Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 273 The domineering yellow ape wins people's hearts, the last dignity of the nobles!

Something is wrong! Very wrong!

Sitting in his old seat in the conference room, the third Raikage noticed the problem from his ally Onogi beside him.

Whether it was Ohnoki's intentional alienation of him when he first came in, or the smile between the two of them after Kizaru came in, it made Sandai Raikage feel uneasy.

Could it be that the old man Ohnoki betrayed himself and chose to join the yellow ape?

Thinking of this, the third Raikage was shocked and angry for a while!

Glancing at Onoki, who was smiling but not worried, looked beside him, and looked at the smiling Kizaru who was sitting in the main seat. The third Raikage knew that he might be in trouble today.

As expected by the third Raikage, at the beginning of the meeting, Kizaru changed from sitting still and watching the play leisurely yesterday, and took the initiative to take the lead in clearing responsibility for Ohnoki.

Although Onogi-senpai proposed to take the initiative to attack, it was also to eliminate the scourge Uchiha Madara as soon as possible, and to restore peace to the ninja world.

Questions aside, Ohnoki's intentions are good!

With Huang Yuan taking the lead, several other people also began to explain for Onoki.

The meeting has been up to here, although the third generation of Raikage is a little uncomfortable and a little angry, but he can still accept that it is nothing more than his allies turning to the enemy in order to survive.

In a certain sense, the third generation of Raikage can also understand Onogi's choice. After all, it is worthwhile to bow his head for a while in exchange for the survival of himself and his family.

But soon, the third generation of Raikage felt wrong, and the content of everyone's discussion gradually changed from whitewashing Onoki to accusations against himself.

What do you mean, that bastard Onogi made a wrong judgment because of his own influence?

What does it mean to put aside the issue of Onoki, don't you, a supporter of sending troops, have no responsibility?

bristle! With his face flushed with anger, the third Raikage in the conference room stood up excitedly, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and he stared at Onoki.

The third generation of Raikage never imagined that the allies whom he devoted himself to defending and prepared to advance and retreat with betrayed him, and prepared to use himself to take the blame!

No matter at any time, a traitor is always more hateful than an enemy. At this moment, the third Raikage wants to cut Onoki by his side and devour his flesh and blood!

"Three generations of Raikage, everyone is just exchanging questions, why are you so excited?" It was Chiyo who spoke, with a calm expression and even a little smile.

This kind of expression is usually friendly, but at this moment, in the eyes of the third generation of Lei Ying, it is full of sarcasm.

The anger almost broke through the shackles of reason, and the third Raikage slapped the table angrily, directly punching a big hole in the wooden table in front of him.

"You shameless bastards! I, Yunyin Village, withdraw from the Five Shadows Conference from now on!"

After finishing speaking, the three major Raikages turned around and looked at Onoki beside him, "Yun Yin and Yan Yin will always be mortal enemies!"

Onoki, who has a bit of conscience but not much, had a slight change in his expression when facing the cruel words put down by the third generation of Raikage. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to explain, but he still didn't say it in the end.

Some things, just do it, no matter how much you explain, it doesn't make sense.

"Third Raikage, how about listening to me?" Sitting on the main seat with a smile on his face, Kizaru was very calm about the third Raikage's gaffe and departure.

Stopping the footsteps that he had just stepped out, the third Raikage, who was still angry, turned sideways to look at the yellow monkey.

"Everyone has been discussing for so long, and the discussion has not come to a conclusion. Let me sum up one or two sentences! In my opinion, the murder of the daimyo and the nobles really makes people feel sad!

But I don't think it's necessary to say who should be held accountable! In terms of responsibility, it is only on Uchiha Madara, an inhuman villain. We chose to take the initiative to eliminate him as soon as possible, so that the ninja world can regain stability and peace!

In this world, there is no reason not to blame the bad people, but to blame the good people instead! Should a good person be pointed at with kunai? "

The anger on his face receded a lot, and instead he showed a shocked expression. The third Raikage was confused by what Kizuru said.

what does this mean? Isn't Huang Yuan going to take this opportunity to sell himself and Yunyin Village?

Using himself to push others, Sandai Raikage believed that if he was in the current position and situation of Kizaru, he would never let go of the opportunity to deal with the last enemy.

Turning around and facing Kizaru, Third Raikage's face became serious, "Fourth Hokage, what do you mean?"

Sitting upright, Huang Yuan said calmly and domineeringly: "My meaning is very simple! We are also very sad that the daimyo and nobles were killed. But it was just an accident, and we have no responsibility. If those nobles have any objections, let them come to find I talk!"

Open your eyes wide, Sandai Raikage did not expect Kizaru to be so domineering! This simply does not take the entire noble group into consideration.

