Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 246 The anger of the first generation, the expectation of Mitomonyan!

Wearing a white lab coat, Orochimaru was a little surprised when Nawaki and the first Hokage-sama came to him suddenly.

Do you want to reincarnate yourself as the second generation of Hokage-sama?

For this request, Orochimaru is willing to agree, and he also wants to have a good exchange and study with this master of forbidden arts.

However, Orochimaru hesitated a little due to the exhortations of Huang Yuan and the teacher.

Orochimaru is very satisfied with his current life. Whether it is the development of the scientific research institute or the village's support for his personal research, they are all in place.

Orochimaru didn't want to offend Kizaru, the new Hokage, if it wasn't necessary. After all, he still needs more support from him in the future.

"I have prepared the sacrificial offerings and spells of Master Reincarnation II Hokage long ago, and I can reincarnate that master at any time."

"Teacher, let's start now!" Naoki said excitedly with his eyes shining.

With a smile on his face, Orochimaru explained slowly: "After reincarnating the first generation of adults last time, both Kizaru and Sarutobi-sensei talked to me, telling me not to use the forbidden technique of reincarnation in dirty soil unless necessary. "

"Hey! But, this time is very important for us." Naoki cried out in disappointment.

Smiling and shaking his head, Orochimaru shifted his gaze from Nakoki to the first generation, "Master First Generation, if you have a suitable reason, you can tell Kizaru first. Otherwise, I will be very embarrassing!"

He didn't feel angry because of Orochimaru's refusal, Senju Zhuma felt that this was a normal thing, and the forbidden technique such as reincarnation of dirt should not be abused.

"I understand, I will communicate with Huang Yuan, and I won't embarrass you."

"Thank you for your understanding, the first generation of adults." Orochimaru thanked.

"Hahaha! You're welcome, you should abide by Hokage's rules!" Laughing, Senju Hashima admired Orochimaru very much.

Outstanding ninjutsu talent, outstanding scientific research talent, willing to obey Hokage's orders, without the arrogance of a genius, this young man Orochimaru is really a good ninja!

Comparing Orochimaru, and thinking about the mistakes made by the two consultants Nakoki told about, as well as Hirizhan’s weakness in covering up his companions, Senshou Zhuma couldn’t help sighing in his heart, the little monkey was a bit poor at doing things by himself, and it’s still very good to educate his disciples of.

"Grandpa, Kizaru should still be in the Hokage Building, let's go find him now!" Sheng Shu is rather impatient in his work, and likes to finish everything as soon as possible, especially what he wants to do.

"Let's go!"

After speaking, after waving goodbye to Orochimaru, the grandpa and grandson left the research institute and walked towards the Hokage Building.

Walking to the open space in front of the Hokage Building, Senju Hashima grabbed the rope tree walking in front.

"What's the matter, senior?" Sheng Shu stopped, almost yelling the wrong thing in a public place.

"After you take me to Hokage's office, wait outside, I want to have a chat with Kizaru alone."

Qianshou Zhujian didn't know how much Huang Yuan participated in these matters in the village. Could he also be a profit sharer?

In addition, what Nakoki said may also be his one-sided feelings. As the first generation of Hokage, Senju Zhuma still wants to learn more about it.

It was out of more rational considerations that Senshou Zhujian wanted to chat with Huang Yuan alone, and see his views on the dark side of the village from the mouth of this young man whom he admired very much.

"Ah, okay!" Although he wanted to listen in, Naoki still chose to obediently agree.

With the rope tree, Senshou Bashima was not stopped or searched all the way, and he easily arrived at the Hokage office on the top floor.

Asking Nakoki to wait outside, Senju Hashima walked into Hokage's office.

"Gu Ren, you go outside to entertain Naoki, and go to the lounge next door with him." The yellow monkey who had already sensed the arrival of Senjujuma, who was sitting in the seat, ordered aloud.

"Yes." Quickly replied, Gu Ren left the seat, looked curiously at the strange middle-aged ninja who came in, and walked out of the office.

"Excuse me!" Walking towards Huang Yuan, Qianshou Zhujian smiled.

"Grandpa, let's chat here." Standing up, Huang Yuan pointed to the direction of the sofa in the rest area and said with a smile.

Without extra politeness, the two walked to the sofa and sat opposite each other, and started talking.

"Huangyuan, Shengshu told me something about the bad things in the village, and I want to hear your opinion." Without hiding his intention, Qianju Zhujian said straight to the point.

Keeping smiling, Huang Yuan put his right hand on the armrest of the sofa and tapped a few times, "I don't know what it is?"

