"Hey, wait a minute, damn it." The guy who blocked the way just now obviously didn't expect that this squad directly attacked him without even saying a word.

He hurriedly threw all his kunai directly, but because he triggered the miracle on you, he didn't hit Uchiha Taki.

And Uchiha Taki also stopped in place, looking at this guy with a strange face.

"What is this? Localized doom? "

Nothing crumbled or fell around the guy, and his appearance didn't seem to change at all, just stood motionless with a dull face.

The reason why it became like this is because this guy fell into illusion, not the illusion that Uchiha Taki used with a kaleidoscope, but his own illusion!

The general illusion principle is to enter one's own chakra into the other party's body through sight, sealing, or contact, and then disturb the opponent's chakra and make the other party fall into illusion.

So normally a person can't "disturb" his own chakra and let himself fall into illusion, because before that, the illusion will be invalidated by the body's own defense mechanism.

Just like a conscious person can't strangle himself with his own hands.

But the miracle of your bad luck has made the body's own defense mechanism ineffective, so as soon as that guy Chakra broke out, he suddenly Chakra was disordered, and then fell into illusion.

"Forget it, study it when you have time, and solve this guy first." Uchiha Taki shook his head and shook the thoughts out of his head.

The person he arranged for himself in this exam is Tiantian + Xiao Li, who can heal ninjutsu, so illusion is not among his attack options.

Fortunately, when he solved this guy, the other two guys were also concentrating on dealing with others, so they didn't have time to pay attention to his side.

Bofeng Shuimen also set its sights on Asma's side because of Darui.

Having solved the guy assigned to him by Uchiha Shizuku, Uchiha Taki jumped on the branch and planned to go to support Uchiha Shigeru, only to find that he had also solved his two opponents.

"You solved it too?" Uchiha Shigeru asked.

Uchiha Taki nodded: "Well, go find Shizuku-san." "

Uchiha Shizuku actually solved his opponent faster than Uchiha Shigeru, although the other party has three people, but he can't stand the strength to crush.

But when Uchiha Taki and the two came to her side, they found that her face was very ugly.

"Sister Shizuku, what happened?" Uchiha Shigeru asked immediately as soon as he jumped down from the tree.

Uchiha Shizuku: "I just tortured them with illusion and got bad news.

Shigeru Uchiha: "What bad news?" Uchiha

Shizuku: "Kirito ordered that their shinobi kill all of us Konoha's people in this game."

"What? Crazy, people have been rescued, why are they still targeting us Konoha, do you want to be Yunyin's dog so much?

"Idiot, whisper." Uchiha Shizuku directly smashed a heavy fist on Uchiha Shigeru's head.

Then he simply and neatly ended the lives of those three guys with bitterness.

"Change places, just now this fool is so loud, it is very likely to attract others."

Being so engaged, Uchiha Taki and their original plan were nullified, and they had to change places before deciding.

Once there are many people around, it will be troublesome, especially knowing the goal of Wuyin this time, Uchiha Shizuku does not dare to be careless, maybe there are ghost mackerels among the people who surround them, and they will not be cut.

The three of them ran wildly all the way, the surrounding scene tossed and turned, and finally after running for a while, the three stopped.

As soon as he stopped, Uchiha Shigeru apologized: "I was stupid just now, I shouldn't have roared so loudly, red bean puree private Marseille."

Uchiha snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction, but did not continue to say anything.

"So what do you do next, take a break before making a plan?" Uchiha Taki came out and hit a haha.

"Let's rest first, and discuss while resting." After the outbreak just now, even Uchiha Shizuku felt a little strenuous.

"Then I'll go for convenience first, and I'll come in a moment." Uchiha Taki said hello and then disappeared into the trees.

"Wait... Alas, forget it! Uchiha Shizuku couldn't stop it, and he could only give up helplessly.

The reason why Uchiha Taki is so anxious is not that he really can't hold back, but that he wants to let the miracle do something for you next.

After making sure that there was no one around, Uchiha Taki unleashed a miracle on you, materialized him, and then covered his body with Chakra.


As Uchiha Taki exhibits ninjutsu, Chakra begins to change drastically, white smoke erupts, and miraculously you suddenly become a candidate from a small ninja village.

This is a method he found not long ago, as long as the miracle does not return to the stand-in state, you can keep it like this.

But normally this ability is quite chicken.

If you can't freely switch back and forth between avatars and entities, then miracles basically mean that you have no mobility.

At most, the physical fitness is equivalent to that of ordinary humans without Chakra, but now it is enough to deal with some Shinobi.

"Be careful, don't be discovered by your own people." Uchiha Taki said.

Miraculously, you didn't reply, but made an OK gesture and left in the opposite direction to Uchiha Shizuku.

"Back? Next time this kind of let Shigeru go with you. Uchiha Shizuku heard the sound of crackling in the trees, and said without turning his head.

"Don't, I'd rather be killed by the enemy." Uchiha Taki refused without thinking about it.

Walking over and sitting on the ground together, Uchiha Taki asked, "How's the discussion going?"

"I can only change my plan, notify Konoha's teammates first, and then deal with Mist, Yunyin's side can only depend on luck." Uchiha Shizuku said with an unhappy face.

It seems that all the qi against Yunyin has been transferred to Wuyin's side.

"I'm afraid that Yunyin's side and Wuyin will unite, and other ninja villages will not come to support us." Uchiha Taki pointed out the key problem.

"Let's go, try to kill as much as possible and Yunyin, and reduce their strength." After a short break, Team Uchiha Shizuku was ready to set off again.


On the other side of the Forest of Death, Asma's squad is running wildly, faster than Uchiha Taki's squad was before.

At the same time, they also looked back from time to time and watched the movement behind them.

"Asma, what to do? The Darui squad was about to catch up.

"It's all fast that group of Uchiha, if they hadn't talked about hunting clean Yunyin before the game, they wouldn't have come to chase us, but now that Yunyin is here, they Yuzhibo didn't see one."

"Shut up, you don't know which entrance the Uchiha team that can deal with the Darui squad is assigned to? Now you are scared as soon as Yunyin comes? Asma scolded the teammate who had just complained about the Uchiha clan.

Although he himself hates Uchiha, he also wants to face, and he can't be chased by Yunyin to scold Yunyin but scold Yuzhibo, he can't do such a thing.

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