"Grandma, I went to the park to play!"

Wearing goggles, the little Obito happily ran out of the house.

Every afternoon is Obito's favorite time, because at this time, there will always be a lot of friends gathered in the park, and everyone will play various games together, the most popular of which is the ninja game.

The lovely Lynn, the stinky Kakashi, the hot-blooded Kai, Asma who always says my dad is Hokage, and the pretty Red.

The park near the center of the village is a paradise for Konoha children, and it is also the childhood memory of most Konoha villagers.

What game will you play today? I don't know if Lin is here? Kakashi, that stinky guy, will definitely be dragged over by Kai again, what a twisted guy!

With all kinds of thoughts in his little head, Obito was running fast on the streets of the Uchiha clan.

Running to the bustling main street of the clan area, Obito started panting, slowed down a little, and walked bouncing around.

"I'm really sorry about Fuyue's matter. That child must have made it difficult for you to make his own claims! When he comes back, I will teach him a good lesson."

"Hey! No, Fuyue is also pleading for the fellows in the village, so don't blame him."

The patriarch's voice from not far away slowed down Obito's footsteps even more. He walked slowly and looked at the adults not far away, with curiosity flashing in his eyes.

That tall man in yellow clothes is the strange uncle who often basks in the sun in the park!

Obito heard from Kakashi that the strange uncle was named Kizaru, and he was a very lazy, bad-tempered, incapable bastard.

Such a strange uncle, why did the patriarchs and elders behave like this... as if they were in front of grandma.

Seeing the yellow ape and the patriarch walking in his direction, little Obito had great doubts in his heart.

"For you to become the fourth generation of Hokage, my clan and I are very supportive. We all believe that under your leadership, the village will become more prosperous."

"Hahaha! I can be Hokage because of everyone's support. Uchiha's support for me is always in my heart. This time Fuyue is back, let him get married early! I'm still waiting to adopt his child Become an apprentice."

Hearing Kizaru once again mentioned the promise of accepting apprentices, the Uchiha patriarch smiled even more happily.

"In his early twenties, it's time to start a family. If he doesn't start a family, it will be too late. When he comes back, I will urge him and Meiqin to settle the matter."

Stopping in his tracks, eyes widened, Obito did not expect that the new Hokage being discussed by the tribe recently turned out to be this strange uncle in front of him, the incompetent bastard that Kakashi said!

Taught by his grandmother since he was a child, he has a kind personality and likes to help others. He is determined to become Obito of Hokage when he grows up. When he looks at the yellow monkey, he can't help showing envy.

Hokage! I don't know when I will be able to become one, this strange uncle in front of me is really lucky!

Obito's envious gaze was so hot that the perceptive yellow monkey noticed it.

While listening to the Uchiha patriarch's compliment, Kizaru looked at Obito in front of him.

Kizaru, who often goes to the park, immediately recognized that the kid foolishly blocking the front was none other than Obito Uchiha.

The Uchiha patriarch, who has been observing the expression and movements of Kizaru, noticed the change in the sight of Kizaru.

Following Kizaru's line of sight, the Uchiha patriarch also looked at Obito.

As the head of the clan, the Uchiha clan chief couldn't recognize everyone in the clan, but he just happened to know the kid in front of him.

Uchiha Obito, whose parents are both ninjas, died because of a mission, and was taken care of by his grandmother.

For the orphans left by these ninjas who made contributions to the family and sacrificed for the family, the Uchiha patriarch always remembers them in his heart, and also has a lot of support and care.

"That kid's name is Obito Uchiha. His parents are both ninjas. They died because of a mission. There is only one grandma at home to take care of him."

Although I don't know why Kizaru is interested in a child, the Uchiha patriarch introduced it in detail.

As for Obito, Kizaru, who knew more about Obito than the Uchiha patriarch, nodded with a smile, indicating that he knew.

At this time, Obito also found that the adults were looking at him, and he couldn't help getting a little nervous when he was still young, so he hurriedly stepped forward and saluted the patriarch.

"Good afternoon Patriarch!"

Nodding with a smile, the Uchiha patriarch showed a friendly smile and asked gently: "Obito, are you going there?"

"I'm going to the park to play!" Obito replied quickly.

"Let's go!" The Uchiha clan leader said with a smile.

"En!" In response, Obito couldn't help but look at the yellow monkey again, with a strong curiosity in his eyes.

Noticing Obito's movements, the Uchiha patriarch introduced with a smile: "Obito, this is Kizaru! The very powerful ninja in the village is also the hero of the village, and he will soon be the fourth Hokage-sama."

"Hey!" Obito couldn't help crying out when he heard a completely different introduction from Kakashi's.

After yelling, Obito reacted and quickly covered his mouth.

Obito's cry was slightly impolite, and the Uchiha patriarch looked at Kizaru with an apologetic smile.

Huang Yuan naturally didn't care, just shook his head slightly, indicating that it's okay.

Taking a step forward, Huang Yuan squatted down in front of Obito, reached out and touched his head, and asked with a smile: "Little guy, are you surprised?"

