Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 285 Reminder from the door, the sprites of the kingdom of ghosts!

"The nobles from the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind want to take refuge here?"

In the office, facing the news sent back by his subordinates, Sandai Raikage was stunned for a moment.

This... isn't this from casting a net?

Although the third generation of Raikage promised not to harm the daimyo, it does not mean that he has no interest in the power of the country of thunder.

The daimyo is so savvy that the third generation of Raikage happily dispatched his subordinates to seize the power of the country in a more gentle way.

"Tell this news to Konoha and Sand Yin." Third Raikage ordered.


"Also, let the daimyo play a show, and get out the list of those restless nobles and those nobles who want to come to take refuge."


"Go down!"

Hearing Boss Raikage's words, Yunyin Ninja, who came to report the news, left the office.

Konoha, when Huangyuan and Feijian received the news from Yunyin Village, they were all happy.

These guys are so smart! It's not good where to go, but I want to go to Yunyin Village, isn't this in a hurry to send money?

"The people from Yunyin said that they will send the list as soon as possible." Sitting on the seat, Feijian said with a smile.

"According to the laws of the Fire Nation, do these people count as treason?" Huang Yuan asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Tobuma said with certainty.

"This year, we're going to have a fat year." Facing all the money-giving boys, Huang Yuan was overjoyed.

"What should we do with those nobles who want to join us?" Looking at Huang Yuan, Fei Jian asked.

"As long as they are willing to give up their status as aristocrats, hand over the land, and split the family, they are allowed to keep a quarter of the property for dividing the family. In addition, the head of the family is allowed to act as an agent for the sales of the products of the scientific research institute. "For these people who voluntarily surrender, Huang Yuan is still willing to give them a little dignity.

"I think so too! The Kingdom of Fire is too big, and it's difficult to manage only by the ninjas in the village. We need to transform these old nobles and integrate them into our system." Tobuma said in agreement.

"I'll leave these matters to you, Grandpa Feijian!" Huang Yuan can set the general direction, but the specific implementation should be left to capable people!

A few days later, in the northeast of the Kingdom of Fire, the Muchuan clan, a wealthy local family, was the initiator and organizer of the Northern Escape from the Kingdom of Thunder.

Mu Chuanze, the patriarch of the Muchuan clan, originally thought of not fleeing north, but uniting the power of the nobles to fight against Konoha.

The failure and bleak end of An Shanxian's group really frightened Mu Chuanze and his allies.

Aware of the timidity of his allies and his own lack of confidence, Mu Chuanze chose to cut his tail to survive after struggling for a long time.

Temporarily abandon the vast territory and fields of the Mu Chuan family, and escape from the Fire Country.

There are two reasons for choosing the Land of Thunder.

One reason is that Mu Chuan's family is originally located in the northeast of the Fire Country, close to the Thunder Country, and has many connections with the noble merchants there.

The other is that the Kingdom of Thunder is the only country among the five major countries that has no rebellion in Ninja Village.

Based on these two considerations, Mu Chuanze set the direction of escape to the Land of Thunder.

"My lord, there is news from the Land of Thunder!"

A samurai hurried into Mu Chuanze's study, holding an unopened letter in his hand.

Excitedly standing up from his seat, Mu Chuanze stepped forward and took the document from his confidant.

Mu Chuanze opened the letter and read it eagerly.

A smile appeared on his face, and the content of the reply made Mu Chuanze very happy.

The daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder personally promised to accept everyone's support and give them the same level of nobility.

Of course, the daimyo couldn't give out the land. They only promised that they would be given priority in granting new land in the future.

Mu Chuanze was very satisfied with this, and he didn't have the extravagant hope that he would be rewarded with land as soon as he took refuge in the past.

Mu Chuanze is very satisfied to be able to retain the noble title of the same level.

Putting the letter away, Mu Chuanze raised his hand to signal his confidants who had retreated to the side to step forward.

