Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 255 Convince Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Uchiha Madara's new plan!

"Hi-Zhan, let me ask you one last question."

"Have you participated in Xiaochun and Yan's corruption?"

"I didn't, I can swear to you, Togama-sensei!" When it came to the issue of principle, Sarutobi Hiruzaru said hastily.

"Okay, I believe you!" Tobima didn't continue to ask, and chose to trust his disciple.

"Tobima-sensei, thank you for your trust." Tobima-sensei was still willing to believe in himself, Sarutobi Hiruza was very moved.

"The matter of Xiaochun and Yan will be handled by Huang Yuan in the future, and you are not allowed to interfere." Feijian finally warned Huang Yuan again.

"Yes, I understand!" Without any hesitation, Hiruzaru Sarutobi simply replied.

Nodding in satisfaction, the seriousness on Fei Jian's face gradually dissipated, revealing a smile, "Ri Zhan, you have worked hard for so many years!"

"This is what I should do!" In the end, he was able to get a word of approval from the teacher, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi almost cried out of emotion.

"Also, there is one more thing that Huang Yuan will tell you."

After finishing speaking, Feima left the position and stood up, looking at Huang Yuan.

"Mr. Sarutobi, let's talk in the rest area."

Following Kizaru's arrangement, Hiruzaru Sarutobi followed the two to the rest area.

Sitting on the sofa, Huang Yuan recounted what he had said to the two elders, Zhujian and Feijian.

Following Kizuru's narration, Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't care less about reminiscing about the experience just now, he was stunned by his disciple's bold idea.

For Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is biased towards the dove faction and hopes to maintain the current stable situation of one superpower and many powers, Kizaki proposed to unify the ninja world, unite all ninjas, eliminate daimyo, nobles and other privileged classes, and establish a unified law-based society. An equal country simply subverted his three views.

"Teacher Toikama, this is going to be a big mess!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not refute Kizaki, but looked at Toikama who was sitting opposite him.

"Do you feel bad?" Tobima asked calmly without getting angry.

"Kizaki's rationality is great, but the intermediate process will inevitably lead to a war that will sweep the world." This is Sarutobi Hiruzane's only worry.

"If you can't break it, you can't stand it. The ninja village system established by the elder brother has already revealed its shortcomings. The yellow monkey has better and more advanced ideas, why don't you try it?

When my elder brother and I founded Konoha Ninja Village, there were also many people who opposed and did not understand, but the facts proved that we were right. The Ninja Village system we created improved people's living environment and increased everyone's average life expectancy. . "

Feijian explained patiently, he hoped that his disciple would support Huang Yuan's plan from the bottom of his heart, instead of being forced to agree by himself.

"We can carry out reforms in the system of Ninja Village, there is no need to overthrow it directly, otherwise, it will bring bloody storms to the world." On the issue of principle, Sarutobi Hiruzen still insisted on his own views.

"Mr. Sarutobi, this world has been sick for a long time. Small fights can't cure the disease, but can only relieve the pain. To completely cure this sick world, we must give a dose of powerful medicine that will change the world.

This time is our best chance. The appearance of Uchiha Madara will unite all ninja villages and ninjas. This opportunity is fleeting.

If we miss this opportunity, if we want to unify and change, we can only go to war. "Huang Yuan persuaded out loudly.

"But the daimyos and nobles, they won't be captured without a fight, they will definitely resist with all their might." Having worked in Hokage for more than 20 years, Hiruzaru Sarutobi got along well with the daimyos and nobles of the Land of Fire, and he really didn't want to fight on both sides facing each other.

"If all the ninja villages are united, do you think those daimyos and nobles have the strength to resist? We can easily defeat them just by beheading them." Kizaru calmly analyzed for Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

"However, there are good people among the nobles." Hiruzaru Sarutobi retorted.

"Good people? That's just because their ancestors have done bad things for them. They can no longer be evil people. Instead, they use so-called good deeds to build their reputation and reputation." Huang Yuan said directly.

"Mr. Sarutobi, where do you think the nobles who donate food to help the poor come from?"

"Their own land." Hiruzaru Sarutobi blurted out.

"Then where do you think those lands came from?"


"Let me tell you, those lands were occupied by their ancestors through war, power, and money from generation to generation.

If it is not for their plunder, those poor people have their own land, do they need to be rescued? unnecessary!

The aristocrats plundered the land of the common people, and then used a little bit of the output of the land to help the poor who lost their land. Is this really a good deed?

I can clearly say that this is not a good deed, it is just a play of the exploiters!

It can’t even be called acting. They help the poor, but because too many slaves died under their rule, no one can use them, and no one will serve them. "

When Kizaru spoke bluntly, he bloodily peeled off the ugly faces of those nobles, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was stunned when he heard this, this was the truth he had never seen before.

"However, even if we eliminate the nobles, how can you guarantee that those ninjas will not become new nobles?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked.

"There is no guarantee! I can only guarantee one thing. In the country I established, in the laws I made, whether it is ninjas and ninjas, or ordinary people, they are equal at the legal level. The rights and responsibilities of all people, all the same!"

"Including the Shimura clan?"

"Including the Shimura family, even if my uncle broke the law, he will be killed as he deserves, and he will be imprisoned as he deserves."

Looking at Kizaru's extremely serious expression, Hiruzaru Sarutobi knew that his disciple was serious, and he would really do this.

After being silent for a while, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said aloud: "Kisaki, I don't know if your idea is right, but as your teacher, I am willing to support you!"

"Thank you, Sarutobi-sensei!" Huang Yuan smiled again.

Sitting on the sofa, seeing Ri Zhan being persuaded by the yellow monkey, there was a smile on the door, this is the scene he most hopes to see.

At the same time, Huang Yuan's idea of ​​ruling the country by law and everyone being equal also made him very fond of it.

He believes that if all the ideas put forward by Huang Yuan are realized fairly, then this new country in the future will be an unprecedented great country!

In the underground base of Wuyin Village, Uchiha Madara held the reincarnation eye brought back by Hei Ze in his hand, with a confident smile on his face.

Although Bai Jue, who was lurking in Konoha, was exposed, his behavior of instigating the war was also revealed.

Although the fourth generation of Mizukage was captured, his plan is very likely to be leaked.

Although Konoha is holding the Five Kages Conference, planning to crusade against himself.

But it doesn't matter, if you get back the eyes of reincarnation, you have the power to change everything!

I, Uchiha Madara, will be the savior of this sick world. Those stupid guys will not understand their good intentions.

I will use the power of the eyes of reincarnation to correct my mistakes and get everything back on track.

I will tell them with absolute strength that I, Madara Uchiha, am definitely not something you ants can resist!

"Hei Ze, you did a good job!" Uchiha Madara looked down at Hei Ze, and said in praise.

"Master Madara, I have disappointed you by not bringing back Uchiha's child." Hei never took credit for it, but instead took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small thing, you brought back the eyes of reincarnation, that's the greatest credit!"

After speaking, Uchiha Madara slowly left his seat and stood up. He walked down the steps step by step and walked in front of Hei Ze.

"I also want to give you a task. You go back to the mainland and help me find a host of the reincarnation eye, a host that can use the reincarnation eye."

"Master Madara, do you want it?"

"I want to let them know what real power is!"

"I understand, Lord Madara." Hei Jue lowered his head, thinking in his heart whether he should bring this news back to Huang Yuan.

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