Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 244 Onoki and the Third Raikage Who Can’t Contact Kirigakure (4800)

At night, the full moon hangs high in the night sky.

In the country of grass, in a hill near the direction of the country of fire, the ninjas of Yunyin and Yanyin are scattered here.

The third generation of Raikage, who failed in the all-hands assault plan, was staying in the tent of the command post with Tsuchikage Onoki.

After three days of fighting, the situation on the battlefield is not too good for the two major ninja villages.

The two thought that with the combined strength of the two villages, they should be able to gain an advantage in the face of Konoha's ninja troops before the yellow monkey made a move.

Unfortunately, the reality slapped the two of them hard.

Konoha's reserve power is too strong, and two very young male and female ninjas blocked them outside the Fire Land.

The elusive Namikaze Minato and the perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Kushina, the combination of these two people is simply a little yellow ape, with full mobility and full destructive ability, making it hard to guard against.

Sitting at the neat wooden table, the three generations of Raikage and Onoki all had a sad look on their faces.

The situation on the battlefield here already made the two of them so worried that they couldn't sleep, but the information that came from another direction not long ago made them even more worried.

Kirigakure in the east couldn't be contacted, and none of the ninja eagles sent out to pass on the information on the battlefield sent out the information, and there was no information from Kirigakure.

What this means, the two experienced shadows are very clear.

Either Kirigakure played them tricks and didn't send troops at all, or Kirigakure had an accident and was scattered or wiped out.

Either way, it's not good news.

"I have sent a letter to the village to arrange an elite team to go to the south to check the situation." With his hands on the table, the third Raikage said in a low tone.

The arrangement of the third generation of Raikage is the best response. Yunyin Village is located in the northeast of the Fire Country, and Wuyin Village is located in the southeast. The distance between the two villages is relatively close.

"Raikage, what should we do now?" Nodding his head, Onoki asked proactively.

"What should I do? Let me tell you, send more ninjas from the village and fight them!" After finishing speaking, Sandai Raikage slapped the table vigorously.

"If something happens to Kirigakure, our two villages are no match for Konoha." Onogi analyzed calmly.

"Then what do you think we should do? Surrender? Or wait here to die?" Third Raikage raised his hands, one at a time, towards Onoki.

"Calm down, Raikage!" Ohnoki said with a frown.

"Calm down, how do you want me to calm down? I..." Three generations of Raikage wanted to get angry, but couldn't find a suitable target to vent.

"Konoha obviously wants to use us to train newcomers. Their two newcomers are really too tricky." Speaking of this, Onoki couldn't help showing envious eyes on his face.

There are also two tailed Beastman Churiki in Yanyin Village, a five-tailed Jinchuriki who is still growing up and has not yet fully controlled the power of the tailed beast, and another four-tailed Jinchuriki, Lao Zi, has a discord with Onoki and has left the village , traveling abroad.

Compared with Iwagakure's two jinchuriki, Konoha's Nine-Tails jinchuriki has not only cultivated to the perfect tailed orc jinchuriki mode, but also obeys the arrangement of the village very much, which makes Onoki extremely envious.

"I also know Konoha's intentions. Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is indeed very powerful, but the most difficult thing to deal with is that yellow-haired boy." The third Raikage is confident that he is carrying the six magic weapons, and with Onogi's cooperation, For a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, there is absolutely no problem.

But the most uncomfortable thing now is that the two newcomers of Konoha have never acted separately, and they are very bullying and fearful. They specifically target the ninja attacks below. When they meet themselves and Onoki, they run away.

Such a disgusting style of play made the third generation of Raikage feel that there was nowhere to use his strength.

The most embarrassing thing is that the three generations of Raikage have not yet been able to gather their forces together and directly launch a fierce attack on Konoha.

Because if they do this, they will be greeted by Nine-tailed Jinchuriki's super giant-tailed beast jade.

