Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 265 Taking advantage of the victory to pursue

"Everyone, how was the meeting in the morning?"

Sitting on the main seat with a smile on his face, Kizaru looked at the people who came in and sat down, especially Ohnoki and Sandai Raikage.

Huang Yuan's knowingly asking, let Onogi and Sandai Raikage, who had just figured it out just now, and their moods had begun to calm down, suddenly returned to the experience in the morning.

If it is said that the second Hokage Hikage relied on strength, calmness, and wisdom to make Ohnoki and the third Raikage feel scruples and uncomfortable.

That yellow ape is simply relying on the stinky mouth!

The most uncomfortable thing for the two of them is that the yellow ape, who has a bad mouth and likes to pierce the heart, is especially good at fighting.

You can't talk about it, you can't beat it, it's really helpless!

Unlike the second meeting in the morning, in the Five Kages meeting that continued in the afternoon, Konoha and Tobima both attended, but Ohnoki and Sandai Raikage did not bring their guards.

The two who had already agreed to Konoha's conditions without losing their core interests, didn't want to lose face in front of their valued juniors, so they asked the guards to wait outside the meeting room.

"It was a good talk!" It was Chiyo who spoke, and she, who had completely fallen for Konoha, really felt that the talk was very good.

Glancing at Chiyo with dissatisfaction, Onogi and Sandai Raikage sat down in their respective seats.

"Senior Tomona, after thinking about the second suggestion you made this morning, I think it makes sense. We can't disperse our limited power now. I agree with your proposal." Just as he sat down, Ohnoki expressed his attitude first.

"I agree too." Three generations of Raikage followed suit.

The big reversal of their attitudes surprised everyone except Huang Yuan and Feijian, and they cast their eyes on them.

After the two finished speaking, Fei Jian and Huang Yuan, who were sitting next to each other, laughed in unison.

"It seems that you guys had a good chat this morning!" Huang Yuan said with a smile.

"Fourth Hokage, Madara Uchiha is the enemy of all of us. We hope that we can form a Ninja Village coalition force as soon as possible to eliminate them." Ohnoki continued.

"We need to consult the daimyo for this matter." Huang Yuan replied using what Ohnoki said in the morning.

"After the Five Kages Conference is over, I will obtain the daimyo's authorization as soon as possible." Ohnoki replied.

"Everyone, Uchiha Madara will not be eradicated for a day, and the ninja world will be restless for a day. I hope everyone can put aside their personal grievances, unite and eliminate them as soon as possible!" Standing up, the third Raikage made a proposal full of emotion.

Applauding, looking at the third Raikage with a smile on his face, Kizaru said cooperatively: "The third Raikage is right, we must unite."

After the two finished speaking, others followed suit, and the atmosphere at the scene became heated.

"I propose that Kizaru be the commander of the Ninja Village coalition forces! In the attack of Uchiha Madara in the morning, Kizaru proved his strength." Strike while the iron is hot, Chiyo began to play his role.

"I agree!" Hanzo said immediately afterward, while cursing inwardly, he was one step too late.

"I agree!" Fourth Mizukage Yakura followed suit.

"I agree!"


Onogi and Raikage III, who had reached a consensus, did not object as they did in the morning.

"Since everyone trusts me, I will take the position of commander-in-chief." Having reached this point, there is no need for Huang Yuan to shirk hypocritically.

"However, the ugly thing is to say that I have become the commander in chief, and the ninjas in each village must obey my arrangements. Anyone who disobeys orders will be dealt with according to ninja rules."

"It's natural!" This time, Hanzo was ahead of Chiyo.

"As long as it is the matter of conquering Uchiha Madara, everything will follow your arrangement." Ohnoki said emphatically.


Holding Nanao Jinchuriki of Takigakure Village in his hand, Uchiha Madara returned to the underground base of the Country of Grass.

