After everyone heard Chiba’s order, they began to take their respective positions.

Immediately, the entire tavern suddenly turned into a swinging feast!

Lamplight! Music! Rhythm!

Everyone began to slowly become intoxicated.


“Fresh lamb kebabs! It’s not delicious, don’t have money! ”

“It’s delicious, and you don’t need money!”

Asura pushed a small stall from the hot pot restaurant next door directly into the tavern.

“Grilled chicken wings!”

“Burning chicken wings! I love to eat it the most! ”

Not to be outdone, Indra also pushed a small stall.

Chicken wings were roasted on top, and Indra took the cumin powder and began to slowly sprinkle it.

Coupled with the fire so roasted, it is very fragrant! Very fragrant!!!

At the same time, summer festivals began in various places.

During the summer festival, many small toys and masks are sold on the streets.

And Chiba couldn’t let the entire summer festival be spent in his tavern.

“Eat and drink!”

“Let’s go shopping!”

“All the expenses today will be paid by me!”

Qianye waved his hand and said boldly.


Everyone suddenly exclaimed!

The whole morning was spent shopping and shopping.

After lunch, everyone planned to lie quietly on the sofa in the tavern.

After all, the crowd was too tired.

At this time, Qianye took out his own super SLR camera.

Then quietly came to Sakura’s side with a few girls.

“Hehe, now that you have time, why don’t you take a few photos of the summer festival!”

“Uh-huh!” Hinata Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, and Haruno Sakura all nodded in agreement.

Then, the three girls quietly followed Chiba and left the tavern lobby.

And just as their front foot left, three more girls stood up on the back foot.

“A few of them are sneaky, there must be nothing good~!”

“Hee-hee, Sister Bai, Sister Xiangli, or shall we take a sneak look?”

Yue Xiyan snorted a little tastefully, and immediately pulled up the Bai He Xiangxi beside him and said.

“Huh?? That’s not good…” said Shiro in a whisper.

“Hmm… I don’t feel very good either…” Xiangxiang was naturally even more afraid to do so.

She was originally the maid recruited by Chiba, and she was grateful and in awe of Chiba.

“Hmph! Sister Bai, Sister Xiangli, if this continues, we will be the one who suffers the most! ”

Yue Xiyan snorted softly, and then flicked her purple hair, “I would like to see what Lord Qianye wants to do.” ”

“You two think about it! If you don’t follow up, you will definitely regret it! ”

After speaking, Yue Xiyan stood up directly, and then quietly walked towards the backyard.

“Sister Bai, I listen to you…” Xiangli grabbed the corner of Bai’s clothes a little timidly.

“Well, since… If Sister Xiyan is not afraid, then we have nothing to be afraid of…”

Bai thought for a while, and then cheered himself up, “Then we’ll take a look…”

“Hmm…” Xiangli also thought it was okay.

Immediately, the two little ones secretly followed Yue Xiyan.

After Yue Xiyan saw the two little ones behind her, a smile appeared on her face, “That’s right!” ”

Then the three girls disappeared into the vestibule.

At this moment, in the front hall, between the pillars and the chest, as well as Madara and Indra, all sat up straight.

“What do you think about this?” Thousand Hand Pillar looked in the direction of the backyard and asked solemnly.

“What to see, with the eyes?” Asura came over and took it casually.

Everyone: “…”

“If this continues, our family’s chances of winning are not very great!” Senju muttered.

Looking at Tsunade, who was already lying on the table and sleeping not far away, he said with a little headache.

Apparently, Tsunade had drunk too much at noon and was now sleeping.

“However, there is one point, those little girls are not as good as our family.” Thousand Hand Pillar still said very confidently.

“Indeed.” Senjuma also nodded.

For a while, several people muttered again.

At the same time, Chiba has already brought Hinata Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, and Haruno Sakura to the luxurious changing room.

This room was specially built by Chiba.

There are all kinds of cosplay costumes inside, all kinds of things, all kinds of variety!

“Since it’s a summer festival.”

“You can choose these clothes at will.”

“Behind you are your clothes lockers.”

“On the left is a row of changing rooms.”

Qianye held the camera in his hand and took a deep breath.

“Then let’s get started!”

“Hmm!” The faces of the three girls were full of excitement.

Then, the three of them each picked out their favorite clothes.

It has to be said that girls have no resistance to beautiful clothes.

What’s more, it is still produced by the system, and the cool material is worn on the body, and people are reluctant to take it off!

It’s so magical!

Hinata Hinata, all three of them entered the changing room on the left with their favorite COS clothes.

At this time, Qianye turned around and grinned.

“Okay, you three come out.”

After Chiba’s words were finished.

Behind the door, three figures slowly moved over.

“Chiba-sama, I’m just… Just a little curious…” Yue Yue Xiyan blushed and explained in a low voice.

And Bai Hexiangyu behind her lowered her head even more, not daring to raise her head.

“Harm! What a big deal! ”

Qianye smiled casually, then took Xi Yan’s hand and said:

“If you want to know, just come and ask me if it’s okay.”

“Actually, if you don’t come, I’m going to call you.”

“Hmm.” Qianye thought about it and waved his hand.

Suddenly, three rows of luxurious hangers appeared in the room.

The hangers are all COS suits.

“Come on! Pick and choose! ”

“If you pick it up, change it.”

Qianye smiled.

Yue Xiyan and Bai and Xiangxuan’s faces also showed joy.

Seeing that they began to excitedly choose their clothes, Qianye once again confirmed that sentence.

Girls have no resistance to beautiful clothes!

Qianye was not in a hurry, so he took the camera and waited leisurely.

Anyway, I have a lot of time.

There is no rush for this meeting.

Boil frogs in warm water, simmer over low heat!

It’s not time to collect the juice yet!

Twenty minutes later, all six girls came out of the changing room.

Everyone’s COS suit is different.

And the feeling presented is completely different.

“Hiss…” Qianye couldn’t help but gasp, thanks to his strong strength.

Otherwise, wouldn’t this make you look bloody?!

“So, let’s get started!”

Qianye slowly opened the photographer in his hand and said heavily.

“Hmm!” All the women nodded at the same time.

And so the fun afternoon began!


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