Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 252 The disciples in the door, the good day of the two consultants. (4400)

I'm back, I'm back at last!

Leading the logistics team into the gate of Konoha Village, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu stopped under the gate of the village.

With smiles on their faces, the two looked up at the village ahead with excitement in their eyes.

Thinking of meeting Mr. Hashirama later, both of them were excited and moved.

so good! After so many years, I can see Master Hashirama again.

"Xiaochun, let's go! Go to the Hokage Building first and hand over the task." Looking away, Mito said with a smile.

"No need, leave the task handover to other people! Come with me, someone wants to see you."

Danzo came out of the street in the distance alone.

Seeing Danzo appearing, the smiles on the faces of the two consultants dissipated a bit. They looked at each other, exchanged glances, and looked back at Danzo who was gradually approaching.

"Danzo, yes. Does that lord want to see us?" Seeing Danzo squinting and smiling, Mitomonyan instinctively thought that it should be Lord Hashirama who wanted to see them.

After so many years, Master Hashirama still remembers the two of us, it's really touching!

Nodding with a smile, Danzo looked at the two big fat pigs in front of him, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency has always been concerned about you, and specially asked me to come to the gate of the village to welcome you."

"Then let's go quickly! Don't keep your lord waiting." Xiaochun, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"Follow me!" After finishing speaking, Danzo turned and walked ahead to lead the way, the smile on his face turned into a sneer, and then disappeared quickly.

On the outside of the street connecting the gate of the village, on the roof of a three-storey wooden house, the yellow ape who came to watch the play was standing here incognito.

"Oh ho ho! It's getting more and more interesting."

"It's really bad! Master Huang Yuan!" Standing beside Huang Yuan, Hei Jue couldn't help complaining.

"Isn't it interesting?" Huang Yuan asked back with a smile when he turned his head to look at Hei Jue.

"Interesting." Hei Jue quickly agreed.

"Hohohoho! That's what I like about you, Brother Heijue."

Hearing Huang Yuan's praise, Hei Jue laughed.

When Huang Yuan and Hei Jue were chatting, Danzo took Mitomenyan and Zhuanzhu Xiaoharu away. Their destination was Genbu's underground base. This is the meeting place offered by Danzo. The main thing is a secret sex.

In the root base, even if Mr. Toikama beat these two bastards to death, nothing would leak out.

To be honest, Danzo was very happy to see these two teammates, who were directly abolished by Teacher Tomona.

It wasn't Danzo's cold-bloodedness, but an all-night investigation last night. The worth of these two bastards made him really jealous.

The family assets behind the two, just the cash, jewelry and other properties found in the search, are estimated to be as high as more than three billion.

The two families opened or indirectly controlled a large number of ninja workshops, controlling about 60% of Konoha's ninja production.

The output of these ninja tools is mainly supplied to the logistics of the village.

Through this stable official business, the families behind the two consultants have a mouth full of oil.

If these two people were abolished by Tomona-sensei, then the market share of ninja tools occupied by their family would be gradually eroded by the Shimura clan.

The ninja business, even if it is a normal market price transaction, the profit is not cheap, and it is completely enough.

Following Danzang all the way to the root base, the two advisers did not have any suspicions. In their opinion, Master Hashirama's identity needs to be kept secret, and the root base is indeed a suitable place to meet.

"Danzo, Hashirama-sama is in the village for the past few days, are you okay?" Walking into the underground base, Mito Menyan asked in a low voice, taking advantage of the absence of outsiders.

"Very good." Slowing down, Danzo turned to look at the two consultants and said with a smile.

"Did he say anything?" Mitomon Yan asked.

"Master Hashirama is very satisfied with the development of the village. He said that we have worked hard." Danzang told the truth, but not the whole story.

Hearing Danzo's words, the two consultants felt more at ease. With smiles and expectations, they walked into the passage and into the darkness.

In front of the passage, in the empty inner square, the brothers Hashirama and Tobima are standing side by side with arms folded, waiting for Danzo to bring someone.

"They're here." When the three disciples were approaching the underground base, they were discovered by the door with excellent perception ability.

"How are you going to deal with it?" Hashirama asked curiously.

"Let's beat up first before we talk." Fei Jian said in a cold voice.

"Hahahaha!" Amused by his younger brother's answer, Hashirama burst out laughing, and after laughing, he whispered, "Don't beat me to death."

He nodded lightly, and the focal length of the line of sight between the doors was focused on the exit of the passage, and he sensed that the three of them were about to come out.

Walking to the end of the passage, stepping out of the darkness and stepping into the light, the two advisors saw the first generation of adults, and also saw the teacher standing beside the first generation.

