In Hokage's office, after Kizaru finished explaining his new idea, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was fine, but he was just thinking about the feasibility, and Senshoubo, who had a lot of things to do, was not in a good mood.

"Well! Your plan is good, keep it for now, and talk about it later." Tokaima said expressionlessly.

"Ahem! Kizaru! There are too many things to do now, you should wait until all the ninja villages are merged before conducting research!" Seeing that Mr. Tomona had spoken, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said in agreement.

Showing a regretful expression, Huang Yuan, who is the hands-off shopkeeper, can't add more tasks to the two "beating workers", so he can only nod and agree: "Then let's put it later!"

In the following period of time, the ninja world fell into a strange peace. Under the deliberate control of the high-level, the ninjas of the five major ninja villages rarely had any conflicts.

Compared with the peace among ninjas, the nobles of various countries are very disturbed.

The more united the ninjas, the more uncomfortable the nobles will be!

When a group of professional fighters who have mastered extraordinary power no longer fight with each other, but gradually come closer to cooperate, what are they aiming for?

There is no need to think about this thing, the smarter nobles have already understood it.

Compared with nobles, there is another more sensitive group, that is, businessmen.

In the past, the nobles controlled the country's political economy, and the profit-seeking group of businessmen naturally approached noble officials who could bring them benefits.

Nowadays, ninjas have a tendency to unite. They are not going to play any power games, but are going to speak simply and rudely with force.

Such a change caused the merchants to immediately turn around, cut off from the nobles, and move closer to Ninja Village.

The most obvious point is that the supply of materials in each ninja village has not only not increased in price, but has dropped a lot.

On the merchant ship heading to the land of water, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama stood side by side on the deck, looking into the distance.

"Hashirama, I have a question that I want to ask you." After standing for a while, taking advantage of Nawaki's absence, Uchiha Madara asked a question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time, "Why did you support that kid from Konoha?" ?”

A smile appeared on his calm face, and Hashirama turned to look at Uchiha Madara beside him, "What you want to ask is, why do I support Kizaru's unification plan?"

Nodding, Uchiha Madara looked straight at Senju Hashirama, waiting for the friend's answer.

"I have talked a lot with Kizaru, and he told me that only unification can bring lasting peace." Senshou Zhujian replied.

An inexplicable anger rose in his heart, Uchiha Madara said in a questioning tone: "I told you so back then!"

Smiling and shaking his head, Senshou Zhujian said, "That's different."

Uchiha Madara feels even more angry, what Kizaru said is right, what I said is not okay?

"You only had a general idea at the beginning, but Huang Yuan has a specific program. He has a perfect plan for the future plan, and he has a perfect design for the construction and management of the new country. This is why I am willing to trust him."

Knowing what he said might make Madara angry, but Hashirama chose to tell the truth.

"Then you'd better pray that after three years, Huang Yuan won't be defeated by me. If he loses, everything you strive for will become a bubble that will burst at the touch of a touch."

After finishing speaking, the angry Uchiha Madara didn't want to talk to Hashirama, so he turned and left.

Watching Madara leave, Hashirama slapped his forehead with a sigh, some things he couldn't say clearly. Uchiha Madara thought that he and Kizaru were evenly matched, but it was just a situation deliberately created by Kizaru.

I hope that after three years, when my good friend is defeated by Huang Yuan, he will not make extreme decisions.


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, six months have passed.

Thanks to Ninja's efforts, the cultural school was completed in only three months.

Today, the cultural school has been operating normally for more than a month, and has enrolled more than 300 students in total.

Most of these students are villagers from Konoha, and the rest are recruited from all over the country of fire.

The teachers in the school include ninjas who have retired and transferred to other jobs, Konoha cultural people who have passed the assessment, and there are also prisoners who have performed well in the labor camp, passed the review, and have special skills.

The headmaster of the Bunka School, after discussion between Kizaru and Tobi, was handed over to Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

In addition to the establishment of the cultural school, Konoha has also completed the purge of the nobles in the country of fire in the past six months.

This matter was mainly handled by Danzo, and this man was really ruthless when he started his hands. I don't know how many nobles, the whole family was wiped out.

The death of a large number of nobles caused considerable turmoil throughout the Land of Fire.

These armed riots initiated by the fugitive nobles and noble retainers were easily suppressed by the ninjas sent by Konoha.

Today, the situation in the Land of Fire has become clear and stable. The newly emerging ruling class headed by Konoha Ninja Village and the poor nobles, commoners, and businessmen who have mastered cultural knowledge have initially completed the control of the Land of Fire.

"Kazuru, there is news from Qiandai that they have made all the preparations and hope to join us as soon as possible."

In the conference room, Kizaru sat on the main seat, Senshou Feima, Senshou Hashima, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Shimura Danzo sat on his left and right sides respectively.

Today's meeting will be a meeting recorded in history. From today, a new empire will be born.

"Then tell Chiyo, we will jointly announce to the outside world three days later that Konoha Village and Hidden Sand Village will be officially merged, and the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind will be officially merged!" Having made all the preparations, Kizaru looked around at everyone and said calmly Said.

There was joy on his face, and everyone present knew that a huge change sweeping the entire world would start from this meeting.

Sitting in the seat, looking at the yellow monkey, Danzo clenched his right hand, his eyes were full of excitement.

My dream for so many years will be realized in my nephew Kizaki, and Konoha will become the ruler of this land and this world.

Thinking of this, Danzo couldn't help but tremble all over.

"What about the daimyo and the remaining nobles?" Danzo asked with concern.

"According to the established policy, their privileged status will be banned, and all the land under their names will be nationalized. The rest of the property will be left to them, and all the rest will be confiscated." Huang Yuan said.

"Will there be any hidden dangers if they are left behind? I suggest, keep them all." Danzang said coldly.

"Danzo!" interrupted Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruza said, "This is a policy we have set before."

Gazing at Hiruzaru Sarutobi with dissatisfaction, Danzo didn't speak, but looked back at Kizaru again.

"As long as they don't resist and don't break the law, the daimyo and nobles are also members of the new country, and their lives will be guaranteed." Huang Yuan said calmly.

Nodding his head, Danzo no longer made any comments.

"I suggest that all the daimyos and cooperating nobles of the two countries be placed in the village." Tobuma suggested.

"I agree!" Danzo quickly echoed.

"Yes!" Huang Yuan agreed.

After speaking, Huang Yuan took a deep breath, left his position and stood up, supporting the table with both hands, looking at the people in front of him.

"Everyone, get ready! After the official announcement, we will not only accept the friends of Hidden Sand Village, but also directly ban the daimyo and the aristocracy. We will build an unprecedented country where everyone is legally Equality, a new nation of talents regardless of birth."

I took the high-speed rail back to Chengdu from my hometown. I was too tired after taking the high-speed rail for a day. I will update a chapter today.

Starting tomorrow, until the end of the month, three times a day! Compensation for the leave of absence some time ago!

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