Out of the classroom, Uchiha couldn't help but look around.

"What are you looking for?" Uchiha Taki couldn't help but ask.

"I'm looking for people who are in the wrong classroom, and I want to see how they feel." Uchiha Shigeru found that there were no eliminated people around and said with a slight disappointment.

Hearing this, everyone present was interested, whether it was Konoha's or not, they all looked at the examiners around them in unison.

The examiners did not hide it, and said directly: "They should have been brought back by their own team leader, and according to the rules, it has been determined that those who are disqualified cannot stay in the examination room."

"But it's more than that."

Suddenly, a voice came from the stairs, and two examiners came down from upstairs.

Uchiha Taki quickly recognized the two guys as the two examiners who used the transformation technique to pretend to be candidates.

What they said next confirmed this.

"That fool who did something to us... Cough, the candidate, was directly knocked unconscious by his own leader Shangnin and brought back.

"You meant to be a fool." The candidates silently complained in their hearts.

At this time, another examiner spoke, interrupting everyone's complaint: "Now there is still some time before the end of the grading papers, you can go to the cafeteria to eat the lunch we provide, of course, you can also solve it yourself, and in the afternoon, the second exam will begin." "

Due to the many Shinobi present, more than ninety percent of them came down from the battlefield, not Naruto and their kind of guys who had never experienced war since childhood.

Therefore, they do not need the psychological game in the original book to test, but really need the results to determine whether they are eligible to pass.

Uchiha Taki and these people from Konoha don't need to worry, and they go directly to the cafeteria familiarly.

The people of the other Shinobi villages, since they did not have Shinobi, gathered at the backbone of their own small circle to discuss how to solve lunch.

Believe Konoha to eat directly? The devil knows if this is part of the test, and they don't dare to trust Konoha casually by being by a fake classroom.

In the end, there are people who make various decisions, some go to solve their own problems, some go directly to eat, and some go over to see what the situation is before making a decision.

"Yunyin has a bit of a lot of people." Uchiha Taki said while opening the lunch box.

He just let Miracle Yu observe the surroundings, and found that the number of people in Yunyin exceeded the other three ninja villages, I don't know if Konoha did it intentionally.

"Isn't that just right." Uchiha Shizuku said disapprovingly.

Unlike in the school in the previous life, although Konoha is said to be a cafeteria, it is actually more like a small shop or a fast food restaurant without seats, and candidates go to find a place to eat by themselves after receiving food.

Like Uchiha Taki, they sat under a large tree and ate in the shade.

"In other words, do you have a feeling that the one who doesn't stop screaming at our Konoha side often." Uchiha Shigeru asked.

"Of course, that guy doesn't hide it at all, but if he thinks that the Chūnin exam is as simple as the ninja exam, it's really naïve." Uchiha sneered.

"Then if you fight him, can you win?" Uchiha Taki asked curiously.

"Yes, if it's one-on-one..." Uchiha didn't say much later, but both of them already understood what she meant.

You can win, but you can't solve it quickly, and if the opposing teammate comes to support, you may lose.

"Then shall we find a few teammates to act with?" Uchiha Shigeru asked again.

This time Uchiha Shizuku did not speak, and Uchiha Taki said: "It's okay to find teammates, even if you act together, the target is too big and easier to find, and the other party is not unable to find teammates."

Uchiha nodded, "Taki has a point, and don't forget that we originally had teammates."

"What teammate?" Uchiha Shigeru did not understand.

"What's your boy's last name?" Uchiha Taki reminded.

"Oooohoo Uchiha Shigeru suddenly realized.

Not only did they not choose to find teammates, but the geniuses who had high hopes from various ninja villages also chose their own squads to act.

Even if not for the rules, they would prefer to act alone.

Not long after lunch, the candidates were reassembled and went to the ninja school's practice ground.

Uchiha Taki found that there should be fewer people now than when he came out of the examination room, and in order to make sure that he did not make a mistake, he also made eye contact with Uchiha Shizuku for a while, knowing that the other party also noticed that there were a little less people.

"Ahem, all of you present are candidates who have passed the first round of the exam and come to the second exam, please follow me and go to the second examination room, if you fall behind for more than three minutes, you will be deemed disqualified." A strange examiner cleared his throat and said.

Then he didn't care if the examinees heard clearly, and directly burst out with an instantaneous technique and rushed towards the direction of the Death Forest.

Uchiha Taki followed easily, and guessed the strength of this examiner in his heart.

Although the speed of the explosion looks like a physique type of Naka Shinobi, judging from the chakra condensed on his feet, as well as the posture of his body, and the degree of coordination, it should be a ninjutsu type or an illusion type Shinobi deliberately slowed down.

And this speed test, if you think about it in a somewhat conspiracy theory way, may be a test for Yunyin.

It is not for Yunyin to be eliminated, but to let Yunyin's people enter the second exam more.

Because no matter how you rank, Yunyin is definitely at the top in terms of speed, so this kind of quiz is more for the elimination of people from other ninja villages.

And the performance of the following ninja villages also confirmed Uchiha Taki's speculation.

Sha Yin, Wu Yin have been eliminated a lot of people, although Sha Yin comes from the country of wind, and the shadow represented is also the Wind Shadow, which sounds very light and fast, but in fact, there are a bunch of puppeteers in this gang.

Originally, everyone's speed was similar, and then you specially brought a puppet about the same weight as you, and you are not slow who is slow.

Although most puppets will be collected into the scroll, the puppeteer will carry a commonly used puppet just in case, and so will Scorpion, as well as Kankuro.

So before entering the Forest of Death, the number of people had plummeted to 87.

Among them, Konoha has the most, with 8 squads and 24 people participating.

Yunyin followed, 6 squads, 18 people participated.

Iwain, like Wuyin

, is 5 squads, 15 people participate in Sand Yin is the worst, just 3 squads, 9 people participate.

The remaining two teams are from two small ninja villages.

The second exam is exactly the same as in the original book, the same heaven and earth scroll, the same life and death situation, the same multiple entrances.

Because the second session is different from the first, the first one is to eliminate candidates other than Yunyin and Konoha as much as possible.

The second scene is a direct face-to-face fight, and the arrangement of the Dead Forest in the original book is very suitable for the fight and can also ensure the elimination rate.

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