Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 257 A Dinner Party That Changed the Ninja World

What is a surprise?

Hanzo, who is far away in Yuyin Village, the Land of Rain, well embodies what is called surprise!

First, the third Ninja World War broke out suddenly, and then stopped suddenly. Hanzo, who was still struggling in Yuyin Village, whether to come out to support Konoha Ippawa and improve the favorability of both parties, was directly confused by the situation. What kind of tricks are the big ninja villages playing?

Just when Hanzo couldn't figure out the situation and was blind with his hands, Konoha's message came, and the Fourth Hokage Kizaru invited him to participate in the upcoming Five Kage Conference in Konoha.

Upon receiving the news, Hanzo shuddered on the spot, filled with joy and surprise.

The joy is that, as the leader of Ninja Village in a small country other than the Five Great Nations, I have actually obtained the qualification to participate in the Five Kages Conference, the top meeting in the ninja world.

Surprisingly, what happened in the ninja world, so that several major countries that have already been fighting are willing to let go of their hatred, choose to stop the war, and go to Konoha to participate in the Five Kages Conference.

There must be something big happening in the ninja world that I don't know about.

After receiving the news, Hanzo recruited his confidants without any hesitation, and after making arrangements for leaving, he left Yuyin Village with a team of confidant elites.

Hanzo is so decisive, on the one hand, participating in the Five Kages Conference has a great reputation blessing for him, the leader of the small Ninja Village who is not a member of the Five Great Nations, and on the other hand, it is also out of trust in Konoha and New Hokage Kizaru.

Ever since he was defeated by Konoha in the Second Ninja World War and maimed by Kizaru, Hanzo has given up his unrealistic ambition to fight for hegemony, and embraced Konoha's thigh instead, obeying Konoha's instructions externally and internally Suppressing dissatisfaction, and constantly stabilizing his rule.

The current Hanzo really doesn't have any big ambitions, he just wants to take the position of the boss of Yuyin Village well and pass it on to his descendants safely in the future.

In addition, under the reform promoted by Kizaru, Konoha's advanced technological products are constantly being introduced, and the economy has become more and more prosperous. As Konoha's younger brother, Hanzo and his forces have truly enjoyed the benefits brought about by Konoha's development. benefit.

The family created by Hanzo, and the ninjas who followed him, have almost monopolized the sales rights of Konoha products in the Land of Rain, and can obtain high profits from it every year.

Whether it is the current Hanzo or the high-level officials of Yuyin Village, even if other big countries contribute money and efforts to encourage them to go to war with Konoha, they will immediately tie up the envoy of the enemy country and send Konoha to show their sincerity.

Everyone is not a fool, we follow Konoha to eat meat and drink soup, what do you do with Konoha?

Let's not talk about you ninjas from big countries, can you beat Konoha? Take ten thousand steps back, even if you can beat Konoha, what can we gain from following you in Yuyin Village?

You really won Konoha, the fertile land of the Land of Fire, will you share it with us? Konoha's ninjutsu, are you willing to share it with us? The most that can be distributed to us is nothing more than the wealth of some nobles.

Everyone can clearly tell the difference between staying up and eating for a day.

Everyone in Yuyin Village, who understood this, has long since become Konoha's loyal allies.

As the boss of Yuyin Village and the number one speaker of the pro-Konoha faction in the village, Hanzo understands this even more, so as soon as he received the flying letter from the Kizaru faction, he left immediately without any hesitation.

The boss has already spoken, and even took the initiative to save face. As the younger brother, of course, he should arrive as soon as possible to express his loyalty and gratitude.

When Hanzo left Yuyin Village, with the Uchiha criminals prepared by Kizaru, Hei Ze had already arrived in the Country of Grass.

When Hei Ze rushed to the underground base of Grass Country, Uchiha Madara was already waiting there.

"Master Madara, I brought someone here, a Uchiha Jonin." Throwing the unconscious Uchiha Jonin in front of Uchiha Madara, Kuroze said respectfully.

"You went to Konoha?" Looking down at the thin Uchiha Jonin, Uchiha Madara asked expressionlessly.