Scattered and attacked by people all the time, gathered together, and worried about the large-scale attack of Tailed Beast Jade, this kind of battle brought the third generation of Raikage back to the feeling when they fought against the yellow monkey.

The only difference is that when fighting against Huang Yuan, no matter whether it is to disperse or concentrate its strength, it cannot be beaten by itself.

"We have to find a way to trap that yellow-haired boy, otherwise, we have no hope of winning this war." Onogi said nonsense nonsense.

"We have tried all the barriers, and they are completely useless!" Speaking of this, the third generation of Raikage was even more uncomfortable.

After Sandai Raikage finished speaking, there was a brief silence in the tent, and the atmosphere became more and more depressed. Neither of them knew what to say.

If there is any hope for the two of them to continue to stay here, it may be the news from Kirigakure.

Just in case, that is to say, in case, Kirigakure cannot be contacted because they have successfully penetrated into the hinterland of the country of fire.

Even if they know that the possibility is extremely low, the two of them always have to keep a little hope for themselves in the desperation of the unfavorable battle situation.

The two of them now seem to be in a gamble that they can't quit. They are reluctant to spend all the power of Ninja Village on the battlefield, and they can't find a way to win the gamble. Hope is pinned on the allies.

"If it really doesn't work, let's negotiate a peace!" After deliberating for a long time, Onogi finally expressed his truest thoughts.

In Ohnoki's view, the war with Konoha is really unstoppable, and there is no hope of winning.

Before the start of the war, Ohnoki felt that as long as the yellow monkey could be restrained or killed, the Ninja Village Alliance would have the hope of winning.

However, with the emergence of talented newcomers one after another from Konoha, especially the appearance of the perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Onogi really doesn't know how to win?

Yellow monkey plus Nine-tailed Jinchuriki, plus yellow-haired boy, this is simply a replica of Konoha's strength configuration under the leadership of the first generation of Hokage decades ago.

Looking at Onoki, the third generation of Raikage stared angrily, discussing peace? In other words, to put it more pleasantly, the actual behavior is surrender!

"Onoki, you want to surrender! It's best to look at the current situation of Sand Hidden Village!" Third Raikage reminded.

Sand Hidden Village? Shayin Village has become what it is now, didn't we all contribute?

Faced with the reminder of the third generation of Raikage, Ohnoki really wanted to remind him in reverse.

"We are different from Sand Yin. As long as our two villages can continue to work together, Konoha will not dare to persecute us too much." Onogi said his opinion.

"Don't forget, the current Hokage is not Sarutobi Hiruzen, but the new ninja god Kizawa! His uncle is Danzo, who has always been the leader of the Konoha Fighting Sect." Third Raikage sneered .

"Sarutobi Hiruzen is still Kizaru's teacher. Kizuru is a young man who has just become the shadow of a village, so how much power does he have?" Onogi felt that the real manager of Konoha was still the ape Those old fellows headed by Fei Ri Zhan.

"Have you forgotten our analysis? Kizuru came to power so early, it is very likely that he relied on force and the support of the martial arts faction to forcibly rise to the position." Third Raikage reminded.

"These are all analyzes. If we don't contact Konoha or negotiate with them, how can we find out the real situation?" Ohnoki insisted on his own ideas.

"You" stood up excitedly, and the third Raikage looked down at Onogi, "Then you go and make contact with Konoha!"

After finishing speaking, Sandai Raikage turned around directly and walked out of the tent angrily.

Sitting in his seat, Ohnoki didn't feel angry because of Sandai Raikage's offensive behavior. He watched Sandai Raikage walk out of the background of the tent with a smile on his face.

This is what you let me do!

Walking out of the tent, he returned to his residence with the shadow guards guarding outside the tent. The third Raikage stood in his tent, first using sensory ninjutsu to confirm that there were only his own people around, and then spoke.

"Xi, from now on, send people to pay attention to Yanyin, especially Tuying's actions. If any of them leave the camp, send people to follow them up."

"Boss, did something happen to Yan Yin?"

