"Be careful."

Uchiha Shigeru did not rob Uchiha Taki and gave him a second chance to do it.

Unlike Moonlight Blast, the two of them are a squad, so who comes first and who comes later doesn't have to be so clear.

"Who are you going to challenge?"

Seeing Uchiha Taki get up, an examiner immediately came over to inquire.

"Yunyin, Xi."

Uchiha Taki also immediately reported his chosen target.

"Be careful." Seeing that Uchiha Taki on the opposite side reported Nozomi's name, Darui couldn't help but instruct.

Being challenged was expected by them, after all, the hatred between the two sides is not small.

But they originally thought that it would be Uchiha Shigeru to do it, but they didn't expect to change it to Uchiha Taki.

And they know almost nothing about Uchiha Taki except that he knows that he can heal ninjutsu and dispense poison.

The two slowly came downstairs and stood opposite each other, and just as the examiner was about to speak, Uchiha Taki spoke ahead of time.

"Our relationship, there is no need to form a seal of opposition, I don't want to tie the seal of reconciliation with you later, that's strange and disgusting."

When the examiner hears this, he immediately wants to stop it, no matter what you think in your heart, but you still have to pretend to be friendly on the surface.

But before he could speak, Nozomi answered first: "It's okay, as long as you are beaten to the imprint."

Uchiha Taki raised his eyebrows, was this kid so crazy, but he didn't continue to reply, but stood quietly and waited for the examiner to announce the start of the game.

Instead of a verbal confrontation, it is better to leave the strength to actual combat.

The reason why Uchiha Taki wants to challenge Uchiha Shigeru is that he feels that Uchiha Shigeru can't beat Nozomi. Second, when he pointed at him just now, he was very upset, didn't his family teach him to use his fingers to be rude?

"The game begins!"

Afraid that the two would break out something that was not in line with "peace and friendship", the examiner quickly announced the start of the competition.

Thunder Thunder Light Pillar!

At the beginning of the match, Nozomi uses his signature ninjutsu, the Thunder Thunder Light Pillar, which he once used to fight the Ten Tails.

Uchiha Taki was also taken aback when he saw it, and thought to himself that this trick was actually developed so early? Is it the same technique as Spiral Pill Ratchet, which is used from childhood to adulthood?

However, Uchiha Taki was surprised, but he didn't care too much, in terms of illusion, except for a Kurama clan who was more powerful, everyone else was like that.

Although he just secretly replaced the body with the current shadow avatar in order not to trigger the miracle to you.

But the shadow avatar is also an eternal kaleidoscope level of eyes, even if it is not open, it can easily resist most of the illusions, not to mention the difference in strength.

"Using illusion in front of Uchiha, are you still awake?" Uchiha Taki taunted as he threw Senbon smeared with poison.

Phew, phew.

After seeing that the illusion was useless, Nozomi immediately lifted the illusion and jumped to the right to dodge, but his right leg was still stabbed twice by Senben.

Darui, who was watching from the sidelines on the second floor, saw this and tightened the railing, and his heart couldn't help but clench.

Originally, Xi's illusion technique can be said to be invincible, and most people will think that it is a ninjutsu that obstructs their vision, and choose to cover it with their hands or not look directly, and few people can recognize that this is an illusion.

And Uchiha Taki not only recognized it as an illusion, but also stabbed him with Senbon while Nozomi was using the illusion.

It just so happened that what Uchiha Taki was most wary of these candidates now was the poison that was eliminated and never killed.

Although Nozomi is proficient in illusion, medical ninjutsu, and perception ninjutsu in the later life, it is obvious that he has not grown to that level now, and he may not have a way to crack Uchiha Taki's poison.

And now that he is still at war, Uchiha Taki will not give him a chance to treat himself.

"Hey, come on!" Darui nervously prayed for Xi in his heart.

Uchiha Taki took out his prepared shuriken and continued to throw it towards Nozomi, all in the direction of his right foot, ready to extend his advantage.

Dozens of shurikens collided with each other in the air, bursting out many sparks and attacking the various dead corners of Nozomi.

It's a pity that it didn't hit Nozomi, and this time Nozomi was already prepared, and cast a thunder defense ninjutsu that Uchiha Taki had never seen in the original book in his previous life or after crossing over.

The whole is like a water array, but it is done with thunder, and lightning is used to strike shurikens.

This made Uchiha Taki show a playful smile, if it weren't for the fact that there were too many people present, he would have planned to open the Sharingan to copy it.

Defensive thunder, this is rare, it seems that there are still many capable people in the ninja world.

"I'm going to be a little more serious." Uchiha Taki thought to himself.

So Uchiha Taki threw dozens of Senbon again, and the chakra on the soles of his feet gushed out, leaving an afterimage in place.

At the same time, he himself flashed behind Nozomi, throwing a kunai stab covered in venom towards Nozomi.

Caught between the two sides, Nozomi once again used the defensive ninjutsu he had just used.

However, because it was forcibly used in a hurry, it only blocked the Senbon shot by Uchiha Taki, but Ku Wu was stabbed in his back.

Xi involuntarily let out a scream under the pain.

"Hey!" Darui shouted nervously on the second floor, and even Yunyin's leader couldn't help but sweat for Xi.

"Don't worry, Darui, I'm fine."

It may be that the universal bond of the ninja world has played a role, and the surroundings suddenly seem to enter bullet time.

I saw Nozomi slowly stand up and burst out with a strong momentum, like a flood beast, and then he slowly pulled out the kunai inserted in him, and looked at Uchiha Taki deadly.

"What is this, the transformation invincibility time of the ninja version." Uchiha Taki whispered.

Nozomi's change, of course, he knows, except for the bond, is that he has just made up his mind to fight with Uchiha Taki.

If before, because of a mistake in decision-making, he was shot by Senben, Nozomi also planned to find an opportunity to treat himself with medical ninjutsu.

Then with Ku Wu's piercing, Nozomi understood that there was no point in doing so, so he planned to fight to the death with Uchiha Taki while he could still fight now.

However, Uchiha Taki will not give him this opportunity, his purpose has been achieved.

"I throw in the towel."

Uchiha Taki's voice in admitting defeat was not loud, but it still spread throughout the tower, making everyone's eyes look towards him.

"You, what did you just say?" The examiner was a little suspicious that he had fallen for an illusion, and asked Uchiha Taki incredulously.

Aren't you taking advantage of everything? Why throw in the towel? People are poisoned again, and they are bleeding without admitting defeat, and you, the guy who didn't even have a broken skin and dirty clothes, actually admitted defeat?

"I said, I admit defeat."

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