
“Drink well!!”

“Ahem… How is this wine so delicious?! ”

Above the dining table, Tsunade was holding a bottle of Nikakutou in her hand, and she had just poured a mouthful.

I almost didn’t choke myself to death…

No matter what, the alcohol content of the second pot head is quite high.

At the very least, it was a little higher than all the alcohol in the entire ninja world today.

“Chiba, you actually have such good wine, love love!”

Tsunade gave himself a small cup and took a sip gently, his face full of excitement.

“Anyway, I’m also a tavern owner.” Qianye smiled, “There are so many such good wines in my tavern.” ”

“Come on, drink it~!” Tsunade poured Chiba a cup too, and then another cup for Shiraya.

“I can’t drink…” said Shiro hurriedly shaking his head.

“It’s okay~ Sister Bai, your boss is happy today!” Do you want to upset your boss? Tsunade pretended to be frightened.

However, Bai still really ate this set, took the wine glass, and began to drink.

“Ahem, ahem…”


Qianye shrugged helplessly, come on!

Just by virtue of my physique, you want to get me drunk.

Start with at least ten bottles of high-purity vodka!

These two-pot heads are not enough for Qianye to consume.

One circle… Two laps… Three laps…

By the third lap, Shiro was already lying on the table and falling asleep.

Tsunade, on the other hand, can still persevere.

Qianye smiled, waved his hand casually, and three bottles of two pots appeared on the table again.

“Come, big sister, let’s continue.”


“Tons Tons ~~~”




“Ding! Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement “Drunken のTsunade”

“Reward: 20,000 gold coins.”

Qianye drank the last bottle of the second pot head.

Then he stood up and braced himself up for a lazy waist.

said lightly: “That’s it? ”

However, these two girls fell asleep on their backs, which is so bitter for me!

Qianye sighed, and then could only be carried to the large bedroom next door one by one.

“Tsunade, this guy is actually so heavy?”

“I can’t see it…”

Qianye scratched his head and was directly speechless.

“Knock knock~”

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Qianye was also slightly stunned, this point, there are still people who can find themselves.

Leaving the large bedroom, Chiba walked to the door and opened it.

I saw Shizune wearing a black kimono.

And she still holds a pink pig in her arms.

The corners of Qianye’s mouth grinned.

Isn’t this Page?

What wind brought big brother Paige here?

“Sorry for the interruption.”

After Shizune saw Chiba, he lost his mind for a few seconds.

Immediately, she reacted immediately and bowed to Qianye.

“It’s okay, excuse me, are you looking for me?” Qianye smiled slightly and asked.

“Well, I heard from the boss that the person who lives next door is in your house, so I wanted to ask.”

Shizune explained awkwardly.

“There is such a thing.” Qianye nodded.

And then put the silence in.

“She’s already drunk, though.” Qianye pointed to some empty wine bottles on the dining table.

Immediately continued: “And she said before, it won’t be long before someone comes to her.” ”

“It should be you, right?”

“Uh-huh, it’s me, my name is Shizune, first meeting, please take care.” Shizune nodded quickly, then introduced himself.

“My name is Chiba, and I am the owner of a tavern.” Chiba also smiled and introduced himself.

“That… What about my adults? Shizune asked quietly.

“Inside the room.” Chiba pointed to the door of the large bedroom.

Shizune went in and looked at it twice, and after making sure that he was really just drunk, he gently breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m really sorry to trouble you.” Shizune said apologetically.

“It’s okay, since you’re here, let’s settle the account.” Qianye said casually.

“Huh??” Shizune was stunned for a moment, “What checkout…”

“That lord of yours, come to me to drink, but there is a fee!” Qianye said extremely seriously.

“I’m a businessman, your adult has drunk a total of five bottles, and I’m a high-end limited edition two-pot head.”

“According to the current market price, one bottle is 500,000 taels, and your adult has drunk a total of five bottles.”

“Two and a half million taels, not a word less.” After Qianye finished speaking, he looked at the mute with a stunned face.

The silence at this time is already confused.

“Boss Chiba, why is your wine so expensive…” said Shizune in a low voice.

“Limited edition! Only my family has it in the whole ninja world, do you say expensive or not? Qianye grinned.

“Hurry up, pay! If you don’t pay, then don’t blame me for being unkind. ”

“I pay… Pay…” Shizune’s brow furrowed slightly, but Tsunade-sama had told her before.

Don’t cause trouble, because there are many people who are looking for trouble for them in the market town, and they must not reveal their whereabouts.

Afterwards, Shizune returned to the next room and took all the money he had swindled.

“Boss Chiba, I only have two million taels here…” Shizune gritted his teeth and said.

“So what to do?” Qianye shook his head, “I’m a businessman, and I never take credit. ”

“So what am I going to do… I have so much money…” Silent gas teeth itched.

“Okay then, this money will be owed first, make a note, and when the time comes, when you have money, you will return it to me.” Qianye said helplessly.

“Well…” Shizune nodded and said through gritted teeth.

Hum! This Qianye looks very handsome! How do you do things so badly! ,!

It’s all to blame Tsunade-sama…

After punching an IOU, a smile appeared on Qianye’s face.

“Okay, sleep.”

Qianye received the IOU into his arms and stood up.


When Shizune heard this, his face turned red immediately.

Hurriedly took two steps back, and his speech was a little unfavorable.

“Naa Nani?!! ”

“What mud, it’s so late, what do you want to do without sleeping?” Qianye looked at Shizune with some curiosity.

“Don’t you think…” Qianye was stunned.

Immediately laughed, “No, what do you think about every day in your head?” ”

Qianye walked towards silence step by step, and silent secretly began to run the chakra in his body.

As long as Qianye dared to make a move, she would immediately stab the Qianben in her hand into Qianye’s body!

Qianye slowly stretched out his right hand, and then placed it on Shizune’s left arm.

Shizune swallowed his spit, his breathing accelerated, and he saw that he was about to attack.

“Open it for Grandpa!” Chiba directly pulled the silent pickpocket to the side.

“My room has two bedrooms, and I have a large bedroom to free up for the three of you to rest.”

“The other one is on file by you, tell me what you want?”

“Ah???” Shizune looked at Chiba who walked into the bedroom and closed the door, and was stunned.

Qianye shrugged, flicked his neck, and turned his head.

Calmly said: “Brother Meng, did I do it right?” ”

In the next second, it seemed that four familiar big words sounded in my ears.

“The light of the right path!”


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