"So your teammates were upset with Uchiha in the first place?"

In Hokage's office, Wave Feng Shui Men put away the crystal ball used to cast the telescope technique and asked Asma.

"Yes, so Naruto-sama, what will they be dealt with?" Asma recounted what had happened before to Bofeng Shuimen, and then asked.

Bo Feng Shuimen took a long breath: "Asma, I don't want to lie to you either, you know the rules, if you are in my position, what will you do with them?"

Asma was silent for a long time, never answering.

It wasn't until Bofeng Shuimen was about to open his mouth to break this silent atmosphere that Asma asked first, "Is that all?" They killed the ninja of the same village!

"So I'm not asking how you'd handle it?"

Bo Feng Shuimen's words made Asma choke again, not knowing how to answer.

"You go to the lounge next to you to rest first, and I'll ask his relatives to come over and discuss how to deal with this matter." Bo Feng Shuimen said helplessly.


After seeing that the dark part and Asma who went to call people had left, Bofeng Shuimen took out the crystal ball again, intending to continue to observe the situation of the Chūnin exam.

The person he chose this time was the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, and the ghost mackerel's previous performance aroused his curiosity.

In addition, before the competition, he had secretly collected the chakra of the ghost mackerel, Darui and other village seed players alone, so the telescope art could also observe these people.

Bofeng Shuimen carefully placed the crystal ball on the mat and began to inject Chakra.

But the crystal ball did not present the picture in front of his eyes as he thought, but a slight crack appeared.

At first, this crack was not discovered by Bofeng Shuimen, but as his Chakra injected more and more, the crack also widened and widened, and he realized that something was wrong.

Due to the timely stop of the wave feng shui gate, the power of calamity did not cause him any substantial damage, and he naturally did not expect that this was a special attack method.

However, Bofeng Shuimen guessed that this may be some kind of anti-detection method, although there is no evidence, but in this regard, he has always made bold assumptions and carefully sought verification.

So Bofeng Shui Men formed a shadow doppelganger, did not attract the attention of the dark part, and left the Hokage office with the Flying Thunder God Mark he usually arranged, intending to see for himself what was going on.

On the other side, Uchiha Taki also stopped the movement in his hand and raised his head with a strange expression, he had just clearly sensed that the torrent of doom was triggered.

And it's not about the miracle out there to you, but for the feeling of probing him himself.

"Wouldn't it be that Otsuki arrived early, and the Ninja World still has a way to probe through space?" Or is someone looking up my information in my house? Uchiha Taki said to himself.

In fact, this is also a coincidence, normally speaking, Bofeng Shuimen is to detect dried persimmon ghost mackerel, and he has nothing to do with Uchiha Taki.

Even if his image appears in the crystal ball at that time, it is only incidental, as long as the wave feng shui gate does not deliberately probe, it will not cause a torrent of disaster.

But it just so happened that the ghost mackerel is now in the divine power space, which is the space that belongs to Uchiha Taki, so the exploration of the ghost mackerel by the wave feng shui gate attracted the attention of the disaster torrent, causing his crystal ball to be destroyed.


"Mess with stuff!" One of the mist couldn't help but punch the tree trunk beside him, shaking down a few leaves.

"You whisper, don't lure them over." His companion couldn't help but remind.

"What do you mean when you say that this Uchiha doesn't go to deal with Yunyin and comes against us?"

"Our order to kill them was known by them, they are all good illusionists, and it is normal for intelligence to leak."

"What about Yunyin? They don't go against Yunyin?

"Who knows, maybe because their clan has returned, their hatred for Yunyin is not so great, plus the intelligence leakage on our side, so they will transfer the hatred to us."

"Damn it, you said the village side should let us do something against Konoha."

"Don't ask me, I'm also a Shinobi, or a civilian, I don't know."

"I don't know if I don't chop the senior of the ghost mackerel there, if there are them, we don't have to be so embarrassed."

In the bushes not far from them, Wave Feng Shuimon listened to their conversation while thinking in his mind why Kirito ordered Konoha.

This was completely unexpected by him and the high-level of Konoha, and they thought that this separation could make the four great ninja villages have a short-term disagreement.

Obviously, Wuyin's performance this time was very wrong, and Bofeng Shuimen immediately made a decision to go to the Uchiha clan who found this clue to ask clearly.

If Mist Yin ordered to target Konoha from the beginning, it was actually slightly better, which at most showed that Mist Yin and Yun Yin had other aspects of cooperation.

But if they knew that Shoji Uchiha had returned, and then ordered these shinobi to target Konoha, then the mist side was a bit intriguing.

At least Bo Feng Shuimen won't be able to guess why they did it for a while.

Without staying here for long, Hafeng Shuimen left the bushes where he was hiding and began to look for the traces of Uchiha candidates, especially Uchiha Shizuku.

After those foggy conversations just now, the purpose of Bofeng Shuimen coming this time has changed.

He wanted to see if Yan Yin and Sha Yin had received similar orders, and then make plans, and the matter of the ghost mackerel and the crystal ball shattering had been put aside by him.


"Orochimaru, what are you doing?"

Oni no Kuni, the last Konoha F4 who has not appeared for a long time, the former elder of Mito Monyan, looked at Orochimaru and Scorpion with a guarded expression.

If their behavior is slightly wrong, our Mitomon elder plans to run away.

Although the scorpion had not yet discovered anything wrong, how could Orochimaru, who had dealt with him countless times, not guess Mitomenyan's thoughts.

Orochimaru said grimly: "Elder Mitomon, I advise you not to try to escape, although you may get rid of me, you will definitely not be able to get rid of me as a teammate." "

Although the words of the big snake pill have a threatening meaning, he really did not lie, there is a white puppet scorpion, and the tracking ability is definitely the top in the world.

Even if it was himself, without using the time-space ninjutsu such as reverse psychic, there was no way to get rid of the scorpion's tracking.

"You first say what you came for." Mito Menyan still did not dare to relax his guard.

"Hehe, we're just here to recruit you."

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