"Don't say it so badly, we're just going to take our teammates."

In a dense bush, three people flashed, led by the dried persimmon ghost mackerel who had just spoken.

His appearance made Asma, Darui, and Terracotta all change their faces, and they had not noticed the presence of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel before.

Just this hand alone suddenly made them raise the danger of Uchiha Shizuku and the dried persimmon ghost mackerel a lot.

"Now it's starting to become three-on-three again, how about it, do you want to consider my proposal and stop this battle first." Seeing the appearance of the ghost mackerel, Akato proposed again.

"I think this proposal is good, but I hope that everyone in Uchiha will consider it quickly, after all, my teammates can't last so long." The ghost mackerel said as he gripped his knife handle, ready to move at any time.

Although this knife is not the future muscle, it is also a weapon made of Chakra metal, and its power cannot be underestimated.

Uchiha Shizuku asked with his eyes towards Uchiha Taki, who shook his head at her.

Uchiha Shizuku's meaning, he understood, was asking him if the two guys in Asma's team still had combat capabilities, and Uchiha Taki could certainly see at a glance that they had reached their limit.

"It's okay to truce, but their scrolls have to be handed over." Uchiha Shizuku pointed and didn't cut the squad again.

"No problem." The ghost mackerel replied crisply and neatly, causing Darui, who originally wanted to speak, to close his mouth.

He originally wanted to say that if you take the squad, then we will take the Asma squad.

As a result, the ghost mackerel did not consider them at all and directly agreed.

Under the gaze of the almost invisible little eyes of the oni mackerel, a guy in charge of keeping the scroll in the squad took out the scroll and threw it in the direction of Uchiha Shigeru.

Uchiha Shigeru caught it, checked that the scroll was genuine, and nodded to Uchiha Shizuku, indicating that he had confirmed it.

When Uchiha saw it, he hooked his foot and slumped to the ground, unable to speak, and kicked him to the oni.

The ghost mackerel also caught with his foot and kicked it to his teammates, while his own hands never let go of the knife handle.

And his other teammate carried two teammates in the past, and the two people took people without waiting for the ghost mackerel, and left directly first.

"Then everyone, let's leave first." After making sure that his teammates were gone, the ghost mackerel Chakra erupted, breaking the tree trunk under his feet and quickly leaving the scene.

And his departure was like a signal gun fired from an athletics competition, and Darui, the terracotta squad all broke out with a powerful chakra and left the place.

"Taki, help them heal... Taki? Uchiha Shizuku said while guarding, but found that Uchiha Taki did not respond, so he shook his hand in front of his eyes curiously.

"Huh? Oh, I see. Uchiha Taki came back to his senses, but now this Uchiha Taki is already a shadow doppelganger.

He had just taken advantage of the time when the ghost mackerel had just come out, and secretly made a seal when other people's eyes were on the ghost mackerel, and separated a shadow avatar in the Shenwei space in advance.

Although it is only a simple development of Shenwei space, this method can effectively avoid the noise and white smoke when the shadow avatar comes out.

When the Oni Fish and them left, Uchiha Taki also completed the replacement between the body and the shadow avatar, so he was stunned just now.

After checking the guy who had just been knocked unconscious again, Uchiha Taki quickly made a judgment.

"You guys give up this game, he has lost too much blood, even if I heal his wounds, it is useless, go to the hospital for treatment."

The vast majority of medical ninjutsu is based on the principle that the human body's self-healing ability is activated by Yang Dun Chakra, and then accelerates self-healing.

Therefore, in the face of excessive blood loss, many medical ninjutsu have no way, after all, Yangdun Chakra only provides energy for self-healing, not turns Chakra into flesh and blood.

This is also the reason why Konoha still vigorously develops hospitals and medicinal materials in the case of the medical ninjutsu crown ninja world.

The nutrients needed by the human body cannot appear out of thin air, and they still need to be supplemented with medicinal herbs.

"Hmph, if it weren't for you Uchiha being ruthless outside, they wouldn't have come to chase us, and now we are unwilling to treat us because of your injuries, and let us give up." At this time, Asma's other teammate suddenly came out with a yin and yang strange anger.

In the face of his provocation, as soon as Uchiha Taki wanted to make a move, he saw a burst of heat and light coming from the left, while the right side also ping-pong, and more than a dozen shurikens flew out in unison.

And the guy with the mouth owed, under the left and right clamps in the face of the Hao Fireball Technique and the Uchiha Throwing Technique, he lost his life in an instant.

In this regard, Uchiha Shizuku, who used the art of fireballs, and Uchiha Riku, who threw his shuriken, quickly looked at each other, and a trace of surprise flashed on their faces.

"What are you doing!!?" Asma's eyes were bloodshot all of a sudden, intending to fight with Uchiha Taki.

"Be quiet, if you want to do it, I will be faster than you." Uchiha Taki holds the kunai around the neck of Asma's only remaining teammate.

Just now he saw very clearly in the middle, whether it was Uchiha Shizuku or Uchiha Lu, they just planned to teach the guy who owed the mouth a lesson, but they didn't expect that the other party would also make a move, and the double clamp caused the guy to die inexplicably.

So Uchiha Taki immediately chose to use the life of Asma's other teammate to settle him down.

Because he knew that in this case, Asma, who had a bad impression of Uchiha, would definitely not calm down and listen to their explanation.

And his method was indeed very useful, although Asma was still angry, but he had no idea of doing it.

"What do you Uchiha want to do, do you want to betray the village?"

"Are you afraid that your head is broken, and the documents you signed before you start are decorations?" Besides, to say that we Uchiha can't compare to your dead dad when you do it to your companions, and there are many more Konoha ninjas who died under him and Danzo than we Uchiha clan!

Uchiha Lu snorted coldly and replied without showing weakness.

Compared to the stinky yin and yang strange of his mouth, he Yuchiha Lu is not inferior to anyone.

Stimulated by him, Asma, who had been settled down, was about to make a move again, but Uchiha Shizuku came to his side silently and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Hand over the scroll, and you can fire the distress flares yourself."

Uchiha Shizuku didn't say much, but Asma's powerful power from her shoulder knew that Uchiha Shizuku was not joking, if she didn't launch, she would really do it.

"Hmph, this is not over!" Asma dropped the cruel words, and then quickly fired a signal flare.

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