"That old fellow Onogi wants to make peace with Konoha."

Hearing Sandai Raikage's words, Nozomi frowned instinctively, "Iwagakure is going to withdraw from the alliance?"

Nodding his head, the third Raikage was very calm, and he didn't see the previous anger. "Let Iwan Yin contact Konoha first. If the conditions are suitable, we can also consider it."

To be able to become the shadow of a village, the third generation of Raikage is not really a reckless man. The reason why he strongly disagreed with Onoki was because he considered the emotions of his ninjas and villagers.

Yunyin is different from Yanyin, and there is a blood debt between Konoha's new Hokage Kizaru. As Raikage, he has been captured once, and he cannot bear the consequences of the main initiative.

However, if Iwagakushi Onoki took the initiative to contact Konoha and negotiate with Konoha, which led to the breakdown of the Ninja Village Alliance, then Raikage could express strong dissatisfaction, throw the blame and problems on Onogi, and follow Onogi , "helplessly" negotiated peace with Konoha.

As Yunyin's third in command and the third generation of Raikage's staff, Xi also understood the boss's intentions. He didn't say anything, but replied in obedience: "Yes! I understand, boss!"

"You go down first!" With a wave of his hand, the third Raikage made Xi retreat, and sat on the bed in the tent by himself.

Having not had a good rest for three days, the third Raikage who was sitting on the bed felt intensely exhausted.

Physical fatigue is still a small problem, what makes him most uncomfortable is inner fatigue.

From the heart, the third generation of Raikage is really unwilling to negotiate a peace. He knows the result of this peace negotiation.

Yunyin Village and Thunder Country's dream of being a powerful country for hegemony will also lose all hope and future with the peace talks.

But if Yan Yin really negotiated a peace, what else could Yun Yin do besides negotiating a peace?

Do you want to continue fighting with Konoha alone with the strength of a village?

Not to mention that Konoha has the new ninja god, Kizuru, even if there is no Kizuru, with Konoha's current strength, he can easily defeat Yunyin Village.

This is a fact that the third generation of Raikage is unwilling to admit, but it is very clear.

After eight o'clock the next morning, Huang Yuan walked out of the Qianshou family's clan in high spirits.

Accompanied by Shengshu last night, he found Tsunade and Senju Hashirama who had lost money, and Kizaru returned to Senju's main house with them, and stayed here to sleep, comforting Tsunade who lost money.

Under the comfort of Kizaru, losing money had no effect on Tsunade. She got up earlier than Kizuru, and had already gone to Konoha Hospital to start transplanting Nagato's eyes and carry out cloning training.

As for Senshou Zhujian, he went to the Konoha Scientific Research Institute with his grandson Naoshu, preparing to see with his own eyes the super wheat seeds developed by Naoshu with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu.

By the way, Senshou Zhujian was going to guide his grandson in the practice of Mudun Xueji Boundary, to see if he could bring some help to Shengshu's research.

Huang Yuan was the last one to get up in the house. When he got up, the whole house was empty.

Walked unsteadily to the commercial street, bought some breakfast, and while eating breakfast, Huang Yuan walked towards the Hokage Building.

This morning, Danzo will submit all the evidence about Madara Uchiha that has been sorted out to Kizaru, and Sarutobi Hiruzen will also wait for Kizaru to review the evidence, and then take the evidence to the Western Front to convince Iwahid and Yunyin armistice.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was not very sure about the mission to pacify the war. He was mainly worried that the reckless man on the side of Yun Yin would not agree with the evidence provided by Konoha, so he would continue to fight.

If it hadn't been for the hatred that Huang Yuan attracted from Yun Yin's side, Sarutobi Hiruza would have wanted Huang Yuan to go out in person to quell the war on the Western Front.

When Kizaru finished his breakfast and came to the office of the Hokage Building, Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen were already waiting here.

"The old man has prepared all the intelligence materials." Danzo said directly as he placed the three scrolls in front of Kizaru's desk.