"Contact several other noble families and ask them to come to this secret meeting tomorrow morning."

"Yes!" The subordinate replied respectfully.

"Go!" Mu Chuanze urged, with a smile still on his face.

On the second day, a secret meeting of nobles was held in Mu Chuanze to convey the good news from the Kingdom of Thunder, asking everyone to sell their fixed assets as soon as possible and prepare for relocation.

Except for Mu Chuan's family, several nobles attending the conference were delighted with the good news from the Kingdom of Thunder, but also a little bit worried.

People who leave their hometowns are cheap, and everyone in the Land of Fire is a powerful aristocrat with a territory. If they go to the Land of Thunder, they will lose everything except a noble title and accumulated wealth.

"Everyone, I know what you are worried about! Although we have temporarily lost our territory, as long as we are united, with the force we have at our disposal, it is enough to protect ourselves in the Land of Thunder." Seeing the concerns of his allies, Mu Chuanze was full of Said confidently.

Mu Chuanze recruited these noble families to move out together, in order to unite and recruit more force to ensure everyone's safety and power.

Under Mu Chuanze's persuasion, the other nobles finally made up their minds to sell their fixed assets and move out of Fire Nation with all their subordinates and trusted subordinates.

"Everyone, as long as we are united and cooperate sincerely, we will definitely be able to get back everything we lost in the future!"

In the end, Mu Chuanze stood up and impassionedly cheered up the morale of his allies.


"It's really embarrassing for so many fat pigs to co-operate to give us money!" Looking at the list sent by Yunyin Village, Huang Yuan said with a smile.

"I have already sent people to watch these companies. After they collect their assets and set off officially, they will be intercepted at the border of the Kingdom of Fire."

Walking on the forest path with Huang Yuan, Fei Jian's face was calm, only a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

This taunt is for those nobles!

Tobima has not forgotten that when he assisted his eldest brother in establishing Konoha Ninja Village, those nobles obstructed and suppressed him.

This account is all kept in his heart. He had no chance before, but now that the situation is in his hands, he must of course settle accounts with these nobles.

"Kusaru, Sagakushi has completed the internal cleanup of the Kingdom of the Wind, and Chiyo wants to know how long it will take for them to merge?" Asking the big tree beside him with his right hand.

"The village is still being expanded and built, let them wait!" Huang Yuan said aloud after estimating the current size and capacity of the village.

"Why don't you call Big Brother back!" When it comes to construction, the Wooden Dungeon in Hashirama is definitely a sharp weapon.

"The safety of the rope tree is extremely important, let Grandpa Zhujian accompany the rope tree!" After thinking about it, Huang Yuan refused.

"The nobles of the five major countries are not worth mentioning now, but there is one thing that you must be careful about." Feijian reminded with a serious expression, not knowing what he thought of.

"Oh! What's the matter?" Stopping, the yellow monkey looked curiously at Feijian.

"The witches and seals of the ghost country, as well as the temples of various countries." Feima replied.

"The kingdom of ghosts?" Receiving the reminder from Feijian, Huang Yuan thought of a certain theatrical version of the plot.

"The witches of the kingdom of ghosts have suppressed a monster named 'monsters'! The daimyos and nobles from all over the world respect the witches and maintain a good relationship. I am worried that those nobles will do something in a desperate situation. Do something extreme."

"In addition, in the temples of various countries, there are quite a few monks who have mastered Chakra. They have a close relationship with the nobles, and they may also secretly help these nobles."

"It's getting more and more interesting!" Huang Yuan said with a smile, keeping Tobima's words in mind.

"Don't be careless, those monks are not a big threat, but they are the 'monsters' of the ghost kingdom. According to the records, they have the ability to destroy the world." Worrying that Huang Yuan will carelessly underestimate the enemy, Feima said emphatically.

"When I'm free, I'll go to the Kingdom of Ghosts to see the situation." In order to reassure Tobima, Kizaru restrained his smile and showed a serious look.

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