On the outskirts of Muye Village, on the edge of a practice field, there is a giant boulder as tall as a man, and there is an underground hole under the boulder, which is the No. 2 secret base of Scorpion.

In the hall of the base, a golden and white humanoid mecha about two meters tall was embedded on a shelf in the wall.

Standing in front of the mecha were five teenagers, male and female, they were Xie, Yahiko, Xiaonan, Nagato, and Nonoyu.

"This is too cool! Scorpion!" Looking at the mecha in front of him, Yahiko trembled excitedly.

Not only Yahiko, but also Nagato beside him, the two boys were really powerless to resist the temptation of the mecha.

Xiaonan and Nonaiyu performed slightly better, but their eyes were full of surprise and appreciation.

Student Scorpion is really amazing! To be able to make such a big and beautiful mecha.

"I originally made this mecha for Brother Huang Yuan, so you can give it to Brother Huang Yuan together with me!" For friends, the rich and powerful Xie has always been very generous.

"No!" Shaking at the scorpion, the excitement on Yahiko's face subsided a little, revealing a serious look.

He looked at Xie and said emphatically: "Xie, we can't just do nothing and take advantage of you. Although I don't have much money with me now, please tell me the cost of making mechas. When we save enough money , will make it up for you."

After finishing speaking, Yahiko took out a frog wallet from his trouser pocket, which was a New Year's gift given to him by Brother Kizaru.

Opening the wallet, Yahiko took out all the pocket money he had prepared and saved in it. This was the plan he had made in his heart since he left the No. 2 base last time.

"There is 13,000 yuan in it, all my savings, please accept it." Yahiko said loudly as he handed the money to Xie.

Showing a hesitant expression, Xie was thinking whether he should accept this sum, which was equivalent to his pocket money of less than a week.

Just when Xie was hesitating, the other three also took out the money they had saved and handed it to Xie.

"Xie, accept it quickly! This is our intention!" Nagato stepped forward, walked in front of Scorpion, and said with a smile.

Seeing the money handed over by his friends and the sincere smiles on his face, Xie nodded silently, and stretched out his hand to take the money everyone took out.

Shouhe, who was standing by the side, saw this scene, and turned his head arrogantly. The little money you put out is not even enough to cover 10% of the cost of the mecha.

"Xie, what is the total cost of this mech?" Seeing Xie accept the money, Yahiko smiled happily.

"More than 5 million!" Xie hesitated for a moment, and quoted half of the real cost.

The smile on his face froze, Yahiko was startled by the price quoted by Scorpion, "You really are rich! Scorpion!"

The price quoted by Xie not only frightened Yahiko, but also frightened several other people.

5 million! How long will it take me to wait for someone to earn enough?

"The rest of the money is mine. Mom and Dad knew that I was preparing a gift for Brother Huang Yuan, so they gave me a lot of money." Not wanting money to be a burden to get along with friends, Xie said hastily.

In Scorpion's view, friends are much more important than money, money is used up and there will be new ones soon, but if there is one less friend, it will be difficult to come back, and I will be very sad!

Hearing Xie's words, Yahiko and the others looked at each other with the same thought in their eyes, they couldn't take advantage of their friends for nothing.

"We will work hard to make money in the future!" Yahiko clenched his fists and encouraged himself.

Others also nodded, no one chose to give up because of too much money.

Xie also nodded to express his approval, but he still thought in his heart that it would be fine if he didn't mention the money when the matter was over.

"Xie, has this mecha been built yet?" Nagato asked, looking at the tall and handsome mecha in front of him, eager to see the actual combat effect.

"One thing is missing." Having said that, Xie showed a troubled expression on his face.

"What's missing? Can we help?" Xiao Nan asked with concern.

"There is still one energy source missing." As he spoke, Xie looked at Shouhe next to him. "My own mech relies on the energy provided by Shouhe. I haven't found a suitable one for Brother Huang Yuan's." source of energy."

"However, even if there is no energy source, Brother Huang Yuan can still rely on his own chakra to drive the mecha after he puts on the mecha."