Facing the question of the yellow monkey, Obito didn't care about the eyes of the patriarch at all, and directly asked the question in his heart.

"That...that is, I have a friend named Kakashi, he told me that you are a very lazy uncle with a bad personality and no ability"

Hearing Obito's words, the Uchiha patriarch standing behind Kizoru shook his head helplessly. He was not worried that Kiyozaru would get angry because of it.

Having known Kizaki for so many years, the Uchiha patriarch knew that Kizaki had a big heart and would not get angry because of a child's unintentional words.

Next to the head of the Uchiha clan, Tsunade, who followed the yellow monkey to visit the Uchiha clan, smiled because of Obito's words.

Well said, brat!

Seeing Kizaru's little embarrassment, Tsunade smiled happily.

Looking at Obito, Kizaru didn't get angry or feel offended by his words, but the smile on his face increased a bit, "Oh ho ho! What a sad comment."

"Uncle, I'm not saying you're bad, I just want to ask you, how did you become Hokage?" Obito quickly explained, and at the same time asked the second question in his heart.

"What kind of person do you think Hokage should be?" Kizaru asked rhetorically.

Without answering right away, Obito propped his chin with his fingers, thinking hard.

Not only Obito, but also the Uchiha people behind the yellow monkey, and Tsunade, all instinctively thought about this question about the yellow monkey.

What kind of person can become Hokage?

Uchiha's idea is that the most powerful person in the village is the most powerful person behind him!

Tsunade's thoughts are those who have the ability to protect the village.

And what about the soil? After thinking hard for a while, he looked at Huang Yuan and said uncertainly, "It should be the most powerful ninja in the village!"

"Hokage! He is the unlucky guy who is recognized by everyone. He has to carry the whole village and keep moving forward! He may get tired, lose his way, and make mistakes. However, he must not retreat, and he must not be weak, because Behind him is the village.

If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight. If you want to become Hokage, you have to be prepared to move forward with heavy burdens, because you bear the expectations of the entire village. "

Obito still nodded his head after hearing half of it. He was still young and hadn’t fully understood the meaning of Kizaru, but he understood a little bit. If he wants to become Hokage, he must be recognized by everyone and lead everyone to move forward together.

"I will definitely work hard, and I will become Hokage in the future!" Obito said seriously, looking at Kizaru.

"Hahaha!" Laughing loudly, Kizaru pinched Obito's little face, then stood up, "Well, I will sit in Hokage's seat and wait for you until you are qualified to become a Qualified movie."

"Yeah!" Obito was happy and excited to see Kizaru, the new Hokage, acknowledging his dream.

what the hell! Kakashi, that stinky fart guy, is simply lying, Uncle Kizaru is obviously a very good person!

Obito couldn't help complaining about Kakashi's evaluation of Kizaru in his heart.

"Okay, let's go to the park to play!" Huang Yuan patted Obito's head and said with a smile.

"Uncle Huangyuan, Lord Patriarch, goodbye!" Waving his hand, Obito was ready to leave contentedly.

Standing where he was, with his hands in his pockets, and looking sideways at the back of Obito walking forward, a wicked thought suddenly rose in the yellow monkey's heart.

"By the way, Obito! You know Kakashi, so you must know Lin!"

"Lin is my best friend." Obito turned to look at Kizaru, and replied happily.

"Oh!" With a long voice, Kizaru raised his right hand, touched his chin, and showed a wretched smile, "I saw Lin at Kakashi's house yesterday, and they seemed to be having a good time."


Staying where he was, Obito didn't know why, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

He is still young, and he still doesn't know what love is, what it means to like someone, but he does have a good impression of Lin that is different from ordinary people.

Rin went to Kakashi's house, they had a good time?

After reading this sentence silently in his heart, Obito felt a little flustered! It felt like Lin was going to be snatched away by that stinky guy Kakashi.


With just one word, Obito couldn't stay any longer, and quickly turned around and ran towards the park.

Lin, the two of us are best friends!

Kakashi! You nasty fellow!

Looking at Obito who ran away, the wretched smile on the yellow monkey's face increased a bit.

Today's children are really scary! Amazingly precocious!

Tsunade walked in front of Kizaru angrily, stretched out his right hand vaguely, and pinched Kizuru's side waist.

"You guy, do you just like teasing children so much?" Tsunade, who couldn't bear to watch the bad behavior of the yellow monkey tricking the children, asked.

Bowing his head close to Tsunade's ear, Kizaru whispered, "So, let's have a baby early to play with!"

His cheeks flushed, if he hadn't considered that this is the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha patriarch was right behind him, and Tsunade, who was so ashamed and angry, would have punched the yellow monkey with his fist.

There are so many people here, why are they talking nonsense?

Also, did the two of us have a baby just for you to play with?

Is it for children to play with? You bastard!

Tsunade, who was out of breath, glared at Kizuru, signaling him to pay attention to the situation and be more serious.

Isn't it too early to go to bed at this point! Hahaha!

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