The degree of vodka, that’s no joke.

Even if Uchiha has a thousand hand pillars, he can’t carry such a large degree.

After a few rounds, everyone was a little drunk.

Qianye also felt a little confused.

This wine is very strong, not even weaker than baijiu!

“Izuna, and Kuruma, your Nissan will be handed over to you.”

Qianye stood up shakily, and then left here.

“Nissan, you can’t sleep here, if you want to sleep, you have to go to the bedroom to sleep.”

Uchiha Senna set up the already somewhat dizzy Uchiha spot.

Uchiha nodded in confusion, and then staggered out of here.

At this time, the drunken and slowly drunken thousand hand pillars on the table saw this scene.

A look of envy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

“Aniki, come on.” Qianshou held his forehead speechlessly.

I had to come to the side of the Thousand Hand Pillar and lower my body to set up my eldest brother.

“Oudou Bean! Big brother is moved! Thousand Hand Pillar looked at his brother with teary eyes.

“Do you dare to move again?” The corners of Qianshou’s mouth twitched fiercely.

This day, in the end, I am the big brother, you are the big brother!

“Don’t dare to move… Don’t dare to move…” Thousand Hand Pillar shrunk his neck.

This oudoudou himself is good at everything, but his temper is a little ungood!

No wonder the object has not been found, so it is.

Thanks to Qianshou, I don’t know what my eldest brother is thinking now, otherwise.

It is estimated that he can directly put the thousand hand pillars on the ground and fly away.

One night without a word.

Early the next morning.

Chiba sat in his tavern.

I started thinking.

My own tavern is basically full of drinks.

The waiter is also enough for the time being.

The confectionery chef will be topped by Uchiha Senna for the time being.

Now Uchiha Senna, that’s kidding, one person is responsible for the food of five people.

Busy from morning to night.

But fortunately, Uchiha Senna also enjoyed it.

In his words, it was that the ninja world was finally at peace now.

He is really satisfied with his current life, peaceful and peaceful.

Think about it too, after all in his time.

Even Konoha Village was not founded.

Or belongs to the Warring States period.

Qianye looked at the taskbar in front of him and did not refresh.

Usually, some ordinary guests come to buy alcohol to drink.

Although it was calm, Chiba always felt that something was wrong.

【Tavern chat group】

Chiba: “@ group members, come to the tavern hall, there is something to discuss with the big guy.” ”

Thousand Hand Pillars: “Received.” ”

Uchiha: “Received.” ”

Senjukuma: “Received.” ”

Uchiha Senna: “Received. ”

Within a minute, everyone arrived in the hall of the tavern.

“Guys, we’ve been together for a week.”

Qianye cleared his throat and said slowly

“The tavern has been open for a week.”

“However, in addition to the two days of opening, there can be a little bit of a small task.”

“In the past few days, our business has really been too dull.”

“And I always feel like something is missing.”

After everyone heard Qianye’s words, they also nodded in unison.

Although these days are calm, everyone does not want to be so calm.

Smooth sailing, you think you’re rowing?

“What are the shortcomings?” The Thousand Hand Pillar pondered.

“What’s the disadvantage?” Senju closed his eyes and began to brainstorm.

“What do you want?” Uchiha smacked his tongue and sat down on the stool.

“What?” Uchiha Senna was stunned and hurriedly followed along.

“Sure enough, the essence of human beings!” Qianye let out a helpless sigh.

He muttered, “What are the shortcomings?”

“I can’t stand it, it’s not that I can’t live.” Uchiha tugged at his throat.

Stood up, “Or I’d better go and do a big deal!” ”

“Start at 50 million! Between the columns! Where is the vault in Konoha Village? You should know, right? ”

“Hurry up, take me there!”

Uchiha said imposingly.

Looking at him like that, I can’t wait to move the Konoha Vault over.

Worthy of Uchiha! Undecided! That’s one word! Move!

“Madara, we can’t do this kind of thing even if we starve to death…”

Senjukuma made Uchiha Madara’s side and soothed.

“Why can’t you do it?” Uchiha grinned.

“I don’t like to hear what you say.”

“I think back then, Konoha Village was founded by the two of us.”

“What? I’m just taking back what belongs to me…”

“Belongs to me…” Uchiha held back for a long time, and did not think of any good words.

At this time, Qianye smiled and reminded: “Equity.” ”

“Yes! It’s equity! I just want my equity back! Uchiha took a breath and said with a smile.

Then, there was a dozen seconds of silence in the field.

Only then did Uchiha raise his hand and cough lightly.

“Chiba, what does equity mean?”

When Qianye heard this, the muscles on his face trembled slightly.

yes, I thought you all knew.

But this word is indeed a relatively new thing in their eyes.

“The so-called equity is.”

Qianye stood up and said leisurely

“The Konoha village that you and Senjukuma founded at the same time.”

“Then theoretically, you own half of Konoha Village.”

“However, the other families have also slowly defected to your Konoha village.”

“The concept is called equity participation.”

“After participating in the shares, then you are the largest shareholder of Konoha.”

“But others have some shares.”

“Therefore, the ultimate measure depends on the strength of your respective families.”

“Today, there are not many Uchiha left.”

“The Thousand Hands Clan, it’s almost the same.”

“If I have to say it, you two brothers are dead in name only!”

“Return the shares, not a dime is gone…”

After Qianye brushed his train of thought, he finally found that the two brothers were in Konoha Village.

That’s it.

When Uchiha heard this, his lungs suddenly exploded.

“I step on a horse! What a shit Konoha village this! ”

“Between the pillars, I’m going to destroy Konoha, don’t we all do it?”

The Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly showed a look of grievance.

“Okay, okay, okay, it’s not extinguished.”

Uchiha tugged at the corners of his mouth and coughed lightly.

“But if it doesn’t kill me, I’m uncomfortable!”

“Watma! Who will dance with me?!! ”

As soon as the words fell, Chiba, who was sitting opposite Uchiha Madara slapped his thighs sharply!

“Good! It’s just dancing!!! ”

Uchiha: “??? ”

Between the Thousand Hand Pillars: “??? ”

“Hahaha! Worthy of being my Madara Ye! I’ve come up with a nice idea. ”

Qianye laughed three times, because it won’t be long before the dancing spots will appear in front of everyone’s eyes!


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