzora had been worried that Shisui would be used by others and asked him to use "Belt the God" to deal with Uchiha in the name of Konoha.

Now, after taking the vaccination himself, the probability of Shisui being exploited has basically disappeared.

In addition, first he proposed to reuse Uchiha, and then he concealed his kaleidoscope ability. I believe that Sarutobi Hiruzen's trust in Shisui will gradually decrease.

As long as he continues to fan the flames quietly, I believe that no matter how stupid Shisui is, he will notice Sarutobi Hiruzen's vigilance.

When the time comes, Shisui will definitely be punished for doing all the housework.

Next, the two discussed the training plan and magic.

The next day, Shisui ended his sick leave and started his life as a Shadow Guard again, leaving early and returning late.

Qingzora, on the other hand, practiced at home and began to integrate the training plans sent by Shisui, Junpei, and Koshima.

During this period, Qingkong saw that the golden water droplets on the heavenly book were no longer growing, so he began to use golden water droplets to complete the inheritance.

After the "Samadhi True Fire" was completed, as expected, there were more methods for tempering the essence fire and the divine fire. However, after reading the inheritance, Qingkong found that his body and spirit were temporarily unable to meet the requirements. If you practice forcibly, although you can develop a killer move, it will also cause damage to the body and soul.

After completing the "Thunder Fire Golden Body", Qingkong's stagnant physique can continue to improve.

Qingkong speculated that when he completes the second stage of steel body training, he might be able to possess the defensive power of Raikage in the thunder escape chakra mode. And this is not the defense power possessed in a combat state, but the defense power possessed in a normal state.

The resources required for such a powerful effect of "Thunder Fire Golden Body" are also very precious.

The first thing he needs is enough food, which is nothing for Qingzora.

Secondly, and most importantly, the second stage of "Thunder and Fire Golden Body" training needs to be done in a place where the natural energy of the fire attribute is rich.

As the successor of socialism, Qingkong naturally accepted the ideas of his predecessors to change the world.

Therefore, Qingkong tried to create a training place by himself.

However, the rich natural energy of the fire attribute has little to do with ordinary flames.

After several experiments, Qingkong discovered that only by surrounding him with ghostly fire could he carry out the second stage of the "Thunder Fire Golden Body" training.

Qingkong only has three scrolls to seal the ghost fire, and one is used to temper the chakra. The remaining ghost fire cannot be used for long.

After perfecting the two magical powers, there were only eight golden water drops left in the heavenly book, which Qingkong used to nourish the soul.

After being nourished by eight drops of golden water, Qingkong felt that the split souls in the divine sea were much more active.

Out of caution, Qingkong did not choose to use golden water droplets to quickly warm and nourish the soul.

In the past few months, Qingkong has also used more than ten drops of golden water for his separated soul. Coupled with the daily practice of the "external incarnation" soul nourishing technique, his separated soul is now almost ready to grow. To the extent of seizing one’s body.

After warming up the divided soul, Qingkong once again prepared to control the divided soul through the contract, and suddenly heard a soft moan from the soul.

"Don't~ don't enter my body~"

Although there was no real sound, Qingkong still clearly felt the thoughts coming from the separated soul.

Qingkong knew that if he used force, he would still be able to enter the body of the split soul, but he was not that kind of person.

After that, Qingkong communicated with the split soul through a contract and conveyed various orders.

Fortunately, although the divided soul rejected Qing Kong from entering his body, it did not resist Qing Kong's orders and carried out all of them.

After the split soul becomes independent, it will slowly develop its own meaning. This is the prerequisite for the incarnation to be able to practice independently and judge for itself.

In fact, the shadow clone also has its own independent consciousness, but the shadow clone cannot exist for a long time.

What is different from ordinary life is that the incarnated soul is born out of the main soul and is a part of the main soul. Although he is restricted by the main soul, he can communicate with the main soul without any obstacles.

Qingkong had a clear understanding in his heart. In addition to being a very useful tool, the avatar could also allow him to experience another side of the scenery through the avatar.

The growth of the divided soul made Qingkong even busier, and another event was added to the daily plan - refining the crow.

It is very difficult to separate the soul and the body. If you want to be foolproof, you must be prepared in advance.

The first step is to destroy the soul that is about to take away the body.

Because the crow has no intelligence or even reason, Qingkong has no guilt about this.

The process of erasing the soul is very slow and takes a long time. According to the inheritance, it usually takes one or two months.

The reason why it takes so long is mainly because the soul of the target is generally intact and conscious, and will resist instinctively.

However, Qingkong chose the right person to seize the body. The soul of the big crow had already been broken into pieces.

The crow's soul had no power to resist, and in less than two days, its soul fragments were basically obliterated by Qing Kong.

After wiping out the soul, Qingkong only needs to control the movement of chakra in the crow's body every day, refine the energy in its body, and let its body continuously adapt to its own chakra.

Chakra is the energy that comes from the fusion of spirit and body. If you adapt to chakra, you will adapt to the soul.

However, this step cannot be completed in three or two days. It requires long-term use of chakra to refine it.

Fortunately, Qingkong is not in a hurry. On the one hand, the split soul also needs some time to grow, and on the other hand, Qingkong already has a stable way to save his life.

On this day, Qingkong was practicing in the house.

I saw him hugging the big crow with both hands and sitting cross-legged on a futon on the floor of the bedroom.

He closed his eyes tightly, and the crow's eyes were blank.

He opened his mouth and the crow spoke.

He shut up and the crow closed his mouth.

If someone can detect the flow of chakra, they will definitely feel that there is a wonderful cycle between the crow and the blue sky.

After a long time, Qingkong opened his eyes.

"In the world of Xianxia, ​​this might be considered a double practice! I didn't expect that my first double practice was given to a crow!"

After complaining, Qingkong infused the plant crow with nutrient solution and then placed it in a cage.

Now the soul of this big crow has been basically wiped out, and only some body instincts are left. If it is not fed with nutrient solution, it will starve to death in three to five days.

Qingzora was about to practice the chakra scalpel as planned, when suddenly he felt something and looked up out of the window.


A long chirping sound came, and then a divine eagle flew across the sky.

Just as he was guessing what was going on, Aozora heard a knock on the door, and then heard Kudai's shout.

"Qingkong, the patriarch has summoned us for an urgent matter!"

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