Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 309 The evil taste of the yellow ape, Obito's apprenticeship with Mai Tedai?

When the persuasion failed, Yunshan was led by the children of Obito, and easily entered the Hokage building and found the Hokage office.

After learning from the Second Hokage-sama that Kizaru had left the office, the children easily inquired about Kizuru's location from several ninjas.

After running with the children, Yunshan was shocked!

He was shocked by Konoha's atmosphere of freedom and equality, which he had never experienced before when he was under Lord Zhushan.

Is it because the village of Konoha is too free, there is no distinction between upper and lower levels? Or is the background of these children with soil too powerful?

At this moment, Yun Shan's mind was full of doubts.

"Damn it! Hokage-sama is actually in the park, we made a trip for nothing!"

"Lazy at work, it really is that guy's style!"

"Kakashi, you can't say that about Hokage-sama!"

In the face of Lin's advice, Kakashi did not explain aloud, but put on a cold look that you don't understand.

"Kakashi, Lin is talking to you!" Obito reminded angrily.

"Idiot!" Kakashi squinted at Obito.

"Kakashi!" Obito raised his voice.

"Obituary!" Lin shouted hastily.

While the children were making noise, the group returned to the park and walked to the place where the yellow ape might be.

"That's Hokage-sama!" Obito, who was walking in the front, saw a slender figure lying on a wooden chair not far away.

"It's that guy!" Kakashi said with certainty.

"We'll be polite later!" Lin reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Obito said confidently, turning back and giving Lin a thumbs up.

After speaking, Obito quickened his pace and rushed forward at a trot.

"Obito!" Lin, worried, yelled and followed.

Kakashi and Yunshan followed closely behind and also followed.

"Master Hokage! I have a question that I want to ask you!" Obito ran to the wooden chair where Kizaru was lying, and said directly.

"Yo! You are here!" Holding the wooden chair with his right hand, Huang Yuan sat up slightly, half lying and half leaning on the back of the chair.

"You really know that we are looking for you!" Kakashi, who had just stepped forward, heard the hidden meaning from Kizaru's words.

"Who told you that your voice is too loud, noisy people can't sleep." Looking at Kakashi, Kizaru said with a smile.

"Cut!" Kakashi turned his head aside, not wanting to meet Kizaru's eyes.

"Sorry, Hokage-sama! We bothered you." Lin apologized very politely on behalf of everyone.

Standing behind the children, seeing Yunshan of the yellow ape, he opened his mouth, and was about to make an apology, but Obito robbed him of the words.

"Master Hokage, do you really know the sword technique that Kakashi said?" Obito asked impatiently.

"Sword skills? I do know a little bit." Huang Yuan said with a smile.

"Does that flying slash really exist?" Obito asked everyone's thoughts.

Looking at everyone with a smile, Huang Yuan asked slowly: "Do you want to see it?"

"Yeah!" Obito nodded excitedly.

Other people also looked forward to it, especially Yun Shan, who was a warrior, he was probably the one who looked forward to it the most among all the people present.

"Master Hokage, please forgive me, does such a slash really exist?" Yun Shan knew that his behavior was a bit abrupt, but he still couldn't help asking.

Huang Yuan twisted his neck, sat upright a little, and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Since you want to see it, I'll show it to you!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Yuan raised his right index finger in front of everyone.

Slightly turned sideways, pointing the index finger towards the forest on the right, Huang Yuan reminded: "Let's all watch carefully!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Yuan waved his right hand forward, raised his index finger and drew a miniature slash and flew forward, cutting off a tree trunk as thick as an adult man's thigh.

The upper half of the severed tree trunk fell to the side and hit the ground, shaking up some dust.

Yun Shan and the few children present were stunned by Huang Yuan's actions.

One finger can make such a terrifying slash, what kind of monster is the Fourth Hokage Kizaru-sama?

"This..." Yun Shan was shocked and speechless, he felt that he had spent the past twenty years in vain.

Is the gap between people so big?

If the Fourth Hokage used ninjutsu to cause such damage, Yunshan would not be surprised at all, and would simply think that Hokage-sama is very powerful!

But Hokage-sama's move just now has no seal at all, and there is no flow of chakra, it is a pure slash, and it is still slashed with one finger!