Eyes widened, the two showed expressions of surprise, and Xiaochun even complained aloud, "Danzo, why didn't you tell me that Heyan, the teacher is here."

"Teacher Toikama wanted to give you a surprise, but he didn't want me to tell you." Danzo explained with a smile.

Accepting Danzo's explanation, Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mito Menyan quickened their pace, overtook Danzo, and walked quickly towards Tobima-sensei and Hashirama-sama.

"Teijian-sensei, Hashirama-sama, I kept you waiting for a long time." As the distance shortened, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said a little excitedly.

"Tobima-sensei, Hashirama-sama!" Mitomon Yan followed, calling respectfully.

Hashirama didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded as a response.

"Xiaochun, Yan, you are getting old too." Looking at the two disciples in front of him, Feijian was still very emotional, and the image of the two of them studying with him when they were young flashed in his mind.

"Teacher Feijian, it's great to see you again." Seeing the teacher again, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun was very excited, and his eyes even turned slightly red.

Sighing, he could feel the disciple's feelings for him, but this made him even more sad. If the two of them hadn't gone too far, he really didn't want to choose to teach the two of them a lesson at such a warm time. disciple.

"Xiaochun, Yan, I have something to ask you."

Qi Qi looked at Teacher Toikama, and the two advisors were curiously waiting for questions.

"Since Hirizhan became Hokage, how much money have you embezzled from the village?" The warmth on his face was hidden, Toikama made a cold expression, and looked at the two disciples carefully.

This was the last chance he gave the two disciples. If they were willing to confess, then he could give them a lighter punishment and only recover the stolen money.

A look of panic flashed across their faces. The two advisors were startled by Teacher Toikama's sudden question. They didn't know why the teacher suddenly asked this question?

Could it be that Danzo and Huang Yuan betrayed us?

The same thought tacitly rose in their hearts, and the two advisors glanced at each other slightly, wanting to see what their allies thought.

"Why don't you talk?" Feijian asked again after seeing the small movements of the two disciples.

Struggling inwardly, full of hesitation, Mitomonyan, who knew that Tomagama-sensei must have some evidence, gritted his teeth and chose the first question and answer.

"Teacher Feijian, I admit my mistake. I didn't discipline the younger generation of the family well, and let them embezzle funds from the village in my name. I was influenced by family affection, and instead of punishing the younger generation who made mistakes fairly, I shielded him. This is my dereliction of duty, and I am willing to accept any punishment." After finishing speaking, Mito Menyan lowered his head in shame

With Mitomon Yan's proofreading, Zhuanju Xiaochun also followed suit. She also threw the main responsibility for the mistake to the younger generation of the family, and she only admitted the responsibility of negligence and cover-up.

Seeing that the two disciples were still unwilling to directly take responsibility for their mistakes, and instead threw the problem on the younger generation of the family, there was a look of disappointment in Feijian's eyes.

Having been in high positions for a long time, these two guys have been blinded by power and money, and have forgotten the rationality and persistence of their youth.

Standing behind Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu, Danzo, who heard the answer from the two, looked at the two in front of him with disdain, and took the initiative to walk to the side, avoiding the teacher's shot later, the two Blood spattered on him.

You two idiots, at this point, are still unwilling to take responsibility for your mistakes, and instead make excuses for yourself. I am ashamed to be in the same class as you.

"Xiaochun, Yan! I am very happy to see you again, but you have disappointed me so much." Feijian said in a complicated tone, feeling sad for his disciple's fall.

"Teacher Token, I"

"Teacher Token!"

These words from Tobima were not weighed down by a heavy hammer, and they hit the hearts of the two mercilessly. They thought about the scene of meeting Master Hashirama after they returned to the village. Everyone recalled the past, communicated with each other in the present, and harmoniously good.

They didn't expect that when they returned to the village, not only Master Hashirama, but also Teacher Togama would be waiting for them, which would have been a happier thing.

But Teacher Tomona's questioning and disappointment shattered the already tense hearts of the two of them.

"It seems that after so many years, you have forgotten me as a teacher and my teaching! Today, I will teach you again!"

"I dare not forget, Togama-sensei!" Mito Menyan said hastily.

Looking at Mitomonyan, Tomona no longer suppressed the anger in his heart, he raised his right foot, and kicked hard at this unworthy disciple.

In front of Tomona-sensei, Mitomon Yan, who didn't dare to make any resistance, took this blow and kicked hard, and flew upside down. After flying a few meters away, he fell heavily to the ground.

After kicking Mito Monyan, Tomona looked at Xiaochun, "Xiaochun, you really let me down."

After finishing speaking, Feijian also kicked Xiaochun who was about to speak, and also kicked him away.