"Naoshu told me that the two advisors of the village, Xiaochun and Yan." Senju Zhuma recounted what Naoshu told him.

After listening to Qianshou Zhujian's narration, Huang Yuan felt very calm and a little bit of joy rose.

Shengshu is such a good brother-in-law!

For the two consultants, Huang Yuan has always looked down upon them. Giving the position of Elder Mitomonyan and the position of Minister of Culture to Zhuanju Xiaoharu is a balance between using their talents and limiting their power.

Huang Yuan was planning to settle the mess that happened between the two of them in the future, but Sheng Shu's complaint brought him the opportunity to solve the two.

"Whether it's the two advisors, Sarutobi-sensei and my uncle Danzo, in general, they have made great contributions to the village! They are all very talented ninjas."

Under the same system, if you want to sue other people in front of others, don’t attack directly, this will lower your own image and turn yourself into a villain who speaks ill of others behind your back. This is what Huang Yuan learned from his elders in his previous life skills.

Nodding his head, Senshou Zhujian still agrees with the overall evaluation given by Huang Yuan. After all, the prosperity and strength of the village are real!

"The two advisors are very good people. Like Sarutobi-sensei, they are very emotional. Sometimes they are indeed influenced by personal affairs and do things that damage the interests of the village.

Especially Mr. Sarutobi, he experienced a brutal battle and led the village step by step to where he is today. His companions and clan members died for the village one by one, which made him attach great importance to those who survived. .

This kind of emphasis has affected him in some matters involving the village, making him make decisions and punishments that favor his companions. "Huang Yuan not only talked about the problem, but also took the initiative to explain it for them. Even if the content of the conversation spread, he would definitely not be blamed.

Even if Hiruzaru Sarutobi found out, he would also like to thank Kizaru for protecting him.

Huang Yuan is such a good boy!

Listening to Huang Yuan's protection for several elders, Qianshouzhujian still understands Huang Yuan very well emotionally.

"In my opinion, compared to Sarutobi-sensei and the two advisors, my uncle Danzo has a bigger problem, he is too extreme.

He is an extreme village supremacist. He has specially established roots and recruited many ninjas from the ninja clan to join him. He specializes in carrying out high-risk and confidential missions against other ninja villages, and sacrifices many ninjas every year.

Other ninjas have great opinions on this, and even members of the Shimura clan have great grievances. Often, some members of the clan come to me for feedback, hoping to disband the root.

I have persuaded my uncle many times, but his attitude is very tough, saying that for the sake of the village, all sacrifices are necessary!

Grandfather of the first generation, if possible, I hope you can educate my uncle more, he is too deeply influenced by the second generation of adults, and has too much hostility towards the Uchiha clan and other ninja villages. "

Contrary to Senshou Zhuma's expectation, Kizuru actually wanted to educate his uncle Danzo instead of beheading them.

"You said Danzo was influenced by Togama, and he has a lot of hostility towards Uchiha? Could it be that after Togama became Hokage, the village has been suppressing Uchiha?" Senju Zhuma is more concerned about this issue.

With a wry smile, Kizaru explained: "Tobima-sama thinks that Uchiha's power is too evil and easy to go to extremes, so he established a police department and put it in charge of the Uchiha clan.

And through this, the Uchiha clan was moved to a location outside the village, so that Uchiha's ninjas were not allowed to go out to perform tasks at will, or join Anbu to work for Hokage.

My uncle Danzo, and Sarutobi-sensei are all disciples of Tobima-sama. They were influenced by Tobima-sama and inherited the political ideas left by him. They have been monitoring and suppressing the Uchiha clan. "

"Didn't I tell Tobuma that I couldn't do this!" His face became ugly, and Senju Bashima slapped the armrest of the sofa hard.

"Maybe Tobima-sama did this because the disappearance of Uchiha Madara's body aroused his vigilance." Kizaru helped find an excuse.

"Hmph!" With an angry snort, Senshou Zhujian wanted to reincarnate his younger brother Hutu even more now.

If it was said that the purpose of wanting to reincarnate the dirty soil from Feijian was to ask his younger brother to help him explore and correct the darkness of the village, but now there is another reason for Qianshouzhujian, which is to reincarnate the dirty soil from Feijian to beat him up.

How did this stinky brother promise himself back then? Has his confession before his death been left behind by him?

"Don't be angry, first-generation grandpa! I have revised the policy on Uchiha, and now they are treated fairly like other ninjas in the village. The young patriarch of the Uchiha clan is a member of my shadow guard." Huang Yuan reassured.

Turning his anger into joy, Qianshou Zhujian was very satisfied with Huang Yuan, everything that Huang Yuan did and said, reached his heart, making him feel comfortable and satisfied.