"The orphans of the Uzumaki clan are hiding anonymously in various parts of the ninja world. It is really hard to find them. In order to complete your mission as soon as possible, I ventured into Konoha Prison and took this Uchiha Jōnin from there."

Looking down at this Uchiha ninja from Konoha Prison, Uchiha Madara took a step forward and checked the person's physical condition with Chakra.

"Give him a transplant of intercolumnar cells, which is barely usable."

"I thought so too." Hei Jue said with a smile.

"You did a good job, Heijue!" Satisfied with Heijue's execution, Uchiha Madara said in praise.

"This is what I should do." Not daring to take credit, Hei Jue bowed his head and said modestly.

Konoha, in the Hokage Building, Kizaru sat in his seat, and his confidant, Anbu Captain Sakumo Hatake stood in front of him.

Just now, Kizuru revealed his package plan to Hatake Sakumo, his trusted confidant.

Like everyone else who heard about Kizaru's plan, Hatake Sakumo's expression was full of shock and complexity.

After a while of silence, Hatake Sakumo's answer was also very interesting. He didn't agree or disagree, but answered that he was willing to follow Kizaru's arrangement.

"Brother Shuo Mao, you are one of my most trusted friends. Now we have no difference. I just want to hear your most sincere thoughts from your mouth." Like-minded comrades, not subordinates who obey arrangements.

"I'm just worried, are we really capable of managing such a large country?" Sakumo Hatake expressed his worries.

A country like the Land of Fire needs a large number of nobles and officials to manage it. He really couldn't imagine how to manage it after Konoha wiped out the nobles and occupied the entire continent.

"There are not enough people, so we should cultivate them. We can't choose to give up because of difficulties." Huang Yuan certainly knows the difficulty of managing such a large country.

If it wasn't for worrying about governance issues after reunification, Huang Yuan would have chosen the simple model a long time ago, and just pushed it across the board without thinking, and let's talk about occupying the land.

"If that's the case, I have no objection, and I support this plan." What Sakumo Hatake is most worried about is that Kizaru becomes famous at a young age, his ambition is too high, and his steps are too big, causing the world to fall into chaos.

At that time, Huang Yuan's wisdom will be ruined, and he will become a tyrant that everyone despises!

This is something Hatake Sakumo doesn't want to see, he is sincerely thinking about Kizaru.

Laughing happily, Kizaru left his seat and walked up to Sakumo Hatake, "I promise, you won't regret today's decision, we will create a new world together, a new world where peace will come forever! "

"I really want to see such a new world!" Hatake Sakumo said longingly.

"Hahaha! Come with me, I will take you the first step into the new world."

After speaking, Kizaru walked out of the Hokage office and the Hokage building with the curious Sakumo Hatake.

It was already afternoon, and the sun began to set. Under the afterglow, the two walked towards the Qianshou Clan's clan.

There is a reason why Kizaru chose to show his cards to Hatake Sakumo today and pull him into the core team. He is going to decide one thing today, a big thing that will shock the whole world in the future!

In the main house of the Senju Clan, Chiyo Kazekage, the fourth generation of Sagakure Village, and Hanzo of Ugakure Village, all sat in the reception room, and they were received by Tsunade, Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo.

Regarding the invitation of the two leaders of Shayin Village and Yuyin Village here by Kizaru, Hiruzaru Sarutobi doesn't know the inside story for the time being, he was brought by the smiling Danzo.

Along the way, Hiruza Sarutobi was asking Danzo the reason, but Danzo didn't give an answer, he only said that there would be a major event that would change the structure of the entire ninja world tonight, so Hiruza Sarutobi should not miss it.

The more Danzo said that, the more curious Sarutobi Hiruzen became, and at the same time he was a little uneasy. He was really frightened by the unconstrained ideas and unparalleled ambitions of this disciple of Kizaru from time to time.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't know about it, and Chiyo and Hanzo, who came to the dinner party, didn't even know about the situation. They were also very curious about the purpose of the private banquet held by Kiazaru tonight.

Without making the people present wait long, Kizaru, who got off work early, took Hatake Sakumo and pushed open the wooden door of the reception room.

