Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 267 Orochimaru defected, Sarutobi Hiruzen kept in the dark

"Huang Yuan's ambition is so big?"

Sand Hidden Village, Chiyo's home, she sits next to her younger brother Ebizo, talking about Kizaru's plans for the future.

There are no tailed beasts in Hidden Sand Village now, and the possibility of being attacked by Uchiha Madara is almost zero. Chiyo who returned to the village is not as anxious as other shadows of Ninja Village.

After returning to the village, Chiyo first arranged for someone to contact the daimyo and made a request for an interview.

Then, Chiyo found his younger brother Ebizo, returned home with him, and relayed Kizaru's plan to establish a new country belonging to ninjas.

"I've already agreed to Kizaru, but I'm not sure, is it a good thing to participate in this plan?" With a wry smile, Chiyo looked at Ebino, hoping to get some advice from this clever younger brother.

"I think it's good." With a smile, Hai Laozang expressed his support.

"I worry"

"I know what you're worried about, sister! Think about it seriously, is it difficult to establish a unified country by force with the current strength of Kizaru?" Ebizo asked.

"It's not difficult!" Chiyo admitted.

"The reason why Kizaru didn't use force to force the unification, I speculate that he has greater goals and ambitions, what he wants to build is an empire that has been prosperous from the beginning, Uchiha Madara's appearance gave him this opportunity.

If my guess is correct, Uchiha Madara will not be wiped out in a short time. Not because he is strong, but Kizaru and Konoha need a Uchiha Madara. "

"Could it be that Uchiha Madara was created by Konoha?" Chiyo said in surprise.

"Probably not, it's just that Uchiha Madara just appeared at a suitable time point." Regardless of whether this kind of thing is true, Ebizo must say no.

"It's too coincidental." Chiyo roughly understood what his younger brother was thinking.

"So, destiny is on Konoha, on Kizaru!" Ebino sighed, "We boarded a big ship."

"Yeah!" Chiyo rejoiced at her choice.

"Sister, we have to make all the preparations! When Huang Yuan needs it, give him the village and the country!"

Now that you have decided to sell, then sell it quickly and try to sell it at a good price!

"I'll leave these things to you." As before, Chiyo entrusted these things to his younger brother.

"Leave it to me!" Hai Laozang replied confidently.

In the next few days, although the shadows of each village had their own goals and ideas, they still tried their best to promote the resolutions agreed upon by everyone at the Five Shadows Conference.

After knowing the threat of Uchiha Madara, most of the daimyos and nobles from all over the world agreed to the plan to go to Konoha very cooperatively.

Here, the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, after agreeing, habitually ridiculed Sha Yin Village, and used Sha Yin's incompetence as an excuse to further reduce the funding and material subsidies for next year.

Instead of spending money on you guys, I might as well just spend money hiring Konoha ninjas to protect me!

These are the original words of the daimyo of the country of wind.

For such a stupid daimyo, Chiyo almost couldn't hold back and slaughtered the fat pig.

Of course, although he held back at the scene, Chiyo still made a note of the daimyo and the nobles in his heart, and was going to kill them all when Kizaru started the nation-building plan.

In addition to the wonderful work of the daimyo of the land of wind, the daimyo of the land of water also has a moth.

This daimyo has always had a strong distrust of Wuyin Village, and he always feels that Wuyin Village has a heart of rebellion.

He has been hesitant and unwilling to agree to the decision to form the Ninja Village coalition discussed at the Five Kages Conference.

If it weren't for the persuasion of the daimyo of the land of thunder and the daimyo of the land of fire, perhaps the suspicious daimyo of the land of water would have vetoed the decision to form the Ninja village coalition.

Seeing the daimyo's hesitation and no one's appearance in his eyes, Kutachi Yakura couldn't help but think of the last words that Kazekage Chiyo left for himself.

We who have the strongest force, why should we obey the orders of daimyo and nobles?

At that time, Kutachi Yagura was only shocked by Chiyo's boldness, but now he gradually understands the senior's thoughts.

These nobles who rely on the so-called noble blood and rule the country, are they worthy?

In Goju Yakura's heart, there was an answer faintly.

On the seventh day after the Five Kages Tournament ended, and on the third day after Churiki, the Tailed Beastmen from the ninja villages of Umoin and Iwain, arrived in Konoha, Kizaki was in Hokage's office and urgently summoned Konoha's elder Sarutobi Hirzen.

