"Bah! Where did you come from, the little thief, you really smell shameless!"

The middle-aged woman opened the wooden door, her clothes and hairstyle were a bit messy, and her expression was full of annoyance. She never thought that she would be mistaken and deceived.

The deception was not that Huang Yuan had prostituted her for nothing, but that after the two entered the house, Huang Yuan did not ask Fengyue, but instead asked about the inside story of this art museum.

Of course, in order to ask for what he wanted, Huang Yuan added a little intimidating element.

Needless to say, after being frightened by Huang Yuan, he really asked a lot of things.

The most important point is that Huang Yuan confirmed that until now, there is still a phenomenon of human trafficking in these romantic places.

It's just that these guys are smarter, and they put a layer of skin on the human trafficking, that is, life-long apprentices.

These art halls use the pretext of cultivating musicians, dancers, geisha and other professions to sign children at a high price.

Once these children are signed to the Art Museum by their parents or others, their personal freedom will basically be lost, and their fate will be completely controlled by the Art Museum.

A slave, an apprentice, just another name, and in this place there is little difference in its essence.

And this is Fengyue Street in Muye Village, right under the eyes of the village, these people dare not go too far, they want to put on a good-looking skin for themselves.

The yellow ape can already imagine how many more direct and brutal places of color outside of Konoha Village, especially those places far away from Konoha.

Still understaffed! I still need to find more people to work!

If there is one person who knows this kind of place the most, among the people Huang Yuan knows, he is really proficient in this way.

Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, was dissatisfied with the massacre of the nobles by the yellow monkey, especially the massacre of the genocide, so he left the village in the name of traveling and creating.

Now, the nobles have completely become history, and the purge of the nobles by the yellow monkey has been completed, and perhaps it is time to call Jiraiya back.

Early the next morning, Kizaru issued an order in Anbu for the ninjas in Anbu to recall Jiraiya.

Anbu's action power did not disappoint Kizaru, it was very fast! In just two days, the ninjas from Anbe found Jiraiya who was collecting materials in the old Yunokuni.

Facing the order from the Kizaru brought by Anbu Ninja, Jiraiya put away the drawing book and pen in his hand with a slightly complicated expression.

For Kirai, Jirai has always admired him very much, even after Kirau and Tsunade were together, Jirai did not feel jealous because of it.

But only on the point of purging the nobles, Zilai didn't like Huang Yuan's behavior very much.

In his opinion, Huang Yuan's high-pressure cleansing of nobles is too much.

There are also good people among the nobles. Without distinguishing, just because they belong to the same clan, they will all be liquidated, or even physically eliminated. This is wrong!

Such behavior is too bloody and rude!

"Master Jiraiya, please prepare as soon as possible and come back to the village with us!" Anbu ninja who came to inform Jiraiya reminded him aloud.

"You know Hokage-sama asked me to go back to the village, what's the matter?" Zirai asked incomprehensibly.

"This Hokage-sama didn't tell me, but I think it must be something very important!"

After finishing speaking, Anbu Ninja kept looking at Jiraiya, waiting for the lord's decision.

"Then I'll go!" Jilai also stood up and said bluntly.

"Yes!" Anbu Ninja quickly replied.

The distance from the old soup country to Konoha Village was not too far, and it only took the two of them a day to rush back to the village.

When he came back again, Jilai also looked at the village that had expanded almost a circle and was still under construction, and somehow felt that time had passed too fast.

"Most of these newly built houses are arranged for villagers who have been relocated from other ninja villages." Noticing that Jiraiya slowed down and the changes on his face, the ninja from Anbu explained.

Slightly startled, Zilai asked curiously, "Are there many people who are willing to move here?"

"Of course, Konoha is the capital of the Kingdom of Light. It is the most advanced village with the best living conditions in the world! Those ninjas and villagers from other villages want to move here as long as they are not too stubborn." Anbu Ninja is very proud of this.

"As expected of the yellow ape, what a great job!" Zilai also praised sincerely.

While talking, the two came to the center of the village and entered the Hokage Building.

"Oh! Brother Ziraiya, we haven't seen each other for a long time!" Huang Yuan, who was sitting in the office, smiled when he saw Ziraiya walking in.