After kicking the two into the air, Feijian didn't stop. He made seals with both hands, and directly used Water Escape·Water Dragon Bullet on the rocky ground without water.

Two water dragons flew out from Feijian's mouth, and respectively attacked the two disciples who hadn't stood up yet.

Seeing that Tomona directly used the B-level water escape ninjutsu, Hashirama turned to look at his younger brother, and reminded in a low voice: "Tokena!"

Feijian shook his elder brother gently, indicating that he knew what he knew and didn't need to worry.

Wrapped in the water by the two water dragons whose power was controlled by Feijian, the two consultants flew into the sky. After spinning a few times, the body of the water dragon split open and turned into countless streams of water, leading them to the ground. .

Years of exercise, coupled with Chakra's protection of the inside of the body, the two consultants did not suffer any serious injuries, but suffered minor injuries in many parts of the body, some of the skin was damaged, and blood flowed out.

Walked three steps forward, walked to the middle of the two disciples who had landed, and said coldly, "Kneel down!"

In front of the teacher and Mr. Hashirama, the two advisors who had been in high positions for many years did not dare to have the slightest complaint. They got up from the ground honestly, and knelt down towards the direction where the teacher was standing.

"Now, answer me, how much money have you embezzled from the village over the years? Don't hide it, I have checked all of Konoha's books for the past 20 years!"

The whole person lost all energy and energy. For the two consultants, the physical injury was only a trivial matter, and the biggest injury came from the heart.

The mistakes made over the years were discovered by the teacher, and the disappointment revealed in the teacher's words pierced deeply into the hearts of the two of them.

"Cough cough!" Mitomonyan, who choked on the water, coughed a few times, and said in an extremely low tone, "More than one billion, after I took the post of Naruto consultant, the funds directly embezzled are more than one billion , I haven’t calculated the specifics in detail. In addition to the direct embezzlement funds, I also used my own and Xiaochun’s rights to monopolize the village’s official ninja equipment purchase business. Five hundred million."

"I'm the same as Yan. Over the years, I have embezzled 1.3 billion with the help of Naruto's consultant rights and Hizan's trust. Together with Yan, I have mastered the ninja tool market in the village." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun also completely confessed the amount of embezzlement.

After confessing, turning to bed Xiaochun couldn't hold on any longer, leaned forward, put his hands on the ground, tears kept flowing from his eyes.

I just don't know if the tears shed are the remorse for the mistakes I made, or the remorse for being discovered by the teacher!

Maybe it's both!

The amount that Mitomonyan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu gave far exceeded Tomona's expectations. He did not expect his disciple to be so courageous and eager!

"Where did the village get so much money?" Hashima, who worked as Hokage, asked angrily and puzzled.

Back then, when Hashirama became the first Hokage, the village's annual financial income was only two or three hundred million.

As a result, the two disciples of Tobima have earned so much money just relying on logistics and ninja tools, which is beyond Zhujian's belief.

"Master Hashirama, after your death, the ninja world has not been peaceful, and wars of various sizes often broke out. The Fire Nation's government has increased financial assistance to the village. Coupled with the development of the village for so many years, the economy It’s been good all the time, everyone’s income is increasing, and the village’s tax is also increasing.” Danzo, who stood by, took the initiative to explain.

"You guys are still doing very well!" After a pause, Hashirama sighed, looked at Xiaochun and Yan, and said bitterly, "The spiritual practice is not in place, and I couldn't resist the temptation. Slave to money and power!"

"Hmph! Listen up, both of you!" The elder brother Zhujian's words made Feijian very uncomfortable. He felt that he had not taught his disciples well. All the funds embezzled from the village have been returned.”

"Yes." The two replied in unison without any hesitation.

"Also, the ninja business owned by your family relies on the village and the power in your hands to develop to where it is now. Since you have made contributions to the village, you don't have to hand over all of it to the public, just hand over half of it."

The heart was cut like a knife, and the second request of Teacher Tokena directly cut the hearts of the two consultants, but they had no choice but to agree aloud, not even daring to hesitate.

"All positions on you will be revoked for the time being, and Huang Yuan will make arrangements. If he asks you to perform crimes and meritorious service, you will perform crimes and meritorious service for me; if he asks you to retire, you will retire for me; I'm going to jail!"

He raised his head in horror, the last sentence of Feijian really scared the two consultants, they could accept half of their property being confiscated, they could also accept dismissal, but they absolutely could not accept going to prison.

Going to prison is better than committing suicide, so that at least the last bit of face can be saved.

Originally, the two chapters were published at the same time. The second chapter was a bit slow to write. The first chapter was published first, and the second chapter was published before 12 o'clock.

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