Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 241 The first generation: Shuhe, you are too dangerous!

Senju Hashima, who used the transformation technique to disguise his appearance and hide his aura, walked alone on the commercial street in the center of Konoha Village.

After chatting with Kizaru, Senju Hashima, together with Kizaru, held a follow-up meeting with Sarutobi Hiruzaru and the others.

During the meeting, Kizaru proposed to suspend the war, convene the Five Kages Conference, and jointly deal with Uchiha Madara's decision, which was supported by everyone.

After the meeting, Sarutobi Hiruzen was assigned to handle the affairs of Kirigakure Ninja, and Danzo was responsible for sorting out information about Uchiha Madara. After Danzo sorted out the information, Sarutobi Hiruzen would take the information to the On the Western Front, persuade Yun Yin and Yan Yin to cease fighting, and go to Konoha to participate in the Five Kages Conference.

The reason why Sarutobi Risho was arranged to go to the west line instead of the faster and stronger Kizaru to go to the west line was that the two elders considered that the raid in the country of grass caused by the Kiazaru some time ago Casualties, a little bit big.

Fearing that Huang Yuan went to the western front, Yunyin, especially the violent third generation Raikage, couldn't help but attack Huang Yuan, causing some unspeakable incidents.

For example, the third generation of Raikage was captured and returned to the village.

After arranging the major events related to Uchiha Madara, after the meeting ended, Senju Hashima was originally left in the Senju Clan, and Tsunade was responsible for taking care of it.

However, Qianshou Zhujian was very interested in the reforms that Huang Yuan mentioned when chatting with Huang Yuan, and the agricultural research of his grandson Zhishu, so he offered to go to the village.

Faced with this request, Tsunade proposed that he accompany his grandfather to stroll around the village, but was rejected by Senju Bashirama. He wanted to take a look in the village by himself first.

The grandfather and the founder of the village want to wander around the village by themselves, whether it is the two elders or Huang Yuan Tsunade, there is naturally no reason to stop it.

Ever since, Senju Hashirama, who used the transformation technique to disguise his appearance, took the map and wallet that Tsunade gave him, and walked to the street alone.

The first destination Senjujuma chose was not this commercial street, but the ninja school established by his younger brother Tomona back then.

Walking to this busiest commercial street in Konoha is just because you want to go to the Ninja School from the Thousand Hands Clan, and passing this commercial street is the fastest route.

It was just after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the traffic on the commercial street had already increased. The villagers walked together in twos and threes, which was very lively.

Walking on the street between Senjuzhu, walking slowly, looking around, looking at the young ninja who is hesitant to buy flowers in front of the flower shop; looking at the young couple holding hands waiting in front of the snack bar; looking at the pet shop stopping The children watching; the smile gradually filled the face of the original Hokage.

so good! The village is great, and so are everyone!

"Kakashi, hurry up, Lin will definitely be waiting for us in the park. Oops!" Turning his head and urging Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, who was rushing forward without looking at the road, bumped into a man who also didn't look at the road, and was admiring the human world. On the body of Senju Bashima, who is full of fireworks.

The body reincarnated from the dirt in Qianshou Zhujian has good strength, and the Obito that hit him bounced back and flew upside down.

His butt fell to the ground, Obito was in pain, got up immediately, rubbed his butt, and looked at the person he bumped into.

"Are you okay!"

"Sorry, uncle!"

The words of the two sounded almost at the same time, the two pairs of eyes kept looking at each other, Senjujuma had a peaceful smile on his face, and Uchiha Obito's face was full of apology.

"Hahaha! Kid from the Uchiha family, you are not injured!" When Obito fell down, Senju Hashima keenly saw the Uchiha family crest on the child's clothes.

"I'm not hurt! Uncle, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you just now." Obito bowed and apologized to Senju Hashirama, then stood up, touched his head, and looked at Senju Hashirama with a smile.

"Idiot!" At this moment, Kakashi, who finally walked to Obito's side, observed Obito with dead fish eyes, and after confirming that the reckless idiot was not injured, he complained.

"Kakashi, don't call me an idiot!" Obito said excitedly, pointing at Kakashi.

"Okay, idiot!" Kakashi said venomously, maintaining a cold expression.

"Damn it! When I go to the park, I will definitely teach you a lesson in the ninja game!" He jumped with a rustic tone.

Looking down at the noise of the two little guys in front of him, the smile on Senju Zhuma's face became brighter and brighter.

It seems that Uchiha and other ninjas in the village get along very well!

Without disturbing the noise of the two little guys, Senshou Bashima bypassed them and continued walking forward.

Obito, who was arguing with Kakashi, saw Senju Bashima leaving directly, and opened his mouth towards his back, and was about to speak, but was stopped by Kakashi.

Obito, who was patted by Kakashi, looked at Kakashi puzzled, "Kakashi, what are you doing?"

"I feel that uncle is very strong, don't provoke him." Kakashi reminded.

"Of course I can see that uncle is very strong. I just want to apologize to him again." As he spoke, Obito looked at the back of Senju Hashirama again, with doubts in his eyes, how strong is this uncle?

"No need, didn't you say Lin was waiting for us? What are you wasting time on?" Kakashi was very wary of this strange uncle.

"Ah!" With a loud cry, Obito said anxiously, "Rin must have been waiting for a long time, it's all your fault, Kakashi!"

After speaking, Obito ran forward again.