Although Jiraiya and Kiraiya had disagreements on some ideas because of the nobleman's affairs, their relationship is still real.

Jiraiya also had a smile on his face, he smiled and stroked the back of his head, and walked to the desk.

The ninjas in Anbe retreated consciously, and Senju Tobema was temporarily absent due to something, and only Kizaru and Jiraiya were left in this room.

"Have you gained anything from traveling during this period?" Kikuru looked at Jiraiya and asked with a smile.

"I have collected a lot of good material, would you like to take a look?" Once some topics were involved, Zilai would instinctively become stern.

"Oh! I also happen to collect a lot of materials here, how about we exchange them?" As he spoke, Huang Yuan opened the drawer and took out a stack of documents about two fingers thick.

Seeing Huang Yuan take out so many documents at once, Zilai was also taken aback. What he hates the most is looking through and processing these documents.

"Hehehe! I think it's better to forget it!" Jiraiya smiled dryly, shaking his hands in front of his body vigorously, his whole body showing signs of rejection.

"Take a good look! This is the main reason I called you back." The documents in Huang Yuan's hands contained a large number of criminal events behind Fengyue, and he sincerely hoped that Zilai would also take a serious look.

Seeing Huang Yuan's serious attitude, Zilai didn't delay any longer, and took the document with his hand.

Opening the first page curiously, what Jiraiya saw was a color photo of a young girl who was beaten to death.

It was such an impactful picture at the beginning, which made Jiraiya's mentality become serious, and he vaguely felt the seriousness of this incident.

Under the photo is a detailed text introduction, introducing the information and general history of the victimized woman, as well as the current status of the perpetrator.

The woman is called Toyoko Ikegani. When she was 13 years old, her parents died in an accident. When her parents passed away, she left Toyoko with two younger brothers and a younger sister.

In order to take care of her younger siblings, 13-year-old Fengzi looked for work everywhere, and was finally tricked into working in a bar to serve customers.

Fengzi only stayed in this bar for two years, not because she changed a new job, but after two years, she died.

This year, Fengzi was only 15 years old, and it was a beautiful moment when the flower buds were about to bloom, and her life stayed here forever.

After Fengzi's death, her two younger brothers and one younger sister died of illness because no one was taking care of her.

The above information was provided by Fengzi, the surviving younger brother, who is now an assistant to a businessman in Konoha.

As for those who killed Fengzi, according to the situation, most of them are still alive and well, continuing to enjoy their lives and wealth.

His complexion sank into dark clouds, Zilai had only read the first page of information, and his heart was already full of flames of anger.

He has always been lustful, but he has never forced any woman. This kind of behavior of forcing women into prostitution and abusing people to death has already touched his bottom line.

"Huang Yuan, do you want to give this to me?" Although he only read the first page, Zilai has already guessed what is going on behind it.

"Let's take a closer look first." Huang Yuan hoped to channel out the deepest anger in Ziraiya's heart.

"It's too thick. I'll take a closer look when I go back. Tell me what you want me to do first!" Zilai also said sincerely.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight! I'm going to ban all X trading industries, and at the same time review these practitioners. Those who have committed crimes will all be punished as they should!" Huang Yuan looked directly at himself Come on, what kind of reaction will you have when you look at this senior brother?

Jiraiya opened his mouth, then closed it again, and said after hesitation: "Those regular ones that are not illegal, can't we keep them?"

"No!" Huang Yuan said firmly, leaving no room for argument.

"Have you ever thought about what will happen to the lives of many women who rely on this for a living?" Maybe it's because they have seen more and talked a lot, and Ji Lai also immediately noticed one of the important points .

"I've considered this a long time ago, and the country will properly accommodate them!" Huang Yuan promised.

With this promise, Zilai was relieved a lot. He continued, "I am willing to take on this task, but I need some time. I want to read this document first."

"Now we are already in action, but we lack a person in charge. Just give me an answer before tomorrow night." Huang Yuan gave enough time.

"I'll give you an answer before tomorrow morning!" Zilai also took the initiative to shorten the time.

After chatting about the business, Jiraiya had a few more words with Kizaru before saying goodbye and leaving Hokage's office.