"Master Naruto, isn't this really ninjutsu?" Obito, who was dumbfounded, asked in disbelief.

"Idiot! Hokage-sama didn't use Chakra just now!" Kakashi reminded.

"Oh ho ho!" With a characteristic laugh, Kizuru raised his hand and pressed Obito's head, "Do you want to learn?"

"Can I? Can I really learn?" No child in Ninja Village can resist such a temptation.

Kakashi, who was standing beside Obito, also showed a look of excitement, looking at Kizaru helplessly, without speaking, just staring straight.

"Let me see if you have the qualifications, shall we?" Huang Yuan looked at Obito's body while speaking.

Seeing Hokage-sama's observing gaze, Obito stood up straight with his chest up.

"Do a hundred push-ups for me." Huang Yuan made a request to Obito.

After speaking, Kizaru looked at Kakashi at the side, "Kakashi, do you want to learn?"

Of course Kakashi wanted to learn, but having been teased by Kizaru countless times, he already had a heart of vigilance.

"Should I do push-ups too?"

"Of course! This kind of slashing is a test of physical fitness. If you can't even do a hundred push-ups, then you definitely can't learn it."

"Then I won't learn it!" Although there is no direct evidence, Kakashi has an intuition that the hundred push-ups were proposed by Kizaru to tease people.

"I can definitely do it!" Obito screamed passionately, lying on the ground directly, ready to start doing push-ups.

"1, 2, 3, 4" every time you make one, Obito will call out the number, which is not only to cheer yourself up, but also to the yellow monkey.

"Yunshan, please watch for me! I'm going to buy a bottle of coffee." Huang Yuan left the chair and stood up, stretching himself. Said to Yunshan.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" Yun Shan quickly replied, while thinking in his heart, should he also ask Hokage-sama later?

This kid with soil challenged a hundred push-ups, let's challenge a thousand by himself!

Kakashi stood there expressionlessly, watching Kizaru leave with a smile, he had a feeling that this vile bastard would be gone forever.

"14, 15, 16" Obito was doing push-ups seriously, while looking up at the figure of the yellow monkey leaving.

"You idiot was tricked, that guy won't come back!" Kakashi kindly reminded Obito after Kizaru walked away.

"Kakashi, don't disturb me!" Of course Obito didn't listen.

Seeing that the naive guy Obito didn't listen to persuasion, Kakashi didn't waste any time and just turned and left.

Kumoyama, who was supervising Obito doing push-ups, glanced at the back of Kakashi leaving, and then looked into the distance, trying to find the figure of Hokage-sama.

A character like Hokage-sama wouldn't be idle and teasing a child, right?

For some reason, Yun Shan felt a little uneasy.

Time passed by, and Obito, who had received family training, successfully completed 100 standard push-ups.

Sitting on the ground panting, Obito wiped his sweat with his hands while looking around, wanting to see if Hokage-sama is back.

"Hokage-sama is not really what Kakashi said, is he?" Obito also became a little apprehensive.

"Maybe Hokage-sama has encountered something. He has to manage the affairs of the village, so he must be very busy." Lin said with relief.

"It must be! Let's wait!" Obito said loudly.

I don't know how long it took, the sun in the sky was about to set, and the sky was already dark.

"Damn it, we were played by Hokage-sama." When things got to this point, even if Obito didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that what Kakashi said was right.

Hesitating to speak, it was the first time that Yunshan saw Hokage-sama's unscrupulous side, and felt that the image of that sama in his eyes split a bit.

Is this really Shadow of a Village?

To tease a child to play!

"Oh! You seem to have been waiting for a long time." Just when everyone was disappointed, the voice of the yellow ape came from a distance.

"Where have you been, Hokage-sama?" Obito asked a little dissatisfied when he saw Kizaru appear.

"I'm so sorry! I just got lost on the road of life." After receiving Tsunade and having dinner with him, Kizaru, who just wanted to come back to have a look, put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile.

"What? Such an excuse sucks." Obito complained.

"Then change it. I helped an old lady cross the road before, and she enthusiastically took her home for dinner." Huang Yuan walked in front of the three of them while speaking.

