"Wake up, you can get up." Uchiha Taki shouted that

this was not to call Uchiha Shizuku them, but to wake up the oni mackerel, and at this time Uchiha Taki had already carved a spell mark on the oni mackerel.

The ghost mackerel sat up half-dreamingly: "How long have I been sleeping?" What have you done to me?

"You don't need to care about that, what do you do or what to do."

"You don't need me to do things for you?"

"Of course it is needed, but not now, I will naturally go to you when I need it." Okay, I'm almost leaving, and your teammates are waking up. "

Because he was afraid that the oni mackerel would be checked after he returned, Uchiha Taki did not engrave him with the seal of tongue bane, so he did not disclose any information to him, and even the oni mackerel did not even know the existence of the Kamui space.

And because of the presence of Ye Cang, Uchiha Taki did not interfere with the growth trajectory of the oni mackerel, he went to know the organization if he wanted to know the organization, and if he wanted to stay in the fog, he stayed in the fog, anyway, he did not lose.

A few seconds after Uchiha Taki left, his two teammates woke up hungry without the oniko waking up.

"Hey, what just happened, why did it get dark when I woke up?"

"Yes, you know about the ghost mackerel? And I'm starving to death.

"I don't know, I just woke up and was about to wake you up." Seeing that his teammates didn't know anything, he pretended to be like them.

"We're not going to be hell with it."

The ghost mackerel didn't answer, thinking that it was a ghost that he bumped into, which was better.

"Let's go find something to eat first, I'm really hungry." After that, he turned his gaze to the ghost mackerel and waited for the ghost mackerel to get an idea.

Feeling the gaze of his teammates, Oni nodded and agreed to his proposal.

However, I was thinking about how to cover up this inexplicable coma.

If Uchiha Taki knew, he would definitely tell him that he thought too much.

Although it is indeed strange to be in a coma for so long, during this time, Uchiha Taki let the miracle when you protected his two teammates, and the strange things that caused were no less strange than this one.

There were several people who were inexplicably seriously injured, and some unlucky guys were brain-pierced by leaves in front of his teammates.

With these things to cover up, they will only be an ordinary member of the ghost mackerel.

At most, it will make Konoha a little more strange in the future.

Compared to the ghost mackerel squad who have slept for a long time, who is now full of energy, Uchiha Taki and their squad, Uchiha Shizuku and Uchiha Shigeru have fallen into a deep sleep, leaving Uchiha Taki to keep vigil.

So Uchiha Taki took this opportunity to disband the shadow doppelganger and return his body to the team.

One night without a word....

Early in the morning, Uchiha Taki and Uchiha Shizuku were called up by Uchiha Shigeru, the last of the night watch, and began to prepare food for the morning.

Although the soldier food pill can also replenish Chakra and physical strength, but now the time is not very urgent, so their squad chose normal food that is healthier for the body.

Compared to their leisure, Kakashi and his teammates, far away in the Land of Birds, staged a life-and-death escape at this time.

They were in charge of searching for Mito Menyan, and collided with the big snake pill and the scorpion that had recruited Mito Menyan.

Although the scorpion did not recognize Kakashi at first, Kai's big mouth accidentally said, coupled with Kakashi's obvious white hair, it immediately made the scorpion red-eyed.

Of course, this is just a description, the scorpion's eyes have long been mechanical.

Originally, he wanted to avenge his parents, but before the revenge could be repaid, the White Fang died first, and now he bumped into Kakashi, how could he miss this opportunity for revenge.

If the White Fang kills his parents, then he will kill the son of the White Fang!

For Kakashi, the intelligence of the Red Sand Scorpion is now familiar after the last kidnapping.

Seeing the scorpion desperately attacking him, he did not hesitate to immediately leave with the Flying Thunder God.

It's not that he doesn't want to lead someone, or go head-to-head with the scorpion, it's really that his teammates won't be useful in this situation.

What's more, there is a big snake pill and Mito Menyan on the other side, if he stays, then none of them will be able to survive.

Seeing that Kakashi had led the scorpion away, his remaining teammates also immediately fled.

No way, these people together are not enough for the big snake pill to fight, and the current Kai is not the man who almost kicked out the finale in the later stage.

In this regard, Orochimaru did not immediately catch up, but entered Chakra into the ring and began to contact Payne.

First, it is he himself who is not interested in this matter, and if it is exposed, it will be exposed, and what does it have to do with him.

Second, the scorpion left in such a hurry, in case something happened, then he was somewhat responsible.

Finally, and most importantly, now that Mito Menyan has not officially joined the Xiao Organization, what if he escapes while Orochimaru is chasing and killing others, then this is considered a failure of the mission.

Without letting Orochimaru wait long, the ring quickly contacted Payne.

"Orochimaru? Did something happen to you there? "

Something happened."

Immediately, the big snake pill repeated what had just happened.

Payne didn't hesitate for too long before making a judgment: "Those people don't need to care, bring people back first, I'll deal with it over there." "

Since Payne said so, then the big snake pill will not bother to target Metkay and them.

But even so, Matkai and they did not slow down and ran towards the country of the wind like deaths.

That's right, it's the land of the wind, the territory of Sand Hide.

The reason why they chose to run here is also very simple, they have a feud with the Great Snake Pill, and the weakest and most important point, this is the closest to the Land of Wind.

Of course, there are other reasons, such as the statement just issued by the four great ninja villages before, and the alliance of Sunahide Konoha, but these are secondary, and it is the above factors that really make them make up their minds.

By the time Bofeng Shuimen received the news, a whole day had passed, that is, the third day of the second Zhongnin exam.

At this time, the mission of the Uchiha Shizuku team still did not make substantial progress, and he only knew that those Mist Shinobi were all received before the Chūnin exam.

"What to do, Sister Shizuku, do you want to find them who don't chop and dry persimmons?" Uchiha Shigeru asked a little annoyed.

Because it was already a little too late in time, this second Chu Shinobi exam was only three days, 72 hours, instead of Naruto's five days.

"What's the hurry, isn't there still a day and a half." Uchiha glanced at him and soothed impatiently.

"If you don't cut them, they should already be out, my poison is not so easy to solve, even the hospital can only forcibly continue life through dialysis and medical ninjutsu." Uchiha Taki prompted.

"Dialysis? What is that? Uchiha Shigeru asked.

"Medical terms, you don't understand it, anyway, as long as you know that if you don't cut them, they are either dead or out, and they will definitely not survive now." Uchiha Taki is too lazy to waste saliva and people who don't understand medicine to explain.

"Okay, since Taki said that there is no salvation if he doesn't cut it again, then let's go find the ghost mackerel." Uchiha Shizuku didn't let the two continue the discussion, got up and prepared to go looking for the onimackerel.

At this time, in the Hokage's office, Bofeng Shuimen, a rare gaffe, shouted to the dark part of the herald: "What?!" Kakashi is missing?!! "

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