As time fell, Chiba had already arrived in the Hokage office building with Sunset Red and Mitarashi Red Beans.

“Shizune, this is the office assistant I got for you.” Chiba came to the office.

Then said with a smile to Shizune.

“Uh-huh! Thank you, Chiba-sama! Shizune nodded immediately.

The next step is to familiarize yourself with Hokage’s daily office process.

Tsunade and Shizune teach at the same time.

And Xiyan, Xiri Hong, and Red Bean and the three of them also learned very quickly.

It’s just a morning time.

They can already complete the process.

“Qianye, I can’t see it, your eyes are still very vicious!”

Today’s lunch was settled in the Hokage office building.

On the second floor, there is a special place for meals, and everyone comes here.

Tsunade looked at Chiba beside him and said with a smile.

Qianye smiled casually, “It’s not so much that my eyes are vicious, but that they learn quickly.” ”

“Hurry up and eat, you can’t gag your mouth with food!” Chiba looked at Tsunade, who still wanted to speak.

I couldn’t help but grin and said, “Next time, do I have to gag your mouth with something else…”

Tsunade: “…”

After a day of teaching.

The three of them, Sunset Red, Yue Xiyan, and Mitarai Red Bean, are already fully capable of this job.

“Hongdou, you will be working in the office building from tomorrow.”

“I’ll talk about the department you used to be in.”

At the end of the day’s work, Tsunade said to Mitarashi Azuki Bean.

“Hmm! Thank you Naruto-sama. Mitarashi Red Bean’s face also showed joy.

“Hmm.” Tsunade smiled and nodded as well.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the “Hokage Office Crisis” mission. ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 300,000 gold coins. ”

“Ding! Host current balance: 7.4 million coins. ”

After Qianye heard the prompt in his mind, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

I made another 300,000!

However, the next step is to really make a lot of money.

Mascot collection scheme.

Qianye touched his chin.

There is some friction between my own plan and the plan of the Xiao Organization!

Qianye narrowed his eyes, he was wondering if he had taken all of the Xiao Organization by the way?

After all, Xiao organization!

The first day of the group!

However, it is estimated that people are still developing secretly at this time.

Qianye thought about it, these people are not worth much now.

Let’s go and complete the mascot collection plan first.

Night falls.

Chiba sat at his desk.

Look at the five people in front of you.

Senjukuma, Senjukuma, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Senna, and Tsunade.

Oh, and a nine-tailed one squatting on Chiba’s shoulder.

“The next step is the mascot collection plan.”

“Do you have any good ideas?” Qianye asked with a smile.

“If I suggest…” Senju looked at the map on his desk, and then said slowly:

“Let’s start from the right side of the Land of Fire, go to the Mist Shadow Village in the Land of Water, and collect the three and six tails.”

“Then after reaching an alliance agreement with the Mist Shadow Village, move upwards and arrive in the Land of Thunder.”

“The Land of Thunder also has two tailed beasts, the Two Tails and the Eight Tails, and then reached an agreement with the Cloud Hidden Village of the Land of Thunder.”

“Let’s take a break back in Konoha.”

Senju began to analyze, and as for the information of the tailed beast, Tsunade, who was the Hokage, could naturally know it clearly.

“After returning to Konoha Village, we are heading directly to Tsuchinoku.”

“On the way through the Land of Earth, we will reach the village of Takigi and arrest Nanao!”

“Then, let’s move on to the Land of Earth and capture the Four Tails and Five Tails!”

“When the time comes! Our Konoha Village has eight of the nine tailed beasts! ”

When Qianshou said this, his expression had begun to become excited.

“By then! We directly kill the Sand Hidden Village in the Land of the Wind! Forcing them to hand over a tail! ”

“When the time comes! The nine tailed beasts are all in our Konoha village! ”

“We, Konoha, will become the head of the five great powers!”

“Then let all four of them become our small subordinate countries of Konoha!”

“Then we in Konoha Village can stage a coup d’état!!”

“Let Konoha control everything!”

“Konoha Village is the number one in the world!”

Speaking of this, Qianshou took a deep breath and said murderously:

“How? Boss Chiba? Is my plan available? ”

The corner of Qianye’s mouth twitched fiercely, and the previous plan was quite good.

