Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 312 The truth about Uchiha Madara being cheated, the happiness between the doors! (two in on

In the evening, in order to celebrate the establishment of the Kingdom of Light, the village held a grand dinner. Many high-level officials of the Kingdom of Light, as well as the chiefs, elders, and representatives of the villagers were invited to the dinner.

Huang Yuan showed up at the dinner party, delivered a speech, and after eating something with him, he found an excuse and sneaked away with Qianshou Zhujian who was drinking.

"Little yellow monkey, where are we going?" Hashirama who was pulled out was a little confused.

"I'll bring you to meet someone, there's a surprise!" Kizaru said with a smile as he pulled Zhu Jian's arm.

Zhu Jian was not stupid. Hearing Huang Yuan's words and the smile on this junior's face, he immediately guessed a name.

"Is that guy Madara?" Hashirama stepped closer to the yellow monkey and asked in a low voice.

"Let's go!" Huang Yuan didn't admit it, but just pulled Zhu Jian forward.

Under the leadership of Huang Yuan, the two walked all the way to the family land of the Qianshou family, which is regarded as the safest and most hidden place in Konoha.

Not only are there few adults in the clan land of the Qianshou clan, but almost no outsiders usually come here.

"Senior, look who I brought." Huang Yuan said with a smile as he walked into the room with Hashirama.

Madara, who was sitting on the tatami, looked up at Kanhashirama, then looked away again, and continued to hold side dishes and drink wine.

Seeing Madara drinking silently, Hashirama showed a smile on his face. He strode over and sat beside his former friend.

"Hahaha! Madara! I knew you would come." As he spoke, Hashirama reached out to pat Madara's shoulder, but was dodged.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Huang Yuan also stepped forward and sat on the opposite side of Zhujian.

Accompanying them for a few drinks, Kizaru excused himself to go outside to check on the situation, and left the room for Madara and Hashirama.

"You found a good grandson-in-law!" Watching Kizaru leave, Uchiha Madara spoke to Hashirama for the first time tonight.

"Hahaha! Tsunade's vision is indeed good!" For this, Hashirama was very proud.

Not wanting to talk to the proud Hashirama, Uchiha Madara just picked up the wine glass silently.

"It's boring to drink alone, let's have a touch!" As he spoke, Hashirama raised his wine glass and forced a touch with Banban.

"You really haven't changed!" Madara looked at Hashirama, as if seeing the two people from before.

"Hahaha! Of course!" Hashirama said happily.

"I didn't praise you!" Madara said angrily.

"Oh! I thought you were praising me!" Hashirama said in feigned surprise.

"Cut!" With a cold snort, Madara Uchiha withdrew his gaze and looked at the dishes on the table again.

Following Madara's movements, Hashirama put down his wine glass, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Madara, don't leave when you come back this time! We can build this new country together!"

"I have my own plan!" Madara refused.

"That kind of illusion is just a means to escape from reality, you should understand!" Hashirama was very helpless, he looked at Madara, he didn't understand why this former comrade in arms became like this?

"You don't understand! With these eyes, I saw something you have never seen before. It was left by the former Sage of the Six Paths. It is the way to truly make this world peaceful!" Turning towards Hashirama, Uchi Poppa pointed to his eyes.

"If that illusion is really useful, why didn't the Sage of the Six Paths use it himself? I think there must be something wrong!" Hashirama said with certainty.

Facing this question from Hashirama, Uchiha Madara was silent for a while, and said thoughtfully: "Maybe that is the method created by Sage of the Six Paths in his later years. At that time, he was no longer able to use it."

"Now that you can reverse life and death, why do you think the Sage of the Six Paths can't do it? I don't believe that the founder of Ninja sect would choose such a method to make peace come. The peace created by illusion is just illusory Peace!" Hashirama's tone became more and more excited as he spoke, he really didn't want to see his friend go down that path of doomed failure.

This time, Uchiha Madara did not answer Hashirama's question, and he fell into deep thought.

The question raised by Hashirama did cause him some doubts.

Why didn't the Sage of the Six Paths perform that illusion himself? As Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails, he should have the ability to transcend life and death, why didn't he take action himself and let peace come?

Seeing that Madara was thinking, Hashirama increased his strength, and he continued to persuade: "You once told me that you saw some words on the stone tablet of the Uchiha Shrine. Have you ever thought that the stone tablet that has been passed down for thousands of years , There may have been problems in the middle, such as being tampered with!"

"Impossible!" Only this point, Uchiha Madara is unwilling to accept it, let alone believe it.

The stone tablet in the shrine is guarded by the Uchiha clan for generations, and it is impossible for anyone to tamper with it.