It's a great thing for Konoha to have Kizaru as Hokage!

"Uchiha is a family that attaches great importance to feelings. As long as the village treats them well, they will also identify with the village. Don't suppress them, it will only push them farther and farther away from the village." Senju Zhujian said earnestly exhorted.

"That's my idea!" Huang Yuan echoed with a smile.

"Huang Yuan, please tell me seriously, whether it is Ri Zhan or the two advisors, have the three of them interfered with your governance?" Help Huang Yuan solve the problem of someone holding back.

"Teacher Sarutobi respects my opinion very much. The two consultants often use their experience to guide me and bring me a lot of help." Huang Yuan said with something in his words.

"I understand!" Senju Hashirama was rough-headed and carefree, but he was not a fool. He had been the patriarch, Hokage, and had been assisted by his younger brother for so long, so he could still understand some words.

"Kasuru, I hope you allow Orochimaru to reincarnate the filthy soil in Tobima, I will hold him, Hizaru and them, and apologize to the Uchiha clan!" It's not an excuse, Senju Zhuma is really going to do this.

Kizaru was shocked by the second half of Senjujuma's words, and asked Sarutobi-sensei to go to the Uchiha clan to apologize, it would be embarrassing!

"Wouldn't this be too good! The first grandpa!" Huang Yuan persuaded.

"If you make a mistake, you should apologize, and then try to make up for your mistakes! You can't let it go just because you made a mistake later, and you have to take due action for your mistakes." Senju Zhuma said seriously .

"I also want to apologize to One Tail, Two Tails, and other tailed beasts, and try to get their forgiveness!"

"Grandpa, you are a respectable ninja!" Huang Yuan said in admiration.

"Hahaha! This is what I should do!" Senshou Zhuma said with a little embarrassment while touching his head with a smile.

"I have agreed to the matter of the filthy soil reincarnated from the door, and I will inform Orochimaru later."

"When Tobima comes out, I will take him to teach them a good lesson, and make sure that they will not affect your governance in the future." Qianju Zhujian promised.

"Oh ho ho! It's really interesting!" Thinking of Sarutobi teacher and the two consultants who are already old, and being taught by the dead teacher's corpse, Huang Yuan couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Hahaha!" Senshou Zhujian also laughed.

For a time, the whole office was filled with joyful atmosphere.

At the same time, in the camps on the western front of the Nation of Fire, and in the tents of the command post, there was also a joyful atmosphere,

"Hahaha! That's great, Hirazan!" Facing Hiruzaru Sarutobi who brought back good news after the meeting, Mitomon Yan was very happy.

As expected by the two, after presenting evidence about Madara Uchiha and his "Eye of the Moon" plan, Onogi and Raikage III were shocked and angry, and immediately agreed to a truce.

As for what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, the Five Kages Conference will be held in Konoha to discuss the conquest of Uchiha Madara. Although the two kages did not directly agree, they are also inclined to participate in terms of their attitudes.

"Onogi and the Third Raikage will make a decision before noon tomorrow. If there are no accidents, the matter of the Five Kages Conference should be settled." Sitting in his seat, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said with a smile.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not expect this mission to go so smoothly. As soon as he arrived at the front line, he asked for an armistice and talks, and the other side immediately agreed.

During the meeting, it was also very easy to convince the two of them to believe in Uchiha Madara's conspiracy.

Then, the matter of the Five Kages Conference, judging from the attitude of the other side, can be completed tomorrow.

so good! I have successfully completed the task this time and made due contributions to the village.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was very happy that the task was completed smoothly, and as the second-in-command of the front line, Yan Mitomon was even more happy.

This time on the battlefield on the western front, Mitomenyan thought that he and Jiraiya were a good partner and had an excellent record. With only two thousand ninjas, they blocked the coalition forces of the two ninja villages of Yanyin and Yunyin in the grass. country.

Thinking of what Hizun told him, that the first Hokage-sama was reincarnated by the filth, Mitomonyan wanted to go back to the village immediately and show his achievements to the first-generation sama.

At Mitomonyan's age, no matter whether his strength or status is good, it is impossible to improve any more. What he is looking for now is just a name, and the recognition of the first generation is of great significance to him.

It would be great if Teacher Feijian was here. I have made so many contributions to the village, and my achievements on the battlefield this time will definitely be recognized by the two elders.

Standing beside Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Mitomon Yan's face was full of joy, and there was anticipation and a hint of excitement in his eyes.

It can’t be four thousand, there will be inertia, and the update of more than six thousand will be resumed tomorrow, try to make more!

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