Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 238 Ninjutsu that brings people back to life, the worry of the first generation!

In terms of his true inner thoughts, Heijue did not want to cooperate with Huang Yuan's arrangement.

However, Heijue, whose background has been cleaned up by Huang Yuan, has no room for resistance in front of Huang Yuan who is extremely powerful.

Now Heijue can only choose to follow his heart and obey any arrangement of Huang Yuan honestly.

There are only two hopes that Hei Ze holds. One is that Kizaru did it to himself and was really killed by Uchiha Madara who took back the reincarnation eye.

The other is time. No matter how strong Huang Yuan is, he is still a human being. There will always be a day when he dies of old age. When he dies of old age, he can continue his plan to save his mother.

Of course, if Huang Yuan really abides by the agreement and helps him resurrect his mother in the future, Hei Jue is also very willing.

But for this hope, Hei Jue felt that there was almost no possibility. He only believed in himself and did not believe in anyone else. Hei Jue did not think that Huang Yuan would kindly help him revive his mother.

"Heijue, tell everyone what you know about Uchiha Madara!" Facing everyone's shocked gazes, Kizaru ordered to Heijue.

With a smile on his face, Kuroze began to talk about Uchiha Madara's plan and what he has done in the past few decades.

Uchiha Madara borrowed the help of Izanagi's fake death under Senju Hashirama, bit off the flesh and blood of Hashirama with his mouth, transplanted it in his chest, gained the power of Senju, let his eternal kaleidoscope evolve again, and started reincarnation Eye.

Then Uchiha Madara used the reincarnation eye to summon the heretic golem, and created a large number of biological weapons.

And in the end, Uchiha Madara plans to collect nine-tailed beasts, revive ten-tailed beasts, become ten-tailed Jinchuriki, and cast infinite monthly reading on the moon, so that the whole world will fall into the illusion of infinite monthly reading, creating a world where only the winner fantasy world.

Following Hei Jue's narration, the shock on the faces of the people present never disappeared, until the end, it gradually became dignified.

Uchiha Madara's strength was so powerful back then that future generations can only look up to him, and now he has integrated the power of Senshou to gain stronger power, and everyone felt the pressure all at once.

"Samsarayan" pronounced the name, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Kizaru who remained calm and did not speak, "Kiazuru, if Samsarayan is the evolution of the fusion of Sharingan and the power of Senshou, then Nagato What happened to your eyes?"

"Nagato's eyes of reincarnation belonged to Uchiha Madara. He transplanted his own eyes to Nagato, and nourished his eyes with the blood of Nagato's Uzumaki clan." Hei Ze took the initiative to answer this question.

Hearing what Hei Ze said, Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked in puzzlement, "Why did Madara Uchiha do this?"

"No matter how powerful Uchiha Madara is, he is only a human being. His body is seriously aging. He transplanted his own eyes to Nagato in order to let Nagato use the exclusive ninjutsu reincarnation natural technique of reincarnation eyes to save him from Resurrected from death, regaining a young body." Hei Jue continued to explain.

resurrection? Can reincarnation eyes bring people back to life? And back to when I was young?

Surprise and a trace of excitement flashed across Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes, but it quickly dissipated.

"Samsara Eye can revive Uchiha Madara, does that also mean that it can be resurrected?" Speaking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Senju Hashirama, the meaning is self-evident.

With Sarutobi Hiruzen taking the lead, the others couldn't help looking at Senju Hashirama.

If the first generation of adults can be resurrected, wouldn't Konoha have two gods of ninjas, one Uchiha Madara, what else to worry about?

Among the people present, the only one who didn't look at Senshou Zhujian was Orochimaru. From Heijue to reincarnation, he kept looking at Huangyuan.

Orochimaru didn't forget that when he used Dirt Reincarnation and Reincarnation Scorpion's parents a few years ago, Kizaru told him that he knew a ninjutsu that brought people back from the dead, and the name was the technique of reincarnation.

Huang Yuan already knew the information about the Eye of Reincarnation? Did he also know Uchiha Madara's plan a long time ago, and when he thought that Uchiha Madara's confidants were all subdued by Kizaru, Orochimaru suddenly felt that the image of Kizaru became more and more unpredictable.

Feeling everyone's gaze, and knowing the ninjutsu that can bring people back to life, Senjujuma didn't feel any excitement. He rubbed his head and laughed boldly.

"Forget about resurrection or something, I'm going to go back to rest after I finish solving Madara's matter."

Looking at Orochimaru, Kizaru smiled, indicating that he would talk about it later if he had any questions.

Orochimaru's discovery and doubts were trivial matters to Huang Yuan, but what aroused his interest now was Senju Zhuma's words.