Throwing Nanao Jinchuriki in front of the Golem of the Outer Way, Uchiha Madara cast a wooden clone and began to perform ninjutsu, extracting the Nanao in Jinchuriki's body into the Golem of the Outer Way.

"Master Madara, it's all my incompetence, me." Standing under Uchiha Madara, Kuroze lowered his head and looked at Madara cautiously.

Raising his hand to signal Heijue to shut up, Madara went to the wooden chair in front and sat down.

"Hei Jue, I'll give you a new mission."

Looking at Madara, Heijue waited for the task content.

"When I attacked Konoha, Hashirama and Togama were summoned by Konoha's ninja. I suspect that someone of them has perfected the forbidden technique invented by that guy in Togama. Go and help me find that forbidden technique and give it to me. bring back."

"Yes!" Hei Jue replied.

"The name of the forbidden technique is Dirt Reincarnation, go!" Uchiha Madara waved his hand.

Attacking Konoha and sweeping the ninja world with an invincible posture is Uchiha Madara's plan after returning to his youth.

But the growth of the yellow monkey was beyond Madara's expectation, so he had to face up to this young junior.

With the yellow ape around, it is unrealistic to quickly capture nine tailed beasts with the momentum of thunder.

Although Uchiha Madara is proud, he is not arrogant. He will make appropriate changes according to the situation.

If blitz doesn't work, then the possibility of a protracted game must be considered.

As long as the shadows of the other ninja villages are not fools, after seeing their actions, they will definitely unite under the leadership of the yellow monkeys to prevent their plans to capture the tailed beasts.

If you want to catch the tail beast under the obstruction of the yellow ape, you need more and stronger manpower.

The appearance of the dead Hashirama and Togama gave Uchiha Madara inspiration. Konoha can use Dirty Reincarnation to summon Hashirama and them to fight, so can he also use Dirty Reincarnation to create a group of ninja troops to hold back the yellow monkey and the five The other ninjas in Ninja Village create opportunities for themselves to catch tailed beasts.

The army of ninjas reincarnated from the dirt, together with the 100,000 Baijue army he created, can definitely draw most of the energy of the yellow monkey and the five great ninja villages.

At that time, will the yellow ape still have the energy to keep an eye on all the tailed beasts?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara became more determined to get the perfect version of the forbidden technique of reincarnation.

With Uchiha Madara's mission, Hei Ze, who left the underground base, sneaked all the way through the earth, and arrived at Konoha that night.

When Hei Jue found Huang Yuan, Huang Yuan was in the Qianshou family's house, talking with Fei Jian about the gains and losses of the daytime meeting.

In the afternoon meeting, Huang Yuan got the commander-in-chief of the Ninja Alliance and all the powers of rewards and punishments.

At the same time, the golden pair of Kizaru and Tobima pursued the victory at the meeting, and first used a protection fee price that was too high for others to accept, which aroused the opposition of Ohnoki and Raikage III.

After some debate, Kizaru put forward what he really wanted, that is, Konoha's products could enter other countries freely, in unlimited quantities, and without paying customs duties.

Regarding Kizaru's request to back down, Onoki and Sandai Raikage hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

In their opinion, compared to giving Konoha money in real money, the amount lost by opening up the national market, allowing Konoha products to enter and sell at will, and exempting Konoha products from tariffs is much smaller.

Onogi and Raikage Midai also know about the industrial and commercial products that Konoha has produced in the past few years. They are all things that are not available in their own country. When these products enter the market, they will have little impact on the merchants in their own country, let alone cause the loss of noble interests.

Moreover, compared with the huge loss of the protection fee, the concession of opening the market and exempting tariffs can be canceled after Uchiha Madara is eliminated.

In this way, the loss of money on my side will be even less, which is equivalent to earning in cash.

At this time, the two wise men didn't know that the decision they made today had already planted the seeds for the country's bankruptcy and demise.

The dialogue between Tobima and Onoki is so difficult to write! Writing is slow and a headache.

Tomorrow's plot doesn't need to be such a headache, it will be faster and more.

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