"Thank you, Yunshan!" Huang Yuan smiled and looked at Yunshan.

"It's not hard, it's just a trivial matter." Yun Shan said hastily.

"How is it? Did you finish the 100 push-ups with soil?" Huang Yuan continued to ask.

"It's done, the 100 push-ups are very standard!" Yun Shan praised.

Following Kumoyama's praise, Obito proudly puffed out his chest.

"Really? That's really amazing!" Huang Yuan looked at Obito and praised.

"Hey!" Touching the back of his head, Obito laughed shyly.

"Since you have passed the entry test, I will accept a teacher for you tomorrow. If you can learn from him, you will have the basics to learn slashing."

To be honest, Kizuru is a little curious, what kind of effect will it have if you give the warm-blooded and kind-hearted Obito to Matt Dai?

Uchiha's strongest taijutsu ninja? Or the shame of Uchiha?

"Hey! Can't I just learn from you? Hokage-sama!" Obito asked dissatisfied.

"The ninja I want to introduce to you is my chief disciple, a very powerful ninja in the village! If you can get his approval, you will definitely become one of the best ninjas in the village." Huang Yuan smiled Said.

"Really? I will definitely work hard!" Obito became excited again.

"Come on!" Huang Yuan encouraged.

After speaking, Huang Yuan looked up at the sky, and then at other people, especially the well-behaved Lin.

"Little sister, do you want to ask about ninjutsu?" Bending over to Lin, Huang Yuan asked with a smile.

Lin was born in a commoner ninja family, and she has a very well-behaved and sensible personality. She couldn't be as comfortable in front of Hokage as Obito and Kakashi were.

Facing the staring and questioning of the yellow ape, Lin was a little nervous.

"I can't do 100 push-ups." Lynn asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, do you want to learn other ninjutsu, such as medical ninjutsu?" Huang Yuan remembered that Lin was good at medical ninjutsu in the trio.

"Can I?" Lynn asked not very confidently.

For civilians, and even some small ninjutsu, medical ninjutsu is a very high-end and rare ninjutsu, and it is difficult for ordinary people to be qualified to learn it.

That is to say, after Huang Yuan reformed the ninja school and set up a medical class, children from ordinary backgrounds had the opportunity to come into contact with medical ninjutsu.

It is also because of this that the yellow ape is supported by many civilians.

Compared with ordinary ninjas licking blood on the knife edge, the path of medical ninjas is a better choice in terms of development prospects and safety.

Huang Yuan's reform is equivalent to giving these civilians a safer upward channel.

"I believe you can do it! If you want, I can recommend you to study in Muye Hospital. If you perform well, I can introduce you to a teacher." Huang Yuan said gently.

"Thank you Hokage-sama!" Although she is very young, the sensible Lin knows that the promise from Hokage is very precious!

"What a sensible child!" Huang Yuan stretched out his hand, put it on Lin's head, and rubbed it gently.

After rubbing, Huang Yuan stood up again, moved his body, and looked at Yunshan.

"It's really embarrassing to let you delay so much time! Why don't you let me treat you to dinner!"

"I'm going to go back and tell grandma." Obito shouted hastily.

"I want to go back and tell my family." Lin followed up.

"I'm sorry to trouble you again, Hokage-sama!" Yun Shan said a little embarrassedly.

"Hahaha! It's rare to have someone to accompany you for a drink, which is a good thing!" Huang Yuan said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Huang Yuan looked down at Obito and Lin, and said aloud: "You go back and inform your family! We will wait for you at the barbecue shop of Qiu Daojia."

"Okay, I'll be right back!"

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

After the two little guys finished speaking, they left happily together.

"Let's go too!" Huang Yuan looked at Yun Shan and said.

"Yes!" Yun Shan replied.

"Don't be so polite! We are all the same ordinary people during non-working hours and non-working places." Huang Yuan said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite, Hokage-sama!" Yun Shan said so, but no matter his expression or body, it showed that he didn't let go at all.

Huang Yuan put his arms around Yunshan's neck, and pulled the cautious little brother to his side, "If you keep being so cautious, I will get angry."

"I'll do my best!" Yun Shan smiled wryly.


Letting go of his hand on Yunshan, Huang Yuan laughed loudly.

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