"Oh ho ho! You didn't wait long!" With one hand in his pocket and the other on the door, Huang Yuan let out his signature laugh.

"Not long, not long, we just arrived." It was Hanzo who spoke, facing the yellow monkey with a friendly smile on his face.

Taking Hatake Sakumo into the room and closing the wooden door, Kizaru naturally walked to the chair of the tea table and sat down.

As the youngest being in the room, Kizaru sat on the main seat, and no one felt wrong, including his teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After signaling Hatake Sakumo to sit beside his uncle Danzo, Kizaru looked around at the people in front of him with a smile on his face.

Since Kizaru entered the room, all the people present stopped discussing and polite, and everyone's eyes were focused on Kizaru. Even Chiyo just glanced at Hatake Sakumo, the murderous enemy, and then stared at him. The yellow ape.

Noticing Chiyo's small movements, Kizaru looked at her and Hatake Sakumo before speaking.

"Grandma Chiyo, we fought each other with our own positions on the battlefield. Your son and daughter-in-law died at the hands of brother Shuo Mao. I, the one who blocked your rescue, have always felt guilty."

Seeing Huang Yuan suddenly mentioned this matter, Chiyo's face changed slightly, but was quickly covered by a smile. She looked at Huang Yuan and said with a light smile: "Since you have chosen to join the war, life and death are life and death. , died fighting for the country, I can’t blame you.”

"Die for the country? Grandma Qiandai, do you think this death is worth it? Is this country worth dying for?" The conversation changed, and Huang Yuan got straight to the point.

As soon as Kizaru said these words, the faces of everyone present, except Danzo and Tsunade, changed.

As Sagakushi's surrender faction, Chiyo roughly guessed the intention of Kizaru's banquet tonight, and quietly observed Hanzo's surprised expression on the opposite side, she deliberately restrained her smile, showing a hint of anger.

"Fourth Hokage, do you mean that my son and daughter-in-law died in vain? They died without any value?"

"No, their deaths are very valuable. It's their deaths, and it's your grandson Xie's question to me that made me think about a question, who are we fighting for? Who are we dying for?" Huang The ape revealed the color of memory, and said emotionally.

"Senior Hanzo, I heard that when you were young, you have been thinking about how to bring lasting peace to the ninja world? Can you answer my question?" Changing the target, Kizaru looked at Hanzo and asked suddenly road.

Stopped by Kizaru's sudden question, Hanzo hesitated and thought for a while, then said not very confidently: "Do ninjas fight to defend their own country?"

"If that's the case, why did the son and daughter-in-law of Grandma Qiandai die in battle on the land of the Land of Rain?" Huang Yuan asked rhetorically.

His expression froze, and Hanzo got stuck, and then he remembered that the war in which Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law died was the result of Konoha's betrayal of information.

"Then it's for the benefit of the village?" Hanzo stammered slightly after noticing Chiyo's unkind eyes on him.

At this moment, Hanzo is already scolding his mother in his heart, don't bring me up when you two talk about it! I just came here to have a meal and sell a good deal!

"Benefits, very good! Then we assume that the ninja fought and sacrificed for the benefit of Ninja Village! Then let's put forward another hypothesis. In the war in the Kingdom of Rain, Sand Hidden defeated Konoha and Hidden Rain Village , occupied the land of the Land of Rain, and also occupied part of the land of the Land of Fire."

Having said that, Kizaru paused for a moment, looked at Hanzo whose face was becoming more and more stiff, and Chiyo who was listening carefully, and continued to speak.

"Who will these occupied lands belong to? Is it the ninjas of Hidden Sand Village, or the daimyos and nobles of the Land of Wind? Whether it's the management of these lands or the main beneficiaries of the output, who do you think it will be? ?”

The people present were all the high-level officials of Ninja Village. Facing the question of Huang Yuan, he already had an answer in his heart.

"It's daimyo and nobles." Chiyo replied.

"Then what can we get? What can those sacrificed ninjas get?" Huang Yuan asked.

"Ninja Village can get more funds and supplies, and sacrificed ninjas can get death subsidies." Chiyo continued to answer.