More importantly, he himself did awaken the Eye of Reincarnation according to the method on the stele.

"No one has the ability to modify the content on that stele!"

"In these thousands of years, won't there be ninjas stronger than us?" Hashirama continued to ask.

"Even if there is such a strong man, how could he know Uchiha's stele and the contents on it? More importantly, why did he tamper with the contents on the stele?" Uchiha Madara asked back.

Hashirama couldn't answer Uchiha Madara's question, he could only say: "So, join us, and let's explore the secrets of this together."

"You said so much, but you want me to give up the plan and join you."

For his own plan, Uchiha Madara devoted his entire second half of his life, but fell out with Hashirama for this, to the point of life and death.

With such a large immersion cost, it is so difficult for Uchiha Madara to give up his plan.

Outside the house, the yellow ape sitting on the wall of the yard heard all the conversations in the house by accident.

He didn't expect Senshou Zhuma, who usually looks a bit naive, to inadvertently guess the biggest conspiracy in the world of Naruto.

So, is this the legendary Da Zhi Ruo Yu?

Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, Huang Yuan couldn't help thinking, whether he should take this opportunity to tell Madara the truth of the world and Hei Jue's conspiracy.

Anyway, with the help of Zheban's coercion, the yellow ape has initially completed the unification of the whole world, and the remaining small countries are just lingering, and the yellow ape can annex them at any time if it wants.

Although this is a bit sorry for the obedient Heijue, Kizaru estimates that after telling the truth to Uchiha Madara, he has a lot of confidence to draw Madara to his side.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Uchiha Madara is going to extremes, thinking that everyone is lying to him, and insisting on implementing his own plan.

Just as Huang Yuan was thinking, a person walked over from a distance, this person was Qianshou Feijian who had just left the dinner party.

Senshou Feijian is a very smart person. After discovering that Huang Yuan took his elder brother Zhujian to leave the dinner secretly, he guessed that the two of them were going to meet a lunatic who couldn't show his face.

Approaching from the far distance of the aisle, Feijian saw the yellow ape sitting on the fence watching the moon.

Stopping at the gate of the compound, Feijian looked up at the yellow ape not far away, without speaking.

The yellow ape sitting on the wall naturally sensed the arrival of Feijian, he lowered his head and looked towards Feijian.

"Hey, Grandpa Feijian! You came back so early?"

"Who's inside?" Feima asked knowingly.

Jumping off the fence, Kizaru walked up to Toikama, and said with a smile, "Uchiha Madara."

"What are you and him doing inside?" Tomama continued to ask.

"Drink and eat." Huang Yuan replied.

After a little silence, Tomama continued: "Have you not given up on subduing Uchiha Madara?"

"Try it! There is nothing to lose!" Huang Yuan said with a smile.

"That guy is an extreme lunatic, he will not give up his plan, let alone join us!" Tomona has no good impression of Uchiha Madara, in his opinion, Madara is the most unstable factor in the world .

"If I say that his plan is just someone else's conspiracy, and everything he has worked hard for half his life is just someone else's wedding dress. What do you think of him?" Huang Yuan asked curiously.

"He will go crazy! Either he doesn't want to believe these things, or he kills the bastard who lied to him, and then commits suicide." Tokaima replied according to his understanding of Uchiha Madara.

After finishing speaking, Feijian looked at Huang Yuan curiously, and couldn't help asking: "Is what you said true?"

Huang Yuan nodded, showing sympathy, "Although I really want to say it's fake, it's true!"

"How did you find out? Who was the guy who lied to Uchiha Madara?" Thinking of someone who had lied to Uchiha Madara for most of his life, Toboma suddenly felt that things became interesting.

"That person is barely human! You have seen him before, he is Heijue!" Huang Yuan replied.

"That conscious life made by Uchiha Madara?" Tomama frowned.

"He is indeed a conscious life created by people, but it's not Uchiha Madara, but someone else." Kizaru said.

"Who is it?" Tobima was very interested in such a big secret.

"The ancestor of Chakra, a goddess." Huang Yuan said mysteriously.

"What does she have to do with the Immortal of the Six Paths?" Fei Jian immediately guessed the crux of the matter.

"Mother and son."

"Mother and son?"

Huang Yuan's answer was too shocking, Qian Shou Feijian's rare gaffe.

"Then what happened between them? Why is there no record about that goddess now? Why is the founder of Ninja Sect a Sage of the Six Paths?" Countless questions arose in Feijian's head.

"A very bloody ethics drama, and it has continued until now, and it has continued to you." Huang Yuan said, looking at the room in the yard, "especially about Madara and Grandpa Hashirama."