Returning to his seat and sitting down, the third Raikage looked at Kizoru, feeling much more pleasing to the eye.

"Fourth Hokage is right! The daimyo and the nobles were killed, and the fault is all on Uchiha Madara. We have done our best." Chiyo quickly echoed.

Chiyo has long been disgusted with those daimyos and nobles, especially those stupid pigs from the Land of Winds!

"This matter is settled like this! The daimyo and the nobles were killed, and Uchiha Madara was at fault! Whoever has an opinion, come and talk to me, and I will take it all!" Speaking of this, Kizaru paused and looked around. Everyone asked calmly and imposingly, "Everyone, do you agree?"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Five voices of agreement sounded one after another, and everyone's eyes were focused on Huang Yuan, the leader of the alliance, feeling excited!

"Everyone, now that the daimyos and nobles from all over the world have been killed, the country needs us to stabilize the overall situation. After today's meeting, I suggest that everyone lead their teams back to the village, go to the capital, and support the new daimyos and officials to take up positions." The pronunciation of the word "support" has been emphasized to remind everyone.

The six people in the conference room, except for the third generation of Raikage, are all allies of Kizappa, and they all know Kizaki's plan, so they can naturally understand the deep meaning of his words.

To stabilize the situation and support the daimyo and officials, isn't it just to let everyone take the opportunity to intervene in the country's political affairs, so that the daimyo and those noble officials become real puppets!

Without any comments, everyone agreed in unison.

It's just that there are two people with strange expressions, one is the third-generation Raikage who is unaware, powerful and unintentional, and the other is the fourth-generation Mizukage who is aware and powerless.

After the meeting ended, Kizaru made a decision to stabilize the internal situation first, and then plan to eliminate Uchiha Madara, and both of them stayed.

The third Raikage stayed behind to express his gratitude to Kizaru for his protection today, and at the same time to ease the relationship between Yunyin and Konoha.

Onoki's backstab caused the alliance between Yunyin and Yanyin to collapse from within, leaving only the lonely Yunyin Village, which has absolutely no power to fight against Konoha.

At this time, in the name of gratitude, it is the best choice to lower your head and move closer to Konoha.

As for the fourth generation of Mizukage Goju Yagura staying, it is purely for help, his Mizukage is just empty now, and most of the rights in Wuyin Village belong to Master Yuan.

Kuju Yakura understood what Huang Yuan said at the meeting, but he was really powerless and couldn't do it!

For this reason, Goju Yakura, who had no choice but to stay, explained the difficulties to Kizuru, and it would be best to get support.

The two stayed at the same time, and the scene was a bit awkward. With outsiders present, it was difficult for both of them to talk.

Looking at the two people who stayed behind, Huang Yuan could guess why they stayed behind.

"Third Raikage, please wait for a while in the lounge next door. I'll come to you after I've chatted with Fourth Mizukage." The matter with Kutachi Yakura is just a trivial matter, and Kizaru is going to solve it quickly no big deal.

Nodding his head, the third generation of Raikage, who was already asking for help, turned around and walked out of the meeting room without any objection.

"Fourth Mizukage, I understand your difficulties. Don't worry, I will let the second Hokage, Senshou Feijian, lead Konoha's ninjas to secretly go to Kirigakure Village, and cooperate with you to control the real power of Kirigakure." Tachibana Yakura opened his mouth, and Kizaru answered directly.

With a look of surprise on his face, Goju Yagura said gratefully: "Fourth Hokage, thank you for your help!"

Standing up with a smile, Kizuru walked up to Goju Yakura, reached out and patted his shoulder, "No need to thank, this is all for our common interests!"

"Yeah!" Kutachi Yagura replied with a relaxed smile.

After solving the problem of Kuju Yakura, Kizuru chatted with him for a few more words, mainly to explain the problem of Orochimaru, and once again promised to resurrect his wife, and ensured that the villagers of Kirigakure have a bright future.

The chat ended in a pleasant atmosphere, and Kizaru smiled and sent him out of the meeting room.

After bidding farewell to Kutachi Yakura, Kizaru came to the lounge next to the meeting room, ready to take over the last of the Five Kages.


At night, the shadows of each village have left Konoha with their ninjas, and embarked on the journey back to the village.

The killing of daimyos and nobles from the Six Kingdoms was also officially announced, which caused a great uproar among the Konoha and Ninja Village coalition forces.

The exchange between Huang Yuan and the third generation of Raikage was not a complete success, but it was more than half a success.

Compared with other ninja villages, Yunyin Village is more like a large-scale society, which pays great attention to loyalty.