At this time, it was already night, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who was resting at home, rushed to Hokage's office under the urgent notice of Anbu.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, Sarutobi Hiruzen had a premonition in his heart that something serious happened in the village.

Walking into Hokage's office, seeing Kizaru sitting on the seat with a serious face, and Danzo and Tobima-sensei standing on the right side of the desk, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart rose to his throat.

"Kizawaru, what happened?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi hurriedly asked after closing the door of the office.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Huang Yuan said in a bad tone: "Mr. Sarutobi, something happened to Senior Brother Orochimaru."

"What's wrong with him?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked uneasily as the only person in the office who didn't know the defection plan as he walked quickly to the desk.

"Oshemaru him." Huang Yuan couldn't bear to speak.

"Let me tell!" Danzo rushed to say, "Oshemaru violated the village regulations and conducted cruel human experiments in private."

Eyes widened, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said unwillingly: "This is impossible! Orochimaru promised me."

"This is evidence, you can see for yourself!" Danzo picked up the photo paper evidence at hand and handed it to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After receiving the evidence from Danzo's mouth, Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked through it eagerly.

Looking at the bloody content on the photo, and at the status quo of the laboratory recorded on the paper documents, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's usually extremely steady hand trembled uncontrollably.

"Kisaki, what are you going to do?" After reading the evidence, Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Kizun.

"Catch Orochimaru and put him in prison." Huang Yuan said seriously.

His lips moved, Hiruzaru Sarutobi wanted to speak for his second favorite disciple, but he held back in the end.

It's not because Tomona-sensei is in the office, but Sarutobi Hiruzak understands that Orochimaru has really crossed the line and committed an unforgivable crime.

"I agree!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said with difficulty.

"Mr. Sarutobi, then please go and arrest Orochimaru together with Elder Danzo. The impact of this incident is too bad, so we must act in secret." Kizaru issued an order.

"Yes!" With a bitter expression, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt pity for his disciple, anger, and a trace of self-blame in his heart at this moment.

He felt that he, as a teacher, had a great responsibility for Dashewan to get to where he is today.

Walking up to Hiruzaru Sarutobi, seeing his old friend's uncomfortable expression, Danzo wanted to laugh, but he still showed a sympathetic and caring expression very professionally.

"Ri Zhan, let's go!"

Nodding silently, Hiruzaru Sarutobi followed Danzo and left Hokage's office.

"If Hiruzen makes a move, Orochimaru will not be his opponent if he doesn't reincarnate with the dirty soil." Tobuma understands that Kizaru pursues realism and conceals the arrangement of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but he is worried that Orochimaru's plan to defect will be unknowingly Hiruzen Sarutobi was destroyed.

"Don't worry! Grandpa Feijian! Teacher Sarutobi won't make a move." Huang Yuan said confidently.

Hearing Huang Yuan's words, thinking about Ri Zhan's character, Fei Jian said with emotion: "The little monkey is still too soft-hearted."

Indeed, as Kizaru expected, when Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo brought a few rooted ninjas to Orochimaru's temporary underground base outside Konoha Village, after seeing his disciples, he really softened his heart .

Wearing armor and holding a golden cudgel transformed into a psychic beast, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who blocked Orochimaru at the passage, looked at his disciple with a complicated expression.

"Oshemaru, why did you do this?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked incomprehensibly.

"I'm just exploring the essence of ninjutsu, you won't understand, Sarutobi-sensei." Orochimaru looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly.

"Come back with me, you still have a chance!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi persuaded.

"It's too late, Sarutobi-sensei!"

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru rushed forward, brushing past Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Hizun, what are you doing?" Danzo, who was standing on the other side of the passage, questioned after seeing Sarutobi Hirzen let go of Orochimaru.

"I" Hiruza Sarutobi still didn't defend himself in the end, "I will bring him back."

After finishing speaking, Hiruzaru Sarutobi turned around and chased in the direction Orochimaru left.

Seeing Hiruzen Sarutobi chasing Orochimaru, Danzo suddenly regretted what he had asked, and hurriedly chased after him.

damn it! If Ri Zhan really stopped Orochimaru, the plan would have failed!

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