"What kind of bloody story?" Fei Jian seemed to be transformed into a curious baby.

Huang Yuan didn't start talking directly, but continued to look in the direction of the room. He was considering whether to go in, and directly showed his cards to the three of them.

After all, if this bloody story is told twice in a row, it will still be very tiring.

Looking at Huang Yuan's actions, Feijian probably guessed what Huang Yuan was thinking, "If it can be leaked, let's talk about it."

"It's okay to talk, but I'm just worried that Uchiha Madara can accept it? We still need his cooperation now." Kizaru replied.

"Now the overall situation has been decided, whether he is there or not will not make a big difference!" As he spoke, Fei Jian stepped forward and pushed open the gate of the yard.

Regarding the information that Kizaru just revealed, Tomona wanted to understand clearly on the one hand, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see the expression of that arrogant and paranoid bastard Uchiha Madara after knowing the truth.

If he is so proud, if he knows that he is just a pawn in someone else's conspiracy, his reaction will be interesting!

Thinking of this, Feijian became even more determined to pull Huang Yuan into the house.

Stretching out his hand to hold Huang Yuan's arm, he said, "Let's go in!"

After finishing speaking, Fei Jian directly pulled Huang Yuan into the yard and walked towards the house.

"I'm so anxious! Grandpa Feijian!" Huang Yuan, who was being pulled, laughed and complained.

"Don't you want to see that guy Uchiha Madara's reaction?" Tokaima asked.

"As expected of Grandpa Feijian, you are so cruel!" Huang Yuan continued to complain.

Feijian also ignored Huang Yuan's complaints, but quickened his pace and walked to the door of the house.

Open the door of the house, walk into the door of the house, and saw the big brother and Uchiha Madara clinking glasses and drinking.

"It's Tobima! Let's see who this is!" Knowing the conflict between his younger brother and Madara, as well as the revenge of killing his brother, Hashirama said with a smile, wanting to ease the atmosphere between the two.

"Brother, I'm not blind!" Toboma said coldly, all eyes on Uchiha Madara.

In the same way, Uchiha Madara's gaze was also on Tomona's body. He had been guarding against himself and Uchiha's bastard who killed his brother, but he remembered it very deeply!

If it wasn't for Hashirama's face, he would have killed Tobima back then!

"Let's sit down first!" Huang Yuan, who was standing behind Fei Jian, took a step forward and walked towards the living room while talking.

There is a big show to watch tonight, and Tobima no longer looks at Uchiha Madara, with a faint smile on his face, "It's too much to meet an old friend and not call me! Big brother!"

"That... I was also called by Huang Yuan! Hahaha!" Zhu Jian hurriedly blamed Huang Yuan, the only junior present.

Uchiha Madara put down the wine glass in his hand, and he didn't believe a word of the old friend that Tomona said.

Looking at the smile on Fei Jian's face, he vaguely felt that the visitor was not kind.

He believed that the guy from Qianshoubeijian did not have any good intentions when he entered the house!

This is Uchiha Madara's most intuitive feeling.

Of course, Uchiha Madara didn't pay attention to the guy who was not as good as him before his life, and even worse now. He is confident that no matter what purpose Tomama has, it is impossible to affect him.

As Kizaru and Senju Tomona sat on the dining table in the living room, the atmosphere in the room became a little stiff, and Tomona and Uchiha Madara's faces became as cold as ice.

"Brother, what were you talking about just now?" Fei Jian took the initiative to break the silence of the scene.

"We were just talking about the old days." Zhujian said with a smile, and at the same time looked at Huang Yuan, suggesting that this good grandson-in-law quickly mediate the atmosphere.

In the conversation between the two just now, Hashirama made great efforts to persuade Uchiha Madara. In his opinion, some results have been achieved.

He couldn't think that because of his younger brother's appearance, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

Uchiha Madara poured himself a glass of sake in silence, took it up and drank it down, and then looked at Hashirama and Kizaru.

"It's getting late, I should go too."

"I think the time is quite early, why don't we talk again!" When Tomama was alive, he was never afraid of Uchiha Madara, and now, as an undead, he is not afraid.

"I have nothing to chat with you!" Looking at Tomona, Uchiha Madara's expression became more and more cold.

"I have nothing to talk to you about!" Speaking of this, Fei Jian paused for a while, looked at Huang Yuan, and said remindingly, "However, Huang Yuan has something to talk to you, but he knows A great big secret!"

Hearing Tobuma's words, Uchiha Madara frowned and looked at Kizaru. He didn't know what big secret the only junior he admired had made Tobima so proud!

Yes, Uchiha Madara feels very proud of the current Togama, in front of him! And a little schadenfreude!

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