Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 197 Giving advice to Shisui [please vote]

On the ring, Hideki's eyes were filled with confusion. He knew that he lost because of his Ninja sword skills and the need to form seals.

But he didn't know why he was frozen for a moment!

Whether it is ordinary body fixation or genjutsu fixation, he should not be unaware of his Sharingan.

Suddenly he thought of Kunai in the end, and he looked back.

An ordinary kunai was stuck on the ground behind him. He vaguely remembered that there was a lot of chakra on it, but now it had disappeared.

"In the first game, Uchiha Junpei wins!"

Before Hideki could think it through, the referee had already announced the result.

Hearing this, Hideki sighed, and after forming the seal of reconciliation with Junpei, he got off the ring under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The arena has been cleaned, the audience is discussing the competition enthusiastically, and the big screen has also attracted the attention of many viewers.

But Aozora was still staring at a hole in the field and whispered: "There's something wrong with that kunai!"

"It should be the problem with that kunai. It's impossible for Hideki to react suddenly and slowly. At that time, Junpei's chakra was very stable and there was no sign of using ninjutsu or genjutsu..."

Zhisui confirmed Qingzora's guess, and then said: "But I don't see how Junpei can fix Hideki."

Qingkong tried hard to look through the memories of his previous life, and suddenly remembered a move, but he clearly remembered that it was the ability of the Nara clan.

Thinking of Junpei's previous "Kunai Shadow Clone Technique", Qingzora felt that his guess might be the correct answer.

Putting aside the speculation in his mind, Qingkong came to his senses. At this time, the list for the second competition had appeared.

"Uchiha Kosuke VS Uchiha Koshima!"

Looking at the two names appearing on the big screen, Qingkong couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes.

Although I had guessed that the lottery was rigged before, I didn't expect it to be so blatant.

Perhaps most viewers just thought that Kosuke and Koshima were so lucky that the two weakest ones were assigned to a group.

But Qingkong knew that this was the result of the quota division.

Junpei and Hideki represent ascetics, while Kosuke and Koshima represent the ordinary elites of the police department.

Qingzong was a little curious. Will the next two places be divided equally between the minister and the deputy minister, or will they compete?

Jin Tai was very surprised when he saw the names on the big screen. At first, he heard that the facilities were borrowed from the Chunin Exam, and he thought the competition would be fair.

He didn't expect that the facilities for the Chuunin Exam could be used for cheating!

Shaking his head slightly, Jin Tai didn't say anything.

No matter what the intrigue is, it will eventually go to the ring.

When he got into the ring, he didn't think that his two guards would be weaker than others.

Even if Fugaku obtained the position of instructor through trickery, the position of chief instructor would definitely not be left behind.

Looking at the two people fighting fiercely on the field, Qingkong suddenly asked Zhisui: "Brother, how did you feel after watching today's competition?"

Zhishui pondered for a moment and said: "The family is prosperous and there are many strong people."

Qingkong nodded, shook his head, and asked again: "Have you ever considered why the position of an instructor can attract so many jounin-level tribesmen?"

"Instructors are more free?" Zhisui listened to the discussions among the surrounding tribesmen.

Qingkong asked back: "Wouldn't it be more free to stay at home? The instructor's salary is not much."

Zhisui was silent for a moment and said, "It's for family dedication."

Qingkong nodded and said: "It's almost the same, but it's absolutely right not to go!"

Under Zhisui's doubtful eyes, Qingkong said: "They do have this idea, but it is more to show themselves and win honor!"

Then Aozora explained: "Except for Ryoichi and Nobuo, none of the other clan members competing have the title of jounin. Even Junpei Jun is just a special jounin. It can be said that if they don't fight, they are just ordinary people everywhere in Konoha." They are middle genin. The tribesmen don't even need to call them 'sir' when they see them."

Shisui was silent, there were not many other Uchiha, but there were indeed many jounin with the title of chunin, and he had been one of them before.

Qingkong said seriously at this time: "Brother, aren't you a Shadow Guard now? See if you can give Hokage-sama some advice?"

Shisui asked: "What advice?"

“Now the village is short of manpower, many tasks are backlogged, and the graduated genin cannot find a jounin to lead the team.

The backlog of tasks will damage the prestige of the village, causing tasks to be lost to other ninja villages.

Graduating genin without guidance will cut off the village's reserve force and cause the village to lose its future.

But we Uchiha have so many idle ninjas. I believe they are all willing to work for the village and contribute to Konoha.

In the past, when Danzo was here, he often suppressed us Uchiha, preventing many clan members from being promoted. Now that Danzo has rebelled against the village, it is time for the village to bring order to the chaos. "

Speaking of this, Qingzora hugged Shisui's shoulders and said: "I will persuade the clan leader to let the clansmen give up pursuing the merits that disappeared before and let them actively carry out the village's tasks, but I also hope that you can persuade Lord Hokage to treat Uchiha in the future. Treat everyone equally.

One of us communicated with the clan leader, and the other persuaded the Hokage.

When brothers work together, the family will become better and better, and the village will become stronger and stronger! "

Listening to Qingzora's words, Shisui felt that something was wrong, but it didn't seem wrong either!

It was Danzo who suppressed Uchiha before, but now that Danzo has defected, Uchiha should indeed be treated equally.

If Lord Hokage agrees, it will be of great benefit to Konoha and the family!

Will Hokage-sama agree?

While Qingzora and Shisui were talking in low voices, the game on the field gradually came to an end.

Kosuke and Koshima both belong to the special Jonin level, and their levels are almost different. In order to win, the two men no longer held back their hands and showed no mercy at all. In the end, one of the two was seriously injured and the other was slightly injured before the competition came to an end.

After the two were helped out of the ring, the name of the third competition flashed on the big screen.

Aozora was curious as to what the results of the remaining draws would be.

There are four people left. He and Nobuo are on the clan leader's side, while Ryoichi and Maki are on Kintai's side.

Is it to ensure that one person becomes an instructor, or to compete with Jin Taiyang for two places?

Before Qingzora could think too much, the results quickly appeared on the big screen!

"Nobuo Uchiha VS Ryoichi Uchiha!"

Seeing the list on the big screen, Jin Tai's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he smiled at Fugaku beside him: "As expected of the clan leader, he is really fair and selfless!"

Fugaku said calmly: "Of course!"

Jintai chuckled, and then said: "But, aren't you afraid that Nobuo and Qingkong will both be defeated?"

"We are all children of the family. Wouldn't it be better to have stronger people as instructors?"

After a pause, Fugaku said, "What's more, why do you think Ryoichi and Maki can win?"

Jin Tai confident said: "Because they walked with me through the mountains of corpses and seas of blood! Because they fought bloody battles on the front line for six months!"

Fugaku shook his head and said calmly: "Not enough! Nobuo also wandered between life and death, and Aozora... he has experienced no less hard battles than Ryoichi and the others."

Before Jin Tai could speak, Nobuo and Ryoichi had already started fighting on the ring, so he closed his mouth and focused on the ring.

I have been working on the manuscript for the past two days and there will be no updates, but I still ask my book friends to vote for me.

The shortfall of 200 monthly tickets is 2000 monthly tickets. Book lovers, give Xiaodao an extra chance to draw a lottery!

During the May Day holiday, Xiaodao promises to have more updates!

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