Go back and rest?

The meaning of this sentence in the first generation is worth thinking about. Does it mean falling into eternal sleep after death, or does it mean returning to the space between life and death to let the soul rest?

"If Nagato's reincarnation eyes belong to Uchiha Madara, then I suggest to change Nagato's eyes, remove the reincarnation eyes, seal them up, or give them to stronger people to use." Danzo said later Halfway through, he looked directly at Huang Yuan.

Danzo's idea is very simple. Since the Samsara Eye is so strong, it is better to use it to the maximum to enhance the strength of the strongest ninja in the village.

"No, Samsara Eye will only affect my performance!" Huang Yuan said disgustedly.

"Hahaha!" Seeing Huang Yuan's refusal, Qianju Zhujian laughed again. He felt the courage of a strong man from Huang Yuan's body, which made him appreciate it very much.

"Then just destroy the eyes of reincarnation!" Danzo said decisively with a ruthless look on his face.

"It's too wasteful. I think the eyes of reincarnation can be used to revive those ninjas who have made contributions to the village and sacrificed." Huang Yuan put forward his own idea.

"Using reincarnation eyes to revive people, is there no price?" Hiruzen Sarutobi asked. As a ninjutsu doctor who is proficient in almost all conventional ninjutsu and Konoha forbidden jutsu, he does not believe that such a powerful ninjutsu has no price. .

"The cost is the life of the caster. Casting the natural reincarnation technique will consume different amounts of chakra according to the strength and quantity of the resurrected target, but even a low chakra consumption will not affect the caster. I mean, it's all horrific."

This time it was not Heijue who answered the question, but Huang Yuan. He continued: "Theoretically, as long as the caster has enough Chakra, he can also survive after casting the reincarnation technique."

The people present are all strong in the ninja world, and the weakest are all Kage-level. Naturally, they understand the meaning of Huang Yuan's words. The so-called theory means that it is basically impossible to survive.

"You are not allowed to use this ninjutsu to revive me." Knowing the price, Senju Zhuma showed a serious expression, and said seriously to the juniors in front of him.

As someone who has experienced it, Senjujuma understands that the most terrifying thing in this world is never ninjutsu, but the human heart.

If these juniors in high positions in the village can use the eyes of reincarnation to resurrect themselves, the first generation of Hokage, can they also be used to resurrect themselves in the future.

Some things, once controlled by power, the darkness and filth in them will destroy the entire village from within.

"Madara's eyes, it's best to destroy them after the war is over." Senju Bashima said solemnly.

"I see." Hiruzaru Sarutobi actually wanted to persuade the first generation of adults again, but seeing the extremely serious expression of the first generation, he chose to agree directly.

"My lord, I have a different opinion about these eyes. I hope to keep them and let me take care of them!" Huang Yuan, who had already had uses and arrangements for the eyes of reincarnation, retorted directly.

As soon as Kizaru's words came out, the atmosphere of the scene changed suddenly. Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo looked at Kizaru, signaling him not to contradict the first generation at this time.

Contrary to these two people, Tsunade who was sitting next to Kizaru did not speak for his grandfather, but instead spoke out to support Kizuru.

"Grandpa, trust my vision!" After finishing speaking, Tsunade took the hand of Kizaru to show his support.

Looking at Kiwi, watching Tsunade hold Kiwi's hand, watching his granddaughter speak for Kiwi, Senshou Zhuma stared at Kiwi seriously for a while, then slowly relaxed his expression and smiled.

"I believe in Tsunade's vision! It's up to you to decide about your juniors!"

"These eyes may be the power to bring peace." Speaking with a smile, Kizaru asked Senju Hashirama, "My lord, do you think that the Ninja Village system you created really brought a new world to this world?" Is there peace?"

"Kizake!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi reminded, as a disciple of the second generation and a descendant of the first generation, he, who has experienced wars of all sizes, naturally knows that the ninja village system has not brought real peace to the world.

On the contrary, after the establishment of the ninja village system, the scale of the war has grown, and the hatred between countries and villages has become more intense.

"No, I failed!" Senju Bashima admitted frankly.

"Just like in the first generation, you and Uchiha established Konoha Ninja Village, created the ninja village system, and brought changes to this world. I also hope to bring new changes to this world and bring new hope for peace." Ignore the others With human eyes, Huang Yuan looked directly at Senshou Zhujian, and said solemnly.

"Hahaha! That's great, this is the junior I want to see!" Senshou Zhujian showed a joyful expression.

"So, if it's convenient, I'd like to have a chat with you alone."


"It's now."

Go, go, go!

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