Understanding what Xie meant, several of them nodded. Among them, Xiao Nan looked at the guard crane, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Shouhe is a tailed beast, and so is Sister Youlu. How about we discuss it with Sister Youlu?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Nan looked at Xie, and asked, "Xie, is this okay?"

"Yes, the materials of the mecha are all fireproof." Xie nodded and agreed.

"Then let's find Sister Mataru together!" Yahiko spoke at this time.

"Don't look for it, I'm right here!"

Just as Yahiko finished speaking, the voice of another brigade rang out in the passage leading to the exit at the back of the hall.

He walked out from the darkness, swept across the children in the enclosure, and then set his sights on the mecha directly in front of him.

This mecha is equivalent to transplanting the Tailed Orc Churiki to the mecha, so that ninjas can use the Chakra of the Tailed Beast to fight like Renchuriki when wearing the mecha.

And the tail beast will not be trapped in Jinchuriki's stomach all the time, and can move freely in normal times.

This kid, Xie, really invented something amazing!

"Sister Youlu, when did you come?" Seeing Youlu walking in, Xiaonan, who had the best relationship with it, trotted to it.

"I went to the base with you." After finishing speaking, the brigade looked at Shouhe, "Shouhe knew I was coming, but he didn't tell you."

"Jie Jie Jie! Why did Master Shou He tell them?" Shou He said disdainfully with his head held high.

Shouhe, this guy, except in front of the yellow monkey, he still can't speak at other times!

He complained about Shouhe in his heart, walked through the crowd again, and walked to the bottom of the mecha.

Looking at a yellow crystal circle the size of an adult's head in the center of the mecha's chest, he asked again: "Scorpion, you engraved the sealing circle into the crystal on the mecha's chest, right?"

"Hmm! I originally wanted to make a smaller one, but the sealing circle is too big. I compressed it a lot, but it's still a bit big." Scorpion said a little dissatisfied.

From Scorpion's point of view, if the circle on the mecha's chest was smaller, it would look better and be more perfect.

"You've done a good job!" You Lu said in admiration.

In the thousands of years of his life, Scorpion is the most innovative ninja he has ever met.

It can be said that the Tailed Beast Mecha invented by Scorpion is an existence that subverts the entire ninja world.

If other ninja villages know about it, they will definitely steal their heads.

After all, the resources and cost needed to cultivate a tailed orc Zhuli are too great.

It is much easier to train a tail beast mech controller, and the communication with the tail beast is also much easier.

As a tailed beast, Youlu really understands the root cause of why tailed beasts are difficult to cooperate with, that is freedom.

Any life with self-thinking will not be willing to be imprisoned and become a weapon of others.

The Tailed Beast Mecha solves the biggest problem. The Tailed Beast only needs to enter the mecha during the battle, and fight together with the ninja who controls the mecha.

In normal times, the tail beast can leave the mech and move freely.

In this way, the resentment and anger of the tailed beasts will be much less, and they will be able to communicate and cooperate better.

At least from Youlv's point of view, if it enters the mecha and fights side by side with the yellow ape, it is willing to accept it, even very willing to accept it.

"Can I go in directly?" Youlv was also very curious about the mecha, it looked at Scorpion and asked eagerly.

"Yes." Scorpion nodded.

With Scorpion's permission, Youlv's body turned into a chakra, which poured into the crystal on the mecha's chest.

With the continuous influx of chakra, the round crystals began to emit blue light, and it became brighter and brighter.

After the brigade completely entered the crystal, its chakra flowed into the whole body of the mecha along the route designed by the scorpion. The eyes of the mecha's head lit up first, and then the arms moved.

At the end, the brigade controlled the mecha from the shelf on the wall, jumped down, jumped to the ground, and moved a few times under the excited eyes of the children.

"The conductivity of Chakra is good," Youlu's voice sounded from the mecha, "The material may not be tough enough, and the physical quality of the yellow monkey is too strong, and the mecha may not be able to fully bear it."

Hearing You Lu's evaluation, Xie didn't refute, but took out a small notebook and pen from his pocket, and started to record.

"Are there any other questions?" Entering the research state, Xie's whole demeanor instantly changed, becoming serious, with a feeling that strangers should not enter.

Later, I will search the Internet to see if there is any picture of the mech that I imagined.

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