Watching Zilai also leave, Huang Yuan can be sure that this matter is almost stable.

Being guessed by Huang Yuan, the time has not come to the next day, and after 5:00 in the afternoon, Jilai also came to Hokage's office again.

"Kizawaru, the Second Hokage-sama!" Jiraiya, who came in hurriedly, saw Senshoubeijian who was dealing with business, but he didn't see Kiraiya.

"Huang Yuan went outside to deal with things, just tell me if you have anything to do!" Qian Shou Fei Jian looked at Ji Lai also said.

Walking to the desk, Jilai also placed the document he had finished reading in front of Qianshoubanjian, and said with a serious expression, "I am willing to take on this task."

"That's right! It seems that the yellow ape has not misunderstood the person!" Qianshou Feijian praised, and then continued, "I will arrange a hundred ninjas for you, are you confident to do well?"

"I will definitely do it well!" Jiraiya said with firm eyes.

"Okay, you go down first! I will have someone come to inform you tomorrow." Qianshou Feijian ordered.

"I see."

After speaking, Jiraiya left Hokage's office.


Talking about both ends, Huang Yuan's side is indeed dealing with things as Qian Shou Feijian said.

The Kingdom of Light has just been established, and there are so many things to do, even if Huang Yuan wants to be lazy, there is no objective condition for him to be lazy.

Improvement of financial currency, establishment of military system, trial operation of new law, promotion of literacy night school, promotion of education, promotion of agriculture

None of these major events can be said to be unimportant, and all of them require the final decision of Huang Yuan, the supervisor of the fourth generation of Hokage.

The reason why Huang Yuan called Jiraiya back was also for this reason. He and Qian Shou Fei were in charge of the overall control, and they didn't have much energy to take on more specific affairs.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, Tsunade and others, they have all been assigned their own tasks, and they don't have the energy to take on new tasks.

When everyone is so busy, Huang Yuan naturally can't continue to let the labor force like Jiraiya go in vain, and continue to be cool outside.

"Master Hokage, this is a new banknote designed by us, please have a look."

Opposite Huang Yuan, there are two people sitting, one is Xiang Shu of the bank and bank chamber of commerce, and the other is the president of the chamber of commerce.

Today's chamber of commerce has already completely turned to Konoha. Considering the lack of economic talents on his side, Kizaru entrusted the work of financial and currency improvement to the two.

He took over a wooden board with a glass cover from Xiangshu's hand. Under the transparent glass cover, there were ten coins of different denominations, and the denominations were the same as before.

What is different from before is the pictures printed on the four banknotes. One side is the scenery of Konoha, and the other side is printed with the heads of past Hokage.

Among the four banknotes, the portrait of the first Hokage is printed on the 1,000 yuan, the portrait of the second Hokage is printed on the 2,000 yuan, the third Hokage is printed on the 5,000 yuan, and the head of the yellow monkey is printed on the largest denomination. 10,000 yuan.

In addition to the four banknotes, the remaining six coins of different denominations also have portraits printed on them, but they are not those of previous Hokages, but the portraits of those who have made great contributions to Konoha.

For example, Napeki's portrait is on the 500-yuan coin, and Tsunade's portrait is on the 100-yuan coin.

One of these two has outstanding achievements in agriculture and can be called a living saint, and the other has completed the systematization of medical ninjutsu and greatly promoted the development of medical ninjutsu. The credit is also huge!

In addition, Orochimaru's head portrait should have been placed on the coin, but considering his current identity, he is still rebellious, so Kizuru can only postpone it temporarily.

"Good job!" After looking at the coins on the wooden board, Huang Yuan smiled and praised the two people in front of him.

"This is what we should do!"

"It is our honor to make some insignificant contributions to the country."

These two are indeed old foxes who have been fighting in the business world all year round. They put their posture extremely low in front of the yellow ape, and they don't care about their face at all.

Are there any brothers from Fuyang to share their experience? It's the fourth day, as long as I don't take antipyretics, I will start to have a fever, my body is sore and weak every day, and then I have itchy cough in the trachea! Really uncomfortable! I don't know how long it will take?

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