Before the daimyo and nobles of the Land of Thunder did not feel sorry for Yun Yin, even the third generation of Raikage could not let all the ninjas of Yun Yin follow him and overthrow the rule of the Land of Thunder, let alone merge with Konoha to form a Ninja superpowers.

The third generation of Raikage actually appreciates the grand plan proposed by Kizaru, but he can't do it, and he can't do it, he can only show his attitude that he will cooperate with Kizuru's plan.

In this regard, Kizaru is not disappointed. It is enough for the third generation of Raikage to have this tendency. He is confident that Konoha will become a place that everyone yearns for.

As for whether the third generation of Raikage will agree on the surface, actually backstab, and leak his plan, Huang Yuan is not worried.

Now that the yellow ape and Konoha are in control, a mere Yunyin Village and the Kingdom of Thunder cannot afford to turn too big a wave.

If the third generation of Raikage chooses to betray, reveal the plan, and unite all the daimyo and noble forces to besiege Konoha, Kizaru will be happy to see it. He can just take this opportunity to clean up these hostile forces at once.

In Shimura's house, where Kizaru lived, he was sitting opposite his uncle Danzo.

Huang Yuan invited Danzo to come here for the follow-up plan.

"Uncle, the news that the daimyo and the nobles were murdered has been announced, and the capital will receive the news by tomorrow night at the latest."

"What are we going to do? Should we take the opportunity to kill all the nobles in the capital directly?" Danzo didn't say the last words, but the meaning was obvious.

"Too much." Huang Yuan vetoed, "I hope you, in the name of stabilizing the situation and expressing your condolences, lead a team to the capital to support the new daimyo and officials."

"The daimyo's youngest son, who is only four years old this year, is the right candidate." Ever since he learned of Kizaru's ambitions and plans, Danzo has been paying attention to the situation of the daimyo and the nobles in the capital.

"That's really great, the young lord is on the throne, and needs our support!" Huang Yuan said approvingly.

"You can rest assured to leave the affairs of the capital to me! I will do it seamlessly." Danzo promised.

"Don't make trouble, now we need stability and decency!" Huang Yuan reminded.

With a cold smile, Danzo replied: "I will give them a face."

"Then please." Huang Yuan said with a smile.

In fact, since Huang Yuan decided to hand over the affairs of the capital government to Danzang, he has shown his attitude.

The daimyo and nobles must be suppressed, killed, and turned into puppets, but they must also maintain their dignity in the open!

"I will ask the head of the Nara clan to go with you. There are many members of their clan in the government office, assisting the noble officials to handle affairs, and can help you." Huang Yuan said.

"Yes!" Danzo replied.

"In addition, when you go to the capital this time to arrange new officials, you can promote more down-and-out nobles and educated civilians, give them power, and give them treatment." Huang Yuan continued.

"You want to provoke a conflict between them." Danzang immediately understood what Huang Yuan meant.

Smiling and nodding, Huang Yuan admitted.


Kirigakure Village, the center of the village is in a mess, some of the Kirigakure ninjas who stayed behind in the village looked at Uchiha Madara in the sky in horror and despair.

Standing in front of many ninjas, the elder Genshi Kirigakure was full of remorse.

When the Fourth Mizukage came back, he conveyed the decision of the Five Kages Conference to bring all the two tailed beasts from Wuyin Village to Konoha.

Yuanshi was worried that Konoha would suppress the tailed beast and would not return it, so he only let the fourth Mizukage take away the three-tailed Jinchuriki, and kept the six-tailed ninja under the pretext that it was inconvenient to move because it was not sealed in the ninja body.

The result is better now, Uchiha Madara really came, not only snatched Liuwei, but also destroyed the village, causing a lot of casualties.

Seeing the collapsed houses around and the lifeless corpse of Kirigakure ninja, Yuanshi's heart was bleeding.

Instead of being like this now, it's better to let the fourth Mizukage bring Liuwei to Konoha.

In that case, even if the Tailed Beast cannot be kept, at least Kirigakure Village will not be attacked by Uchiha Madara, killing and injuring so many ninjas.

Looking down indifferently on the dead and quiet ants below, Madara Uchiha, who has already got six tails, has no interest in slaughtering these wastes.

Leaving only an indifferent look in his eyes and a lonely back, Uchiha Madara took Liuwei and flew away from Kirigakure Village.

Seeing Uchiha Madara leave, many of the surviving ninjas in Kirigakure Village slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

With a sway, Master Yuan barely stabilized his figure, turned his head to look at the ruins beside him, and gave an order: "All those who can move, start rescue."

"Yes!" In response, the surviving Kirigakure ninjas began to spread to the surrounding ruins, looking for survivors.

After all the ninjas around him left, Master Yuan sighed heavily and closed his eyes.

I regret it!

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