How did the special one in the back become a direct capture of the tailed beast?!

Why did you also stage a coup d’état with a daimyo?!

Although Qianye is quite unhappy with the daimyo, but people didn’t come to provoke us, right?

Thanks to a thousand hands, he died early!

In particular, if he is allowed to develop like this.

I’m afraid that Konoha Village will die under the siege of several other powers…

“The idea is very good, I will keep it first.”

Qianye smiled, “Then if that’s the case, renovate it tonight.” ”

“Let’s start our journey tomorrow morning!”

“First stop, the land of water.”

“Wuhu!” Everyone exclaimed in unison.

“Finally ready to hang out!” Uchiha pulled his throat and smiled.

“Who says it isn’t!” The Thousand Hand Pillar also laughed.

Immediately, the two of them looked like brothers and left here.

“Come and help me prepare the seasoning for the trip.”

Uchiha Senna whispered.

“Oh, here it is.” Senju nodded.

Following behind Uchiha Senna, they left Chiba’s office together.

Qianye looked at this scene and couldn’t help but be slightly startled.

Is this so harmonious?

Even, Qianye didn’t believe it a little much.

As for why he brought Uchiha Senna, of course, it was because of the benefits of the rice he cooked!

I don’t know how many days it will take in this line of work, and I may not be able to stay in a hotel every day.

Therefore, Chiba brought a chef with him!

Otherwise, what would so many people eat?

Chiba cooking? Wait for it!

Tsunade? Forget it, this woman will only eat …

Between columns? Forget it……


If this is ruled out, it will only fall on Uchiha Senna.

Everyone left the office and went back to their bedrooms to rest.

At this time, Chiba also left the office.

I went back into my bedroom.

“Huh? Sunset? ”

“I… I’m waiting for you…”

“Hey, hey!”


The next day, early in the morning.

Qianye and everyone had already set off in full gear.

This time is actually not very anxious, so Qianye does not plan to rush too much.

It’s just a trip out of the village.

“Boss Chiba!”

“Boss Chiba!!”

Just when several people in Qianye were about to leave the tavern.

Suddenly, two voices came, and immediately two figures appeared in front of Qianye.

“Kakashi, Matkay, what are you?” Qianye was slightly startled, what are these two brothers doing?

“We want to follow Boss Chiba and Lord Naruto to complete this journey!” Matkay said very seriously.

“…” Qianye raised his eyebrows, and then stood to the side, revealing several people from Uchiha behind him.

“Do you think my lineup is not enough?”

“Eh…” Matkay scratched his head, this lineup was already able to sweep the ninja world…

“Otherwise, you guys won’t be a big deal anyway.” Qianye smiled.

“Why don’t you work as a temporary worker in my tavern first!”

In fact, Chiba also saw it, the three disciples under Kakashi.

Naruto Uzumaki was taken by Jiraiya to practice.

Sasuke Uchiha threw himself into the arms of Orochimaru.

Sakura also followed Shizune to learn medical ninjutsu.

He, who was a teacher, suddenly found that he couldn’t teach his disciples anything.

That’s why it’s such a listless look.

And Matkai also discovered such a situation, so he took Kakashi to find Chiba.

“Let’s go to work in my tavern.”

“Anyway, when it’s okay, you can also talk to Asura and Indra or the Six Dao Immortals and his younger brother.”

Qianye smiled, “As for whether you can fight or not, you can see to it yourself.” ”

“Thank you Boss Chiba.” Kakashi looked at Chiba gratefully.

“Kakashi, this is for you.” At this time, Matkai quickly took out the previous golden badge from his pocket.

“Hmm! Triumphant! With tears in his eyes, Kakashi took the golden badge from Metkay’s hand.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing a new CP combination. ”

“Ding!” The combination of “Matkay” and “Kakashi” is successful! ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the gold coins: 600,000. ”

“Ding! Host current coin balance: 8 million. ”

Qianye also sighed slightly, such a pair of CPs can be regarded as together!

A lover has finally become a dependent!

It’s not easy!

In the next second, Qianye looked in the direction and waved his big hand.


“Target! Land of water! ”


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