"So, the precious land that the ninjas sacrificed their lives for was just a sum of money? Maybe it's not a lot. After all, I have heard of the name of the Kingdom of Wind and the style of the nobility." Huang Yuan said bluntly. .

Chiyo clenched her hand under the table instinctively. As the Fourth Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village, she often had to deal with daimyo and nobles, so of course she knew what kind of pigs she had.

Now after listening to Kizaru's narration, Chiyo feels very worthless for the sacrifice of his son and daughter-in-law!

"Fourth Hokage, I probably understand what you mean, why don't we just open up and talk!" Looking at Kizaru, Chiyo said sincerely.

"Senior Hanzo, do you understand?" Looking at Hanzo, Kizaru asked with concern like a teacher asking an unintelligent student.

Hanzo understood a little bit, but didn't fully understand what Kiazaru meant. Of course, he didn't want to lose face in front of so many people, especially his old enemy Chiyo.

"As expected of Senior Hanzo!" Kizaru saw that Hanzo didn't understand it yet, but he still praised him in a face-saving way.

Qian smiled and nodded, and Hanzo looked okay, okay.

"When I say this, I just want to express one meaning. Although we are in different ninja villages, we all have the same identity in the final analysis. We are all ninjas. The life of ninjas should not be so cheap. We hold the most powerful ninja in the world. Powerful, we have wisdom beyond most people, we should live a better life, and we deserve a better life!"

His heart beat a little faster, this time Hanzo really understood, he looked at Kizaru with a shocked expression on his face, a bold idea came out from the bottom of his heart.

"Fourth Hokage, don't you think?" Halfway through speaking, Hanzo held back. There were some things that Kizaru could say, but he couldn't say.

"It's not what I think? It's what you should think about, what do you want?" Huang Yuan said calmly with a meaningful smile.

what do we want

money? that power? status?

Hanzo would want it all if he could!

"There are some things that we ninjas need to fight with our lives, but some people are born with it, do you think it's fair?" Huang Yuan continued to ask.


Thinking of being implanted in the body with the poison sac of salamander fish by the people in the village when I was a child, I survived after a narrow escape.

Thinking of my penance in my childhood, my hard work in my youth, my fighting in my youth, all the way to the present, I have just lived the standard of living of a wealthy nobleman.

I have paid so much, and I have narrowly escaped death to get to the present, but it is just the starting point when I was born.

More importantly, the foundation he built may not be safely passed on to his son, because ninjas speak based on their strength.

But those nobles are different. Their wealth, their power, and their status can be passed down from generation to generation only by virtue of the so-called noble blood.


"Yes! It's not fair, but this unfairness has lasted for thousands of years." Huang Yuan said with emotion.

Both Hanzo and Chiyo were shocked by the ambition revealed by Kizaru.

Especially Chiyo, at first she thought that Kizaru just wanted to take the opportunity to swallow the sand hidden and rain hidden, and make the kingdom of Konoha and Fire into an unprecedented huge kingdom.

But Kizaru's ambition is beyond her imagination, Kizuru not only wants a huge Fire Kingdom, he also wants to build a huge Shinkonoha!

"Fourth Hokage, once your thoughts are leaked, you and Konoha will become enemies of all countries, including the country of fire, aren't you afraid?" Chiyo warned.

With a confident smile, Huang Yuan said: "I promise you absolutely don't want that day to come."

Kiyoshi's self-confidence made Chiyo and Hanzo a little puzzled. No matter how strong you and Konoha are, if you really reach such a point, without the funds and materials of the Fire Nation, can you still fight the whole world alone?

"Me! This person is kind, and I don't want to get too much blood on my hands. You have to understand me." Master Huang had a compassionate face.

A chill rose in their hearts, Chiyo and Hanzo were both frightened by the yellow monkey, and they felt a strong killing intent from the words that they did not express.

If that time really came, the yellow ape might kill all the enemies, even a country!

Those who follow will live, those who go against will perish!

I was called out for dinner by a friend today, and I came back a bit late, so I only had time to update a 5,000-character chapter

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