Nodding with a smile, the yellow monkey who sat on the seat picked up the scrolls on the table and opened them one by one to read.

From the initial appearance of Uchiha Madara, to the confession of the ninja of Kirigakure Village, especially the "Eye of the Moon" project written by the fourth generation of Mizukage, the information about Uchiha Madara recorded in the three scrolls is very detailed, Except for the existence of Heijue, there is almost nothing to hide.

"Teacher Sarutobi, take a look too." Putting the finished scroll on the table, Huang Yuan said aloud.

Taking a step forward, Hiruzaru Sarutobi picked up the scroll on the table, and looked through it carefully.

"No problem." After reading it, Hiruzaru Sarutobi replied.

"Then leave the rest to you, Sarutobi-sensei." Huang Yuan said with a smile.

"I will definitely convince Ohnoki and Raikage!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi replied seriously.

In matters related to Uchiha Madara and the war, Sarutobi Hiruzen attaches great importance to it, and sincerely hopes to unite the forces of the ninja world to deal with Uchiha Madara together.

"It's urgent, you should leave now! Sarutobi-sensei!"


Replied aloud, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already prepared in his heart, and put on clothes that were conducive to combat before going out.

After watching Hiruzaru Sarutobi leave, and after confirming that his teacher was far away through his perception ability, Kizaru manipulated his natural ability and set up an enchantment in the office.

"Uncle, I have a confidential task for you to carry out."

Without speaking directly, Danzo signaled the yellow monkey, be careful that the wall has ears.

"Don't worry, I've already set up an enchantment, people outside can't hear us." Huang Yuan explained aloud.

Hearing what Kizuru said, Danzo relaxed. He pulled the chair beside the table and sat in front of Kizuru.

"What mission?"

"After Nagato's samsara eye is removed, I want you to assist Hei Zee to bring the samsara eye out of Konoha and bring it to Uchiha Madara."

Surprised by what Kizaru said, Danzo asked inexplicably, "Why did you give the reincarnation eye to Uchiha Madara?"

"Because the current Uchiha Madara is too weak." Leaning on the chair, Kizaru said helplessly.

Danzo:? ? ?

With a face full of doubts, Danzo was confused by Huang Yuan's answer.

Uchiha Madara is our great enemy, you think he is weak and want to help him regain his strength, what is the reason?

"Do you still remember the plan we talked about how to unify the world?" Huang Yuan said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Recalling the words "easy before difficult" and "difficult before easy" that Huang Yuan said at the beginning, Danzo seems to have come back to it.

"You want to integrate the power of the five ninja villages through the pressure brought by Uchiha Madara."

Smiling and nodding, Kizaru looked like he was holding the wisdom beads, "We must first lose and then draw against Uchiha Madara before we can win!"

"But, Uchiha Madara took back the Samsara Eye, are you really sure to deal with it?" Danzo asked with concern.

"Billion points!" After three years, Huang Yuan used Finger Universe again.

Danzo: Understood! That is stable! completely fine!

With Huang Yuan's promise, Danzo felt relieved, "I understand!"

"Uncle, don't take Uchiha Madara too seriously. He is just a pawn on our chessboard. Our goal is to subvert the whole world, to unify the whole world, and to set your sights further and further. Guang, don't be intimidated by the prestige of the enemy!"

The body couldn't help but trembled with excitement, infected by the chicken blood and self-confidence of the yellow monkey, Danzo, a middle-aged and elderly person, couldn't help becoming passionate.

"I will! I will follow you and take a good look at the wider world!"

"Yes, that's it!" Huang Yuan said encouragingly.

Huang Yuan sincerely hopes that uncle Danzo can come out of the darkness of more than ten years and truly become his right-hand man.

Danzo has ambition and strength, but what he lacks is vision and boldness, and Kizuru is going to make up for him.

After all, an obedient Danzo is really useful!

After sorting out the plot behind it, I wrote it a little slower.

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