Putting his hands in his pockets, watching Obito's galloping figure, Kakashi walked forward unhurriedly.

With his back turned to the two little guys, Senshou Bashirama, who had already walked a short distance, listened to the conversation between the two children, with the corners of his mouth raised high.

That kid named Obito doesn't look like Uchiha at all!

But the kid named Kakashi is more like Uchiha's kid, so interesting!

While thinking this way, Senju Bashima walked forward, and after walking three quarters of the way to the commercial street, he suddenly stopped.

Looking at the front of the street on the right hand side, looking at a shop with simple and low-key decoration in front, Senju Bashima was attracted to the sight.

The shops that can attract Senshou Bashirama are not art museums, but gambling houses.

Walked a few steps forward, and stopped in front of the gambling house. Through the gaps in the curtains between the thousand-handed pillars, one could see the bustling scene inside and hear the voices of the gamblers.

Feeling in the outer pocket with his right hand, Tsunade took the wallet that he had given to himself, and Senju Zhuma hesitated whether to go in and play a little.

Just play three hands, no matter whether you win or lose, you will come out after playing.

As soon as this idea appeared in Senshou Zhujian's mind, he couldn't get rid of it.

Standing at the door of the casino, the young female clerk in charge of attracting customers noticed Senju Hashirama with a hesitant expression on her face.

"Guest, why don't you come in and have fun? We have a complete range of items here and considerate service." Taking a step forward, the female clerk said invitingly with a warm smile.

"I" raised my hand and touched my head. Before Senju Zhuma could say anything, the female shop assistant took her arm.

"Guest, come in and play!" The young and beautiful female clerk, leaning on Senshou Bashirajian, pulled Qianshou Zhujian into the casino.

With the strength of Qianshou Zhujian, if he didn't want to move, it was impossible for ordinary people to pull him.

"Haha! I'll just take a look!" With a shy smile, Senju Bashirama said with little confidence, as if he was talking to himself.

After about half an hour, Senju Hashirama, who looked defeated, slowly walked out of the casino step by step amidst the enthusiastic farewell of the clerks and gamblers.

Gone, all gone! All of the two million pocket money Xiao Tsunami gave her was lost.

Senshou Zhuma touched the shriveled wallet in his outer pocket, feeling depressed and a little guilty.

How should I explain to Tsunade tonight?

How about borrowing some money from Little Yellow Ape?

Shaking his head, Senju Bashima really couldn't do such a thing, so he decided to go back at night and tell Tsunade the truth.

With an empty wallet, the attractiveness of gambling houses to Senshou Zhujian has dropped a lot.

Speeding up his pace, Senju Bashima quickly walked out of the commercial street. After turning a corner, he saw the ninja school ahead.

At this time, it was already early five o'clock, and there was less than an hour before the end of the ninja school.

Knowing that his identity had to be kept secret, and coming here alone, Senju Bashima did not break into the school, but walked around the school fence and walked to the fence where he could see the playground.

It is already October, and the children in the first to second grades are already on vacation, and only the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades are in school.

Among the sixth-grade children, only the students in the combat class remained in the school for training, while the students in the medical and scientific research classes were arranged to practice at Muye Hospital and the Research Institute.

The children in the fourth and fifth grades go to class normally, and the students in the third grade have taken the placement test, and now they are previewing the courses after the placement.

On the playground, Shukaku, who skipped class, was sleeping under a tree in the corner of the playground.

Uncle Shouhe is not in a very good mood recently. That guy Xie has been obsessed with material research during this time, and he doesn't have time to play with Uncle Shouhe's mobile armor.

Thinking about Shouhe lying under the tree that Xie hadn't played with him for three days, he became very angry!

Outside the fence of the playground, as soon as I walked to the Thousand Hands Column here, I immediately noticed the huge chakra under the tree in front of me.

"This chakra is a tailed beast!" Looking up to the front, Senju Bashima frowned.

Why does the village have the aura of other tailed beasts besides Nine Tails?

Senjujuma's doubts were mainly due to Danzo. The uncle of the yellow monkey was worried that telling the first-generation adults about the yellow monkey's snatching of other ninja-tailed beasts would cause dissatisfaction with the first generation of split-tailed beasts, so he chose Hide it for now.

Senshou Bashima noticed Shukaku, and Shukaku, who was resting under a tree, also felt the sight.

Opening his eyes, he sat up, sat on the ground with his buttocks on the ground, his legs spread out, and Shukaku, who was in a bad mood, looked at Senju Bashirama outside the fence.

"Asshole! What are you looking at? Haven't you seen Master Shouhe? Look again, Master Shouhe killed you!" Shouhe opened his mouth habitually.

Hearing the word "Zai", Qianshou Zhujian frowned even tighter. He stared at Shuhe, thinking about whether to suppress and seal him.

Tailed Beasts are too dangerous, especially for a ninja school full of kids!

After spraying people, Shou He stood up angrily when he saw that the stranger outside the fence was still staring at him.

Walking towards the Senshouzhujian outside the fence, Shouhe was about to teach him a lesson, this guy who has no eyesight.

Walking to the fence, staring at the Senshouzhujian outside, Shouhe raised his paw and said, "You bastard! Master Shouhe will teach you a lesson!"

With a raised eyebrow, Senshou Zhujian said with a serious face: "Shouhe, you are too dangerous!"

A total of 6,500 words today, still a little short, work hard tomorrow, and break through 7,000 first!

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